Imagine for a moment that killing an increasingly large number of people through “vaccination” was the objective after all.

If so. I expect main media will be less & less likely to speak out.

I don’t think they’ll ever come out with bad things to say about the vaccines.

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What excuse will they make? They haven't eliminated anywhere near enough of the control group?

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The MSM knows they are lying --- they are part of a global machine that is foisting this death trap on us.

It's not as if there are a few bad actors (e.g. WMD) and they'll all be called to task at some point. Nobody was called to task over that massive lie...

This is much much much bigger than any of that.

What they have done pretty much guarantees that we can never return to normal -- 2019 is the final year of 'civilization'

If the theory that the vaxxed have severely damaged immune systems (VAIDS) and we get a highly contagious and much more lethal variant (doesn't have to be much worse than Delta - deep lung - to kill off people who will effectively have the immune systems of a very ill 80 year old man).... then I am afraid this is an extermination event.

How do we hold the supply chains together when hundreds of millions if not billions are sick and dying?

If the supply chains are ruptured - we starve.

I think this is beyond calling taking anyone to task over this --- every government on the planet is cooperating ... I always ask - what is it they fear that would make countries be willing to participate in this?

Why would they suddenly all change into totalitarian states --- with absolutely zero opposition from any of the significant political parties in all countries.

It has to be something that is worse than killing babies and slaughtering healthy people... I have my thoughts on what they fear --- but few want to go there. It's dark.

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call me curious, would love to hear your thoughts on what they fear. Even if it's super dark...

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What I think they fear - that is worse than sacrificing babies for the purpose of destroying immunity.... is that civilization is about to collapse --- and if that happens without them mitigating the situation (by killing us off) - then we end up with 8 billion top level predators - in the dark - with no food - petrol - electricity etc...

Take a look at what is happening in Sri Lanka -- they beat an MP to death - they killed 200+ wealthy people --- they burned the leaders house down --- and SL is not collapsed... I define collapse as a permanent situation -- the financial system has broken down and the supply chains are permanently wrecked.

Imagine what they'd do to the leaders if the country was totally collapsed and there were no security forces to control them?

This is collapse - and once it happens there is no putting Humpty back together http://feasta.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Trade_Off_Korowicz.pdf

This is the product of over nearly 14 years of researching that started with trying to understand why the GFC happened --- I was trying to understand why the central banks violated the fundamental rules of banking and encouraged Liar Loans.

I understand that most people will reject this --- even a global totalitarian regime stomping on our necks forever - is better than this -- there is always hope of escaping the yoke.

This offers no hope -- keep in mind when reading this --- Jack Nicholson's assertion that we do not want the truth -- in many instances we cannot handle it - to accept the assertions in this document would likely lead most people into deep despair --- particularly if they have progeny.

I chose not to have children -- having married in 2012.... specifically because of this. And I spent the years after GFC on a massive bucket list --- detaching for the most part from a number of businesses that I founded. It is easier for me to accept the conclusions - I've gone through the stages of grief long ago - and I am in the final stage - acceptance.


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good analysis. I've been thinking along these lines for quite a while, too. Tought to explain to people that Elites aren't just hand-rubbing evil troggies. They're looking at a real situation and taking ruthless, cold-blooded steps to reduce population before the inevitable reduction in population.

I don't think their approach is correct, but their logical analysis of the problem probably is. the prescription will increase divisiveness and cruelty, whereas an approach of explaining and preparing, pushing resources to a local level, developing nuclear energy aggressively, and creating a global community of local resiliences, self-governing, regionally trading and sharing global knowledge would allow the softest of hard landings.

imo. tough problem, for sure.

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I regret to say that, as close to certainty as scientists allow themselves, I am certain that you’re correct.

We’re now so far out over our collective skis that it’s next to impossible to recover our poise.

I predict they’ll have to complete their diabolical agenda.

I’ve seen drafts purporting to be the SCRQ system of mandatory digital ID & cashless digital money, aka social credit system.

Only the very wealthy, like all politicians in Washington, and other obviously rich individuals, will get digital ID annotated as S for Sovereign. They’ll retain their wealth & suffer no restrictions.

The rest of us will get a C (commoners) label. We’ll have had all our savings, investments, pensions & assets seized legally & will receive 1000 digital credits per month. We will not be permitted to save. We can do only what the algorithm permits. If we even argue, our credit will automatically be debited, using AI to detect & judge the severity of our “crime”. If we continue to butch, we’ll drop into R (restricted), probably the equivalent of the poorhouse. If even there, we buck, they’ll turn off our digital ID & we’ll become Q (quarantined). That may involve starving to death. No one will help a Q, because that will erode their own social (& real) credit score. You could only interact with a Q if you’re able to leave your electronic ID behind. If it’s made mandatory that you carry it at all times, bang goes even that idea.

I’m fortunate that my kids are adults, because I can’t save them or, indeed, me.

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The global economy is a very complex and therefore fragile system ... https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/477.Collapse_of_Complex_Societies

I struggle with the notion that effectively attempting to enslave everyone - particularly those who perform the complex tasks involved in ensuring this system would continue to operate -- is feasiable.

Essentially this would be a system that is akin to communism - which failed because it attempted to the competitive nature of the species. Even with total control it is not possible to force people to innovate or perform very high level tasks. Other than during my school years and for a couple of years after uni, I have always worked for myself. If someone tried to yoke me and force me to spend hours creating a successful business (it's hard enough doing that without someone dictating to you).... I'd say f789 this and I'd do something less stressful that requires minimal hours within the system.

