There was a time when journalists - which Morgan no doubt purports to be - actually checked facts before sharing them. Now they’re just conduits for establishment propaganda.

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I would agree it's now more blatant; however, misleading the masses based on agendas has been used for a long time:


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Hate speech. I don't know how he, and his kind, got away with it. My PM Trudeau, is probably the very worst of these. I still have to pinch myself to believe these people were aiming their comments at me! Me, who as an RN for 40 years, held autonomy, informed consent and medical ethics as sacrosanct. And I'm NOT a bloody anti vaxer!!!!!

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I agree with all that you say, apart from your seemingly derogatory use of the term 'anti-vaxxer'. I've been an anti-vaxxer for 35+ years (I'm a 63-year-old Englishwoman), and am very proud of being one, too. Over the years, I've carried out a very great deal of scholarly research into 'vaccines', and the facts demonstrate very conclusively that all 'vaccines' are indeed a medical scam.

The last 'vaccine' I had was when I was a 12/13 year old kid at school. Ie, when I was not THEN informed on the facts.

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Hello Christine, I would love to read to Vaccine research if you are happy to share. Given the multiple lies and frauds we have seen in the C19 vax trials and roll out, we can only assume that this is Not the first time Big Pharma have worked liked this. Thus all other vaccines need to be rechecked from scratch and ALL raw data made publicly available for independent assessment. Please share some links here so that we can all learn what you have learned. Thank you, Sean

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'Turtles all the way down' is a fascinating and very accessible read if you're interested Sean.

I came to the same realisation as you re the earlier vaccines and heard it recommended by Steve Kirsch. Would be interested in hearing Christine's thoughts too if she has come across it.

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I've not [yet] read the book you mention, though I've read of it online. I read of it on Steve Kirsch's Substack site.

One of the excellent books which I have read on this subject is Dr Suzanne Humphries' [and the co-author, Roman Bystrianyk's] "Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the forgotten history". Everyone should read it; if they did, they'd be in no doubt that 'vaccines' are indeed a medical scam, and that the Vaccine Industry is wholly corrupt.

In mid-2020, I gifted copies of "Dissolving Illusions" to several family members and friends. I've been told that some of them did read the book. And yet STILL they rolled up their sleeves for these current 'injections'... (words fail me).

Right from the start of this absolutely evil coup d'etat which began in March 2020, I've been providing family members and friends with a constant stream of links to high-quality, trustworthy articles and videos, by people such as HONEST doctors, scientists, lawyers, the rare honest politician [for eg, Christine Anderson, the German, Member of the European Parliament], and from the many other truth-telling people online. And yet (apart from two friends who were already 'awake') they all chose to ignore those truth-tellers, and chose to continue to believe what they were being 'told' on their beloved TVs. More fool them...

I've been 'awake' for 40+ years. I first started to learn of the evil, psychopathic group who run/control the world when I was in my late teens/early 20s. But no matter what I tell the people in my life, they choose to ignore those facts, and to remain wedded to the 'official narrative'.

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It's not just Vaccine Industry that is a scam, it seems the whole pharma industry is a scam, if not a lot, if not most, of the medical industry.

I'm not talking about the nurses and carers necessarily, but the doctors and other medical professionals that continue to feed patients with what pharma tell them to push, especially since Covid, really need to be held to account along with all the pharma industry, government leaders and so-called 'advisors', and the media who knowingly pushed and pushed the lies, gaslighting people and patronising people who dared question or push back against having the ability to make up their own minds or lose their livelihoods.

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Oops! In my post to you below [or above!], I accidentally typed in [in the site address] the year as 2022, when it should be 2020. Hence it provided no clickable link. Rectification here!

"Dr Peter Gotzsche on Big Pharma as organized crime & Cochrane's moral collapse" (11pp), at:


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Yes, I know full well that it's not just the Vaccine Industry that's a scam, that it's the whole medical caboodle... as I said in my post above, yesterday, I've been 'awake' for 40+ years!!

You may or may not have come across the following... an esteemed Danish scientist called Dr Peter Gotzsche stated (and he wasn't wrong...) that Big Pharma [incl. the Medical Establishment] are 'organised crime... they're like the Mafia'. See the link below:

"Dr Peter Gotzsche on Big Pharma as organized crime & Cochrane's moral collapse" (11pp), at:


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P.S., here's one of the many online links which provide a veritable wealth of data; it's a 737pp [seven hundred & thirty-seven pages!] pdf file!!

