My Story - Revised: I suspect I am one of a small group of non-scientists, who in 2020 decided to rely on innate immunity boosted by healthy eating and a well thought out nutraceutical blend, such as ETPs and other common sense actions (based on past medical research and observation), being suggested by Frontline Doctors and Scientists. I felt this would be safer than sitting on my hands, or subscribing to seemingly crazy mandates (backed with suspect research), being rushed out alongside a fast growing censorship campaign. The subsequent Jabs churned out at the speed of science were yet to appear.
Leading up to jab release day and after listening to dozens (perhaps even 100’s), of incredibly brave, highly qualified, senior and independent scientists, I concluded it would be a miracle if any experi-mental jab could improve significantly (if at all), on innate natural immunity, especially in low risk individuals. After all, healthy humans evolved over millennia with an incredible immune system evolved to protect us from millions of viruses and bacteria.
The early data showed this was a low risk virus for the healthy, in almost every age group. The cruise ships (giant petri-dishes), showed the same! I considered the ongoing failure/shortcomings of the Flu jab, which after decades is still only 15% - 30% effective. Given the MSM-Government exaggerations of the last 2 years I suspect that data might also be highly questionable! Besides, I've never taken a Flu Jab and have only caught Flu once, maybe twice in 50 years!
Nevertheless in Dec 2020 I was almost taken in by MSM claims! Most (if not all of which) are now proven beyond reasonable doubt, to have been (at best), exaggerated! Within 4 to 6 weeks after the roll out started, I was seeing early evidence emerging that the jab could be a dangerous, even fatal intervention! Again using science, data and common sense I balanced the low risk documented WRT virus in healthy people, and decided to stay well away from jabs. I backed my personal health decision with safe and sensible ETPs evolving globally from highly qualified teams of frontline line medical professionals. My medicine cabinet was now full of inexpensive, NON-GMO, organic, certified nutraceuticals extracted from quality food sources. Despite being an extremely sociable person I have remained safe and healthy throughout. When I eventually caught Covid in March 2021 it was less than a very mild cold lasting little more than 3 to 5 days. Ironically I caught it in the middle of a strict lockdown towards the end of winter and not when I was busy socialising! Go figure!
It seems a significant number of people (IMO way over 50%), now realise the jabs were neither safe nor effective and many more than this are now refusing the 3rd or at least the 4th booster. I often joke with friends they have effectively become anti ‘this’ jab conspiracy theorists! At the very least their dogmatic faith in Pharma is well and truly shaken!
Lessons Learnt Or Not:
IMO it should be a crime to try and censor independent science and debate. Of course if people want to ignore certain sources of information that’s fine, their choice. IMO organisations seeking to exclude or damage the reputations of highly qualified senior scientists and healthcare professionals should be criminally charged and damages awarded.
If people want to take a health intervention (cough syrup, headache tablet, etc), that is their decision. However profit making interventions that are not transparently proven to be safe or effective, should not be paid for by taxpayers. Surely that money is better spent on improving our healthcare system (now struggling), and teaching people how to strengthen their immune systems! Of course this would not be profitable for drug companies, but it would be much better for people genuinely in need of serious healthcare interventions! At the end of the day if people still want this intervention and can afford it then they should have to pay for it. As for Pharma they should be forced to sell it at close to cost. We (they) are all in it together! And the taxes (and or insurance), can be used to cover the injuries and deaths it causes.
Anyway if after reading this people are still not prepared to engage, listen, learn and debate independent scientists, then let’s close with some inspiring music!
I've read similar, let's say i am giving them the benefit of the doubt for now! Not that 15% - 30% effective makes it worth taking. Not unless you consider yourself high risk. And with no transparent studies or data to review it seems like it could be just another money making exercise!
Keep in mind they have been prepping the mob for this for decades...
Movies and TV shows about pandemics that threaten civilization ... every so often we had viruses that had the potential to end us --- they did not pass on the opportunity to sensationalize Ebola etc...
