How can someone write Dr Mike's profile with a straight face? The man worked for Pfizer for years - he worked in the same area as Sir Patrick Vallance Hero of the Pandemic!!!! In a normal world Dr Mike would, along with the Great Barrington Declaration authors and all the many many other highly qualified people who spoke out, been exactly the people governments around the world would have listened to. The world has gone totally mad and shows no real sign of returning to normality (although I see a guy wrote an article in the Wall Street Journal admitting he'd been fooled).

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Yeah, all you can do is laugh, really? NPCs believe it though, so...?

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I even worked next lab to Pat Vallance when we were both 30-ish, at Wellcome.

FWIW, I think he was already fingered for the role he had in 2020, way back in 1990.

He was there to do a really quick PhD, under the research director of the site. That just doesn’t happen to ordinary people.

He shot upwards, I decided to stay in my field and specialise. Often warned it would limit me, I was pretty content to have reached VP & worldwide head, respiratory research.

That monomania made me compelling to venture investors because they knew I knew my field. They were right, and the team was smart, hard working and lucky. We got acquired and most of us retired.

I had to fight off investors offering me blank cheques to start another biotech.

I replied “Why would I do that again? It nearly killed me and I’ve got a nice life. No, I don’t want a yacht”.

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At the start of all this, deep in my gut, I felt like we were lab rats. But then just before the rollout I saw a video you did, Dr. Mike Yeadon, and then and there, I made an intentional, deliberate decision...no matter what to NOT get this shot. It has been a wild ride for sure and would not have it any other way. I admire someone with the courage to stand up and stand-alone against the majority. I have honestly come to embrace, and like, being in the minority. Oddly, I have not gotten covid that I know of. Thank you for what you have done and continue to do. There are not many like you. God bless you greatly.

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Thanks 😊

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Thank you, Mike. You are an international treasure.

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you are a very brave chap & I cannot believe how long this evil stuff has continued nor how many people won't even realise they have been injured or the reason they have lost family members or friends. My MP David Davies continues to follow the gov script no matter what impelling proof is openly available in gov data of Excess Death or disabilities. How can they continue in their jobs & remain silent of what has clearly occurred following the jab roll-outs of these toxic injections. They make me sick as they smarm their way through all their latest ways to destroy the lives of everyone other than the elite. We must all do the best we can to stop THEIR EVIL INTENT.

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Thanks. I’ve briefed a few dozen MPs (Andrew Bridgen wasn’t one of them, though we’ve met several times latterly).

None of them have done anything useful with that information, unfortunately.

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Are our MP's stupid or have they been " Hacked" by Harari & his WEF buddies. Don't they realise that when they have destroyed us commoners they will be next in the firing line.

I have not taken the jab but suspect I may well have harmed by shedding by my old dad who I am sole carer for. I feel weak with some other symptoms. I take Vit D + K2 & Omega 3 vegan. Should I take Ivermectin too? Thanks

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May I ask if Neil O’Brien was one of “the few”??

I have my reasons for asking ….

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He was not.

Is he the fellow that’s made a personal crusade of “nailing anti-vaxxers”?

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Correct; strange that those visible online trashing episodes stopped abruptly in 2021.

He is MP for Harborough in the UK - my MP. I have sent him, over a long period, selected reports of studies and assessments of information which inexorably torpedoed the Government narrative he routinely pushed ( initially using c&p wording from the NHS website and, I suspect, from the Cabinet Office ); I pushed him into a corner continuously but irregularly and he continued to push the narrative - he used the "safe and effective" words on several occasions . Part way through the scamdemic he was promoted from the Levelling Up department to the Health brief. His utterings on Twitter I am sure you don't need reminding.

I have no idea how the internal machinations of the Tory Party led to him being a useful idiot; he is not uneducated so I can only conclude he is in "this" for personal aggrandisement - he has never had a proper job in the private sector and read PPE at Oxford , so fits the job description for a 21st century politician.

If Brady knew about this scam when he turned up at THE meeting in London, inconceivable to me O'Brien did/does not know too. Equally he appears to have bought HL&S the crap from SAGE, CO and MI5/6 and how he can maintain that position as the house of cards has fallen around him on a daily basis for >2 years is beyond me...and he is not fit for any public office of trust (imho, naturally)

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Thank you Mike, you're a national treasure.

