Well to celebrate, our family is having blueberry Danish with cream for desert after dinner tonight. To mark the occasion appropriately, my wife and I have agreed the kids shouldn't have any...

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Likely only because there was no takers left.

It's like when mandates are dropped - they only do that once they've jabbed all but the most resistant

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They are still snickering because they know about the transfection, within households with 'holdouts' especially. As more kids and infants die, along with the adults, i hope it becomes more clear the obviousness of all agendas relating to this genocide. The real blowback has not yet begun, lawfully and unlawfully. One thing we all hate is being played like a fool.

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Such good news! 🤗

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Oh, and they're suggesting an assessment by a doctor. It's like stepping back in time...

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Finally, some sanity! Makes me proud to be half(ish)-Danish.

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The damage is done. Now they Danish government is cloaking itself in the air of rationality and reasoning to mitigate future incrimination. “No, no, we are good people. We never meant to cause harm.”

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Despite the growing number of adverse events and deaths post vaxx, it is disturbing that Denmark is only temporarily halting their covid vaxx programme.

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Yep, now we just need to stop the digital coins.

Absolute madness.

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Meanwhile, bogus studies are being released implying via dubious modelling that 2.4 percent of all Canadians would have died without vaccination. Praise vaccination and the vaccine....

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Keep on reporting - it is vital to get this information from other countries. It can be passed on to family and friends and local communities, and MPs who haven't got hearts of stone.

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Yes! Yes! Yes!

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There's something slightly less rotten in Denmark now.

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I appreciate that children just plain can't get the shots, unless very vulnerable. Late. Better than nothing.

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Hurray! Joel have you run the ONS numbers reported in expose’s latest? 1 in 246 jabbed have died? Would be nice to have it run from a trusted source that we can email around. The expose has good info but ads make it look cheap and therefore not as reliable.


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Good Job Danish!

Hope you have also some time to put pressure on that bunch of criminals of EU Commission!!

We all should put pressure on them, or even further wait for them outside the parking lot! XD


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