Recall that glorious summer very well - nobody telling us we would die of sun stroke, how dangerous it was to life and limb or anything else for that matter - halcyon days - and it brings a tear to my eyes to look around me, to know and see what we have been universally manipulated into being ... so happy AD won’t allow me to be around forever but I’ll fight evil until my last .... remember a lot of weather forecasters but happily not this one! 😁

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BBC lifer. Says it all...

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And this Summer more likely to die of hypothermia!

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As (HAARP) continues....HAAPP/US Military/Weather Modification (Evil) by design. 1)https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335680219_HAARP_TESLA_TECHNOLOGY_PLUS....www.geoengineering.org

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What is HAARP? Does anyone really know? Is it used to melt cars to roads?

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High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program

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I mean all toys they have to play with the weather.

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Apologies for them both meshing....here is the second site which is excellent on what's occuring. www.geoengineeringwatch.org

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Forgot to mention that Nicola (Tesla) is a hero of Elon Musk-

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I think this may be the most insightful comment in Substack history. Though his love for tesla is all an act to make it look like he sides with the underdog. Im sure he dies appreciate Tesla's technology though and is all to aware how to use it to his benefit......not ours.

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Haha. Censorship Google reveals previously unknown levels of 'climate crisis' hypocrisy. They're going to have to change their Al Gore Rhythms obviously, because this is TOO embarrassing!

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They haven't memory-holed anything prior to 2020!

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You would have been able to answer this question I asked for many years: why did Hillary prefer dancing with the Vice President?

She liked his algore rhythm.

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Groan. 😖

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Found Al Gores name and photo listed on the Board of Directors at Klaus Schwabs WEF aka Board of Deflectors-

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The lies explained. The Earth is not a room, it has no single ‘global’ temperature, no single uni-climate. The climatrons take readings from weather stations on less than 10% of the Earth’s surface, mostly in the USA, Europe and elsewhere in major population areas and airports (artificially warm areas) and ‘adjust’ them for various factors, and thereby produce manipulated averages. These averages they call, ‘global temperatures’ but of course they are not ‘global’ nor are they true temperatures. They then calculate an average of the averages and use this to get THE global temperature and by comparing different results over time, arrive at THE ‘global’ temperature increase. This is not empirical data. There is no way of validating THE global temperature or THE increase, so according to the scientific process, they cannot be accepted as real. But, for the sake of argument, let us assume that THE global temperature - which is an average - increases by 2C. Averages are notional, they don’t exist. 50% of the numbers are above, 50% below the average with extremes at the margin. If the average of anything increases, it does not mean all the data have increased, some may increase, some may decrease. Currently the temperature here is about 20C, on the West coast of Antarctica it is about -40C, so we have a ‘global’ average of -10C. If THE average global temperature increase, temperatures all over the globe will not increase by the same amount because, the temperature in one place has no relevance or affect on temperature in another. If it warms here, it won’t warm the Antarctic. Complex weather systems and the fact there are 5 major climate zones, with multiple sub-zones, means that ‘climate’ cannot change in all of them the same way, at the same time. So any temperature change in British Summers due to global warming, will be so slight as to be unnoticeable - and anyway warming causes temp increases in night time temps not day time. I say ‘lies’ because those propagating this know what I have outlined is true. They conveniently say, ‘Since records began’, but records began in 1860 when the Earth was just coming out of a mini-ice age, so of course it was cooler. Go back 1 000 years and it was warmer than now, go back 2 000 years warmer still. Look at the complete geological history and temperatures and climate are cyclic, very cold to very warm then very cold again - repeat, but cycles spanning over hundreds of thousands of years. 12 000 years ago Britain was under ice. It has taken all that time to warm from 0C to around daytime 20C to 30C in Summers. Global warming is so slow, incremental and so slight, taking place over thousand years, it is indiscernible within a generation, or ever multiple generations.

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The head of NASA under the Obama administration was pushed out for asking one simple question?

He asked, "How do we know that were living in the "normal" climate for this planet? How do we know that we aren't living in a particularly cold, or hot time in the planet's history?"

He's right though. From a scientific standpoint, people haven't been here that long. We could be living in an anomaly for all we know.


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For most of the Earth’s history, according to the geological record, it has been too warm for polar ice caps. Having one polar ice cap is unusual, having two is rare.

We are in one of the colder periods of Earth’s history - technically (two polar caps) we are in an ice age.

Supposedly the temperature of our uni-climate has increased by 0.8C (in an error range of 0.65C to 1.12C - so meaningless) over the last century.