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Thank you for saving us. Your letter meant so much to me.

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I must acknowledge Dr Wolfgang Wodarg as the initiator of this act.

I’m very flattered, considering what he must have suspected was going on, given his vital role in halting the previous fake pandemic, that he chose to ask me to collaborate with him.

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Thank you, Dr. Yeadon. Your courage saved many. Who questioned, and knew masks were useless. As are the jabs. Biden just had a booster, yet it's his wife who tests positive, while they go barehanded shaking hands with crowds including school kids where he was coughing inches from them. If masks worked they would have had to be biohazard ones, surgical gloves made more sense. The Vit/Min with Quinine bark was all I took. Never had it.

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I don’t believe biden was given a shot.

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Wodarg has been a straight arrow since the beginning, like you. Thank you 🙏🏽

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“He was there to do a really quick PhD.” ~ That kinda says it all!

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“Why would I do that again? It nearly killed me and I’ve got a nice life. No, I don’t want a yacht”.

Decks are far too slippery, ask Robert Maxwell :)

I posted links to your marvellous Trafalgar Square speech on Rumble in our Salvation Newsletter, and have links to those of Wolfgang and Sucharit Bhakdi in our Autumn edition too.


I'm a Christian missionary on the Burmese border for the last three decades, and I'd love to get Sucharit to make a brief video in Thai language to warn Thai people of the dangers of the jab.

I'd be grateful if you, or anyone could get his attention, please.

The world knows Sucharit, but he's almost unknown in Thailand.

Lets help Thai people too :)


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Propagandists have never had a need for a face, let alone a straight one.

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One out of three people, the ones that can't see when shown, are not going to assimilate to the new world. They are casualties of enemy propaganda. I'm trying not to be like them.

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Remembering the 2009 swine flu debacle...Wolfgang Wodarg was onto it all then...

How did this happen again?!?!?

And batshit crazy in Covid times, completely over the top, gouging how many billions from people in countries all around the world, and causing inestimable social, economic and political damage, it's diabolical!!!

Re 2009 swine flu, see for example:

- The handling of the H1N1 pandemic: more transparency needed. Report. Social Health and Family Affairs Committee. Rapporteur: Mr Paul Flynn, United Kingdom, SOC: https://assembly.coe.int/CommitteeDocs/2010/20100604_H1n1pandemic_E.pdf

- PACE Health Committee denonces 'unjustified scare' of Swine Flu, waste of public money, 04.06.2010: https://rm.coe.int/090000168071e407

And The BMJ was onto it then...but practically AWOL with the Covid scam - what happened?

- WHO and the pandemic flu "conspiracies" - Conflicts of interest. June 2010: https://www.bmj.com/bmj/section-pdf/186584?path=/bmj/340/7759/Feature.full.pdf

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How did it happen again?

A) 13 years since the H1N1 trial is about 100 times the time necessary for people to forget!

B) Ample time for them to plug the media holes which spilt the beans last time with the "right" personnel.

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But seriously…

It’s deja vu all over again.

Same players, Neil Ferguson for instance.

The Boris Johnson government, it was they who apparently lapped up Ferguson et al’s Report 9 for Covid, the one that recommended suppressing ‘the virus’, “until a vaccine becomes available”, without disclosing Ferguson is funded by arguably the world’s biggest vaccine promoter, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Apparently the report told them what they wanted to hear.

Look also for Johnson’s presentations to the UN Assembly, and his associations with Bill Gates on vaccines.

The wretched mainstream media misleading us, at the behest of Ofcom.

We’re surrounded by traitors… The most shocking thing to find out how ‘our’ Parliaments have been colonised by the World Economic Forum, being in the planning for years.


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This time, regarding “air quality and ULEZ”, the crooked scientist is Professor Frank Kelly, also of Imperial College, London.