This conditioned the mob to expect something deadly and contagious at some point...
I recall speaking to one of the mob early on and he said 'I have a bad feeling about this one'
Oh and BTW - for those who don't think viruses exist... can anyone explain why the majority of the population of central and south america was wiped out by the small pox disease which did not exist there until the Spaniards arrived?
Do you have a source for the claim that "the majority of the population of central and south america was wiped out by the small pox disease which did not exist there until the Spaniards arrived"
Because from what I've read from history, they were wiped out by guns, not by germs ..
I think you've drank too much coolaid from Fauci and his friends 😂😂😂
You are proud of yourself. And you rightly avoided the jab. Still you let them scare you with the virus and you invested time and energy in worrying about what to do about it. So did I :-).
The best response - in terms of personal behavior - would have been to completely ignore this narrative (and all others) from top to bottom, and continue to behave exactly as you did before. Do not allow their nonsense to affect your behavior one whit.
Obviously time and energy invested in helping others to understand what's going on is well spent.
If they did a remake of 'Castaway', they would have to make it clear that Tom Hanks was double or triple-jabbed before he became marooned on his uninhabited Pacific island. Otherwise he wouldn't have been allowed to wash up onto the beach. Hell, even Wilson would need to be jabbed, which would have been a rather deflating experience, I imagine!
Speaking of masks and flying, I just flew SYD->SFO with approx 25 maskels counted as they boarded the full Thanksgiving bound 777 plane. I sat next to 2 of them, 1 woman with a cloth mask and another women with a generic blue one.
Both wore their masks 15 hours straight, even while they were sleeping. 🤡🌍
SF Bay Area mask wearing percentage similar to Sydney's. You can definitely tell who's still watching their TV news.
Did you see the clip of Whoopi going back to the view? I guess she just had a “rough” round of covid despite being boosted “within an inch of her life” (interesting choice of words)....then one of the other hosts (no idea who she is) mentioned that she recently flew and (gasp!) she was the ONLY person wearing a mask! It’s really almost comical to listen to it...almost. I started calling it psych-omedy because it’s so fucking crazy you have to laugh.
I don’t want to be near the masked twits. At least we know who they are. My husband was a covid zealot and wore one and ended up with a big ulcer inside his nose. They’ll end up with health issues long term, they just don’t know it yet
😂 I just sometimes want to stop and ask the karen pumping gas in her mask...”Seriously, please tell me how you’re working this out in your mind. No really. I want to hear wtf your internal mask monologue is saying.”
I remember at the very start of Covidmania, wiping down the pump handle before I picked it up. It took me about 3 seconds to fully realise this was a useless treatment and insane behaviour. I never did it or anything similar again.
Nearly three years on these people are seriously mentally ill.
I found the only good use for a mask is ting...this way when I sleep my gaping mouth is hidden! It's brilliant. Otherwise, totally useless. Unless you want to virtue signal ha ha ha.
I listened this this very enlightening podcast yesterday with James Delingpole and Simon Elmer further explaining that financial crisis and need for a pandemic and lockdowns.
It is really sad how the ability to hop on a plane for global travel has been curtailed in many ways. I guess we got kind of use to the security bs enacted after 9/11. And now this charade.
Ah. “The Guardian”. Marxist far left radical femenist lunacy funded by your favourite philanthropist. Their HQ is near Kings Cross in London and my run past regularly. Big glass building. Apart from security I haven’t seen any of the journalists there since the lockdowns. All at home in their pyjamas watching Netflix in their onesies.
Joel, once again we enter the Twilight Zone. In my obviously flawed world view, I see what appears to be deliberate cognitive dissonance. Maybe I do not truly have a grasp on human intelligence. Presented with the evidence you give, I would conclude that NONE of the covid measures work. We can talk ad infinitum about what covid really is, as well as how efficacious the various mitigation methods are, but it comes down to...NONE of them work. Therefore, the question always comes back to: Why do seemingly intelligent people ignore plain evidence to follow a destructive narrative, and furthermore take self-destructive actions based on that narrative?