But what SHOULD it have been? So it’s correct to say we don’t know if it’s too high, too low, or just right. Therefore we cannot say what, if any, Man’s contribution is.

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And that's why they pushed him out. He was asking the "wrong" questions.

And you're 100% spot on. The margin of error exceeds the change they are purporting.

I know this from instrument calibration. Also, most of the sensors used are RTDs, which are pretty accurate, but are generally only accurate to within + or - 0.5C. At that, it depends on whether or not it was calibrated within the range it's actually going to be used in. Most of the time they're not.

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Quite so and… they are not calibrated to a standard reference instrument so they each have different accuracy/ error which gets compounded during the averaging.

Any scientific work using multiple measuring devices are calibrated to a single reference instrument. I learned that in science classes in the


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Damn right! The truth spans all time.

People now don't pay attention to detail well enough to catch any of that. They just assume that there are people out there with their shit together, looking at all these things.

Little do they know, those people have an agenda.

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John Dee has done in depth analysis on the stats

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I read your post title and then the subtext and my brain was telling me it said "Bill Gates - I wouldn't trust him with the weather, let alone the climate!". My first thought was "Why is Joel telling us Bill Gates is a hypocrite? Surely anyone with half a brain knows that" :-)

Read →

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A lot of people still do... Lot's of halfwits in the world, I guess?!

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Love the 1BC. That’s a keeper!

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Yes global warming distinctly missing in Devon in August with temperatures in the daytime hovering around 15-17C. Although not sure if geoengineering has anything to do with the cloud and cooler temps? Oh and did I mention the wind?

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Don't! Spoiler alert!!!!

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An Englishman’s summer? How terribly racesexist. This bbcorporatocrat must surely be debanked and cancelled with immediate effect.

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BBC and the Met Office used to tell us that we shouldn’t conclude anything about climate change from spells of weather let alone the weather on specific days, now they opportunistically “weaponise” isolated weather events, they have inferno weather maps, and they are just out to scare. Giles probably doesn’t consider himself a hypocrite, he is just complying.

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Yes hypocrites disprove scientific theories.

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Hi Joel glad your against the CC BS.. I love beef ... have you seen Tom Hollands Substack and YouTube some great guests on the real issue with energy..

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So, what ever happened to the “Looming New Ice Age? (actual headline from the 1970s). Bring on the woolly mammoths!

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so last century... climate change now moves at the speed of Science™.

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Has AL GORE seen his shadow?

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How could he miss his shadow?! That's one huge shadow!

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It’s so big he just lives in the dark.

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Must have been ‘misinformation’ - like safe & effective.

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Well found! Someone must have had a quiet word in his ear, or bunged him some cash, to change his tune.

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I'd bet on the latter...

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A few notes to kick in:

In Canada the treeline is moving north currently, meaning on average temperatures are warming.

Species have been moving northward into Canada: bald eagle, possums, due to warming winters.

The extra CO2 in the air plus warmer temperatures will increase crop yield which will feed more people.

Energy use should reduce in Canada as air conditioning uses less power per btu of cooling output than

heating by gas or resistance heating.

Research for the last 100 years by a backhoe operator shows various cycles of warming and cooling and he concluded we are not seeing global warming at present, just normal trends.

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People are dumb - those presenters give a forecast not a fact. They might as well be talking about heatwaves being caused by dragons breathing too heavily or heavy snow because the Snow Queen is visiting.

I prefer the weather chap in the Rupert Bear annuals - from memory he seemed to travel in an upturned umbrella and wore a nightshirt.

All that nonsense about the weather and the climate not being the same is also tosh! The weather is caused by the climate and the climate is caused by the weather. The real difference is that they can scare you with the word climate because it sounds scientific whereas the weather is what you see out your window!

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Always remember that back in the day, the weatherman was the only ‘journalist’ who could get it wrong that much and keep his job.

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Why am I not surprised? World has gone completely mad! This is pretty eye opening! PhD Dr Denis G. Rancourt tells the truth! PhD Dr Denis G. Rancourt,

(Scientist, Social Theorist)

Researcher at Ontario Canada Civil Liberties Association (ocla.ca), since 2014.

Wow!! His (Curriculum Vitae)

a brief account of a person's education, qualifications, and previous experience, typically sent with a job application.

1)https://denisrancourt.ca/page.php?id=3&name=cv 2)https://www.youtube.com/live/f-I5zU2j3Do?feature=share 3)https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=1ChsRsQAAAAJ&hl=en

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Why are you posting about Piers Moron and the Daily Mail???

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I'm a sadomasochist!

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