Such a system hardly breeds any level of excellence -- nor would it reward long hours or ingenuity. As we saw with the USSR -- eventually it implodes.

And then there is the question of -- why do 'they' suddenly want to go through a hell of a lot of trouble to impose such a system on the world. These are the same people who added Animal Farm and 1984 to the curriculum.

What benefit do they get out of changing what for them is a wonderful world - into a mass gulag?

As it stands they flit about on private jets... have organic meals cooked by private chefs... stay in the best hotels... they already live in a totally separate world from the rest of us ... the only contact they have with the little people -- are with the little people that are sent to their beds by the likes of Ms Maxwell.... (how odd that no names were named there...)

They live in insulated worlds of great luxury - if the science said that transfusing the blood from babies would extend their lives - they'd not hesitate.

To add a bit of context here... I recently met someone who worked in the private hospital of the royal family of Brunei.... she informed me that the boys would regularly fly in smoking hot babes from all around the world (recall the US beauty pageant winner who paid him a visit some years ago and was aghast when she was required to 'service him'... which she did for big money - they tried to sue him - unsuccessfully of course) ...

When they'd arrive they'd be sent to the hospital for a battery of tests for HIV and other communicable diseases. Then it was 'party time'. Life is good - for the elites! If you are into fit hot babes, the best Champagne and uncut Bolivian Blow etc...

And the royal family is not even 'they'.... they are hangers on...

I just cannot see that 'they' would want to change a thing in terms of their gig. They even get bowls of red smarties when they check in to the presidential suite...

Why turn the world into a gulag stifling incentives - stifling the very forces that are necessary to ensure that the system that provides them with these privileges continues?

And why would they have all these leaks that indicate that they are planning all of this ... surely this would all be highly classifieds stuff.... they even have a website that details much of their grand plan https://time.com/collection/great-reset/

Then we have this guy - in an outfit that says 'hey look - I'm a villian' ... even Putin -- our Villain of the Month... doesn't get an outfit like that... something very off about this ... almost as if he's volunteered for the role.....


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Wow, but yes I too have done research and very bad times are coming. I anticipate civil war as the rulers stir up discontent.

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There will still be enough of us left and there will be nowhere on earth where they can hide. They'll be hunted down and receive the most drawn-out executions imaginable.

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Who's going to manage these though?

There are 4000 Spent Fuel Ponds Around the Globe…

If you don’t cool the spent fuel, the temperature will rise and there may be a swift chain reaction that leads to spontaneous combustion–an explosion and fire of the spent fuel assemblies. Such a scenario would emit radioactive particles into the atmosphere. Pick your poison. Fresh fuel is hotter and more radioactive, but is only one fuel assembly. A pool of spent fuel will have dozens of assemblies.

One report from Sankei News said that there are over 700 fuel assemblies stored in one pool at Fukushima. If they all caught fire, radioactive particles—including those lasting for as long as a decade—would be released into the air and eventually contaminate the land or, worse, be inhaled by people. “To me, the spent fuel is scarier. All those spent fuel assemblies are still extremely radioactive,” Dalnoki-Veress says.

It has been known for more than two decades that, in case of a loss of water in the pool, convective air cooling would be relatively ineffective in such a “dense-packed” pool. Spent fuel recently discharged from a reactor could heat up relatively rapidly to temperatures at which the zircaloy fuel cladding could catch fire and the fuel’s volatile fission product, including 30-year half-life Cs, would be released. The fire could well spread to older spent fuel. The long-term land-contamination consequences of such an event could be significantly worse than those from Chernobyl.


The Chernobyl accident was relatively minor, involved no spent fuel ponds, and was controlled by pouring cement onto the reactor. This was breaking down so a few years back they re-entombed.

Estimates of the cancer burden in Europe from radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl accident


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Unless we're too busy trying to survive and rebuild society, with no means of travel.

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Peak oil . Because no more energy, this is the kind killing, so that we won't turn into cannibals and eat each other as we starve to death in cold houses with no heat or water or food.

Think of "The Road", Cormac McCarthy.

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As I've mentioned before, I am right now literally sitting on 165 billion barrels of proven recoverable oil in Alberta, Canada. This is enough to supply current global consumption for 1650 years. This does not even consider the vast energy stores in natural gas, and particularly nuclear power. In Saskatchewan, Canada alone, there are proven recoverable uranium deposits enough to fuel all the world's current nuclear reactors for about 100 years. And with additional price incentives, this would surely grow.

Those sitting in cities, away from these natural resources should not despair or listen to peak oil nonsense. The only thing restricting production of our vast energy resources is government policy restrictions and carbon taxes.

Consider this: The world currently consumes approximately 100 million barrels of oil per day. Governments at all levels, around the world collect taxes on all products derived from this oil. In Canada it amounts to tens of billions of $ of annual tax revenue. Globally it is hundreds of billions of $ annually. What will fill this huge tax revenue gap when governments have succeeded in their apparent mission to end fossil fuel use??

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As I've mentioned before there is plenty of oil left but we burned the easy (cheap to extract stuff)

What remains is the expensive stuff.

Think of it this way - in the early days we used one barrel to extract 100 so we got 99 barrels free - and we used those to build our modern world.

