Campbell was a favourite of the less unhinged Covidians in the first few months of the panic. Hopefully, some of them have also had an enlightened change.

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Campbell lost me immediately when he admonished American to "get over their politics and get the jabs".

Anybody on YT and thriving on YT is an OP.

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He seems to be coughing more in his videos. I think he's getting worried about the experimental gene therapy injections he foolishly took.

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Who wouldn't be worried, at least once they wake up?

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He was very pro vaccine in the beginning, which showed his ignorance. I think he was one of those healthcare workers who never looked at the science behind vaccines, and just recommended them without question. He could have been promoted by YouTube's algorithm because of his ignorant pro vaccine stance, and then has genuinely woken up, like Dr McCullough for example (Dr McCullough said he never questioned the science and studies behind vaccines until now). So there's a chance that Dr Campbell is an op, or just another ignorant healthcare worker used by big tech as part of their propaganda. Then he woke up, and now YouTube doesn't know what to do with him. He comes across as likable to the masses, so if he were canceled that might raise more alarms than keeping him on.

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How can I figure the shit out in an afternoon just reviewing the NEJM Pfizer propaganda trial data and watching a Geert and and a McCullough video with some Bhakdi thrown in and look at a damn VAERS chart, and "you are most welcome to this Herd Culling bullshit Fest" dude couldn't.

Fuck him.

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One of my hypotheses on him is that he was playing a long game, holding out with the narrative to gain as many zombies as possible and keeping his platform for this grand awakening. Feasible?

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I've been following Dr Campbell since near the start. I don't believe that he'd have encouraged people to get jabbed if he thought he'd be contributing to deaths. I think he's a man of principle and integrity. He was in favour of early treatments and you can find his uncensored talk with Dr Pierre Kory about Ivermectin on rumble and Facebook.

I have been immensely frustrated by his inability to see what's been happening, but the important thing is that he's wide awake *now*. And yes, if he hadn't been a proponent of the narrative earlier, his viewership numbers would be greatly reduced.

He has a large audience and he is getting the message out now. We need to be able to forgive those who make honest mistakes. Especially those who atone for them. It gives us hope that more will wake up.

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John Campbell will come running out of his little studio waving a fist full of papers shouting, " I SEE IT NOW. THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL US ALL WITH THESE VACCINES!"

Us: We know, Dr. John! We're already dead! A most warm welcome to Red Pill Land!

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It's really disappointing, I agree! I can imagine that after decades of being in healthcare and working with people you believe have patents' best interests at heart - as indeed you do - then it can be difficult to realise that others don't have the same level of integrity. I've read that it's generally the *most* educated who are the most blind and willing to believe everything the authorities tell you? I don't know if it's true 🤷‍♀️

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And the smartest. My brother has an IQ of 149. He’s in so deep. Told me I was in a cult and will no longer speak to me. We were so very close 😢

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Look at how quickly people flip when they leave the machine.

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Very true but he’s devoted his career to the system. We haven’t.

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Well good job devoting your career to a herd culling system? 🥳


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One of the more astonishing things about this whole Psy Op is how ready people are to got hurtling off the cliff and apologize for their Shepherd on the way down.


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I think he is just a nice old guy who grew up in the NHS which, in his formative years, was really a place that cared about helping people. He simply could not get his mind around the fact that there are murderers at the top of the pyramid now.

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It’s very difficult for our NHS to individually admit to being “owned” and dogmatised by Pharma. It’s a complete shitting on of their “vows” to protect and do no harm. Instead they have to turn their personal beliefs on their heads! It’s NOT what you thought it was. Not in this case at the very least!! I’ve sent that to some friends who have taken the vaccines, one is a staff nurse so I’m awaiting the comments. I live in Scotland, I’ve been awake since I was born!! And I’m 62 now. This has to stop. This should now be a criminal investigation. We need to force this. Unfortunately the country is distracted just now with a bullshit political “distraction”!!

