Highly vaxxed nation but surging cases. Obvious jabs don’t work. But penalize the unjabbed. Idiots.

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Stop thinking from and advancing this erroneous framing. These injections were not designed to protect anyone’s health, let alone from an imaginary virus. They were designed to do exactly what they’ve been doing around the world since they were unleashed onto the public: poison, maim, sterilize, and kill. They are weapons of mass destruction created in partnership with the military, and in that role they’ve been spectacularly successful.

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Nazi Austria, Nazi Germany, Nazi Britain, Nazi Australia, Nazi US, the list goes on. Israel out-Nazi'd the lot of them. Israel for God's sake! Why? How? Nazi/fascist ideology re-emerged globally with an almighty bang at the beginning of 2020. So much for the Allies having defeated it in 1945 - they were the first to fall victim to this oppressive corporation-state ideological alliance when it went global in 2020. The plan was ALWAYS to mass vaccinate the ENTIRE population - for the purposes of financial gain, the consolidation of political power and control and lastly, most disgustingly, to deliberately sicken and kill. But their assault failed because significant numbers of people like you and me refused to abandon our senses and queue up to get injected with an experimental 'vaccine', allegedly for 'the greater good'. I honestly think that's the ONLY reason it failed - because (just) enough of us said no.

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Even though the vaccine was never tested on transmission, Austria leapt at the first opportunity to go full Nazi.

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Pretty much everywhere did, almost as if the orders came from somewhere else. But there is definitely no conspiracy going on.

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Almost as if...........





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WHO funded in a large part by Gates. Who says he is making 20 to 1 on his vaccine investment.

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They are exterminating us

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No wonder they are trying to distract us with tweets of ex-footballers!

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The 'safety and effectivenes' of the vaccines was never a factor. The mandates were locked in. The declaration of 'misinformation' was predetermined prior to the 'information' being known, with the punishment pre-determined. The testing was a formality, as too the scrutiny of the test results. It was never about 'the science'. It was entirely about 'the agenda'.

There can be no escaping the immoral, unethical, unscientific, negligent, and likely criminal behaviour of the Austrian body politic, health bureaucracy, and medical establishment.

It is no shock to anyone here, the same agenda was rolled out in every Western Country.

The Austrians may have been exposed, but their international counterparts are every bit as guilty.

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Hi I'd like to use one or two of your graphs from


in my submission to the Western Australian parliament - do you give me permission? Thanks

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Yes, go ahead.

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As a hesitant parent I have followed closely the happenings around vaccination in the last 8 years . Since the birth of our first child . It was very clear that a collective effort by national medical organizations was underway to strategize how to empower ministries to force vaccination upon everyone . I think to understand the covid response one needs to go back a bit and look at the kinds of research that was done to identify who gets their kids the shots and who doesn’t and why . The reason all these nations jumped on the way they have is because they have been discussing these plans for years . The bullshit swine flu was the first global trial of the program and to assess to failing and such.

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Bob Moran “says” it best:

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They really put the "reich" back in Osterreich!

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They just don't stop. I'm so disappointed with the way Australia has dealt with a lot if things lately , covid being the absolutely largest one.

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Hitler, and the NSDAP was assiduously anti-vax. They knew it was a jewish eugenicist plot, as evidenced by the smallpox vax of 1917. Stalin, and his Bolshevik handlers, were pro-vax. We fought on the wrong side in WW II, as evidenced by who now mismanages the world.


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Hitler dindu nuffin...

Nazis were the good guys...

It's those Evil Juice....

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Even a simple day of research in to the reality of Hitler, proves you correct. My only beef with him, is the wooden doors and swimming pools. he was too nice.

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Yet another anonymous Nazi sympathiser, must be a day ending in "y".

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Yet another drinker of 2 gallons of jujucum/day. How is the weather in Tel Aviv? Been to any great gay bathhouses lately, Lukestein?

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Highly original retort from the trope, I don't love Nazis or Hitler, therefore Jewish. Brilliant.

Sieg Heil

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\o Only question I have, is if you are Hasbara or Talpiot? Not Unit 8200, which is why this Nazi is not going multi-syllabic on you.

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This is a DOD operation -- and it's global. The DOD does not 'leak' real information.

The PR Team is clever -- they often 'leak' information to distract the mob from the truth ... much as a mother bird feigns injury to draw a predator away from her nesting chicks.

This is not about $$$. But they want us to think it is about $$$.

This is also the PR Team wanting everyone to believe this is about greedy people and $$$ https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/pfizer-expects-price-covid-vaccine-110-130-per-dose-2022-10-20/

The PR Team is comprised of the best in the business... they are grand master chess champions of PR... and they also cheat... they can turn the bests of us inside out with head fakes and misdirection.

It is futile to try to outguess them.

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A good and honest person comprehends everyday evil i.e., theft, murder, adultery, and even genocide. However a plan to destroy children and the human race is beyond comprehension. Better to be innocent, gullible and nieve than to possess this mindset.

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Yes it is difficult to understand how so many would be willing to murder children... including snowflakes like Ardern and Trudeau...

Maybe they are all doing it (every country) because it is the best option available?

Perhaps the other option ... is even more horrifying?


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Thanks for highlighting this - it had always to be about money. Every bottom line is about the money - the pandemic, climate change, digital currency etc. etc. - the list is endless...

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Utopia - final episode

"Don't need a pandemic to make people take the vaccine - only need the fear of a pandemic"


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Thanks Joel. Just wondering out loud. Has anyone ever stopped to think, consider, find out. How & why the storm of words & articles discussing so many aspects happening in the world these days?

Might all be distractions, smoke screens or even smoke & mirrors, to cover up the real truth?


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Wow! A word I've said more in the last 3 years than the previous 56...

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