Dr Jessica Rose is a gift to humanity.. in a time when we really need her..absolutely brilliant, fearless, with High Integrity .. what a combo.. God Bless our Leaders in this fight against Big Brother/ Big Pharma...

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I submitted a report to VAERS over my father who died from his injection, and to my surprise about a month later they have returned a barrage of questions, such as requesting a copy of coroner's report, asking if he was taking blood thinning drugs etc.

I wonder if this is regular due diligence on their part, or a novel effort to reduce the number of adverse reports making it through?

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I would say the latter.

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Just read a comment from Epoch News. NFL players, advised to have cardiac exams post vaxx. If this is true, should make national news. We wait.

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IMPORTANT FROM John Campbell. https://youtu.be/NZhzWzoPB3M

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Thank you Joel for being such a Thorn in the Side of Big Brother.. keep making them miserable!

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Dr.Rose a voice of sanity ! I'd love to see her debate Fauchi/Walensky.

John Mason MSP- today - ''Vaccination is a superb example of preventative healthcare'



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I would too. But they would never face me. I would actually just stare them down.

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I know the feeling. My MSPs in Scotland refuse to accept data from National Records detailing over 1,500 excess deaths since xmas 80% NON COVID. In fact my recent communications with John Mason a COVID committee member said it was 'misinformation' i shit you not ! I have escalted this situation ! Anyway keep up the great talks/work !

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Thanks Joel. :)

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Now maybe Jessica can confront the fact that the entire pandemic narrative is fraudulent. She has been challenged on this multiple times and consciously avoids the evidence at every turn.

There is not nor was there ever something for these toxic injections to be "safe and effective" against.

We are way past the point in understanding why it is that reifying the Big Lie that there ever was a "pandemic" in 2020 is hugely problematic.

This needs to be confronted head on in the "health freedom movement" as those with the biggest audiences by and large reinforce the "pandemic" narrative and create fertile ground for justifying all sorts of "emergency measures."

Harsh truth folks- the Corona measures were never intended to be temporary.

Salient quote from John Rappaport:

"As I’ve been saying for 35 years, the most important long-term cartel of Globalism is MEDICAL. It flies no partisan banners. It proclaims its political neutrality. It expresses no interest beyond healing. It thus exemplifies a fabulous cover story for its covert operations."


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dr. Rose clearly states in that video that she views it as not a health response, that there was no existential health threat. Rather, it was a matter of control. I personally view that as a fairly significant claim, staked more or less on your side, as I understand it, of the issue.

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But she’s doing a lot more than posting comments in substack. She’s doing a great job. & Dr drew is still playing dumb.

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So am I.

Don't pretend you don't know what people are or are not doing.

This is not a small matter.

She and many others have ignored for two plus years, the fact that there was no health emergency- no epidemiolofgica event. They have ignored that there was no unique viral pathogen in Spring 2020 that caused anything. It was the same repsiratory infections that are seasonal and then mass medical protocols that killed tens of thousands across the counrt and other countries.

If you go back and look through the record, including recent history, you will see that she and most of the top voices in the "health freedom movement" have perpetuated this demonstrably false pandemic fable.

That's inexcuable at this point in fact it always has been. It covers up the many crimes that were committed and the ones that are ongoing.

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We know it’s a bio weapon.

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What is a bioweapon?

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Really? The “ virus “ & the shots .

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The injections yes.

"The virus"- that has not been proven, the evidence not only does not support this it directly contradicts this and if it is it is a very poor one.

It was aggressive government policies that killed people in 2020- that's my point there was no epidemiological event nor was there a unique viral event that merited any special response.

The average age of a death by or with "Covid-19" is higher than life expectancy. No other figure even need be known to understand the "pandemic" (business model) is a fraud and a giant Ponzi scheme.

There was no viral pandemic or epidemiological emergency in 2020- there was mass murder. They will use a similar template and roll this out again unless there are prosecutions for the crimes committed.

The mandated the use of ventilators/remdesivir/barticinib/midazolam/vancomyacin/fentanyl etc. combined with complete neglect when not being harassed/abused killed off hundreds of thousands of "Covid" (rebranded flu and bacterial pneumonia) patients. A total assault to the lungs, kidneys and psyche.

All of this was (and much more) was done to create the mass hysteria event in order to hide the massive economic collapse of 2019 and hide the $13 trillion (so far) worth of bailouts AND to jump start the Pharma bio-security system as THE new economic driver in a bankrupt system. Covid-19 is the biggest money laundering/racketeering scheme in the history of this country.

