Great work, Joel. Thank you for sharing your time and intellect.

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There's more to come! I'm doing the entire world right now!

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I would like to be a fly on the wall and watch the smoke coming off the computer!

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👍👍💯 Can't wait for all THAT data!!😊 There will be other patterns as well. Amazing work btw, history will remember you with grattitude.🙏🙏🙏

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I love the title. NO LIVES MATTER.

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Thinking of shifting one of my subscriptions from Berenson to either Joel or Igor!

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Igor is free

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You cannot pay even if you want?

That would make things easier!

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Mine is too! Payment is strictly optional and brings no added benefit!!

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Yes, but it seems that Igors has no payment option.

Even with no added benefit I want to contribute, Joel. But i can only hold 3.

I am very grateful to Alex. He gave me a lot of info at a critical time that helped me to convince others to avoid the shot. But he has posted some things recently that I really dislike. Plus, I have been paying for months and also bought his book (not a great one, btw).

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Alex lost me a long time ago when I discovered his position (against) Ivermectin. Haven't regretted my decision at all.

Glad to know, though, that he helped to persuade others to avoid the injection.

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He also attacks Dr Robert Malone's credentials, which is completely unjustified.

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Yes, I could not figure out who got to him when he was so anti-ivermectin...and still is.

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Same here

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Thank you for that - some of us read a lot of these very informative and useful blogs. If we had to pay for them our lives would be less informed and some of us are not as well off as others. Your work is very much appreciated, as is making it accessable.

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This is the way.

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Or both💕💕

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Amazing Work tonight (as always). All 5 gems of articles...just a sequel of clarity. Breathtakingly concise, up to the point and very well produced.. Thank you.

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Hear F*** Hear!!!

March 2020 - my facebook post (prompting de-friending by many but what the hell) FU BK, absolutely no way!!! The measures were always designed to inflict harm and protect nobody. Common sense and basic biology / awareness of viruses and airborne respiratory diseases told you everything you needed to know. It was always clear that they were lying PLUS the numbers of total deaths didn't support what they were saying, especially when you realised that there was mass neglect going on in care homes.

Do I know anybody who has died of covid. Nope. However:

* I know several who have died from other causes and in their later years not been able to enjoy life as they deserved

*I know at least 5 personally where the jab has either killed them or contributed towards their death whilst knowing of many more and it being suspect in several further deaths.

* Sadly, my sister from another mother was that scared by the propaganda that THAT killed her as she became scared even to drink the water out of her tap.

* I can name 3 whose cancer was in remission or being held from advancing and that has changed

* I know of one for certain who developed a serious heart condition post jab

* A friend's husband suddenly developed a rare and fatal blood cancer at an unusually young age

Then of course we can start on the harms because of lockdown and limited access to medical treatments including myself of course. Never thought for a second in March 2020 when I was protesting loudly that I would end up being harmed.

I will never forgive and never forget!

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I could have written this same thing....and I just got into a row with my uncle...he still believes safe and effective!

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Sadly, I know many who still think that too. In fact, I got into a row with my sister about it only a couple of weeks ago when she stood there and said she was not having another jab but nothing to do with my going on saying how unsafe it is. My response was that I didn't care WHY she wasn't having another, just pleased that she isn't. I hope my nephew and niece, other close friends (still living) and more distant relatives are also going to refuse. It is one of those though that you daren't ask now. Fortunately, I have a good number of good friends who also didn't buy it from the start including 2 who have continuously worked with covid patients AND refused to wear PPE beyond a surgical mask. Whilst Tess Laurie suggests that we can't save people (and I agree), and I would never stop anyone having the jab, I will keep trying to educate them that they are unable to give informed consent when they have been lied to about both the risk from disease AND the lack of efficacy of the jab. It would seem that they need to catch covid once or twice AND me reminded that neither my husband or I have had the jab or (knowingly) had covid for them to question it

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I wage a seemingly private war on Doximity, a 'medical' social media site. I'm no infectious disease doc, but I am an MD. The question I commonly pose to other 'doctors' on the site is as follows:

If the 'vaccines' are safe and effective, then why, on a cummulative basis, regardless or country or database, is there a direct relationship between covid case / hospitalisation / death and 'vaccine' uptake. As you are astutely aware, it should be indirect, yes?

I have had ZERO 'physicians' on that site even attempt to answer, as they know they can't.

thank you for your excellent work....

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Depending on the prevalence of the various long-term disorders we've observed (myocarditis, amyloidosis and immuno-suppression of cancer-suppressor genes), we may be in for years of raised mortality.

It could exceed the wall-street + bolshevik democide of the early 20th century.

