Jan 2, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Dynamite. I am so very grateful for your brilliant work. As an Australian living in this dystopian nightmare, I have a very sharp recollection of the 'died-of-Covid' numbers which were so low, they even fell below the annual road death toll numbers from the previous year. And then they rolled out the vaccines. We were in verbal combat with the Covidian cultists, arming ourselves with every fact we could find before our governments censored all the information. We will never forgive, never forget.

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Great work! Work that should have been done by people employed by Government using taxes paid to so such work. By my reckoning you and the team have put more work into this study than three years of Australian (and all other countries Governments) - which means you have produced equivalent value to around a million hours of work at 100 bucks an hour (salary, benefits and pensions rate for civil servants).

A suggestion - expressing the injection fatality rate as a percentage of the population kind of dulls the severity of the injections amongst the elderly, poor, aboriginal and infirm that were prioritized. Is there any way you can "get granular" and express the injection fatality rate as a percentage of those priortised to get the injections?

Aboriginals are 3% - elderly aboriginals are what, 0.5% of the 26 million Australians, the elderly can be worked out via the % chart (fourth one down) here https://www.populationof.net/australia/ of the 26 million people here https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/population/life-tables/2019-2021

In my head, I have a "nibbling" of the male/female elderly by the injection fatality rate. Not many are talking about the gender split - I see adverse events are 2/3 to 1/3 against females, deaths are the same?

of course, it's a can of worms. what has happened to birth rates? life expectancy is down around 3 years over the last two years in the US - probably the same thing will happen in Oz.

Anyway, fantastic work and a big h/t!

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Jan 2, 2023·edited Jan 2, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

I suggest people look at the vax catastrophe currently ongoing in Japan by plotting vax administered vs 'COVID' deaths and excess deaths and tell me after 'safe and effective.' Oh Japan has 95+% masking indoors and outdoors so masks work too right ?

Also - https://twitter.com/Newsfilter2/status/1609650637494419456

Great work Joel ! 3 weeks to flatten the curve ! lol

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Oh this is Science. Not Science™️.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

But the UK CMO says it’s because we missed out on our statins during lockdown


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Australian death batches correlate with what looks like contamination with other mRNAs shown in TGA FOI released documents. If this isn’t not causality, there is definitely no cause to inject anyone. The causative link between “vaccine” and covid death prevention is much weaker. https://mobile.twitter.com/jikkyleaks/status/1607609182743834625

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More brilliant work from Dr. Rancourt! Bravo 🙌

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

I was doing the same analysis in NZ, with the same result. Coincidence? I think not.

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Jan 2, 2023·edited Jan 2, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

the vaccines are definitely killing people https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/excess-mortality-what-does-it-show but I have a few caveats!


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And a big shout out to Gerrard Rennick who stands in the Senate and keeps reminding everyone of what a disaster this whole scamdemic has been.

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vIFR is problematic, since some are more susceptible than others.

For example in Israel 0.2 percent were officially declared dead before 2nd dose. Later MOH demented that figure and provided figure 0.005 without percent which didn’t make any sense when taking into account overall mortality at the time in Israel.

Roughly one in five deaths seem to be due to jabs. But without investigative autopsy we are just left with grosse illegality, immoral behaviour, lack of ethics in medicine and government combined with high mortality, which historically make the deaths attributed to decision makers.

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I think it would be most interesting to see excess deaths in WA 2021- March 2022. We were under state arrest at the time with no cases and life in the prison went on quite ‘normally’ apart from restriction of movement in and out. Covid and lack of access to med professionals, lockdown measures - none of that could be blamed on any excess deaths if they occurred.

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Cynically looking at the "rollout priorities"--- elderly, disabled,and aborigines---one could infer that those are the groups the ruling class wants decimated first.

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As a result of a report that Singapore was counting Covid deaths only if they came with a pneumonia diagnosis, at some point in early-to-mid 2021, I started using Worldometer to keep an eye on their published stats & knocking up my own, basic deaths-to-cases rate reports. I took the first screenshot around March 2021 & it shows that at this time Singapore was reporting just over 60 000 cases with only 30 dead. I extrapolated using an online percentage calculator that this equates to a 0.05% deaths-to-cases rate. At the time, the UK was reporting 4.35+ million cases with 126 700+ deaths that resulted in a 2.96% deaths-to-cases rate. I was aghast to report that this is almost sixty times higher than Singapore's. The UK however was not counting only those covid deaths with a pneumonia diagnosis but in fact ANY death for ANY reason within 28 days of a positive test. For me, this was blatant evidence that the death rate was being ramped up in the UK through deeply flawed methodology.

I continued to watch the stats being produced by Singapore as reported on Worldometer as they began their vaccine rollout around April/May/June & as it picked up in July 2021 &, well, wouldn't you know it, their excellent deaths-to-cases rate began to falter. By December 2021 when I took my last screenshot, Singapore was reporting almost 280 000 cases & 779 fatalities, which takes their deaths-to-cases rate in just over six months from 0.05% before rollout to 0.286%, almost six times higher.

So Singapore's Worldometer deaths-to-cases rate rose almost six times between April 2021 when they rolled out their vaccines & December 2021 which is the last time I looked.

This was strong evidence, in my eyes, that the vaccines were not helping & even appeared to be making things worse.

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It's possible Chris Martenson may have an explanation for the Australian excess mortality:


The faulty batch issues appear common in other countries.

Dr Robert Malone is a man who discovered that the hard way.

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Please change this type face. Very hard to read.

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