"1200 scientific studies which REFUTE the claims of vaccine proponents" (737pp pdf file), at:


I'll provide some more information later today, or tomorrow.

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You might like this, regarding the ineffective smallpox vaccine.


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Thank you for that link!

The site rings a bell... some weeks ago, I tracked down the free copy of Eleanor McBean's "The Poisoned Needle" on that site!

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Here's another online item re. the dangers of vaccines... many HONEST doctors are aware of this fact.. what a tragedy that not ALL doctors are wised-up, on this.

"Quotes from doctors regarding Vaccination" (12pp), at:


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I don't have much time to type right now, will do a bit more tomorrow, but will provide another link here (I don't know whether there might be a limit to the number of links 'allowed' in one post, before it MIGHT [??] get flagged (wrongly, of course) as 'spam'. Some sites do do that, unfortunately. A site which I posted on regularly up to five months ago said that if there were more than three links in a post, they might not be 'allowed' to publish it.

Anyway, for now, here's another link. Re. the overwhelming data which demonstrates that vaccines are extremely dangerous, and a medical scam. This article mentions (with examples) the fact that there were HONEST doctors and scientists in the early 1800s who spoke out re. the dangerousness, and medical scam, of, vaccines [though of course they didn't use the word 'scam' in those days!].

"Vaccines - shocking truths - doctors speaking out" (17pp), at:


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Oops!! Have just discovered that I put the wrong 'prefix' (not sure what the right Internet term for it is), in my post above, thus no clickable link was produced.

Rectification below:

"Vaccines - shocking truths - doctors speaking out" (17pp), at:


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Dr Suzzanne Humphries Dissolving Illusions and Turtles All the Way Down.

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Hi Sean,

I would be more than happy to share some of the many online links to information which demonstrates conclusively that vaccines are most definitely not beneficial, and that they are indeed a medical scam. My early research into the subject was via the things called books! (I'm a voracious reader [of NON-fiction books covering a multitude of subject interests], have been so since a very young child)

However, I don't have the time to do it right at this precise moment, for am about to have a meal! (I just came online for a few minutes!).

Will make sure that I return here (either later today, or tomorrow, okay), and will provide some links.

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Thanks Christine. Joel and I have a good friend, and one of ‘Us’ here, who has a 20 year old son with Autism. He’s physically like an adult, but has the mind of a kid. She told us that he was great normal full of fun kid, and when he got one of his UK NHS Kids’ vaccines, his eyes rolled and his face and look glazed over, and that was it, he’s never been the same again.

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My eldest was brain damaged by one DPT shot at age 4 months in 1988. He got severe encephalitis. My middle child was unvaxxed and healthy until age 7 when she got Dtap shot. Within months she got severe RA. Lifelong. On disability. I’m a proud EX vaxxer. Until people stop using the term anti vaxxer and really wake up we’re all doomed

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I am NOT going to stop using the term 'anti-vaxxer' re. myself! For I most definitely AM an anti-vaxxer, and proud of it. As I said in one of my posts above, a few hours ago, the last vaccine I ever had was 51/52 years ago, when I was a 12/13-year-old kid at school. Ie, when I was not informed on the actual nature of 'vaccines'.

It's not right to claim that if someone has had vaccines when a baby/toddler/child/young teenager, that they can't refer to themselves as an anti-vaxxer when they're an adult and PROPERLY-informed on the nature of such injections! When I was given 'vaccines' as a baby, and up to the last one I had, at age 12/13, I had no idea of their true nature; I just complied with what our parents said we had to do. I had no knowledge, then. But for more than 35 years, I've become properly-informed on the nature of vaccines, and of the heinous corruption of the Vaccine Industry. Which is why I'm definitely an anti-vaxxer, and not merely an 'ex-vaxxer'.

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Tinus Smitts developed a way of repairing using noseodes. Look up Smitts for the 20yr old. Very interesting and quite possibly has a solution.

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Have just sent another post to you, with a link to another site re. the medical scam of vaccines. However, when I pressed SEND, I discovered that I'd typed one little bit of the link incorrectly, thus it didn't create a clickable link. I've thus rectified that error, with the link typed correctly, just below that post!

