Complacency, wherewithal, slothfulness or whatever word you want to add, .... Apathy will get us nowhere. People need to wake-up , stand up and resist .

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It’s exhausting trying to wake people up who have bought into all this nonsense! Most of my family members and friends are perfectly comfortable with getting vaccinated and boosted as long as they can order food and products online. They can’t see the impending doom that’s heading our way. I’ve tried and to no avail, getting them to consider that the powers that be are lying to them and don’t have their best interests at heart. They live in a perpetual state of fear waiting for the next variant. What I’ve learned from this plandemic is, Fear is a powerful weapon and terror is an instrument of social hygiene

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Excellent stuff Douglas ! As a fellow Scot i concur 100%.

Here is an overview BY THEIR OWN ADMISSION in their own documents of the current state of play in Scotland.

16 years of SNP=

Record Cancer waiting times

Record A+E waiting times

Record waiting times for operations

Highest drug death rate in Europe

Highest alcohol deaths in 15 years

Lowest life expectancy in UK

Lowest life expectancy in Western Europe

Disease forecast to increase 21% by 2043

Homelessness highest on record

Record numbers of children in temp accomodation

Police numbers lowest on record

Deaths in prison custody highest on record

Highest infant death rate in 10 years

Lowest fertility rate on record 1.28

Lowest birth rate ever

Teenage pregnancies lowest on record

In 2021 teenage pregnancy terminations highest on record

No progess in rehoming homeless veterans last 10 years

Church of Scotland/Roman Catholic marriages extinct within 10 years

Record loneliness and mental health issues

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How can you trust leaders that are ignoring and covering up extreme excess death percentages all over the world? The mere fact that they're not only ignoring the excess deaths, but not investigating the matter and pushing more experimental vaccines, while deeming them as "safe and effective," tells you all you need to know. Why in the world would I trust these same people when it comes to climate change, or anything else, for that matter?

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I still don't really understand how these global unaccountable elites are going to keep their power and wealth and international lifestyles when they have forced the people who's backs they stand on to give up everything that makes life worth living. One of the big reasons for the failure of what was called communism in eastern Europe was that people are rubbish at working for no benefit. They used to have discussion programmes on the TV about how was it that the obviously superior communist societies all worked in factories for the greater good of the people but the stuff they made was all absolute crap. It never seemed to dawn on them that people aren't that stupid - they got paid peanuts, had to live in shoddy housing, had no say in how their kids were educated, didn't really have much say in what jobs they got, couldn't travel to exciting western countries, had to vote in sham elections etc. So these modern oligarchs are wrong if they think killing half of us, sterlising half of us, freezing half of us, starving half of us and taking away any possibility of living the life we choose is going to keep the money rolling in, I think they may have got it wrong. At least, that is my rather weak and pathetic hope!

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Many of us hear you and we will not forget....

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The War Against Humanity has thus far been waged largely beneath the radar of public perception. With Covid and now anti-human, anti-science, anti-environment, indeed anti-life Net Zero policies implemented to address a non-existent 'climate crisis', plus a black tide of politically correct, dehumanising, biology-denying Wokeness aimed squarely at the younger generations, their cover is definitely blown (though many still refuse to acknowledge the truth, even now). We are facing an omni-present Evil which has spread its tentacles throughout our societies - facing it as individuals, as nations, as a species. It's going to get real ugly from here on in, as their desperation grows and the clock ticks away, counting each opportune minute of the darkest hour before dawn, where they hope that dawn for humanity will be glimpsed only through the iron bars of an inescapable Forever Prison, if at all.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Joel, thank you for posting Mr Brodies manifesto's as a testimony against them--just as the prophets in the bible were often commanded by the Lord to write the word of the Lord down to testify to the truth.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Spot on Epitaph!!!!

Why are so few people unable to think critically? Or as my parents would have said “common sense”.

I’ve tried to show intelligent people key points to their msm arguments about a burning planet or the covid plandemic but most are afraid to actually acknowledge the truth. Far better to bury their heads deeper in the sand than to admit a “woke bloke” can’t get pregnant. People are afraid of being censored by not only big tech and corrupt government but by their friends that have their hands heads deeper in the sand. Until it becomes “cool” to think on our own the fear will keep society subdued.

But I believe mankind will win this war of Good vs Evil. It’s a good time for Dragon Slayers to be alive.

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Doug Brodie…

Another name to add to my hero list. It’s getting longer, thank God🙏❤️

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Wow, what a great encapsulation & w/ the receipts to prove it! Thank you!

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Spot on. Thanks for the succinct excellent resource compilation too : ) Saved. Shared.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

I wonder why Sturgeon is the only one taking a fall right now while NZ Horseface has recently been rewarded w/ some title or post by dumb-ass Prince William, or why Turdeau didn’t get his ass handed to him when he blew out the freezing of bank accts too soon so the rabble could catch on to the intimate goal?

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Compelling and informative epitaph! Reply has been 'disappeared' by the annoying 'fat finger' affliction. So many local councils and county councils declared 'climate emergency' at various points in 2019 with no evidence of course! Another 'lockstep' agenda. The 'string pullers' will not be able to 'train' people like they did during the 'covid ' 2 year plan because they have revealed a great deal about their modus operandi....and people can see it doesn't have positive implications for their futures. Even the WHO'S 'One Health' policy is going to meet stiff opposition. It's like humanity is starting to say, "oh yeah", and the reaction will be non compliance. These cabals think they are so clever and subtly devious but people are resourceful and will find a way to subvert. We'll all help each other.

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There is no climate emergency....1,600 scientists agree. Names below. Posted in today’s substack from Jeff Childers.


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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

It’s interesting that of the 34 MPs copied on my email, only five replied with an auto ack. Years ago nearly all of them had this feature activated. It’s as if they want to be able to claim they didn’t receive it.

Of the five who acked, one was Sturgeon, another was Joel’s MP!

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