Definitely they are not done. I had to take my daughter to a doctor this past week and in a very red state in the US, the medical system still demands the use of masks. Intentionally I wore a large bright yellow bandana loosely and got deep animosity from everyone in the building we encountered, particularly from the doctor. These people are angry and mentally ill, they will not give up their power easily.

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The medical community should be ashamed. Naming names is easy. One among many in the Red South, WakeMed in Raleigh, where there are plenty of people who understand that masking has no value, still considers it essential virtue signaling and the organization insists on masks everywhere. They think "patients want it" but they are wrong -- as health professionals we are teaching patients that we will lie and virtue signal but, essentially, that such virtue signalling is more important to us than the truth.

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Thank you for stating that so clearly. Whether in clinics or in schools or in churches... Doctors, teachers, and pastors need to beware the consequences of telling such an outright lie as wearing a mask.

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This is an us vs them situation. As Dr Steven Pelech told Dr Jessica Rose in an interview recently, Political Science took over their faith in science. They will not relent for various reasons, one among them is that it would mean they would have to admit they are wrong. BTW it was an excellent interview, do recommend:


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Dr Pelech is one of 1% Canadian doctors who were advocating for early treatment with IVM & HCQ and now against vaccinating children. He's a member of the Canadian Covid Care Alliance (canadiancovidcarealliance.org).

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Yes. It's like going to a mechanic who gives you ear plugs to fix a grinding sound in your transmission. You wouldn't be going back!

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I use the FAKE MASK for doctor appointments. I get super pissed that I have to wear one!

Yes, they are mentally ill...and that’s an understatement!

Their sh*t doesn’t work on me. And I do have to bite my lip to keep my mouth shut.

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I wear a bandana mask at work

Tis a mockery to have to do so

They asked me to mask, but half the time the rest of staff doesn't....

But they singled me out....as a new hire

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If no one else is, you don’t either. And a bandanna does absolutely NOTHING, except maybe get you sick breathing in the crap your lungs are trying to get rid of! Get a Fake Mask if anything.

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What is a fake mask please, I must know

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They are just following orders... . What a crock, most know that the masks do nothing but are constrained by coercive management that will continue to do what they do, going down with the ship I hope.

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Agreed. And we still have to deal with the thought of our friends dying. Fooled without informed consent. I hope they don't die prematurely after each injection. Hoping these young deaths are anomalies and will drop off. Life has a surreal quality and has turned us into drafted soldiers. my spouse and I see reality similarly so it reinforces my sense of understand. I become exasperated at my belief in this calamity and lies and think i slipped into an altered universe. I hope everyone finds support during what I believe to be intentional upheavals.

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ABC News reports:

"Fewer than 20 million Americans have received an updated shot, according to CDC data, less than 10% of those eligible.

Polls suggest many Americans do not plan on getting an updated booster shot in the near future and half of adults haven’t even heard much about them, if at all."

Perhaps the tide has turned as people are not as keen for a quackcine that doesn't work. The deaths of the young should return to baseline levels.

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Notice how PM trudough in Canada keeps threatening restrictions if vx uptakes does not improve!

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Most of what TruDumb says reminds me of "the beatings will continue until morale improves" except in this case he is effectively saying "poisoning by the quackcine will continue until health improves"

He is one of the biggest pHARMa shills on the planet. Those who believe in some form of universal justice see the consequences of the harm he has perpetrated will be a heavy burden for him to bear. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but at some point he will bear it.

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I play this in the background when he talks...... https://gettr.com/post/p1wwpd952e4

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I’ve said it before Joel, you saved my GP husbands sanity with your analysis of the data. It confirmed to him what we both thought was going on. Our WTF moment is now 2yrs + old and counting.

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Where does your Hub practise? Can I use him? I'm in North Wales. Does he know other awake GP's?

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That's all we want. Freedom of choice without persecution.

For everyone.

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I, also, think focusing my energy on my children is the best investment possible. I look forward to reading articles in 10 or 15 years with titles like "vaccine uptake falls to all time lows, how come there are no major disease outbreaks?" or "Why are young people healthier despite low rate of seeing doctors?" It will be glorious.

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Spot on Joel! I have ceased trying to convince anyone, except those that approach me with questions about my stance. If they are interested, I engage them in a philosophical discussion of what trust is and how do we come by it. If they want evidence and analysis, then I take them to my ammunition factory.

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"I am not interested in winning arguments.

I am not interested in debunking pro-narrative analyses.

I am not interested in “converting” normies.

I am not interested in saving humanity (or even society)."

- That's pretty much where I am too. If people can't or won't see what is going on at this stage then there is no hope for them. And I'm not just talking about Covid, I'm talking about everything.

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Beautiful. Pretty much sums my efforts up into the bargain!

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I prefer it with twitter banning dissenting voices. It is easier to know what the truth is and therefore safer.

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My standard line to people when they ask "Where do you get your information" is to tell them "Look up everyone who got banned from Twitter for covid postings and check them out on Substack".

Joel has been an ace throughout this hell.

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Thank you for this clear and beautiful post! It soothed my soul and made me smile when you wrote about teaching the children. In this difficult to navigate world, it is a welcome break to simplify life and know that we can trust ourselves, and that we do not need others to agree with our viewpoint or to validate us.

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Your honesty and integrity is so welcome. I still get very upset when I see what is going on with humanity at the moment but I’ve come to believe that we are all hear to learn something and my lesson is that I can convince no-one else of anything and that I just have to let go. We all have a choice - however difficult that maybe and we have to live with the choice that we’ve made. I have made mine and nothing will change my mind.

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Why play their games?

I agree

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Let us collectively teach how not what to think

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At least here on substack we have the freedom to present our views. My choice is to continue to hammer the quackcines and the concept of contagious viruses. As the harm of quackcines becomes more evident by the day, perhaps more will question germ feary and look into what really causes illness. Thanks for your contributions.

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On the censorship, I am noticing a change. Since Musk took over Twitter, facebook has stopped putting warnings on my covid and excess deaths related posts!

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It’s becoming msm information NOW! It can’t be hidden anymore. And the media/big tech are responsible for countless sicknesses and deaths. They have blood on their hands.

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👍 👍 👍

Check this Spectaor article. They’re definitely msm and I’m guessing a few complicit medical/Pharma fascists with blood on their hands might even lower themselves to read this …. Expect some pushback here … in the letters to editor https://spectator.com.au/2022/11/wots-in-the-shots/

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And thank you for being all that 😉😊

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