The WHO ends the Corona crisis the day before the Corona tion

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Nothing happens by chance IMHO.

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Yes and a couple of weeks after Andrew Bridgen, in parliament, points out how they haven't ended it yet.

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Yet the powers that be preposterously treat Andrew like A Bridgen who's gone Too Far.

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Clever! Was he parachuted in I wonder to reveal the truth to the Maas-es?

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The royals are globalists, many of whom support massive global depopulation. Here's what Prince Phillip (Queen Elizabeth's husband) stated: “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.”

These are the type of people the ignorant and gullible praise.

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And those paid to do so.

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Charles LEADS them ALL. They report to him.* We are all, including readers of this website, going to get a HUGE shock in the very near future when his true colours are finally publically revealed....

*If you haven't watched it yet see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebKx3KNInUY and listen carefully. Why would he say the world's CEOs report to him about progress made towards resolving 'Climate Change'!!???

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Thank you for posting the video; I was eager to see it. It looks like it has been shut down, though :/ .

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I found the transcript of this speech at https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/prince-charles-cop26-climate-summit-glasgow-speech-transcript However, I you listen to the video (unless it has been edited) where he says "Prince Charles: (02:40)

We also know that countries, many of whom are burdened by growing levels of debt, simply cannot afford to go green. Here we need a vast military style campaign to marshall the strength of the global private sector, with trillions at HIS disposal far beyond global GDP the transcript replaces it with trillions at ITS disposal. I found the video on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v2mhvvk-what-was-prince-charles-now-king-charles-speaking-about-at-the-world-leader.html

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You’re amazing. Thank you!

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Try this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuTzaCd_Suo or go to rumble.com and plug in: Charles opening speech at COP26 Climate Summit in Glasgow

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Yes it is sad that people so want a monarchy that will shine and protect them and give them someone to look up to. However, they are the exact opposite to their delusional minds view.

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What i still don't understand, how are these sausage king and cronies gonna make money if they are trying to get rid of the middle class and the rest of us, or is money to be made in future not relevant to these rich criminals? What is there long term plan on enriching themselves eternally?

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Moronic NPCs... I like it. See also:






Useful Idiots

Uncritical Thinkers

Brain dead MSM-hypnotised zombies

Cockup not Conspiracy

Compliant Automatons

Existential Threats to Prosperity & Humanity

Or as many have discovered to our silent terror, almost every person we have known, loved, grown up with, worked and studied alongside, dated or befriended, with very few exceptions.

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Sadly correct. Only my sister and I are awake in our family. And non jabbed. The rest are jabbed, plugged in and living in the Matrix land.

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Here's an insightful summary of the various participants in the most egregious global attack on humanity since World War 2. Incredibly, it still continues, although millions have finally awakened to the truth, and the tide is slowly turning: https://open.substack.com/pub/writethevision/p/not-safe-not-effective-not-necessary?r=iyfjr&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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You would have thought that March 2020 would have told the Compliant Automatons something? Here's just one of HMG's attack upon us: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/digital-identity


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The only thing they realeased was a shit storm of brainwashing and propaganda, Joel. That, it pains me to say,even those considered awake, are still buying into. But anyway, looking at the weather today, at least all those street BBQs in celebration of child sacraficing, elite paedo rings might get rained off. Such a shame

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Yeah, the weather tampering is back firing on them!!

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Mother nature has cast her verdict on idolatry

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The heavenly Father was none too pleased, in fact you could say He was pissed about it. Thus He rained on their parade.

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"Do not be deceived. God will not be made a fool. For a person will reap what he sows, because the person who sows to his own flesh will reap corruption from the flesh, but the one who sows to the Spirit will reap eternal life from the Spirit. So we must not grow weary in doing good, for in due time we will reap, if we do not give up." (Galatians 6:7-9)

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Well - the British Royalty is part of the Constitution and Government - His Majesty’s Government, etc so it is not anachronistic or irrelevant as all our institutions are entwined with it. The value of the monarchy is not in the power it holds (none) but the power it denies others. A coup in the UK would be very difficult. And what’s the alternative? A de facto elected monarch. Our monarch has no power, the US monarch is a demented despot, France’s monarch thinks he’s Napoleon. . As for cost. £84 million a year to cover all costs of official duties at home and abroad- staff, travel, maintenance/repair of buildings. The Palaces are property of the Crown, not the monarch, and so are not part of royal wealth. George III signed over most of his royal estates to the State in exchange for an annual stipend - now the Sovereign Grant. At the time land values and rents were dropping and he thought he was making a good deal. Today that property - owned by the Crown Estates - yields its profits to the Treasury, which in 2022 was £140+ million. It is out of these receipts the Sovereign Grant is paid. So in fact the royals cost us nothing, and we get a surplus. However. I won’t be watching the Coronation because a spoilt, ignorant, nitwit is being crowned. The monarchy is supposed to be apolitical. If they have a political view we are not supposed to know it. We never knew the late Queen’s opinion about Climate Change or if she had one. We have no doubt about Charles’ as he’s been haranguing us fir decades. The monarch is supposed to serve the interests if the people. Idiot Charles serves the interests of the WEF and a consortium of misanthropic ideologues. Pox on’t.

