The View on ABC has lots of competition for who's the stupidest, most ignorant, or most foolish person in media. Of course most people on BBC, CBC, NPR, ABC, NBC, CBS, and MSN also are in the running.

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Nothing will top Stephen Colbert's VAXscene cringe shilling.

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I actually think Kimmel's (Edited to correct original attribution to Fallon.) bit about "good luck wheezy" is just as FOS as Colbert's shilling. Let's be honest, the media was full, absolutely CHOCK-FULL of assholes shucking and jiving for Pfizer, as was my feed of friends on Instagram. #Shrugs

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That was actually Jimmy Kimmel.


Never forget who were on the side of fascism, and the media who supported it.. Our government said take an experimental injection that hasn't completed long-term studies, has foreign genetic material and nanoparticles never given to healthy people, we won't tell you all the ingredients because they're under trade secrets - but you will take this injection or you won't be allowed to work in this country nor go to restaurants or other public spaces. Never forget those who ended up on the side of fascism and haven't recognized or apologized for it!

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“Never forget who were on the side of fascism, and the media who supported it..”

Just a little “nitpick” but I would substitute “are” for “were” because they never stopped supporting fascism....... :)

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Yes, they are still true believers in the wonders of "science". And don't forget the hypochondriac H. Stern who brags constantly of getting whatever the latest poisonous jab that's being promoted while simutaneously condemning those who don't submit as anti-science, anti-vax, troglodytes... He even brow-beats his wife into getting every poke so she doesnt die and of course, to protect him. Remember, you are doing it for the one's you love..ha ha ha

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Jan 19, 2024
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Good point!

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Good catch! I got confused over which late-night vaccine promoter was to blame. (Edited to fix.)

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Please, I just finished lunch. Thinking about Colbert's schtick is bad for my digestion!

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That will live in INFAMY forever I tell ya. That was "Sofa King" bad.

Need a new couch or love seat? Come to Sofa King. Our prices are Sofa King low. Our quality is Sofa King bad but we'll sell you a Sofa King useless extended warranty. We have a kids room and they say it's "Sofa King Awesome".

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I think Sofa King might be in Bankstown near my favorite Vietnamese restruant, Pho King. Their beef soup is pho-king delicious.


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And he’s sick too!

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He just had a burst appendix, allegedly.

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Do you mean ? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mq76QSlRiPo

PS Notice the blokes (backing dancing tw@ts) were wearing dresses as well ?

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Are those "dresses" supposed to be syringe-like suits of armor?

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No idea; I punched the computer screen before I thought about it.

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Respectfully nominating the Premier of Western Australia Mark McGowan who locked us down and brutalised us for years.

Here he is translating English to English for Australian Aboriginal people.

It is the most racist, cringe, horrible thing you will ever see in your life.


Bonus from McGowan, where he treated everyone in the state like this: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australian-genocide-in-progress

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Yeah, he's an evil jerk who turns cringe up to 11.

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That said it’s total bollox too

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You forgot ITV ...

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It’s all the Antivaxers fault the vaxed keep testing and getting colds.

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🤣🤣But some people who have been vaccinated may think so.

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In an age when we demand to know the ingredients on every foodstuff we buy, it is remarkable what apparantly intelligent people will allow to be injected into their blood stream with complete and absolute confidence in the manufacturer. Extract of boiled up foetus anyone?

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Fascinating parallel, you draw. Consider: Most people will require their plumber or their auto mechanic to show them the damaged or replaced part. These same people will take the advice or suggestions to ingest a medical chemical from their PCP without even asking a single question, other than, "Does my insurance cover this?"

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I suspect that people will act irrationally if they are scared. Fear has been the real enemy and remains so as the MSM spreads fake news about emerging variants. Folks have to man up. Respiratory infections are always with us. According to Rancourt, we all have half a dozen viruses in our throats most of the time. The issue is whether our immune system succumbs to one of them Rancourt concludes that there is n evidence of a new respiratory virus during the fake pandemic. Any new virus or a biological weapon would have shown up on the excess death statistics. Since it did not, there was no covid, just the usual cocktail of respiratory viruses. That however did not stop the authorities from withholding anti-biotics for pneumonia and misusing ventilation, after which they injected millions with a substance that has claimed 17 million lives at the last estimate. Damm right it’s a conspiracy.