Here are some hypotheses:
- Fear is more powerful than we ever thought it was. It is a dominant motivational factor.
- People are just not as smart as we thought they were.
- There is a supernatural explanation that is exerting control over a huge swath of the population.
Barring any of the above, I am at a loss to explain the actions of people buying into this scam. It really feels like I am living in the Twilight Zone.
Totally Unadulterated Unbloodybelievable. I am so greatfull for people like you...people that see the reality the way it is. You look at it through your DATA sets and I look at it through uncorrelated DATA and we agree. Such a refreshing feeling these days...agreeing with people. People like you. Like your colleagues here on substack, people that comment ...what a feeling agreeing is...feel so relaxing and welcoming. Thank you ALL. ❤. Great article Joel as always! Thank you!
No one until this alleged pandemic. First, you must convince people that they are potential carriers of a terminal disease that can only be detected with their magical test. Convince them it's their duty to be tested to protect grandma and the children and, of course, to save themselves from certain death.
This story makes me think of the other eejit "rules" that top-down centralized dictators have set up in place which people blindly obey simply because they are the "rules" and not because of any valid reason for the rule in the first place. Like sitting at an old weathered stop sign in a completely deserted ghost town that gets one passer-by every three months. Why? Because you see a stop sign, and you stop! That's the rule. Who cares that the reason it was put there many years ago is no longer valid? That's what this sort of bullshite is all about. Normalizing the act of following the rule for its own sake; not for any perceived benefit. This is the hallmark of a slave society, ruled by dictatorial tyrants. It is anti human and anti life. How much longer are people going to keep participating before they finally have enough??
Exactly....and an entire new host of "enforcements" have completely overwhelmed the whole process, taking on a life (and a career path) all their own. Enforcers are in place, making sure that compliance is happening, for the sake of compliance and not for any actual benefit of the practice.......and that fact is completely lost as people have gotten used to it. I haven't gotten on a flight since all that crap started and I never will again.
I once asked a TSA guard at a boarding point what he thought we'd be doing if the shoe bomber had instead put the explosives in a suppository. He paused for a beat and said, "I wouldn't be working here."
Great information! Could we call it 'anti-social distancing' or 'unsocial distancing' instead? I'm thinking of how history will look at us (with derision) At the moment 'social distancing' sounds a little like 'considerate axe-murderer'.
They'll all come round eventually and then, as with other cults like Heaven's Gate, the Branch Davidians, the Nazis, ... they'll ask themselves 'how could we have been so stupid?'. Then they'll do it all over again.
You are right, it is weird but then they stop there and they won’t look at the data!! They have completely drank the Kool-Aid and they’re coming up with new flavors! 🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️
My Story - Revised: I suspect I am one of a small group of non-scientists, who in 2020 decided to rely on innate immunity boosted by healthy eating and a well thought out nutraceutical blend, such as ETPs and other common sense actions (based on past medical research and observation), being suggested by Frontline Doctors and Scientists. I felt this would be safer than sitting on my hands, or subscribing to seemingly crazy mandates (backed with suspect research), being rushed out alongside a fast growing censorship campaign. The subsequent Jabs churned out at the speed of science were yet to appear.
Leading up to jab release day and after listening to dozens (perhaps even 100’s), of incredibly brave, highly qualified, senior and independent scientists, I concluded it would be a miracle if any experi-mental jab could improve significantly (if at all), on innate natural immunity, especially in low risk individuals. After all, healthy humans evolved over millennia with an incredible immune system evolved to protect us from millions of viruses and bacteria.
The early data showed this was a low risk virus for the healthy, in almost every age group. The cruise ships (giant petri-dishes), showed the same! I considered the ongoing failure/shortcomings of the Flu jab, which after decades is still only 15% - 30% effective. Given the MSM-Government exaggerations of the last 2 years I suspect that data might also be highly questionable! Besides, I've never taken a Flu Jab and have only caught Flu once, maybe twice in 50 years!