I know Frank a little, having written a chapter for a book he was editing on free radicals and airborne pollutants or similar title, back in the late 1980s or early 90s. I’d been researching & publishing on the impact of ozone on respiratory function in the context of asthma. The current levels of air pollution in London is now so low that if you knew the quality of the evidence manufactured using models, you’d immediately throw away the ULEZ scheme. It’s all as fraudulent and lacking a scientific basis as Neil Ferguson’s ridiculous projections.

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When you see the equivalent pollution of London Underground juxtaposed against the above ground readings, you know that Khan is a WEF fraud, and his comeuppance is only a matter of time. Or you could say he is a lying bastard ....and he is guilty of gerrymandering which I hope enough folks see through...

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Yes, exactly this. Khan is one of the people I regard as properly evil. He is playing a very important role in literally dismantling the modern world in The West, and building a digital prison / killing machine.

I don’t think I’ve come across a person with more contempt for “the little people” than Khan. Perhaps second only to Blair, who has been a treacherous prime criminal since his first term began.

The irony is that the idiot Khan presumably believes he’s got a Golden Ticket to live a free life of luxury.

I very much doubt that’ll happen for more than a small number of the so called elite class, of which he’s not a member.

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It all happened again because sadly the fraudulent and disproven germ theory of disease is the main belief and lie being sold to humanity with perpetual tragic consequences. If you are interested check out Dr Sam Bailey on Odysee.com

We need more of the 'truthers' with large platforms to speak the truth about this, give the people the information (it's all there in the literature and it's easy to figure out) and let the tide start to turn. Truth is what we need. Humanity is failing. Those who will not speak the truth when they have the capability to figure this all out are shameful and perhaps have some other motive most likely financial.


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What happened to Paul Flynn?

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Both Paul Flynn and Kary Mullis (inventor of PCR and ardent Fauci critic) both die in 2019. I'm amazed and grateful that Dr Wodarg survived that year. Ferguson's track record is horrendous, includes Swine flu, Bird flu, mad cow and foot in mouth - disastrous for our farmers and future farming. Plus Drosten (swine flu) on the scene again, with the dodgy peer review for the current PCR test (exposed by Kevin McKernan).

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My wife immediately concluded that Mullis was murdered, just as many African politicians were, such as Dr John Magafule, president of Tanzania.

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I also immediately suspected Mullis was murdered. How many surfers die of pneumonia in August in Southern California? They had to remove him for the PCR scam to work. Do you and your wife suspect that Luc Montagnier was also killed for being so negative on the mRNA jabs?

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He was a Welsh politician, he passed away in 2019

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That’s sad news.

If Paul Flynn had been alive, what might he have said about the Covid scam?

Crikey it’s unbelievable what they have done, the traitors who have facilitated this…’our own governments’…

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Quite; if I might be allowed to state, it is no longer a case of "our own governments" - I feel it is far more advanced than this i.e. "we" are a long way forward of the point that we can say it is "our own governments" - for some time I have "identified" (how I hate that term) as a true anarchist. Those "we" have voted in have been to Universities that are inimicable to "our" way of life, may have scammed their way into the public sector and been deemed intelligent, qualified and experienced enough to be a SPAD - without a scintilla of experience - and then morph into a "career politician". This cadre are to being able to oversee the UK as an elephant is to hang gliding - possible but not really. Those that don't follow this path go into the Civil Service or some useless non delivering quango - and they implement their own agenda or that of their masters - Schwab, Soros, Gates etc etc etc.

Trairors for sure, heroes of the revolution to others.....something has to give and it aint gonna be me...

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This is a recent, long form interview I gave. If you’re not right down the rabbit hole, this will be shocking and possibly incredible. Unfortunately, it’s all true, and the reality is very much worse than I know. I keep bumping into more components of the evil wrought by the people I collectively call “the perpetrators”.

Most of the puppet politicians near at hand, I suspect have no idea what the implications of their piece of treachery is. Most politicians aren’t very bright. A small number of more senior people may believe that it’s necessary to use undemocratic methods in order to “save humanity from itself”. Global warming as an existential crisis is total garbage, but it’s fiendishly clever to be able to tell those who suspect what’s happening that there’s a benign reason for it. A tiny number of people know the full story. That, I regret to say involves the same motivations that have driven psychopathic dictators for all time: power, wealth and control. The net, high speed computing, satellite surveillance & ubiquity of what I call the “satanic glowing rectangles” make complete control of everything not quite as mad as it sounds. The formal destination is as described in the UN documents related to Agenda 21 (21st Century), which evolved into the UN2030 Sustainable Development Goals. These in turn were teed off the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, which around 165 countries signed their people up to. Theoretically, the end game is Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset, Technocracy, One World Government etc, with us “owning nothing & being happy”. Hmm.