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Maybe now you’ll peak behind the curtain cloaking all the vaccines’ cumulative damage to immune systems.

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Even smallpox vaccine being responsible for eradicating smallpox is a lie. As per this document from 1989.


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The Merriam-Webster now defines an anti-vaxxer as someone who is against ANY vaccine and against ANY vaccine mandate.

And, as we all know, vaccine is now defined as being anything Big Pharma mixes together.

So I am now definitely an anti-vaxxer as per this (ridiculous) definition, but it doesn't mean that I won't refresh some basic traditional ones when due, or wouldn't get a yellow fever one when travelling somewhere where it is required.

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I have to be honest, having stated above that I'm not an anti vaxer. This whole Covid vaccine disaster has given me a very different perspective on ALL vaccines. I was, up until the appalling Covid vaccine coercion (and blatant lies), a big proponent of childhood vaccines. Now I question this. I have lost so much faith in public health, and I'm sure I am not alone.

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Piers Morgan, he who has the dubious reputation of being a “journalist”, did absolutely no research and refused to listen to those who had.

It exposed him for what he is, an egotistical nasty bit of work.

I will never forget these people and what they said and did, and there are many of them.

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100% Bang on Joel! The same information was available to all of us.

Same like The Atlantic saying RDS Florida “Gamble” paid off!

It was NOT a “Gamble”!

It was based on the real Science of airborne respiratory viruses, and the Data, and open transparent discussions with Dr’s and Scientists/Academics from all sides.

Prof Michael Levitt did thé initial analysis on Diamond Princess 🛳️ in Jan 2020. As did @⁨Nick Hudson⁩ PANDA as did Ivor Cummins.

Prof Knut Wittkowski NYC 🇺🇸 and several others called all this in great detail in Feb, March, April 2020.

Prof Tom Borody Aussie was already curing obese comorbidities people with Zinc + IVM/HCQ + Doxycycline/Azithromycin.

Ditto Dr Vladimir Zelenko.

It was all available to all to see.

No “Gamble” intentional slant by LibTard Atlantic 👊👊

Piers Morgan and The Atlantic have no where to hide. They knowingly chose one side, when there was lots of information available showing another side, which any genuine investigative journalist or publication with spine and moral values would have looked into!

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If this talentless cretin got on his hands and knees and said sorry, and begged for forgiveness I would still spit in his face!!!....the damage he and his ilk have caused society, and my family (and many other relationships) can NEVER be repaired!! F*ck him

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Again, it took us some hours of investigation to see that it didn’t work as promised. Fuck their excuse.

PLUS, what if it worked but had all these awful adverse reactions? Still compulsory piers? Even though it could kill you or your kid with zero risk from the virus? Again, fuck these people to death.

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Plusx2. These Piers Morgans will do they same with the next issue. And they again will apologize only if the reality is obvious at some point. But they won’t if they succeed in hiding it.

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I tried to make this point to some benevolent hopeful souls in the US about Tim Robbins.

They didn't follow data or science. They followed herd. Because it was easier to go along.

All that is happening now is the herd is turning, and they are turning with it.

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They did follow heard, wrongly. However, Robbin’s apology has more sincerity to me.

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You should watch the Maria Zee podcast with Sacha Latypova interview. She’s on Zee media. Com and posts to Telegram. If I had the skills I’d repost it here. It completely proves there was absolutely no science, and why nobody will be held accountable.

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Yes, even Peter McCullough interviewed Latypova for an astoundingly rich unveiling of information exposing the disastrous implementation and rollout.

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Joel, she is going to take you into US DOD is behind a massively sinister Cull the Herd paradigm. She's accurate, but it will be hard to run stats on Jabs bad and not go further if you watch her.

If you want a few short clips to get the gist of it.




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Great clipwork SH.

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Joel fyi mate, all as frightening as they are great

Women's health fraud

"Naomi Wolf graduated from Yale in 1984 and was a Rhodes scholar at New College, Oxford University. She is the author of the bestselling feminist books,"


Pfizer fraud

"Sonia Elijah, who is an investigative journalist for Trial Site News and TCW (as well as her own substack)."