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All opinions welcome!

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Your numbers are correct John but there is much more to it which I am publishing today, snip preview:

"Those who claim that the UK sovereign is merely a symbolic role and contributes to the UK’s revenues from tourism either do not understand or are lying about the true function of our Monarchy. The Crown Estate, allows just 0.3 per cent of the UK population — 160,000 families —to own the freehold on two-thirds of the 60 million acres of land in the UK which is leased to HMG, 24 Dukes and several thousand private corporations and it is The Crown, which legally owns 6.6 billion acres of land across the world. That is a sixth of the earth's surface!"

The Brits are behind many of the global false flags and intelligence operations going back centuries - here's a selection: https://ilki.substack.com/p/the-longstanding-conspiracy-is-finally

Much of what we see and hear is fake:


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Yes the book The Committee of 300 really opened my eyes to the power of the British Empire even now. I am not saying that all of Dr John Coleman's book is correct, but I have researched some parts of it, including the Aspen Institute, and see how influence through Think Tanks and NGO's can be implemented on a global basis.

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The Brits have been at it for a 1,000 years, Stella so I guess they are pretty good at it by now. Perfect practice makes perfect (sorry, yet another Xerox mantra)

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in not being able or willing to keep his views to himself, he shows how much cleverer at least his late-mother was.

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Don't forget Charles Prince's trust was funded by the Ossam Bin Laden family with over £1.2 billion. The guy UK calls a terrorist. Add to that billions from Saudi Arabia too. Sheer hypocrisy!

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Yes the hypocrisy in many things is so evident since COVID. The pandemic and the craziness of lockdowns etc. definitely woke many people up to the propaganda that has been inflicted on the population for a century or more.

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good points. However, one could argue that all that wealth that's tied up in the royal family could be serving the public. What if "crown lands" were public lands, and whatever monies were earned from them could go into public coffers? What if those lands were opened to the public for their enjoyment? Ditto for all the palaces.

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All the money from the Crown Estates does go into the Treasury - that is public coffers. Various land - forests, moors, parks ARE open to the public. In London Hyde Park, St James Park, Regents Park for example are open to the public. Buckingham Palace has an art gallery, carriage collection, porcelain collection open to the public and the main area is too. Windsor Castle is open to the public.

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Good to know this. Thanks. Me, not being a Brit, I have not looked into the financial situation regarding crown lands, castles, etc.

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Kaiser Sose Saxe-Coburg-Gotha...

The greatest trick the devil played was to convince us he (didn't exist) was benign... Just another billionaire business.

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‘CO₂ Reduction’ Is a Mass Murder Policy Designed by Wall Street and the City of London https://larouchepub.com/special_report/2019/2019-eir-special-report-co2-redux-is-murder.pdf

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"We stand at the dawn of a new paradigm of relations among nations and peo- ples, in which win-win cooperation can replace—forever—the conflict that has characterized the succession of empires plaguing mankind, with the British Empire as its current incarnation."

Intriguing. Published in 2019 no less.

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it's what we breathe out, so there's that too....

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What are the odds of Zelensky popping up at the coronation? 🙄

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Did you see Jill Biden and her granddaughter wore dresses in Ukraine colours? ELL OH ELL!

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Limitless - here's already there!

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Well Jill B sat next to Olga?

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Have you seen this?

Here’s the video of a stadium full of people in the UK singing the old favourite “stick that coronation up your arse”

In the key of D 😂😂😂


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Ha ha! Yes, but by the sounds of the accents, they are Scottish! Look like Celtic fans?

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Classic - thank you.

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And there’s more bad news for Meghan, she was not the first coloured person in the British royal family. Queen Charlotte married to the mad king has a Spanish prince father and a Moorish mother.

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Thanks Julie - wonderful histories hidden and lost to most. They are so inbred that madness and haemophilia are endemic. "The pharaohs of ancient Egypt were considered sons of gods and were not expected to marry ordinary people. Therefore, the pharaohs passed on their lineage through inbreeding from generation to generation."

Our 'blue-blooded' royalty line claim a similar divine right to rule, you will see and hear it today. https://3billion.io/blog/history-and-genetic-diseases

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Sounds similar to the Rothschilds who marry their nieces and cousins:)

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Blood is thicker than water :-)

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True and some people are bloody thick!!

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Can a Yank jump in? I was dismayed by the defense of Prince Philip who actually wanted to reincarnate covid-like and kill off people. Now Chuck gets grief, deservedly. I like the UK. (England swings like a pendulum do.)

You include the hideous crimes of monarchs in the past. I can call you on that and raise you a 100-fold with every supposedly better form of gov't. Ask Matt Hancock just how democide feels.

Royalty? Whom would you prefer as your murderer? About 70% went Nazi over the "pandemic." Not much stock of "good" folks to put in charge. But do we deserve better?

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Yes power gone awry is power gone awry whether it is from a President or Royal. The people need to have the power and not any government or royal.