Bottom line, they intend to secure totalitarian digital control of the world, at the level of the individual. I believe based on strong evidence that they intend further to murder the vast majority of us, probably using mRNA based injections masquerading as vaccines. The perpetrators are descendants of families steeped in eugenics and a belief in their inherent superiority. There’s more than a hint of real satanic behaviour involved, certainly as a control mechanism for those who they’ve recruited at various levels. This presumably is why there are so few whistleblowers.

The minimum they require is mandatory digital ID & cashless CBDC. If such systems are not fought strongly against & come into everyday use where you live, there’s no escape. Undoing such a control system once well-established would require a war, a Carrington Event or something equally catastrophic. Far better to fight to prevent its installation.

WHO could call a fake pandemic at any time. Governments could make it impossible for you to live a normal life without being “up to date with such vaccinations as WHO recommended from time to time”, and that status would be a component of your digital ID.

That digital ID would lose some & eventually all privileges if you’re not up to date. Meaning no movements across regulated thresholds (nb. In due course, all thresholds will be regulated). Also, no sale or purchase transactions because permissions on your CBDC account will be linked to your digital ID. The reason, I believe, that vaccines as a class have had constructed around them a mystique that may not be questioned, let alone challenged, is that the perpetrators always intended to use them as the main method for depopulation with plausible deniability. Let me reinforce my conviction that all mRNA based injections being passed off as vaccines are inherently dangerous. I am aware of only two, potentially genuine applications. Anti-cancer therapeutics & treatments intended to replace the product of a defective or absent human gene. Mass applications cannot be made safe. Those we’ve been subjected to are intentionally harmful, and by design, injure, maim and kill. Not only do they kill, but they reduce fertility. Not accidental, in any way.

Because our cities are infested by cameras, not just simple ANPR, but facial recognition cameras, and companies like Clearview AI have scraped 80 billion images from FaceBook, the algorithm knows who you are and where you are. You satanic glowing rectangle gives location, movement history, transaction history and copies every communication you send or receive as well as everything you look at online. If you attempt to buy a bottle of water six miles from your registered address, and there’s a 5 mile radius limit in force, your purchase will fail. If you’ve already bought some meat yesterday, the algorithm may refuse payment for some meat today. If only vaccinated people may enter a public building, your digital ID will not open the door.

Strong requests:

1. Tell everyone that what’s happening is complex and nothing like what main media is telling you. Go as far as you feel comfortable doing. Asking questions is, I’m told, much more effective that telling people. Bottom line is wealthy people have got together and decided you and I are to have our freedoms severely & permanently curtailed. Why exactly, I don’t know. The evidence for this is overwhelming.

2. Desist from consuming any main media. You may be pleasantly surprised at what happens with the time liberated. You’ll miss nothing. Nothing important is on the news. Nothing made much of on the news is true.

3. Use cash for all purchases where cash is an option. It may be a little more expensive & I understand for some people, they are reluctant to voluntarily pay more than they have to. Talk briefly to the cashier about cash being freedom and anonymity. Some definitely know & you'll feel heartened. At least, I do.

4. Do not sign up for anything that smells like it could be repurposed as a digital ID. The perpetrators NEED us to sign up for & use such systems. You do not need them. Their imposition is a key element of the control matrix. Hard pass. If punishments are imposed for declining them, what more proof is required?

5. If you have a faith, good for you, why not pray as well? it can only be helpful. In due course, this fight between good and evil is going to resolve in favour of good, I believe. Not without suffering, I’m afraid. I saw a motto for life a while ago. “Live in truth, serve humanity”. Hard to beat that as an aspiration.

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Thanks for putting your neck on the line to bring truth Dr Yeadon!! Your interviews in 2020 stopped me get the jabs and helped educate and wake me up!!! Keep fighting!!!