Moderna fraud

"Sasha Latypova discusses leaked Moderna files showing FDA Colluded With Moderna."


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Never could quite grasp which part of “take this experimental untested drug multiple times which we have no safety data for and if you don’t we’ll lock you out of society and fire you from your job” was appealing? See to me that just sounded crazy. There was no way hell I’d do that. But the majority did and our public institutions all pushed it hard. Now ... no apology, no reparations. I suffered as did many. The media still pushes it in some quarters. Vaxxing, masking, social distancing is still all the rage here in Australia. They’re getting ready to do it all again with our 4th, 5th wave? These people are surely too stupid to breathe. I don’t know what’s wrong with them. Some kind of social conditioning that robs them of their ability to think and simultaneously their balls. Jab away idiots.

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Because it was labeled a "vaccine" and that is a holy word.

That's powerful branding. Just the name. Is enough to turn people straight "starve them out" mass formation fascist.

Just the word itself: Vaccine.

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As I found out, some folks like truth and others just like comfort. If I took the shot and died my parents would be relieved that at least I was vaccinated and did the right thing. That is in no way a joke.

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I'm so sorry. Just brutal, this psy op.

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Yes. EXACTLY. And why we cannot allow the lie of “ safe and effective “ vaccines to remain legitimized. My parent groups feel we must push back hard. The first step is to ask everyone to STOP using the term anti vaxxer. Use “ EX Vaxer. “. We were mostly all PRO vaccine until our kids or family were killed or injured by a vaccine. Now we’re EX vaxx. Start there and recommend books

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I've NEVER been a 'pro-vaxxer'. (I'm a 63-year-old Englishwoman).

The last 'vaccine' I had was when I was a 12/13-year-old kid at school. When someone has had 'vaccines' as a baby/toddler/young child/young teenager, they've had them when they were (stating the obvious...) unaware of the deleterious nature of the things. Such people CANNOT be referred to as 'pro-vaxxers' when, on the occasions when they were subjected to them (ie, NOT chose to have them, of their own free will), they were not aware of their dangerous nature.

Thus, I am going to continue to refer to myself as an anti-vaxxer (I've been one for 35+ years, and am very proud to be so), and not an 'ex-vaxxer'.

The masses NEED to know that 'vaccines' are dangerous/harmful, and that they are indeed a medical scam (one of many being perpetrated by the corrupt Medical Establishment).

P.S. I've been 'awake', re. the corrupt, evil nature of the Powers-That-Be, for 40+ years.

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I got fed up of being called an antivaxxer so now I say I’m vaccine-leery

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EX Vaxer. Well and simply put +100.

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His previous statements are straight out of a Red Top Rag leader article designed to pump up and inflate the fear already created in the minds of the gullible who bought the same Rag. They are also the statements of a wholly ignorant person who does not have the humanity to examine the information he uses to make these statements which remind me of similar ignorant comments made by his former GMB colleague (Dr?) Hilary Jones. PM's volte face rumblings are in no way convincing - they appear to me to be very opportunistic, and only made so he can say at some point "well, I did change my mind" - Sorry Herr Morgan, that ain't anywhere near good enough and your culpability for supporting the crime of SARS COV2 scamdemic policies in the first place is never to be erased.

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Oh sure, Piers. You're paid such a lot of money, you can afford to change your mind in public and think you can get away with it.

Spare a thought for those whom you vilified and whose cancellation YOU publically supported, so that their livelihoods were cancelled and they're now fighting to survive on a daily basis.

Spare a thought for those who lost their loved ones, isolated in elderly people's homes because of the mainstream media's false narrative.

Spare a thought for those who didn't have the strength to withstand, buckled to pressure and are now permanently disabled, like Alex Mitchell.

Or those who are dead because they thought they would be saving YOU if they got this experimental injection.

Hmmmmh. .... Felt a little rant coming on.

Question to others here: Do you think that the majority of people who resisted the lies are those who had so much time on their hands, because of lockdown and no work?

Because that's our situation. We knew from the start that it was a lie because God told us it was - but we had time to read up about it as well. Several in my family who were some busy in their jobs (incl. in the medical profession) didn't question the narrative for different reasons:

one was obedience to higher authority;

another is, I'm convinced, dependence on Wellcome Trust funding;

a third is, they just didn't have time and thought that everything the government did must have been justified.

