May 15, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Joel painting Crystal clear pictures again....! Thank you for all you’ve done to Help us all.

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May 15, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Just learned of a ‘boosted’ brother in law of a close friend who had a heart attack. The possibility that it could be vaccine related never crossed their minds.

How can we disconnect these people from the matrix???

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Increasing I think this whole Covid thing was about power, the ability to get people to do whatever you tell them to do. And now the power to deny the reality that it was all about pushing people around. And the power to do it again, about whatever you like, no matter the consequencies.

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I wonder what the pattern of emergency calls for strokes and various embolisms looks like? My guess is that they will be quite similar, or else will reveal the vulnerability of different age cohorts to serious adverse vascular reactions.

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Excellent analysis as always

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May 15, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

2018/19 solar minimum == bad flu years, MOST people die of ARDS

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May 15, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Marvelous insight, perfectly documented... one more in a very long string of them from you.

Kudos, Mr. Smalley. Well done!

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May 15, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

As an an apparently generally healthy 48-yr old who decided against participating in the great jabbing, I'm not worrying about viruses.

I'm not complacent about cardiovascular health though. Cardiovascular disease genuinely can be asymptomatic for a long time, and it's been an area of medical establishment misinformation for a long time. Aseem Malhotra, Malcolm Kendrick, Ivor Cummins et al. have been warning us about this, and it's worth checking out their material.

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The fact checkers at the Ministry of Truth say this is misinformation, comrade. Be careful, crimethink is dangerous.

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May 15, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Great article

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May 15, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

This is very well-done—I will share everywhere I can. Thank you!!!

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Great work. Though I do blame vaccines and lockdowns for this, as always I will play devil's advocate. It could be due to long-covid. I have yet to review what long-covid actually is, but I am suspicious of any study of it that does not have a control group.

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Thank you for the link!

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Good idea to use these data as a proxy for Covid infection and well presented. But I have a question: assuming Covid is a seasonal disease (and it has looked that way from the start) and that the cardiac data is indeed a proxy, why is there a reversion to normal in your second graph for the period mid-February to end March 2020? Wouldn't we expect Covid having started in Nov/Dec 2019 to continue to rise through December/January and burn itself out then rather than waiting till March to get going?

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