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I’m so pleased to hear that! That was the entire point. I recall being quite tentative about the preliminary conclusions I’d drawn, because I was aware that they sounded literally insane. Also I myself was struggling to accept what my logical mind was telling me. Daily I’d wake up and step through the evidence and each day, I was forced to conclude that we were in serious trouble.

I’m sure there initially was a risk to my life and certainly liberty. I’d received feedback that my name was often being repeated in the corridors of power in London. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’d considered all means to silence me, including with *extreme prejudice. I’d resolved that, if it looked like I was about to be arrested from my own home, I wasn’t going peacefully, on grounds that I was unlikely to ever be released.

As 2020 wore on & nothing worse than online smearing, which continues to this day, I realized that I’m not being arrested because the perpetrators have extraordinary powers to controls who is able to hear or read what I transmit. If I became significantly more effective, presumably that calculus would change & I’d probably just disappear.

If what I’m saying is faintly true, there would be a lot worse ways to go.

I’ve no regrets about speaking out. I only wish I’d been much more effective in persuading peers to stand up and speak out.

*they really should have done it in summer 2020. Too late now. I’m not in the least bit scared of them. If I was to vanish now, I think it’s likely it would prompt wider interest in what I’d been saying. So I don’t think they’re likely to do that.

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Dr. Yeadon, if you receive an invitation from Buckingham palace to be knighted by the King, do NOT go. It might be a trap with the knighthood serving as the cheese. It would be hard cheese indeed if Charles slips with the sword. You have been warned.

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Like Groucho Marx said, I wouldn’t be a member of any club that would have me


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Maybe you could make an exception for the Nobel Peace prize which you deserve far more than Obama.

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If you read HG Wells' "New World Order," you will see that global warming or climate change or whatever they were calling back then was deliberately adopted by a small group of Malthusians to sell the public on the idea that there are too many people on the planet.

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I find it very disturbing - anything that involves the "Uber Vaccine Enabler" Raine ( she of the "no short cuts were taken in assessing these drugs" bollux) - what if find deeply disturbing is not that the likes of Brady have admitted the "agenda" exists (as per John O'Looney video about the meeting in London to which he was summonsed and which I think Dr MY also attended ) and he stupidly thinks that his MPs pension is more important for his retirement, but that he reckons he will survive until then. Picture Gert Frobe, substitute Schwab and repeat after me - "No Mr Brady, I want you to die!"

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I analysed that trial and it was an evidently rigged trial!


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The whole thing is evidently rigged. I wrote this in response to "chaos agent" Malone calling out Mike Yeadon on Twitter for saying so. One rolled his sleeve up, the other didn't...

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There is more than one way to "roll up sleeves"...no one at arms length from all of "this" can be entirely without SOME suspicion - I don't know anymore than you do if Mike Yeadon, Malone and everyone else who has been anti the "settled science" narrative and all its facets are entirely what they say they are and appear to be (Personally I err on the side that Yeadon and Malone are "the good guys"). MI6 and the CIA have their fingerprints all over the sustained trolling of anyone countering the "narrative" , and they evidently have colluded with the 77th Brigade, certain member(s) of Parliament involved in concerted "fact checking" - inconceivable that they are not 100% engaged with MSM, MHRA, CDC, EMA....... why do you think people such as Ardern, Trudeau, Rutte et al have been SO emboldened to implement the WHO/WEF ideology with such precision ad coordination? I do not see these people having the skills to organise this operation which requires massive "logistical" experience - and the UK military, Intelligence Services and the CIA have that in spades ( having said that I am still not 101% convinced what I read and see and hear so I still have a sliver of scepticism - about everything).

Given that Malone has stated his long term experience of working with US military and intelligence Services, his statements to date have been somewhat guarded - that has ended with his two part interview recently where he fingers the CIA/DARPA etc for the whole shebang.....if he was not a marked man, just as with RFK jnr, he is now.

Can that interview have been some form of hangout? I don't know, how can I? For now I take it at its face value and await events......it still resembles a massive Russian doll if only in digital form ..