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Fear has always driven our species to do, in scientific terms, dumb shit. #Shrugs

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Agreed. May I offer an anti-dote?

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,

and do not lean on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge him,

and he will make straight your paths.

Author: The Lord who made us

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Yes, although the fake news goes deeper in that viruses are not what they seem, but the are the bodies defense system, or at least cell debris being carried away.


Therefore even what we a told about viruses is wrong, it is based on evolutionary theory and that in itself is fundamentally flawed. Because people believed the lie of that we are here now.

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Agreed! Boggles the mind. Plus now we know about oncogenic ingredients

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Keep on boosting, Piers. If you can’t see what’s going on by now, just do everyone a favor. Jab until you feel nothing and your body literally can’t fight off anything. You’re almost there, dumbass.

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That's if he has had actually had one......looks like more 'celebrity' shilling to convince the large numbers of unvaxxed that they ought to be. The proportion is actually a disturbing number for 'government .....back to 'high profile' endorsements, said the boys from BIT ( Behaviourial Insights Team). And, chaps and chapesses, those Shingles ads don't appear to be generating a lot of demand. What does a 'Nudger' do next? Lesson - when you trash the people's trust you slash profit margins, and, it's not a temporary loss.

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But even Piers wouldn't demean himself like this for a shilling?? Would he?! Yeah, of course he would!

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I really think he’s had all of them, as have obviously a number of music, film, tv, sports so-called celebrities. Have to break a few eggs, kill a few “celebs” for the greater good, dontcha know

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Not a celebrity but a "journalist" in Canada just found out he's not important enough for the saline injections LOL


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A largely unknown “journalist” by the way. Still waiting for major CBC, CTV and GlowBull mediots to drop like flies. These were the major propagandists and hate progenerators in Canadastan during Covidiocy, along with, of course, the politicians and half-wit “leaders” of this post-national state. Still Waiting for Sudden Lee to take them away!

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But as we’ve heard in New Zealand, many favored “healthcare providers” (& you can bet celebs & politicians, et al) got exemptions - or saline, esp if they got their shots on TV to “inspire” the masses. Otherwise, all of the very elderly scumbags & hags like Biden, Pelosi, Clintons & their ilk would have croaked already

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Died at 33 🥴 coincidentally! I wouldn’t believe everything you see in “the news”. Did you know him? See him pass?

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Whilst not directly related to Ian Vandaelle, I did note that Piers Stefan Pughe-Morgan anagrams to:

freemasons papering thug

Perhaps there is therefore a link.

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I see the article says

"While Vandaelle’s views were highly controversial, it is essential to remember that his tragic passing does not diminish the importance of thoughtful analysis and respect for divergent opinions. "

Very true. I have analysed his views as reported. He is a twat and now a dead twat.

I assume he really did exist?

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🎶Another One Bites the Dust 🎵 or maybe soon will

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He certainly seems to be partial to be part of the flogged dead horse. Must be the masochist within.

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I dedicate this letter to petulant and performative Piers:

• "Letter to the Amnesty-Demanders": https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-amnesty-demanders

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Last night I was supposed to have dinner out w/ a couple of gals but I & one other bowed out because we’d both been sick earlier this week (we’re both unjabbed). One of the covidiots texted back that the 2 of us made her so glad she’d just gotten her flu shot & most recent booster. If she just got the most recent one, that means she’s had @ least 5-6+, right? Apparently hasn’t heard only ~7% of US adults have taken it. That should tell her something but she’s so smug about her superiority that I didn’t say a word.

The Idiocracy is not reserved for the famous. This woman will NEVER believe the truth.

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Yes. They all have this ‘hero’ complex until they end up with blood clots or strokes. Even then, they don’t connect the dots. I keep saying something in these shots is altering brain activity because the covidiots no longer think logically, if they ever did.

