When I first heard that the Jews were dirty and stealing everyone's money I said they should go to the concentration camps and I cheered but now that the war is over I've changed my mind because I don't want to be part of the Nuremburg trials.

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Oct 11, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

If the vaccines worked, the vaccinated shouldn't care if anyone else is vaccinated. And regardless of whether the vaccines worked, or had significant adverse events or were developed or manufactured with fetal cells. No one has to justify to someone else why they choose to accept or reject a medical procedure and no one's freedoms or employment or education or access to quality medical care should be dependent on a vaccine. Piers put his idiocy and callousness and willingness to "other" people with a difference of opinion on public display and no amount of word salad can walk it back. He owns it all.

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Wherever there is a pile of stinking, self-serving, sociopathic faecal matter, one will find Piers Morgan atop.

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Oct 11, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

So glad we have the receipts. The montage videos of these dipshits being epically wrong are the perfect insurance policy against them ever having an audience again.

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The man is a grotesque and will never be forgiven for causing the deaths of our soldiers by giving away their positions. He is best ignored.

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Oct 11, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley


Great work. Keep it up mate. A relentless barrage of facts and data will bring this s*it show to an end. You're a good 'un. I salute you.

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Oct 11, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Facts never change, it’s that lies are revealed.

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Never let these Gleaming Fraud Talking Heads off the hook.

They are more than complicit.

Magical. I hope this happens to all of them:


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Oct 11, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I think he was only reading the same script the politicians were reading. He doesn't look at the data, only what his editors told him what to say. He's no more a journalist than my dog. If he was looking at the real data he'd see that it is causing far more harm than good. He'd see that you are far more likely to die if you've been jabbed than if not. He also knows that far wiser people than him, y'know scientists, (yeah those idiots), knew this a long time ago. He'd also know that Florida is not recommending mRNA jabs for the working ages as they've found a 84% increase in that age group have cardiac issues and death and a 10% increase in the over 65s. Its unbelievable to me, how short memories exist in those that have their eyes, noses, ears and mouths shut over such blatant information. The tide has turned. Those who were ridiculing me now need to stand before me and repent. I do feel exonerated but it's not enough.

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Oct 11, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Historically, one of the biggest problems with humanity is that a large fraction of it would behave atrociously against another on the basis of a belief. People who cannot distinguish facts from beliefs (and most of what we think we know is belief) should exercise more circumspection and humility. Unfortunately, Piers Morgan has none of the latter and chooses to ignore the former for the sake of driving up his own ratings.

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Oct 11, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

The Big Lie is that there was a pandemic in the first place. There was no unique, deadly pathogen.

There was no pandemic. There was mass medical murder.

The story of the "pandemic" provides cover for what actually happened.

Most if not all of those who were "affected by Covid" (in 2020 and down the line) were not in fact "affected by Covid" in any meaningful way.

People in nursing homes and hospitals were being killed directly through policies and medical protocols.

I attend weekly meetings which are 3-4 hours in length which go into excruciating detail on the hospital protocols. These are first hand accounts. There are usually around 70-90 attendees. The majority of those in the meetings have had a loved one killed inside the hospital directly due to Covid protocols. They spent days and days watching and documenting what was happening as their husbands, wives, brothers were being killed- killed for money I might add.

There are thousands and thousands of these stories which are being collected. All of these stories have the same basic template.

They describe what happened inside those hospitals in the most comprehensive way imaginable. These are horror stories and again we are not talking about outlier cases in a few bad hospitals due to a few bad doctors and nurses. This was being done en masse everywhere.

Many of these people are in the process of litigation and/or moving in that direction. It is impossible to convey the brutality of what was happening in these hospitals. You have to hear the stories to understand and believe what happened.

Similar or worse was happening in nursing homes.

I believe it is a daunting task to prove that there is even one single Covid death for any individual anywhere in the world regardless of age or level of health.

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Facts changed? That is an oxymoron. Vaccine? Hardly. What about those with natural immunity that did not need any vaccine, including one that would have worked (which of course we never got)? Would commandant Morgan take their rights away? This is a perfect example of a very ignorant person, who represents many very ignorant people. They would best just shut their mouths and that way they do not continue to make asses of themselves.

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Oct 11, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

The facts never changed because the facts were never established due to the fact, people like Piers prevented those with opinions that turned out to be true from sharing them. That man should never have an audience, unless it’s inside the walls of a prison. 

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Oct 11, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Makes me sick. Who the Fu.. does he think he is ! These people all need to be hung at the stake for using their power and position and influence to propagate the lies and support inhumane behavior that went on in the plandemic. I truly despise all these people. I will never look at humanity the same.

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"Just because you ended up being correct doesn't mean you were right."

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Oct 11, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

At my place of work in London, I’m a secretary at a us law firm, they vilified us and many said they didn’t want to work with them the “unvaccinated”. I’ve also been humiliated for not wearing a mask as unvaccinated were told to wear one.

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