Now the ratio on average (we obviously have some legacy wells that are better but nowhere near 1:100 --- new oil like shale and tar sands is at best 1:5) ... is below 1:10 (and in decline) So we simply do not have the excess oil any longer

We have used all sorts of financial gimmicks to fend off collapse and keep the oil flowing despite the increasing production costs. That is detailed here:


The economy is a surplus energy equation, not a monetary one, and growth in output (and in the global population) since the Industrial Revolution has resulted from the harnessing of ever-greater quantities of energy. But the critical relationship between energy production and the energy cost of extraction is now deteriorating so rapidly that the economy as we have known it for more than two centuries is beginning to unravel https://ftalphaville-cdn.ft.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Perfect-Storm-LR.pdf

The reason that oil discoveries have been so low is that almost all of what remains ... is not economically viable, or the oil is of poor quality... Venezuela is a good example of that... it's garbage and expensive to extract and purify.


We've been living on borrowed time for the better part of two decades --- remember $147 oil just prior to the GFC? Shale of course road to the rescue but shale is in steep decline now (see https://energyskeptic.com/2021/the-end-of-fracked-shale-oil/)

The Global Economy cannot survive high priced oil. We have staggered along under this burden for the better part of two decades and maintained growth despite high prices by dropping interest rates to record lows and pumping endless stimulus into the global economy.

The GFC was caused by stimulus in the form of a housing bull run that was manufactured by the Central Banks for the purpose of maintaining growth in the face of hurricane force head winds caused by increasing costs of oil production.

The thing that triggered me to look into what actually caused GFC was Liar Loans. The Central Banks as well as the retail and commercial banks obviously knew this was going on - it was rife. I asked myself, 'now why would the banking industry not only tolerate but ENCOURAGE a violation of the fundamental law of banking -- you do NOT loan money to people who cannot repay you'

What do the FEAR???? The answer arrived on my laptop in a hotel room in Edinburgh when I stumbled across Perfect Storm by Tim Morgan (who was head of research at a major energy trading firm).

I can still remember reading through that lengthy paper late into the night ... it was a holy f789 moment -- and I realized then ... we are screwed. The Central banks squeezed another 10+ years out of the rock... which I used to bucket list ...

But now they are out of gimmicks... they were pushing on multiple strings in 2019...

“The global economy was facing the worst collapse since the second world war as coronavirus began to strike in March, well before the height of the crisis, according to the latest Brookings-FT tracking index. “The index comes as the IMF prepares to hold virtual spring meetings this week, when it will release forecasts showing the deepest contraction for the global economy since the 1930s great depression. FT.com https://archive.ph/UUfl2

And that triggered the launch of Covid --- this plan was formulated years ago and it was intended to prevent the carnage that will result should they fail to put us down first


According to the OECD Economics Department and the International Monetary Fund Research Department, a sustained $10 per barrel increase in oil prices from $25 to $35 would result in the OECD as a whole losing 0.4% of GDP in the first and second years of higher prices. http://www.iea.org/textbase/npsum/high_oil04sum.pdf


For most of the last century, cheap oil powered global economic growth. But in the last decade, the price of oil production has quadrupled, and that shift will permanently shackle the growth potential of the world’s economies. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2012-09-23/how-high-oil-prices-will-permanently-cap-economic-growth


Steven Kopits from Douglas-Westwood said the productivity of new capital spending has fallen by a factor of five since 2000. “The vast majority of public oil and gas companies require oil prices of over $100 to achieve positive free cash flow under current capex and dividend programmes. Nearly half of the industry needs more than $120,” he said


THE END OF CHEAP OIL Global production of conventional oil will begin to decline sooner than most people think, probably within 10 years

Feb 14, 1998 |By Colin J. Campbell and Jean H. Laherrre http://dieoff.org/page140.htm (originally appeared in the Scientific American)

WE NEED HIGH OIL PRICES: Marginal oil production costs are heading towards $100/barrel http://ftalphaville.ft.com/2012/05/02/983171/marginal-oil-production-costs-are-heading-towards-100barrel/


The marginal cost of the 50 largest oil and gas producers globally increased to US$92/bbl in 2011, an increase of 11% y-o-y and in-line with historical average CAGR growth. http://ftalphaville.ft.com/2012/05/02/983171/marginal-oil-production-costs-are-heading-towards-100barrel/

Oil and gas company debt soars to danger levels to cover shortfall in cash


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I agree. There is plenty of oil. Venezuela, Libya, and Iran are taken off the global market, as is the entire Alaskan and Canadian Arctic. Thrown in gas, coal, and uranium we have several hundred years of energy. This is just how elites behave- power, control, wealth, and oddly, mass violent death. Khmer Rouge, Rwandan Genocide, Stalin, Mao- this is what humanity does from time to time. We have educated, sophisticated, morally self-righteous elites, so it takes the form of educated, sophisticated, bureaucratic institutions. But underneath, it is the same...

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Instead of taxes, they will get endless streams of income every month from all of us who will own nothing, and rent everything. All the revenue streams from taxing energy will be replaced by us paying rent for food, shelter, clothing, etc because they will own every industry (they already do through Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street) including our food production, and every asset in the world..every house, car, apt building etc. etc.

Do you see? Have I explained badly?

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I suspect you are absolutely correct, and there is no need to hurl us pell mell into no oil/energy and destroy our economies, except that is what they want to do and there is a deadline for doing it.

They won't have to worry about taxes because at the end of this, they will own everything...we will be renters of things, including food/shelter, etc. and won't pay taxes. I think they have already decided on how much energy they can get out of us that are left, and when we will have outlived our usefulness.

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That book. The copy I read was in poor shape, so I assumed it was published 30 years ago. After I got done, I looked at the publish date and it blew my mind; 2006. It's so intense, I don't think I COULD read it again, but glad I did.

The scenario is the most real of any I can imagine. Thanks Duchess...

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Before I buy the "end of cheap oil" explanation, I want to see what they have at Area 51, and what propulsion that uses to fly around.