Nevertheless in Dec 2020 I was almost taken in by MSM claims! Most (if not all of which) are now proven beyond reasonable doubt, to have been (at best), exaggerated! Within 4 to 6 weeks after the roll out started, I was seeing early evidence emerging that the jab could be a dangerous, even fatal intervention! Again using science, data and common sense I balanced the low risk documented WRT virus in healthy people, and decided to stay well away from jabs. I backed my personal health decision with safe and sensible ETPs evolving globally from highly qualified teams of frontline line medical professionals. My medicine cabinet was now full of inexpensive, NON-GMO, organic, certified nutraceuticals extracted from quality food sources. Despite being an extremely sociable person I have remained safe and healthy throughout. When I eventually caught Covid in March 2021 it was less than a very mild cold lasting little more than 3 to 5 days. Ironically I caught it in the middle of a strict lockdown towards the end of winter and not when I was busy socialising! Go figure!
It seems a significant number of people (IMO way over 50%), now realise the jabs were neither safe nor effective and many more than this are now refusing the 3rd or at least the 4th booster. I often joke with friends they have effectively become anti ‘this’ jab conspiracy theorists! At the very least their dogmatic faith in Pharma is well and truly shaken!
Lessons Learnt Or Not:
IMO it should be a crime to try and censor independent science and debate. Of course if people want to ignore certain sources of information that’s fine, their choice. IMO organisations seeking to exclude or damage the reputations of highly qualified senior scientists and healthcare professionals should be criminally charged and damages awarded.
If people want to take a health intervention (cough syrup, headache tablet, etc), that is their decision. However profit making interventions that are not transparently proven to be safe or effective, should not be paid for by taxpayers. Surely that money is better spent on improving our healthcare system (now struggling), and teaching people how to strengthen their immune systems! Of course this would not be profitable for drug companies, but it would be much better for people genuinely in need of serious healthcare interventions! At the end of the day if people still want this intervention and can afford it then they should have to pay for it. As for Pharma they should be forced to sell it at close to cost. We (they) are all in it together! And the taxes (and or insurance), can be used to cover the injuries and deaths it causes.
Anyway if after reading this people are still not prepared to engage, listen, learn and debate independent scientists, then let’s close with some inspiring music!
The flu jab was never effective 15-30%
They faked the studies, just like Pfizer and Moderna did..
I've read similar, let's say i am giving them the benefit of the doubt for now! Not that 15% - 30% effective makes it worth taking. Not unless you consider yourself high risk. And with no transparent studies or data to review it seems like it could be just another money making exercise!
The independent Cochrane review has shown that 71 healthy adults would need to get the flu jab to improve the outcome of just one.
The usual relative efficacy vs absolute. Smoke and mirrors BS.
You used way too much brainpower. In early '20, the WHO told me to be afraid, I knew immediately not to be, and that was it. Simples.
Keep in mind they have been prepping the mob for this for decades...
Movies and TV shows about pandemics that threaten civilization ... every so often we had viruses that had the potential to end us --- they did not pass on the opportunity to sensationalize Ebola etc...
This conditioned the mob to expect something deadly and contagious at some point...
I recall speaking to one of the mob early on and he said 'I have a bad feeling about this one'
Oh and BTW - for those who don't think viruses exist... can anyone explain why the majority of the population of central and south america was wiped out by the small pox disease which did not exist there until the Spaniards arrived?
Do you have a source for the claim that "the majority of the population of central and south america was wiped out by the small pox disease which did not exist there until the Spaniards arrived"
Because from what I've read from history, they were wiped out by guns, not by germs ..
I think you've drank too much coolaid from Fauci and his friends 😂😂😂
Have you actually read the article you linked?
"However, the largest cause of death by far for the original South Americans was germs."
"About 95 per cent of the deaths of local people were not from guns but by this far more dangerous weapon that nobody could see."
You and me, both.
