Oct 30, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Dead people don't lie. After revealing graphine hydroxide in vials (undisclosed ingredient) Dr Andreas Knoack was dead. The fact that none of these psuedo vaxxines do anything to mitigate illness or death from an alleged virus that was never isolated and the tests using RT- PCR by Drosten were computer made up sequences, can only lead one to think there must be some goal to have everyone on the planet injected. It could be just money for pharma but why all the secret government contracts, why the fear porn 24/7, the media lies, the lack of due dilligence from health regulators to examine vials for contents (hint - it was made illegal by US DoD to do so). Why did that clause not arise suspicion amongst regulators, why did no-one in government not speak out? A cake manufacturer has to list all ingredients before putting on shelf. Did none of these regulators, supposed experts, not even realise the disclosed ingredients, part of the LNP, stated "for reasearch only, not to be given to animals or humans" and not to be used in injections? I can only conclude that these injections have nothing to do with health. vimeo.com/807279310 A chemist analysis We must expose the truth.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

"... Kemi Badenoch and Julie Marson, with whom I have had the misfortune of trying to reason with on several occasions"

I think that as an adherent to the views of the Enlightenment, your (and my) idea of reason is very different from that of political figures. Their 'reason' is "whatever I can use to further my career". This includes all the tactics of rhetoric, bluster, appeals to authority, dismissal, etc.. They live in complete isolation from reality, as revealed by evidence or experiment. Such people are devoid of reason as you and I understand it.

The Enlightenment and its wonderful bounty has withered. Our task should be, I believe, to reinvigorate it before our society comes to such a sorry pass that there's no way back.

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The problem really is that the majority of the world population who participated in the whole episode would have to admit they had beeen duped, had behaved appallingly to fellow humans who had a different opinion, had slavishly followed nonsensical rules, had allowed elderly people to suffer and die alone, had destroyed life chances for the majority of children, had allowed medical organisations to stop treating people for any other illness, had allowed themselves to be injected several times with some unknown substance...what else? Many of them are still queuing up for further jabs and are either wearing or carrying in a pocket their trusty masks. Even if the most trusted person in the world such as the sainted David Attenborough was to stand up and explain what has been going on, I doubt most people would agree. Nobody likes to think they were taken for a buggy ride do they? Especially not one that made them complicit in mass murder. People who now realise they were duped simply act as though the last few years didn't happen.

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"or a virulent influenza made to appear as Covid-19 through false PCR tests and media hype,"


Allow me to add the speculation that it was induced by a previous season's flu vaccine.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

You gonna need 10,000 buses to round up all the criminals. Start in the DC Swamp.

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Nothing in government or "health" on this planet is going to change unless people start being held accountable for their decisions/actions/crimes.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

"If the global public health response to “COVID” was legitimate, why do so many reasonable, experienced people keep obliging themselves to bringing substantial evidence to the contrary through the most serious of channels?" - !!! - I was just thinking this very point this morning, as I often do think of it, in response to the waytoosmart individuals I know who question nothing and are shot up with jabs to the gills.... Their response is consistently: "I do what my doctor tells me" and they ignore that other doctors (and researchers/scientists of all kinds) recommend the opposite. I will borrow your succinctly written question, if you don't mind, as I continue to traverse through this crazy world of nightmarish quality.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

I completely agree with you on point G.

That’s where they started to lose me a little, but the rest is just about right.

I’m going to need a lot more proof of point G.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Calling them vaccines does not help. They are gene therapies and the Australian legal actions against the regulators may have some teeth?

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Where is Peter Daszak? Is he driving the bus in the picture?

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

I would say that the undisclosed presence of the SV40 promoter sequence (which is part of the larger SV40 virus) would alone render point G valid. Plasmid contamination and other batch variations also exist.

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Thank you!

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Thank God for these few good men ....

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This is a great start. Katherine Watt also has a list that should be added to the FL grand jury ASAP https://bailiwicknewsarchives.files.wordpress.com/2023/02/2023.02.23-war-criminals-pdf.pdf

Imho Ms Watt should be leading the enquiry.

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I am of the opinion that the Covid era was a total psycological operation to test compliance and introduce vaccines for the purpose of making money and using the global population as lab rats. Death and injury has resulted but as 'cattle' the parasite class don't care as it fits in well with a depopulation agenda which I believe is fact. Regretfully the word covid is now embedded in many people's psyche with people still testing and face masking when in reality what we are dealing is with the usual bout of colds and flu. That is my humble opinion.

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Point G: I think they should present all the evidence that they have. Let Pfizer and Moderna give them a logical explanation, assuming there is one. Some of the images that have been published show things that may be contamination in their process, but a number of images I saw showed self assembly of what looked like circuit traces and frames. If that sort of thing is floating around in people, I would like to know what their plan for it is.

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