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Agree, Kim. Funny thing is that she’s 65, had a heart attack (pre-2020) & is very obese, eats poorly, no exercise, not out in fresh air & sunshine & when she HAS been sick, relies on Paxlovid. Gawd. She’s practically a “vaccine miracle”. 😂

Husband & I are fair-to-middlin’ astounded the jab hasn’t already taken her, esp having taken so many. Not wishing ill will to her @ all, but we’ll see what happens after this latest round….

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I suppose that as she is obese the poisons have plenty of options for storage away from vital areas!

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The latest in Covidian thinking is that all of the excess death, people dying suddenly, and unexplainable chronic illnesses are caused by repeated exposure to Covid. And so we should all be masked permanently and forever.

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That’s not a thought: there is no thought process that could arrive at such nonsense. That’s N Korea and they do not think as we used to understand it, merely execute terror of indescribable cruelty and those that might be able to were they not starved and beaten to death can’t think because they’re dead… yes that’s progressive and sounds Gatesist Obamaish and Schwabgobbish. I wonder what the world will look like in 2050?

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I reckon they never really did, although some people are logical about some things and not about others.

But that in itself is "Illogical, captain"!


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6x’s vaxxed partner mentioned yesterday that a colleague’s many-times vaxxed father (including the latest booster) suddenly died of covid yesterday in the hospital. Early 60’s in age with no co-morbidities; very healthy guy. The son is stunned. As is my partner- who seems to have really bad amnesia about all of our huge disagreements about the jabs. If he had his functioning brain, he wouldn’t have said most of what he did to me, the unrepentant unvaxxed.

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So sorry, ME. Has to be incredibly hard to maintain relationship w/ a covidian

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Now THAT'S funny!

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He is a total git. I hope he feels absolutely dreadful and continues to do so for weeks

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He is also a narcissist...but he gets the better of the other one occasionally, Markle.

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Is it cruel to laugh out loud at these idiots? I don't care... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Louder the better

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After his malicious and poisonous attack on people who made the choice not to take the covid injections I sincerely hope he has a miserable extended episode of whatever he decides he has. I would like to witness him getting his next covid booster just to make sure he does not back out at the last minute.

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I seriously wonder if he was either threatened or bought off after his earlier video this year admitting he had been wrong to vilify anti-vaxxers. That apology/mea culpa seemed so honest and sincere to me that this just doesn’t make sense otherwise, unless the jabs have caused cognitive impairment, which is always possible.

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Piers Morgan, "honest and sincere"??!

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That’s why I found the video remarkable—it seemed a departure from the way I had thought of him previously. But I know very little about him and can’t remember ever having watched any of his segments, so I am not at all a good judge of his character.

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When you like hearing yourself talk as much as he does, there is no way to pump your brakes. As they say, "Lather, Rinse, Repeat!"

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You talking about his brain?! It must have shrunk to the size of a pea by now?!!

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So I assume he’s in hospital on oxygen, are the doctors saying if he’d had another booster he would not have been so ill?? If so they are as stupid as him

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But of overkill for a cold don’t you think? 🤔🤣

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Unless he really took the shots (true believer?). Then he'd have a trashed immune system and need hospital care for any infection. Bummer dude.

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What a moron.

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Is there anyone in the MSM smarter? They're all dumb except a solid few like Tucker. Ever see clips on MSNBC or CNN? Or any of the main broadcasters around the world. I seriously do not know who watches these news broadcasts anymore. I guess those that love to be brainwashed by BS.

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The thing is ...

They are not journalists... they are presenters... actors... tools of the PR Team.

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Remember the movie Broadcast News with William Hurt, Albert Brooks and Holly Hunter? Want to see, essentially a documentary of the “news business” and the vapid personalities involved. It’s art imitating life.

These are not educated PhDs in life. They have little in the way of life accomplishments. They are the Chattering Class. Talking Heads. Hyenas. Cynical backstabbers. Rumour mongers. Never and not to be trusted. So, why are they placed on a pedestal? Because they wear nice clothes and appear cheery on TV?

Their job is to read the damn prompter and smile. Paid Actors to recite lines written by others.

Vapid, is a perfect description

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It's like getting angry at an actor who plays the role of a villain in a TEEv series... if you encountered him on the street.

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