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Joel, I think their secret weapon here is simply not reporting anything. So even if the data flat out proved that “vaccines” killed many people, you & I might know this, but those who get their news from TV/radio/newspapers won’t hear anything about it. If we try to tell people via social media, we’ll be deplatformed.

That’s why they ignore someone like me, who personally knows three of the four people responsible in the drug companies for their “vaccine” campaigns. The more persuasive my credentials are, the more they’ll smear me & former associates will not deign to reply to messages I sent to them.

So they don’t need to eliminate the control group.

Very depressing, this is. I never gave thought to how vital a free press is to the functioning of a democracy.

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Yup. What they are doing right now is working like a charm. We have all this evidence of these shots not only not working, but causing tons of harm—yet they just got the go ahead to give it to toddlers. Our minority keeps finding more and more proof of whats happening yet we arent getting anywhere as far as stopping them.

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I was thinking about this and it's as if there are two groups of people separated by a concrete barrier...

We are on one side and watching presentations of facts and logic by yourself, Joel, Peter, Geert, Cole... and so on ... over the course of two years we have a good understanding of what these 'vaccines' are all about -- we do not know for certain the final results will be of injecting billions but we are certain they were never intended to save us from what was initially essentially just another respiratory disease with the lethality profile of a bad flu.

The data being presented overwhelming supports the thesis that these 'vaccines' are doing great harm.

We are aware of the wall and that there are much bigger numbers of people on the other side who are being lied to by the govts, MSM, social media, and the scientific and medical communities. And they are steadfast in their belief that they are being told the truth.

We are on this side of the wall screaming 'they're murdering you - you must stop' - they can faintly hear us but that concrete barrier ensures that we are not much more than white noise... they are focused on the Tee Vee and listening to The Science. They turn up the Tee Vee to drown out our desperate pleas to stop injecting...

We become so convinced as more and more evidence emerges proving that these injections are death traps ... that we start to assume that it's to the point where this is all so utterly ridiculous now that surely the people on the other side of the concrete barrier MUST be seeing at least some of what we see. Surely this they'll come to their senses - the wall will come down ... and this horror show will stop.

But the Tee Vee shrills louder --- Monkey Pox Ebola Mutations Deaths Hospitalizations Global Warming!!! Bogey man after bogey man.... we are now trying to climb up to the top of the wall and holler at them ... we try to toss leaflets with the data on them ... they respond by burning the leaflets and stomping on our fingers so we fall back to our side of the wall.

We make the incorrect assumption that the wall is crumbling ... but it's not ... in fact it's being reinforced .... as immune systems become further damaged... and the deaths and hospitalizations (almost exclusively involving the jabbed) mount ... as vax injuries spiral (and are blamed on long covid or a ref's whistle) the Tee Vee urges those on that side of the wall to urgently get More Boosters... cuz of course -- it would be so much worse without them...

And thus the wall strengthens...

This is a truly diabolical situation - whoever came up with this - regardless of their motive (even if they think what they are doing is for some reason in our interests)... is some sort of demon fro hell.... with a very twisted yet very obviously brilliant... mind

If I was a religious person I'd say this is the Devil himself pulling the strings.

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And yet, what other choice do we have? If we stop voicing our disagreements and fade away, that is when they will move onto everybody with full force. Both anti- and pro-. In a few furious cycles.

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We can continue to vent on Substack Telegram etc.... keeping in mind the impact we have is a flea on an elephant.

If I was convinced that the boot is coming down on our necks (it is ... but I suspect there are necessary reasons for it - that is it a means to allow a certain ends...) I would do the following:

1. I'd be involved in a whole lot more that what has been done to date - marching around the block shouting 'Freedom' ... and blocking highways with trucks... I won't go into details but suffice to day it would likely end with me in a box. But it's what you do if you believe the boot is pressing on your neck.

2. I would be organizing an assault on popular social media pages (e.g. celebs politicians athletes) and bombarding them with the data... a relentless assault aimed and breaking them down and making them question the narrative. I suspect if such a campaign gained traction ... I would end up in a box for masterminding this.

My position is that the people applying the boot are not pleased with having to resort to these measures... because the alternative will be far worse... uncontrolled mayhem as the lights go out and civilization collapses...

This is what is happening in Panama now ... it makes Sri Lanka look tame ... this is borderline Mad Max https://t.me/TommyRobinsonNews/37596

They still have food and petrol (but they are quickly being priced out of both)... so imagine what happens when total collapse arrives.

Coming soon everywhere. I am not keen to star in Mad Max. Nor I imagine are the people who pull the levers... they know that when they system implodes... those people featured in that clip ... will be looking to blame people for why their children are starving ... skinning alive comes to mind ... and the body guards will stand down (they might even help with the skinning)....

So I'll not engage in option 1 or 2.... and join everyone else on SS and Telegram venting ....

Please don't anyone take this as a call to arms... your every move is watched by Big Brother ... you don't want to spend the final days of this in a high security prison.

Hey Big Brother --- I trust you will take note that I am not inciting ... I am pointing out the futility of opposing your plan.... so don't be sending a black helicopter to land in my paddock...

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Maybe they will, to set an example? Better don't mention BB at all. They don't like to be mentioned.

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Very well expressed. I cant believe that people, including my friends, will take this latest bivalent shot, tested only on 8 mice which all got the virus anyway, but they will.

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"If I was a religious person I'd say this is the Devil himself pulling the strings."

You might just be on the right track there.

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It's crazy that the useless eaters are supposedly the people who build houses and fix your plumbing, while those who work in corporate HR are considered useful?