In short whatever "excess deaths" which may have occurred anywhere in Spring 2020 under the guise of a "pandemic" can be attributed to people who didn't have to die but were KILLED due to the unnecessary use of ventilators, harsh toxic drugs, people dying prematurely do to lack of medical treatment, ill effects from the lockdowns and so on.

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Disagree completely Allen, yes the Big Pharma Industrial complex has been out of control for several decades.. That's old news.. Todays Demicide's scientific dimensions continue to be revealed by Jessica and the rare few in her league.. She has laid it on the line from the get go as a true scientist.. Her Terminology and incredibly detailed analysis are the NEON sign glowing Danger Danger.. She communicates as a True Scientist laying out each new piece of the now Massive trove of evidence on the Diabolical Poison Jabs and then allows the reader to come to the obvious conclusions.. she gettin it done everyday...man

Yes it was a Global Plandemic - Demicide.. mankind was and still remains in the Kill box.. absolutely.. welcome to the New World.. Big Brother has several more in the planning stage.. too...

We all have work to do.. back at it.... Stop the Jab then Nuremberg

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You're wrong- she hasn't laid out anything that can't be found by a hundred others- even a thousand if you look around.

I'm not impugning her motives or any of these people- that is irrelevant, all that matters is pursuing the truth based on the evidence and getting that out to a wide audinece and doing so as quickly as possible.

No it wasn't a "global pandemic" it was mass murder which had nothing to do with a unique viral pathogen. Rose and many others have promoted the notion that there was a "virus of concern" for and they have been and are demostrably wrong.

They need to do a quick u-turn on this- go over the easily found evidence and use their platforms to inform those who listen to them as to what happened starting at the beginning.

This is not complex and does not take that much time or effort.

Covid 19 is not a medical emergency and never has been- it is not an epidemiological story it is a crime story meant to usher in a digital plantation as it appears you know.

"The jab" is not the main feature of what is happening as deplorable as it is- we do not have a vaccine problem we have a tyranny problem. If the jab was stopped tomorrow and the larger problem of tyranny was not addressed we will be right back to square one with the next version of coercion.

Times up- walking gently around these issues is not going to cut it.

There are numerous public voices that are essential viewing/listening in order to understand the totality of what has happened, (and what led into it) over the past three years- Catherine Austin Fitts sits near the top of the list.

A few others that I would put on that list are Denis Rancourt, Vera Sharav, Whitney Webb, James Corbett, Michel Chossudovsky (Global Research), Ryan Cristian (LAV), John Rappaport, Paul Schreyer, Ernst Wolff, Kit Knightly, Simon Elmer, Leslie Manookian, Kevin Corbett, Andrew Wakefield, David Crowe (RIP), Sheri Tenpenny, Jacob Levich, Tom Difernando, CJ Hopkins, David Rasnick and a few others.

There were and are many others not in the public eye who were screaming from the rooftops and actively working to expose this fraud as early as February 2020.

Most of the more noted personalities in the “Covid Sceptic Movement”, those who have the greatest visibility, will simply never- NEVER- bring the public to a comprehensive understanding of what we are facing- the totality of the forces at work.

Those that saw what was happening early on know the history of these things and understand that there was no pandemic ever- it is all fraud piled on top of fraud. It is all a massive intel/military/psyop operation- “The Virus®” is the new Al Qaeda- designed to wipe out the global economy and install a digitized control structure.

If this is not highlighted and understood one will always hit a dead end in their analysis and functional response.

While important to stop the mRNA injections and the harm and death they have caused I would argue that so much has been focused on that to the exclusion of many of the fundamental crimes committed at the outset AND the tyrannical push for a centralized control system that is happening at breakneck speed all around us.

In the end we aren’t dealing with a “viral problem” or a “vaxx problem”- these are symptoms- we are dealing with a tyranny problem.

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Allen, You are not contributing any truly Original insight here. Sorry but A masterful overview of the global Demicide NOT.., at least not for me.. Austin-Fitts and Latypova, I saw it when it first came out.. definitely needs all the exposure it can get.. but Allen There is no way you have been following Jessica's or McCullough's work..for very long It goes far beyond the lab. onto the Global stage..pointing to the Shadow structure in different ways... Seriously you think the thousands of scientists Globally like Dr Rose, Dr McCullough, ect. are in the dark here.. Dr Mercola was railing about the Shadow structure inside the US Govt 4 yrs ago.. he used slightly different words but I understood it... Austin-Fitts is simply giving us the details of how it evolved [legally], More will come out on the Roots of this Global Cancer.. absolutely.. the Gory details are coming..