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We will be. This is the tip of the iceberg. Theres another 9 months to go. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😐Perhaps Joel or someone else will consider doing the same data track re the permanent disabilities. The economies of the world cannot cope when the bulk of its working age populations are permanently disabled. Guess where that leads?!🤔 the train is well and truly off the tracks at this time frame. Maybe, it could have been stopped/damage control, but we past that point back in July 2021.

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Well you guys are great.

I tried to capture the crazy in a song

hope you like it


can you understand the words?

I may have trouble with anunciation.

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Probably will

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Almost certainly will.

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Baseline for "excess death" centers at zero, just as it should in the pre-covid era. Your illustrative graphs have become "the elephant in the room." Well done!!!

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I agree with Bird! Great work! God Bless you for sharing your time and your intellect!

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Lost a few friends and family when I would not cowtow to the BLM club lo' those brief 6 years ago now. Lost some more friends when I called out these jabs as baaaaaad because a respected Doctor made a video (Dr. Bhakti 2021). It's been a lonely journey, but the folks I found common ground with are the silver lining, as is the exposure of the whackscene killing machine. All my life they been killin us and now, we see it. Thanks for proving it Joel. It is a hard job--you are such a good one!

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OMG...I am laughing...and crying..."It’s almost like COVID itself has no impact until governments start meddling in people’s lives with non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs)?" I got rid of cable during the pandemic...best decision I made for my health. Sad that this is true. But it is. (okay I have done other things too...but maybe this is the most important decision)

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This all tracks with what we know FOR SURE now that we only suspected early on -- the virus was around a lot earlier than we knew, and we didn't even notice it for months. Until a few places mandated an outbreak in every nursing home, that is -- effectively speeding up the curve by infecting all the at-risk at once.

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Primates and respiratory viruses have been interacting for millions of years, and we are expected to believe that these viruses waited until we had PCR technology and genome sequencing before leaping out of animals to attack us. The whole narrative is BS.

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Note that in many cases, cumulative excess deaths are increasing before the rollout of the vaccines. It's my guess that we were seeing the beginning of the damage inflicted by lockdowns and then when the 'vaccines' were introduced, this damage was compounded by their now proven lethality, in the short term and medium long term. This appears to be confirmed by what happened in S Korea, where excess deaths were actually declining when the 'vaccines' were introduced, but picked up some time afterwards. S Korea didn't lock down like China and most Western countries did. Having said that, neither did Sweden, but excess deaths were increasing there when the 'vaccines' were introduced. You can always rely on the Swedes to mess up a great theory! But overall, I think a proportion of the excess deaths we are seeing are due to the knock-on effects of lockdowns. What proportion is hard to say.

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Sweden didn't lock down any where as hard as most. But despite its early signs of resistance, Sweden caved to the general panic, when it came to the vaccines that were never meant to be vaccines. A little creative accounting by the Swedes to create a spoiler is not that hard to imagine.

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It was also evident with the spread here in SW France... Pre-summer/summer jibjabs and then everyone off to the coast for 'allowed' summer opening of the economy... Unsurprising red lights on the Cov media maps all over the coast as spike laden believers all went to the seaside, got ill or died. Unbelievable in hindsight.

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Chatting to a couple of Brits in SW France just over a month ago - the Brits are now aware of lots of sudden deaths but don't speak about it! We are still the two to be avoided in our village amongst the other brits because of our unvaxed status although the French don't seem to care. Funny, one of our neighbours is now going to hospital once a week by taxi which is a recent phenomenon. They must know - surely?! Have to say though that summer 2020 was fun zipping between the UK and France avoiding tests, lockdowns etc.

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A great series of articles. In this last one is the graph a compilation of all the countries you've listed? I love the " dead people don’t lie. Empirical analysis of mortality and other data to eke out the truth "at the end.

That's one thing they can't hide.

Thanks for all your hard work 🙏

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They don’t lie but apparently they vote

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It looks like it's been a "pandemic of the 'vaccinated'".

I had to put 'vaccinated' in extra quotes, sine the mRNA jabs are not vaccines.

One thing I've learned from this debacle is to distrust the flu vaccine. I am still waiting for some Substacker to tell me whether flu vaccines are effective enough that they have a positive ROI.

The following have left me unconvinced, and when in doubt, I won't try the flu vaccine out:



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Dr Paul Alexander has been covering flu vax in the last couple of weeks. General conclusion is they are useless. At least they aren't fatal like the COVID one though. But maybe that's just underreporting?!

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Thanks for the recommendation. Dr. Paul Alexander already shared another useful paper. Short answer for my age bracket: some strains the vaccine INCREASES chance of infection and other strains it has a small beneficial effect.

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