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Yes we no longer have a free press and so very few of us know what is going on. Just a few years ago, before it was bribed by Gates, the left wing Guardian would have been all over Big Pharma placing profits over health in the current situation. But not a critical article to be seen

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Yet, they still want to eliminate the population represented by the control group. "Useless eaters", as it were.

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They eliminated free speech - that is all that counts.

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They dont need an excuse. They will just keep doing what they are doing—ignoring it. If theyve gotten away with ignoring it this long, why not keep doing whats working. The majority will remain in the dark while we sit here and write about it on substack.

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That could be exactly what it is about.

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Hiya, anyone know who the 7 participants who refuse to be vaccinated are in the beeb experiment tomorrow night with Hannah Fry - a mathematician whose data analysis skill helped shape lockdown policy? Backed by leading experts and very latest scientific information they will try to allay their fears and undo the misinformation spread by social media.

197,000 covid deaths and still 5 million of us yet to receive a single dose!!! will the experiment encourage them to take up the vaccine at this late stage???


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If "very latest scientific information" then they should tell the jabbed to start digging graves for themselves LOL!

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I'm looking forward to what she has to say. She has a mountain to climb to convince me to be vaccinated.

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You expect an honest conversation, eh?

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not bloody likely have not to now and no chance in the future,if i wish to self-harm will do it without the aid of the Australian government, and as no intention of that can give my jabs to health Hazzard and his female so-called doctor or any other clown who wishs to depart this life early

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They don’t have to / cannot say anything, for two reasons: 1) there is no permitted counter narrative; 2) they get most of their money from Big Pharma.

And then there is a third reason: given their extraordinary gaslighting around the vaccine narrative they would lose whatever credibility they have left to them.

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CC group number 2 that is...

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I am deeply uncertain that "A Noble Lie" can be maintained for ever; the data will keep coming, despite attempts to control key aspects. There will come a point when the edifice crashes and I acknowledge that might be in the distance; however you see what happens when, eg, Dutch farmers have had enough of Nutter Rutte and his EU/Green crazies planning to decimate Dutch agriculture , which is a poor tactic given the wealth it brings to Holland - they act and in a manner they would not have done "earlier" especially when you hear a Dutch farmer say they have had enough of these crazy EU diktats over recent years and Rutte saying " some farmers will not survive" the Net Nitrogen stupidity. What will be the "push comes to shove" moment - very difficult for me to opine , just an observer - but I suspect it will be related to the harms and deaths to children having the jab in their infant arms...

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I used to think this way, but note the perpetrators appear to have a complete lock on media. So unless you personally witness some protest, or are told about it by someone you trust, you’re not going to hear about it. That’s why the truckers protests eventually failed in USA. I don’t think they closed bank accounts. They simply refused to report the protest. Nothing appeared on TV, radio or newspapers. Without amplification by mass media, the authorities can safely ignore even large protests, especially when protesters don’t realise that the game has changed & nobody is going to hold anyone else on their side to account.

Where it comes to deaths following “vaccines”, I’m afraid we’ve long passed the peak, albeit of adults, though deaths of young adults is very rare, normally. Almost no reporting occurred about the once in 200 years or more rates of death in the 18-65 year old cohort. Yet numerous life insurance companies filed their financial results & these showed six sigma variations compared with comparable earlier periods. Media? Crickets. Tiny children dying? In the unlikely event a parent suspects it’s the vaccines that killed their child, I believe they’ll protect themselves by unsuspecting it, and they’ll be reassured by the lying medics around them. Note, absence of media reporting means there’ll be nothing to see except in the actuarial tables, which continue to issue, as far as we can tell, more or less accurately. Again, nobody in main media reports these extraordinary deaths, though you can look them up. It’s diabolical.

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It's very close in my view when a politician will pay dearly for their complicity in a genocide attempt. Rutte won't be able to walk around Amsterdam or the Hague without 20 or so bodyguards I guess.

If the figures are still saying there's a slight advantage to being vaccinated as above then they're still not accurate figures. And I do wonder how many non-vaccinated are in the vaccinated column by virtue of lying about it on entry to hospital or lying about it to the doctor 4 or 5 months ago when they got their 'green pass'.

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Very good point about the non vaccinated appearing in the official records as vaccinated. I agree with you that the vaccinated are at no advantage whatsoever because there’s actually no new virus circulating. People do still develop respiratory illnesses, it’s just that we’ve hitherto blamed viruses, with no real evidence for that attribution. Life looks very different & much easier for the perpetrators if you imagine for a moment that viruses don’t exist.

I very much doubt anyone will believe this, though. They’re so conditioned to believe what they’ve been told & we’ve had three generations of people brought up to believe in viruses. I wonder what people said caused their respiratory illnesses before the virus era, which I believe started only in the 1950s?

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can,t really respond, in a quiet zone (tapping on keyboard)....but yeah 1953 I think

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It is not just killing by the faccines per se that I am most concerned out. With most people in the richer countries badly weakened by the faccines, WHEN they release the next pathogen, ......

What if they twig the 5G and activate those nanos in the body?

There is a massive ulterior reason why they wanted the spikes in the bodies of even the infants rather than the non-spike faccines.

The media are controlled by the perpetrators! They could not have implemented their scams without them.

We need a replacement for the extinct word "media".

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They can release as many 'pathogens' as they want but outside the labs of Wuhan and North Carolina the 'efficacy' of their poisons is probably close to zero.

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I don’t believe they’ve released a pathogen. There’s no evidence of a new pathogen, just sequences which they claim indicate a virus is present in the sample, about which evidence I’m very dubious.