We must Remember, first things first.. Stop the Jab.. then we move into the Nuremberg phase of this Battle...

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What are you smoking?

Neither McCullough or Rose scarcely ever, if ever, touch upon the the foundational aspects of what has been happening and how it is an intel/military/finance operation.

BTW Mercola has also been catapulting the phony "pandemic" narrative and the prepsoterous "lab leak" BS. Do I have to throw in dozens of quotes from these people?

Sorry my man for those of us who have been exposing these pandemic frauds for decades watching these people perpetuate the lie that there was "viral pandemic" in 2020 and/or get duped early on was not acceptable.

Maybe you should go back and read a bit more on this. You'll have a hard time finding anywhere that Jessica goes into historical context as I don't think she knows much about it.

Put your "heroes" down for a bit and start thinking clearly.

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Allen, you are correct to think broadly. Agreed, no human being ought to be granted 'hero' status/worship (though I see no one doing that here). However, we also have to appreciate, that not all clinicians/scientists will engage in the broader conversations--as scientists. They have a 'calling'/expertise to do a portion of the work and other colleagues uncover other portions of the work. When we compile different scientist's work, then we begin to understand a larger picture.

Jessica's area of expertise is within molecular biology and mathematics and I have been very grateful that she has put those skills to use in a faithful manner towards her fellow human beings. Her voluminous body of work has been done completely as a volunteer at the expense of untold hours of work. Nothing but gratitude from my little corner of the world.

A scientist's silence on different aspects of a dynamic as large as what the last three years has brought us, (I don't use the 'p' word) should not elicit condemnation if that is not an area that they have expertise within. Jessica is not an epidemiologist.

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Well said Carol..

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Like I said you have yet to offer One Original insight on the Demicide.. whinny arrogant, judgmental comments do Not help..

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You just can't handle the truth.

Perfect example of how one can't think critically once they start lionizing people.

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The research of Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt seem to fill in the blanks to many of the un-answered questions over the the last couple of years. Check out this interview: https://rumble.com/v28t4g0-military-countermeasures-with-sasha-latypova-and-katherine-watt-msom-ep.-67.html

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I am old, fat and ugly but I believe I am in love with Dr. Rose… on a more appropriate professional level, there are multiple “debunking” postings dealing with why it’s perfectly okay to inject SM102, an industrial chemical, even though it’s 90% chloroform. Other MSDS say it contains 90% ethanol. Meh. I don’t think the problem is the carrier solvent— the problem is that the LNP’s, and the CG-laden mRNA, are strongly cationic. Cations destabilize the colloidal suspension in blood, resulting in mis-folded proteins, coagulation and flocculation. You get the same effect when you use aluminum sulfate (cationic) to remove turbidity (anionic colloid) in water.

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"To say that the vaccine was "not effective" is to say that there was a particularly virulent pathogen needing a vaccine response. There was not."

- Denis Rancourt

I would also add to Rancourt's comment that to ever say that there need be a "vaccine response" for any condition is to suggest vaccines are anything other than industrial poisons which are detrimental to the biological system.

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Outstanding interview, Jessica, thank you so much for being such a warrior on the front line!

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Thank you Joel.

If nothing else this whole shebang has shown so clearly that there isn't 1 Government on earth that can be trusted with their respective citizens health & well being.

Now proven beyond any shadow of any doubt to all be GUILTY.

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The thing about true heroes, is that they always buck the system.

They fight: they are abused, and

Then they win.

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Great editing. That's one of the best and concise summaries of vaccine dangers, I've seen. She's really good. I hope she gets more media appearances.

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Dr. McCullough & many others say the spike protein is "deadly" and by all evidence "never leaves the body" but they won't say the vaccine is deadly to everyone who is vaccinated with this "deadly" spike protein that never leaves their bodies.

I'm guessing it's because they can sell more books & get more hits & get more paid speaking engagements saying billions only "could" die instead of billions "will" die.

Can you set us straight please?

Are the spike proteins deadly?

Expert; "Yes."

Do the deadly spikes ever leave the body?

Expert; "No evidence of it yet."

So all the vaxed will die then, right?

Expert; "We sell more books if we just say; "maybe" billions will die."

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This is where your responsibility to educate yourself comes into play. This stuff is not unfathomable. The claims of "safe" and "effective" can be debunked using their own paperwork. Now make the decision for yourself. Are you informed enough to make a good decision? Do you truly have accurate information?

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Absolutely! But as I remember, access to real information was very difficult for the average person until perhaps late-2021, by which time the MSM propaganda and the multiple mandates had wrought their harm. After all, Pfizer tried to sequester their data for what, 55 years?

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