You are proud of yourself. And you rightly avoided the jab. Still you let them scare you with the virus and you invested time and energy in worrying about what to do about it. So did I :-).
The best response - in terms of personal behavior - would have been to completely ignore this narrative (and all others) from top to bottom, and continue to behave exactly as you did before. Do not allow their nonsense to affect your behavior one whit.
Obviously time and energy invested in helping others to understand what's going on is well spent.
“No one is safe until we’re all safe” 🤮
I put that whole quote block in just so I could highlight that line!
Which is EXACTLY what Boris Johnson said in 2021. NEVER forget.
And my NPC MP merrily trotted out that line just a few months ago. 😬
No one is dead until we're all dead. Drink the Kool Aid.
No one is truly alive until we all recognise life isn't safe.
They should have attributed that to George Orwell, just for fun.
Sounds pretty Orwellian for sure.
No one is safe from biosecurity BS until we're all safe from biosecurity BS.
If they did a remake of 'Castaway', they would have to make it clear that Tom Hanks was double or triple-jabbed before he became marooned on his uninhabited Pacific island. Otherwise he wouldn't have been allowed to wash up onto the beach. Hell, even Wilson would need to be jabbed, which would have been a rather deflating experience, I imagine!
He still could have caught it from a papaya!
Speaking of masks and flying, I just flew SYD->SFO with approx 25 maskels counted as they boarded the full Thanksgiving bound 777 plane. I sat next to 2 of them, 1 woman with a cloth mask and another women with a generic blue one.
Both wore their masks 15 hours straight, even while they were sleeping. 🤡🌍
SF Bay Area mask wearing percentage similar to Sydney's. You can definitely tell who's still watching their TV news.
Did you see the clip of Whoopi going back to the view? I guess she just had a “rough” round of covid despite being boosted “within an inch of her life” (interesting choice of words)....then one of the other hosts (no idea who she is) mentioned that she recently flew and (gasp!) she was the ONLY person wearing a mask! It’s really almost comical to listen to it...almost. I started calling it psych-omedy because it’s so fucking crazy you have to laugh.
I don’t want to be near the masked twits. At least we know who they are. My husband was a covid zealot and wore one and ended up with a big ulcer inside his nose. They’ll end up with health issues long term, they just don’t know it yet
At least the people with mental issues are self identifying. Makes it easier to stay away from them.
😂 I just sometimes want to stop and ask the karen pumping gas in her mask...”Seriously, please tell me how you’re working this out in your mind. No really. I want to hear wtf your internal mask monologue is saying.”
I remember at the very start of Covidmania, wiping down the pump handle before I picked it up. It took me about 3 seconds to fully realise this was a useless treatment and insane behaviour. I never did it or anything similar again.
Nearly three years on these people are seriously mentally ill.
I found the only good use for a mask is ting...this way when I sleep my gaping mouth is hidden! It's brilliant. Otherwise, totally useless. Unless you want to virtue signal ha ha ha.
The plandamic is not about a virus but about the poison that's injected in people.
Once you accept that, it all becomes clear.
‘The plandamic is not about a virus but about the poison that's injected in people.’
And it was about a way to hide a looming global financial disaster.
I listened this this very enlightening podcast yesterday with James Delingpole and Simon Elmer further explaining that financial crisis and need for a pandemic and lockdowns.
It is really sad how the ability to hop on a plane for global travel has been curtailed in many ways. I guess we got kind of use to the security bs enacted after 9/11. And now this charade.
Ah. “The Guardian”. Marxist far left radical femenist lunacy funded by your favourite philanthropist. Their HQ is near Kings Cross in London and my run past regularly. Big glass building. Apart from security I haven’t seen any of the journalists there since the lockdowns. All at home in their pyjamas watching Netflix in their onesies.
Sounds suitably guardian esque and woke
It's a women's magazine, printed as a daily rag. Any man reading it with seriousness needs a good word with themselves.
Come on, let's not get all gender-neutral here...
give it a couple of years and you could own the whole island if you wanted.