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Jul 21, 2022
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I don’t know anything about 5G and illness.

Prior to “vaccination”, it is my opinion that there was the normal amount of the usual range of respiratory illnesses.

After massed vaccination, it seems likely that there has been an increase in all sorts of illness, since very many people have been poisoned & injured.

It’s not possible to be certain of much, tbh.

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As I review my life wrt vaxxinations, (I am 58) I can see the pattern of illnesses they caused. At 7, (1970) I had sudden terrible nosebleeds for about a year. Horrible clots, unprecented and frequent, within weeks of MMR vaccines. After the worst of the nosebleeds disappeared I struggled with anemia, for years. My mom always got the supposedly 'preventative' flu shots, but was otherwise healthy. Then in 1985 she got shingles after her flu shots, (as did my aunt her sister, also vaccinated). Within 5 years she had been diagnosed with lung cancer. She lived for 10 years after that. My eyes have been opened wrt these chemical/biological interventions, they are nothing but deadly, no 'health' benefits. My prayer is that the media and news fakers stay in their bubble of self belief forever more, so that they implode inside their own vaccuum. Black holes.

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Mainstream media in the United States is owned by the same institutional investors as the pharmaceutical companies. So, we can't reasonably expect the mainstream media to ever come clean. Theoretically, we could expect government agencies to tell the truth at some point, but they are completely captured by the companies that they regulate, essentially making the executive branch of the federal government a wholly owned subsidiary of the same institutional investors as the mainstream media and pharmaceutical companies (not to mention the tech companies, agricultural corporations, and food processors).

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Totally agree. MSM is owned by Blackrock and Vanguard and is part of the Great Reset. They will not and cannot bite off their own hands. They have to spin this out as long as they possibly can.

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Dr Yeadon

Firstly, thank you for all your work and shouldering the risks you do.

Do you know of a layman’s guide backed with references and papers I could use to keep the debate going with friends and family all of whom believe I’m nuts? I’m looking for meat on the bone to offer up to those who can’t wean themselves off the MSM narrative.

I’ve read hundreds of papers but not being medically trained makes it harder to make the arguments over the dinner table or elsewhere.

Wishing you well.

Adam Honey (me@adamhoney.com)

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Adam, not really. The post in The Conservative Woman which Joel reproduced here PLUS the longer pinned comment immediately below the arthcie is perhaps the best outline I know of.

The pinned comment contains names & subject matter to allow deeper follow up on each a good handful of areas.

I’ve also had zero luck in converting people who aren’t receptive.

Good luck!

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Thank you, I’m amazed to hear that. I remember your comment in a video that the powers that be ignore you as you are unlikely to move the needle of public opinion.

It seems you were correct. Even the loss of a healthy loved one does not break the spell.

May I have your permission to reach out to you on specific questions once in a while in full consideration that you may not have time to answer?

If so, would you privately share an email address on mine?

I hesitated to ask and won’t be offended if the answer is negative.

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Yes, but I do think they will go down the drain, all the while saying saaaaaaaafe aaaaaaaaannnd eeefffffffffeeecccctttttttttive..........can't you just hear it?

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I just had the same thought. Every successive jab weakens the immune system just a bit more until there's no immunity left for a person to fight off the next variant eventually leading to death. Meanwhile big pharma and the sick care system are making money hand over fist on these poor souls who've bought into the big lie. The most egregious crime is jabbing the kids whose immune systems are being destroyed to make them susceptible to contracting this pathogen and its variants. That is if they survive long enough to have an immune response at all. It's premeditated murder, IMO.

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Jul 19, 2022
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1. I don’t believe there’s a virus at all and there’s plenty of evidence that U.K. government staff didn’t either (they held parties out of sight, in the middle of the “pandemic”). The Queen, aged 95, didn’t think there was a virus either (she attended a G20:banquet, none of the visitors, fresh in from around the world, entered any quarantine). There was no evidence of a pandemic in numerous areas where there should have been, if there was a new & lethal virus. Instead, deaths were limited by the boundaries of a jurisdiction, suggesting policy decisions resulted in deaths, not a virus.

2. The purpose of the injections in my view was to qualify people for a digital ID aka vaccine passports or VaxPass. I expect the same people to be injected again with amended “vaccines”, which will have received no investigation of their clinical safety at all. Only the manufacturer will know what it’s the injections. I expect new genetic sequences to result in deaths after a delay which will mimic the kind of diseases for which the amended “vaccines” will have been administered (eg if Marburg virus, then bleeding).

3. There’s no question whatsoever that the toxicities resulting from the first generation “vaccines” could have been substantially reduced by electing different design choices. They could have chosen any of the many proteins in the alleged virus. Only spike protein is acutely toxic.

4. I recommend you regard the entire event through eyes of suspicion. Nothing about what we’ve been told bears the slightest resemblance to what’s actually happening. This is a global coup d’etat of the democracies.

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I think they chose the slow boil, rapid death would cause to much chaos and uncertainty. I also think there could be a few more iterations...

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Jul 19, 2022
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Have you watched this?


It will be a slow culling..you can't have the incinerators going 24/7 or people will get suspicious...so the shots suppress fertiility, and can take up to 4 years to have an effect, at which time they won't be connected to the shot....

That is why they made it not as deadly as they could.

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And when the actual deaths fall short of this prediction, they will claim their interventions saved the balance, per the UK covid modellers

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Or they will claim that the model modified people's behaviour to produce a desirable outcome. That was what they did say as an excuse in 2021 when the scare modeling failed miserably when the actual cases were way lower than predicted! Imagine any modeler giving that excuse to a private customer!