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I was at home, working like crazy. But I didn’t disconnect my mind.

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Good for you.

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I’m glad you had time to look and saw what they were doing, but it was possible even with massive workloads. I was in banking, an “essential” worker, and my hours spiked to over 80 a week.

I knew immediately that something was wrong with the propaganda explosion.

Fortunately, I also had enough authority to refuse to implement any kind of mask mandate. We were the only bank around with no masks anywhere. A few customers wore them, but we didn’t encourage it and absolutely no employee wore one.

No vax mandate either and you couldn’t have got one past me with a D9 dozer.

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Thanks for the reply. - And massive kudos to you. Which bank do you work for? :D

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It was a community bank in Missouri, which means no big corporate ownership. The owners were in the bank.

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Great. Long live such community banks!

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Why does anyone listen to him? Morgan is a buffoon.

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I've thought a lot about this.

It has to do with the same reasons that people (sorry, Joel) want to get back on Twitter.

It has to do with perceiving a "mainstream" and wanting to feel a part of it.

Rather than just surrender it and punt...it's easier to hope that it will be different.

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Was Morgan and all his fellow vax pushers paid

for their efforts in persuading people to get the

clot shot and attacking those who refused?

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He doesn't go on TV without being paid so, yes, he is ALWAYS paid for what he says.

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Well in the US, it was a lot more direct than that!


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He is a gutless arse who did exactly as ordered and was too chickenshit to stand up and be counted as OFCOM would have had him sacked for not following their notice to Broadcasters dated 23rd March 2020:

What all broadcasters must adhere to or else - the official document to justify the covid narrative censorship:



They used it against this channel and Eammon Holmes:


The BBC is also hamstrung by this in addition to OFCOM - their 2016 framework agreement.


This is from the BBC's framework agreement, officially sanctioned "broadcast what we want or else" clause:


In the BBC’s Framework Agreement that came into force in 2016 is Section 67, page 44, Defence and Emergency Arrangements.

This is what it says in the first 2 lines:

67. Defence and Emergency Arrangements

(1) Any UK Government Minister-

(a) may request that the BBC broadcast or otherwise distribute any announcement; and

(b) may, if that Minister has requested that the announcement be broadcast or otherwise distributed on television or by means of an online service, request that the BBC accompany that announcement with a visual image (moving or still) of anything mentioned in the announcement.

(2) If it appears to any UK Government Minister that an emergency has arisen, that Minister may request that the BBC broadcast or otherwise distribute any announcement or other programme.

There is a bit more on how they have to comply that then follows.

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I will never ever forget!

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It was the absolute hatred these people seemed to have for other people who just made different choices. Imagine if that was the case over people who prefer tea to coffee?

I was told several times by relatives that I was wicked and clearly didn't care if other people died. Because I had done my research and they had listened to Piers Morgan, Jeremy Vine, Andrew Neil. Now they either don't talk about their choice to believe it was a plague and to take the obviously untested jab or they say they "just don't know what to believe any more". Still not doing any research themselves though.

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Ironically, PM, JV and AN didn't do any of their own research either! Ha ha!

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"These trials seem designed to prove their vaccines work, even if the measured effects are minimal.

What would a normal vaccine trial look like?

Prevention of infection must be a critical endpoint. Any vaccine trial should include regular antigen testing every three days to test contagiousness to pick up early signs of infection and PCR testing once a week to confirm infection by SARS-CoV-2 test the ability of the vaccines to stave off infection. Prevention of infection is not a criterion for success for any of these vaccines. In fact, their endpoints all require confirmed infections and all those they will include in the analysis for success, the only difference being the severity of symptoms between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Measuring differences amongst only those infected by SARS-CoV-2 underscores the implicit conclusion that the vaccines are not expected to prevent infection, only modify symptoms of those infected."


Forbes article, Sept. 23, 2020!

Explaining that the trials were not even measuring infection/transmission.



All one had to do subsequent to any of this was pull up the NEJM Pfizer study and crunch some numbers and see the relative risk vs. absolute risk lie. And sort out that something was gravely amiss.

Or dunno...watch a Geert Video.

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BMJ says covid vaccine trials were designed not to find problems:


All you had to do was look at the public assessment reports and it was obvious it was all nonsense.

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