Joel, once again we enter the Twilight Zone. In my obviously flawed world view, I see what appears to be deliberate cognitive dissonance. Maybe I do not truly have a grasp on human intelligence. Presented with the evidence you give, I would conclude that NONE of the covid measures work. We can talk ad infinitum about what covid really is, as well as how efficacious the various mitigation methods are, but it comes down to...NONE of them work. Therefore, the question always comes back to: Why do seemingly intelligent people ignore plain evidence to follow a destructive narrative, and furthermore take self-destructive actions based on that narrative?
Here are some hypotheses:
- Fear is more powerful than we ever thought it was. It is a dominant motivational factor.
- People are just not as smart as we thought they were.
- There is a supernatural explanation that is exerting control over a huge swath of the population.
Barring any of the above, I am at a loss to explain the actions of people buying into this scam. It really feels like I am living in the Twilight Zone.
Yep, that is where I always end up.
"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the Unknown." - Lovecraft
Fits in perfectly with an 'invisible killer' like a virus, in a 'global pandemic'.
Totally Unadulterated Unbloodybelievable. I am so greatfull for people like you...people that see the reality the way it is. You look at it through your DATA sets and I look at it through uncorrelated DATA and we agree. Such a refreshing feeling these days...agreeing with people. People like you. Like your colleagues here on substack, people that comment ...what a feeling agreeing is...feel so relaxing and welcoming. Thank you ALL. ❤. Great article Joel as always! Thank you!
What kind of crazy people go get a test for something (a flu) they have no symptoms for?
No one until this alleged pandemic. First, you must convince people that they are potential carriers of a terminal disease that can only be detected with their magical test. Convince them it's their duty to be tested to protect grandma and the children and, of course, to save themselves from certain death.
Divinely cynical and totally accurate
Add mandatory testing to attend school, work and entertainment, and the picture is complete ..
Spot on.
Zillions - that’s a big problem!
Blood pressure?
This story makes me think of the other eejit "rules" that top-down centralized dictators have set up in place which people blindly obey simply because they are the "rules" and not because of any valid reason for the rule in the first place. Like sitting at an old weathered stop sign in a completely deserted ghost town that gets one passer-by every three months. Why? Because you see a stop sign, and you stop! That's the rule. Who cares that the reason it was put there many years ago is no longer valid? That's what this sort of bullshite is all about. Normalizing the act of following the rule for its own sake; not for any perceived benefit. This is the hallmark of a slave society, ruled by dictatorial tyrants. It is anti human and anti life. How much longer are people going to keep participating before they finally have enough??
Indeed. For me, it all started when you had to take your shoes off to board a plane. FFS. How many lives do you think that has saved??
Exactly....and an entire new host of "enforcements" have completely overwhelmed the whole process, taking on a life (and a career path) all their own. Enforcers are in place, making sure that compliance is happening, for the sake of compliance and not for any actual benefit of the practice.......and that fact is completely lost as people have gotten used to it. I haven't gotten on a flight since all that crap started and I never will again.
I once asked a TSA guard at a boarding point what he thought we'd be doing if the shoe bomber had instead put the explosives in a suppository. He paused for a beat and said, "I wouldn't be working here."
Papua New Guinea is right at the top of my immigration bucket list
I'd like to know more about it and how they handled Covid there.
Sounds too good to be true...
Great information! Could we call it 'anti-social distancing' or 'unsocial distancing' instead? I'm thinking of how history will look at us (with derision) At the moment 'social distancing' sounds a little like 'considerate axe-murderer'.
They'll all come round eventually and then, as with other cults like Heaven's Gate, the Branch Davidians, the Nazis, ... they'll ask themselves 'how could we have been so stupid?'. Then they'll do it all over again.
😵. Great substack. Thank you.
Quick Decoder:
"Experts warn" [this is where we put the bullshit]
You are right, it is weird but then they stop there and they won’t look at the data!! They have completely drank the Kool-Aid and they’re coming up with new flavors! 🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️