Later on UNSW produced another scare prediction, which, of course, has not eventuated.

Finally, that infamous prediction of the Health Minister in late 2021 that all of NSW will be touched by omicron.

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He should be arrested asap, Brad should be.

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Did Qld Health consult Pro Neil Ferguson for its modeling?

That they have the gumption to use modeling even now shows how gullible some people are.

Note the blatant pro covid measures of Aunty. One recent glaring example:

On its c thingy page it reported that MxGuwan would mandate the 3rd dose for some sectors. The following day, he recanted. Yet Aunty did not report it after that earlier story; or simply removed it.

And it immediately removed the daily summaries after Albo got in. Very CNN like.

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The London school of Tropical Medicine is everywhere on this issue. It even trained the Swedish chief epidemiologist Anders Tegnell who was great on not locking Sweden down in 2020 but shit on not encouraging vaccines.

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The article you point to correctly states, "Right now, our vaccines essentially are completely ineffective at preventing infections spreading from person to person." But then there's the insert link to some insane doctor https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-07-19/qld-coronavirus-covid-19-schools-masks-vaccine-ventilation/101247972 who want covid shots available at schools 'to make life easier for busy parents.' Because kids are "spreading it to their parents. They're spreading it to the day-care workers. They're spreading it to their grandparents," Dr Johnson said. "Nobody likes having a needle. Nobody likes having two needles — but, if it's a choice between that and killing your grandma, I know what I'd choose." Not sure how it is even possible to square these two thoughts posted on the same rag. Mainstream media now has gone bipolar.

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Covid was in NSW...they didn't have a test for it. Know plenty of people who had weird long sicky things...like weeks of being rubbish...late 2019 and early 2020. Then they locked the country down and stopped it for a while...which meant, well we have a stuffed economy, stuffed mental health, stuffed education, stuffed health care.

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Tests Schmests PCR just detects that you have had some sort of virus up your noses in the past 2 or 3 months. Tests simply a means of ramping up terror

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I'm against these gene therapy excuses for vaccines as much as anyone but you are dead wrong. For a long time, our quarantines kept COVID out of the general population down here and people got tested without false positives.

When the quarantine inevitably failed in NSW, the spread was steady and inexorable and this was shown in the regional results. Once it leaked into Victoria, the tighter lockdown had control advocates confident it could be contained but again it spread in a steady rate from the initial infection areas.

Personally, I've been tested 5 times (4 PCR, 1 lateral flow) and been negative every time, even when one of my household was infected (2 positive lateral flow tests and plenty negative before and since). Meanwhile, plenty of the vaccinated around me get infected with consistent symptoms and test results and then recover to some degree and test negative, even with later sniffles etc

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Number of cases rose as testing rose, fell as it stopped. The more they tested, the more "cases", which suddenly, rather than the actual number of people with symptoms of infection. That's not science, rather the means to promote a lie.

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Once the Delta outbreak really got going in Sydney, testing was high across all of Melbourne and you could see the cases increase from the original transfer infection zone from the furniture removalists. It didn't just explode across the whole of Melbourne, let alone Victoria despite the rampant testing that took place statewide

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You can see when NZ stopped testing a few weeks ago in the graphs.

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Yes. By closing down movement. But NO respiratory virus has ever not completed its natural cycle.

The cycle count was WAY too high for a test the maker was quite clear was not designed to do what it was being used for.

I'm 70. Super fit. Don't eat ANY shit. Unvaxxed. No Covid and after a lifetime of being exposed to Coronaviruses not concerned. I had my first cold in March. Stuffed up for a couple of weeks. The real problem is the appalling health and life habits of the great majority of people. I also spend all summer gardening, and walk dogs all year. Supp Vit D, and Zinc and Quercitin during the epidemic.

And vaccinating DURING an epidemic simply effected quicker mutations, with more weirdness because of the spike protein.

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All you say is true except that it is a real disease and even though the tests are overly sensitive, what they detect is not the respiratory disease viruses of years gone by.

I'm not vaccinated either and also take the same supplements and ride over 10,000 km a year. I had a severe tooth infection that had me thinking I may have contracted COVID but tested negative twice (PCR and antibody blood test) and eventually recovered after the tooth was extracted. If I hadn't been so fundamentally healthy, I would probably have been hospitalized with sepsis.

The gene therapies are setting us up for the selection of more infectious and virulent stains as predicated long ago by Dr Greet Vandem Bossche (I thought he was rather alarmist when he first started presenting warnings but has he been almost spot on and, if anything, slightly understated the danger)

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I live in NSW it’s fairly obvious that the vaccines don’t make a difference.. in my area far more than 5% are unvaccinated.. most of my friends were smart enough to see the lies, unfortunately it’s cost many a whole lot in income.. and stress.. politicians won’t admit the truth.. they deserve to be denied income and freedom... for a very long time..

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On the contrary, the vaccines are enabling the spread of the latest Omicron variants through ADE and general weakening of immune systems. They are also providing the selection pressure that will almost certainly fulfil Dr Geert Vandem Bossche's prediction of increased virulence as the partial protection that they do provide (when the antibody levels are still high enough to somewhat inhibit infection of the lower respiratory tract) will select for greater infectiousness in this tissue area.

Maybe not in your area if the unvaccinated ratio there is as high as you assess but certainly in many inner city areas, especially in working environments, the uptake would be over 95%

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Yes for sure, I meant no beneficial effects as in anecdotally the unvaccinated recover as well.. I share your concern about ADE and adverse events.. as for % vac I am in a country area, less pressure on farms but also a fair amount of resistance to getting vaccinated..