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We do have the power Stella - we must not give it away. We can take it back any time given the will: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGg9j-qCNt0

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Yes, I think we do deserve better. Here's the truth about the UK Monarchy. They are just as much criminals as the Mafia - but much worse!


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re deserving better, an American perspective. We deserve our pols, even deserve the fraudulent elections. It's all the idiots who've voted Democrat for decades who've tanked the republic. Case in point: Steve Kirsch. I like Steve a lot, but when he let slip he voted Democrat all his life but now regretted it, he slipped a few notches in my book. Now he's ecstatic over Democrat Bobby Kennedy. It's always Camelot with Dems. They can't shake it. These rich folks who vote democrat and put control freaks (communists) in power make me ill. America is chock full of stupid people.

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Well said Jerry, thank you. I am not yet certain about either Steve or Bobby. I have followed them for years although now I am beginning to discern controlled opposition and limited hangouts. For example GB News is definitely controlled opposition and very clever too. I have written a little here at 'black ops': https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/alert-fun-time-taiwan-black-ops-jabs?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=762792&post_id=116487773&isFreemail=false&utm_medium=email

I watch GB News all day as I write and can now spot the narratives. BBC et al is total HMG propaganda - waste of time. We have the same idiots here in UK not only in the Labour Party but HMG is littered with them as well as 'The Establishment' in general who are viciously anti-Brexit.

This week's Letter next Saturday will include bullet-points on the 1919 Communist Manifesto which confirms exactlywhat is happening now, they are following the script. This came from my 'Alma Mater' site where you may find a home with fellow travellers: https://www.theburningplatform.com/

"Do not be misled: God is not one to be mocked. For whatever a person is sowing, this he will also reap" [Galatians 6:7]

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Steve and Bobbby aren't controlled opposition. No way. They are the best of the best fighting the good fight. But they have in themselves the flawed notion that perfect government is possible. That's what animates the old-school Democrats. They imagine a cadre of caring people who take from the rich because they care for the poor. The inevitable outcome is central control, and we end up right back here.

Any gov't that doesn't first honor Christ the King will end up where we are now.

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Thank you Jerry - I welcome your clarification. I have been so taken-in over the years (eg GB News) that I regret seeing shadows of darkness obscuring my research. The enemy goes in many guises.

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He must be the first King who's published a LadyBird Book - on climate change, co-authored by Emily Shuckburgh, the Cambridge climate scientist appointed as the first director of the Climate Repair Centre, which aims to 'fix' our broken climate via geo-engineering. As one of the "headless chicken brigade", I find it somewhat amusing that this madcap former heir to the throne, and now King, would buddy up with an unhinged 'climate scientist' to publish a silly little Ladybird Book obviously designed to brainwash kids about man-made climate change.



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Someone needs to update the Sex Pistols song, "God Save The Queen".... Too bad that I'm not a musician. Any takers?

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Sex Pistols a genuine expression of the culture, and John Lydon a true poet of the zeitgeist

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The following phrase does NOT belong in this diatribe, "the dark history of slavery ... for which royals of the far-distant past are responsible". Please buy and read Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell (https://archive.org/details/blackredneckswhi0000sowe) to get a good perspective on the subject. The British went far out of their way to reduce the amount of slavery rampant in the world for millenia.

Now if the British forced natives in their colonies to eat too much grain and not enough animal-based foods, then the following phrase is quite damning, "the dark history of ... colonial abuses for which royals of the far-distant past are responsible".

I had a mildly favorable impression of Queen Elizabeth II and have a strong negative impression of Chuck III. Interestingly, my dad was a native in the British and French empires and the remnants of the Ottoman empire, and he found the British least oppressive.

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We went out with a friend last night who is of a certain age and is still very much a monarchist. Her standard argument for retaining the monarchy rests on the same old, tired argument that the royal family bring more tourist income to the UK than it costs to keep them. This is provably false and is just one part of my many arguments for republicanism. She’s also very much in denial of the Covid scam. However, I think it’s still worth chipping away at that one as I occasionally see chinks of light getting through! Not so the anti-royal argument. I guess you need to pick your battles ...

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The tourism excuse, my whole life I was told that one!

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"guess you need to pick your battles ..."

And your friends.

(One cannot choose relatives, alas.)

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I try to meet people where they are. I don’t want to live in too much of an echo chamber.

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"That's fair."


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Republicanism has not worked out well in the States or France. The problem is with the people. If the people are bad the government will be bad, if the people are good then minimal government is required.

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I know and agree. However, monarchy hasn’t worked out so well for the British either - not that you’d believe it by the wall-to-wall fawning over the past few days. Alas, yet more evidence of bread and circuses.

(My arguments for anarchy generally fall on deaf ears though, unfortunately!)

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The monarchy was better (although there have always been good and bad kings and queens) but of late and since I was born in 1960 has gone down hill steeply. I was never a fawner.

But then so have the people. It was shown most notably in 2020 when what I will call the love of many grew cold, the people having lost their collective marbles.

If you fancy what I hope is an amusing look at the kings and queens of England try this.


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Definitely not my King. Ugh.

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