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It's always a privilege to make such determinations face-to-face. Fortunately for me, I have encountered both Malone and Yeadon face-to-face (not that Malone would know anything about it which probably says enough already) but I am very personally satisfied that Yeadon is more credible and trustworthy.

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I believe Dr Michael Yeadon 100%

Can’t say same Malone as he’s in law fare against other truthers, which doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.

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The Yeadon and Wodarg letter contains a warning to women that the spike protein resembles a human protein essential to carrying a baby. They surmised that this could cause serious problems. They nailed it! I sent that letter to my daughter for her to give to her friends. Thanks guys, and Deo gratias!

The both of them are for real. For further proof, Mike rides and works on his own motorcycles. I don't ride, but that's cool. (Some might say the same about a guy with horses. Well, as long as he actually shovels ...)

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Oh, I do :)

Left to my own devices, I’d tinker & ride. I like to “re-key” old lock sets off vintage bikes, so my fellow tinkerers get back to wonkey bikes (one key!?) like we had back in the day.

I've done nut & bolt restos on my own machines and ridden them distance. They’re reliable old beasts.

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Right before Twitter shut you down - almost 3 years ago - you posted about someone who made a 4-cylinder 2-stroke engine from cutting and joining two 3-cylinder engines (if I recall). I was impressed. I imagine that bike would throw you off if you weren't careful!

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I hope you ride your bike more carefully than T.E. Lawrence and Evel Knievel did.

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Dr Mike Yeadon is a good egg.

That is all I have to say.

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I agree

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I do NOT disagree - my apologies to Dr MY for doubting him, as it is not as straightforward as that bland language indicates - in lucid moments I do not have doubts per se but I still have some doubts from time to time - as I am avowedly a non scientist I have to rely on whatever analytical skills I think I have acquired to assess the worth of what Drs MY, RM, RF, Denis Rancourt, JS, Ms L, Drs PK, PMcC, and a host of others are saying. The litmus test for me is "cui bono" - so I "err" towards those who are destined to be most (adversely) affected by their public stance - simply put if what they say threatens their existence then I have to give that my most diligent attention.....

Perhaps I am a victim of habitually placing trust in those who occupy the "traditional' positions of trust in western society - you know who they are; except I no longer do that for intensely personal reasons which may surprise some here but would blow the socks off everyone else - I know in spades just how criminally corrupt big business can be, how easily so called "professionals" are bought off, how so called public services are chock full of the same professionals blinded by easy money - it has told me that in the most very darkest of times "you are on yer own" until you realise that you are not - a very tough, dangerous journey. Perhaps this is the ambivalence that these "nudging" criminals are hell bent on creating - all I know is when push comes to shove "these bastards" will have no place to hide from me even if I have my AK47 mounted on my zimmer frame.

I read Woodward's account of his encounters with Mark Felt - the ambivalent and conflicting loyalties superbly described - how we need a few Mark Felt's now?

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Well written, are you on 'X'?

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Quite frankly, having read a rather complete dossier on Malone, I would very strongly hesitate to put Yeadon in the same kettle as Malone. Nay, by a long shot, these are not simply similar entities. Yeadon worked for Pfizer, a large entity, and like CIA's in toto labor relationships with people in the know on certain topics, and not on the same page with other topics, it would seem that Joe in section H does not know what Bill in section J is doing. Associating Mike Yeadon with the evil forces of the overall movement toward depopulation effected via various forms of murder is, to my viewpoint, overkill, pardon my French. Yes, some of the suspects in the murder movement are blatantly "guilty sounding" and some are, via their vagueness, a little more resistant to blanket accusations. Ferguson and Daszak are overtly suspicious characters while others use various devices of vagueness and sleight of hand and this is how Fauci tries to exonerate himself. The man is obviously long removed from the depths of complex research, he's the diabolical head of the medically damaging movement. Likewise, when he tries to free himself by using various and sundry denials that are most often unsuccessful, he is incapable of fooling people with even a modest modicum of denial, i.e. mendacity. He's not a very good liar. How these participants in the crime have evaded jail time is a measure of our horrendously failing "judicial" system. Now we know how desperately the Dems wanted Garland as a Supreme Court justice. It's patently obvious a pretty large sampling of citizens smell a rat called the Lahaina fire. The big question remains, "now that we know the great depths of perfidy the "elites" will stoop to to quell humanity, what should humanity do to counter the efforts to ruin their lives and our civilization? We are constantly reminded that "Americans are bristling with guns, BUT are they willing to pull triggers in defense of their lives"?