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I just don't get how they continue lying when the data shows the opposite. Thanks for all you do Joel.

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Gosh but it's all so depressing and scary. I don't think the mainstream media will ever talk openly about the vaccine harms because it would now serve no purpose. All those billions of people who took the jabs can't untake them. All the harms being caused are being excused with stupid reasons which people are happy to accept because what is the alternative? If the jabbed billions ever faced up to what has happened to them they would go mad. I doubt they would rise up and revolt. The most they would do would be to stop taking boosters. But they can't unjab themselves. It's easier to believe that Tom Jones collapsed because he was overdoing things or that young athletics are collapsing because they train too hard or that the lady down the road collapsed and died because these things happen. Humans are pretty good at convincing themselves that bad stuff isn't happening.

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Agreed. Our mental powers are quite remarkable. But that can also be applied in a positive way as well, in terms of absorbing all this depressing information and reformulating it into a brighter path forward. Acknowledging the bad stuff, while keeping a light on everything that can still be done.

Jabs can't be undone. However, I will always believe that over time, the body has the capacity to recover, though it may take a long time and require discipline. The best course of action at this point is to convince a critical mass to pause, and not continue down this road of endless boosters and new formulations.

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Great report Joel, the govt can't and wont admit they got this completely wrong without looking like a pack of braindead morons.

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Well that's going to happen anyway! At least they should consider protecting themselves from a charge of democide?

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El gato malo’s theory is that once the tickle of unconfined truth becomes a msm torrent, our ‘leaders’ will hastily look for a large bus under which pharma can be thrown. Moderna first, then Pfizer

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They're welcome to try.

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I know what will happen if I try to show this to my CovIDIOT contacts. They will insist the vaccines are Safe and Effective and dismiss this information. If I persist in showing them data like this they will eventually get angry and break all contact. I have lost 3 friends who I have known for 20+ years this way.

The thing is ... there is no upside to confronting them - there's minds have been made up for them - they trust the MSM --- and they are all most likely past the point of no return with damaged immune systems -- so even if we bust through --- it will likely drive them into despair.

Speaking of despair --- I was ordering a piece of jewellery for my wife for our 10th from an outfit in HK ... and since it's being couriered I thought I'd have my assistant go through the stuff in my office -- which has sat empty since I was last there in December 2019 -- and see if there was anything I might ship in the package. It felt like going through a dead man's stuff by video.. a totally surreal experience. This has really driven home how disjointed life has become since this horror show erupted.

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I'm noticing the opposite. For example at the hairdressers just now.

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FYI, Joel, one of my unrequited penpals is the NSW Health's CHO Dr Chant. It went to her and others.

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Xhe's not still the CHO is xhe?

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Thought she'd left. Must have just taken some time out.

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She did in early 2022.

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Interesting the graph of deaths, if you limited it by age range of under 65, would have 0 per million in the unvaccinated category, and a non zero in the double and then twice that number in boosted. I wonder if that'll happen if you set it up 70 or 75 etc

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Just spoke with an old friend out in WA and its amazing how rampant the full jab buy in is at that same 3x jabb'd person had the rona.

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It's interesting that the peak in Feb coincided with the maximum uptake of 3rd jab. We just rolled out 4th jab last week while we are on a rise in infections. Just saw mainstream article where South Australia Chief Health Officer got 4th jab last week. Has covid now.


Also anyone know who produced the PowerBI app? It's good work. Thing to note is that we have to be careful about the rates, especially for unvaccinated, because of the denominator. I believe there are errors in the official numbers for population. Also have to remember its across all ages. Government doesn't provide data on vax status against age group. I suspect many of the unvax deaths are elderly who intentionally have not been given vax.

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"(I believe it struck in 2019 before the hysteria, and over-zealous testing and recording)"

That is a fact. Look at the stats produced by the ABS - there was a massive "surge" in 2019 only. C19 was here in Australia in 2019. We had community immunity. They knew. So they killed that NI with the faccines.

Parts of USA also had unusual increases in 2019.

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msm are in on it all ,they will never release the truth as there owners wouldnt let them anyway

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I agree with most of your posts, Joel but have to disagree with your conclusion that COVID reached Australia in 2019. The draconian quarantines did keep COVID out of the country for a long time after a couple of early small outbreaks and vaccination uptake was quite low.

It was only after the inevitable outbreak of the more infectious Delta strain, which spread despite all the lockdowns, that the vaccination campaign really hit its stride as people were sold the lie that 2 "jabs" would return all their freedoms that had been removed. Now we're up to the 2nd round of boosting of the "safe and effective" vaccines for adults with the first round of boosters for kids and upcoming approval for babies and toddlers.

They really have done a stellar job of eliminating the control group down here. Not many of us are left in the cities - many more in rural areas have resisted but the uptake is still concerning. The BA1.5 Omicron variant is spreading almost unchecked and the government's response is to double down on the stupidity of their predecessor with the mantra now of preventing long COVID and protecting others

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The science re masks, pcr tests, vaccine efficacy is overwhelming.

The science is not changing the key decision makers---it is they who have to be changed.

The science changes the people and hopefully the people change decision makers. We all must do what we can in our respective countries--as you know I speak weekly to key education decision makers here----I am an adherent to the water on a stone principle.

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OAS is a real bitch. Why did so many "experts" jump on the bandwagon of vaccinating with a non-sterilizing vaccine at the height of a pandemic? Surely they knew what the results would be.

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