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That certainly was ODD of Malone on Twitter saying that to Dr. Yeadon???

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There's also a suspicion of mouse image duplication/scientific fraud on the mice tests as well.

Take a look at the comparison images and tell me what you think:


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Compelling stuff. But the sort of questions, ordinary people will simply ignore and dismiss and people who ought to be investigating will do the same, knowing that after a while, no-one will be interested? And who would have thought that "Western blots" would be in their regular vocabulary these days?!

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The public can be interested in the subject, but you absolutely have to jargon-bust and bring compelling evidence. You remember when Florida took on the US Federal vaccine mandate?

I was the one who laid the groundwork for that. Took me 8 hours to contact 20 States, and somehow managed to gain 27 in the process (24 States, 3 Attorneys General).

I really like your approach on appealing to individual counties, and I think if we could organise a group of people, hand them a landslide of the most compelling evidence, and get them all to manually contact counties up and down the county, we could have a county level revolt to these toxic shots.

Here's a version of the document I used to appeal to the 20 States (it is out-of-date by now, and not all links will work as the censorship apparatus has gone into overdrive):


I've also compiled 960 studies showing harms with the shots here (another person had something like 2k but I can't find their listing). I periodically update it with new studies I encounter that aren't already on the list:


I think what we need to try to do is appeal to States to file lawsuits against Pfizer et al from a multi-faceted angle of attack, whilst simultaneously getting counties to ban the mRNA shots on the local level.

The Federal government is quite inept, and does not have the manpower numbers to go after every person, so they can easily get swamped. Their "popularity" is largely feigned, and far more people are critical of the shots than the people will publicly admit.

Good work with the 9 counties so far. Will need to be hugely upscaled if there's any intention to tackle this more broadly.

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Thank you, General Underdog, for your important efforts. Please continue. This is how we’ll win, by planting seeds of doubt in the minds of the peripherally involved.

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Look at the differences with the company they keep and who pays for the speaking engagements and free vacations. Nothing is free .

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I don’t know Dr Malone and while I have my suspicions, it’s not for me to act as judge & jury on others. That said, I wouldn’t appear with him on the same bill. I also have some concerns about Dr McCullough, yet I would appear with him. I have an inkling about what might have happened to him. He’s very effective and despite differing in opinion in a small number of items, albeit important ones, I’m not in his shoes.

For myself, I’ve neither earned nor accepted donations of money, or anything “in kind”, from covid exposes. I’m not going to provide the 77th or ordinary folk the slightest pry point to wreck what I’m saying.

I don’t criticise those who have lost all income as a result bof their courage in speaking out. It’s possible they’ll never again earn a salary in the kind of role they used to occupy. It would be mean spirited of anyone imo to attack such people as “grifters” for aiming to earn in new ways.

I am fortunate in not needing to earn more money, thank goodness. No one will ever hire me again to assist a biotech company & I wouldn’t accept such a commission anyway.

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Thanks Dr. Yeadon . I can only speculate as well. I believe strongly that those with not “ pure “ intent , will answer for all of it someday . I also will never work inside a hospital again , but glad I still have my medical license .

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I'd rather be an anti-vaxxer or conspiracy theorist or whatever title these wretched demons want to brand me with than be injured or dead taking a poison mRNA substance totally unproven and unsubstantiated.

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People need to stop looking at it from anything to do with health and realise it's all about the finances.

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Thank you for sharing this very enlightening document. As an ordinary guy trying to make sense of this “bad movie” that we all appear to be living in these days, with every rock that’s lifted and looked under, the clearer the view becomes that “The Science” is purely the means by which the more highly-prioritised “agenda” has been allowed to tighten its grip. History will look back at those courageous enough to challenge this corruption as the true heroes 👏

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Joel, I recommend a recent Yeadon long-form interview by Steve Kirsch in the VSRF Rumble channel. Yeadon has completely broken away from pharma and talks alot about the process of this in this interview. It gets very interesting after 60 min.

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This petition could not have been clearer and shows the entire farce for what it is.

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This was the letter I read and shared with my retired physician husband that saved us from participating in the covid injection psyops. I'm ever so grateful that I found it, as I was skeptical in the extreme of the operation Warp Speed, but I needed evidence to show my husband. Thank goodness I had been plugged into alternative media well before the plandemic. At the time, information such as this letter was easier to find. Later, the censors got serious about hiding this from the public and worked hard to demonize figures like Drs Wodarg and Yeadon. Still, when I shared this information with our grown kids, they were not receptive and came back with positive stuff from the likes of Paul Offit. So sad!

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So go look at his Wikipedia, go look at history and go to what is the oldest entry for Michael and you will find....

"(Mike) Yeadon is a a former CSO of Pfizer, and co-founder and CEO of Ziarco.[1]

Mike Yeadon has spent 30 years leading research into new medicines in the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies, and left Pfizer in 2011 as the Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy and Respiratory.[2]

He is an expert in Allergy and Respiratory therapeutic area, with a deep knowledge of therapeutics and biology. He also has over 25 years of experience in the discovery and development of medical drugs. He has written and published more than 40 research articles and has consulted for over 20 companies since 2011.[3][4]"

and now?

"Michael Yeadon is a British anti-vaccine activist[1][2][3] and retired pharmacologist who attracted media attention in 2020 and 2021 for making false or unfounded claims about the COVID-19 pandemic and the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.[4][2] The Times has described him as "a hero of Covid conspiracy theorists"[5] and "a key figure in the antivax movement".[6] Until 2011, he served as the chief scientist and vice-president of the allergy and respiratory research division of the drug company Pfizer, and is the co-founder and former CEO of the biotechnology company Ziarco.[7][8][9]"

How can any adult who has even the slightest amount of common sense not see the propaganda at work here? It is utterly insane, we live in a world where lying is the norm.

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lol…. I just love the media stenographers:

"Yeadon served as the chief scientist and vice-president of the allergy and respiratory research division of the drug company Pfizer,"

'I’m just a journalist, but I’m smarter than Yeadon with all his credentials and I’m telling you that he is wrong about everything! Trust me not him.'

Where do these asshats get off telling people that they know better than doctors and scientists that have actually had hands on experience in the fields that they are experts in? And why do so many Covidians believe them?

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Dr Michael Yeadon was so far ahead everybody on this working in the industry he knew to prove how hard it was and unstable the mNRA injectables were these injectables had a bad history and animal studies he wrote to all institutions news outlets and leaders throughout the world to put this concern out there he was basically silenced censored he said he never saw anything like this before he knows how to get a letter out on a product that was one of his jobs in his company Pfizer is to promote a certain kind of drug or vaccine he knows his studies , calling him an anti-VAX er is laughable Wikipedia is really a joke Gary Null is right these guys are so far up their own ass they don’t know what’s right from wrong

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Thank you, Joel. I look at the mountains of data and proof that have come out, and yet the "powers that be" still stick to their tired and debunked narratives. But, I guess the justice agencies of the governments of the world are so captured and corrupt the monsters can act with impunity and, apparently immunity. Hmmm! Immunity is what they promised the people if they take their injections.

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One would have to be daft to believe that a former Pfizer chief scientist and vice-president could make "false or unfounded claims about the COVID-19 pandemic."

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I always wonder what possible motivations I’m assumed to have had, for the accusation to be true?

It’s not money. I was doing fine before covid and was semi-retired. Lost all consulting income as a consequence of my stance. I really don’t mind about that, but where’s the financial upside from my position?

Not an embittered former employee. Worked well with Pfizer for years after exiting, as coinvestors in Ziarco.

Not doing it for publicity. Don’t like being in the glare of public controversy.

Formed no new business partnerships with like minded sceptics.

So, why have I risked (sacrificed) my professional reputation and given up 3.5y of my life, pro bono?

Two possibilities, I think.

1. I’ve lost my mind and made it all up.

2. I’m telling the truth.

You decide.

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