Whilst the bastards try to sweep vaccine injuries and deaths under the carpet. Before our bvery eyes😳🤷🏻‍♂️🤬

Trouble is, they’re all fucking in it together. From the top down to the Police, the courts, we’re fucked!! 🤣🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿👍✌️🙏❤️👋

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I do believe you're right - sadly.

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Can I just apologise for my colourful language, I was passionate when I wrote it. I still am… this is an outrage. I’m writing to my MP in the morning. And to everyone I can think of. My daughter is about to give birth to her second child. She had to be vax’d for work. I’m concerned and very angry. ☹️❤️

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Every (CRIMINAL) ENTERPRISE starts with an offer "no one" can refuse. Anyone that doesn't know what I am talking about should ask a drug dealer for that matter.

Without going into the details, your description and outcome was envisioned from the outset. Not necessarily by the participants but by the instigators and promoters of it. Getting off a train wreck is harder than not embarking on it.

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Who can't read a Pfizer trial and do basic math?

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Who can't even read out a correct review of the trial data produced early on by Canadian doctors.

Being blinded by one's own "expertise" is deadly indeed!

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1. I hear this same general theory proferred about Tucker Carlson in America right now.

2. My read on Dr. Warm Welcome is that he was blinded by the Cult of the Vaccine. A True Believer who wanted to believe.

Some of his emotion was genuine, like..."They are not aspirating the needles!" 😅

Motivated reasoning is a helluva drug.

see also: Bhattacharya

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I must admit, I didn't even know that Campbell was promoting the jab in the early days. I can't say I've followed his transformation from pusher to vax sceptic. Remarkable though that a man of his obvious intelligence and wit could be fooled so easily by a scam which some of us uneducated, medically unqualified plebs saw coming as early as spring 2020 when they first mooted the idea of a Covid 'vaccine'. But credit where it's due; he's doing a grand job of awakening the blind-sided now. I've got some normie jabbed friends who name-dropped him the other day and it's only this morning that I realise who they've been talking about!

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Keep up, Jaime!!

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Nope. Sorry to be blunt but I don’t think he’s smart enough for that. He would also have been knowingly contributing to harm in the interim.

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Yip. He’s on my side in this video. Long awakened, 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

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Simple. Because you’re smarter than he is and they genuinely seem to believe that we’re all dumb as shit. They didn’t factor in that there are many smart people outside the system.

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The funny thing...some people are going to object to what you are saying cause good old John is so dang nice.

But I watched him look at the camera and admonish Americans to get over their politics and get these injections.

Just like you said. Talking down.

And he was wrong.

Not a good combo.

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Fair enough. Ultimately it all comes down to abuse of trust.

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Just watched this myself. I keep hoping that when things starting affecting our kids and when they come for the children, that the mothering instinct will kick in and that will be straw that breaks the camels back, and there will be uproar. Unfortunately, I am just not seeing this, I think our society is so broken now, than not even the children being clearly in harms way will create a change.

ps A lot of the residents in the care home where I live have suddenly tested positive for covid. This is despite them having been boosted only about 3 weeks ago. About half the corridor I'm on, the residents are in isolation, with their doors shut. This [isolation, not being able to see people passing by] is terrible for them, and the fear is likely to greatly impact their already weak immune systems [fear and stress does this like nothing else] and hence make the symptoms worse. I think taxpayers should be asking governments and big pharma for their money back, if the new product doesn't even protect the most vulnerable for even a few weeks.

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Or indeed, if that product is actually responsible for the infections which is much more likely?

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Asking for our money back should be the least of our requests . . . . Accountability for harm would actually be higher on my list.

As for the 3 week turn-around between booster and infection, reminds me of the data from the Australian government reporting a 28-day COVID reinfection rate back in July of this year:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/38f56ec14ac3

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Jesus, poor people.

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it could be false positive tests but the isolation in their rooms will create stress and lower ability to fight off bugs etc. No visitors I assume. Terrible situation for them and staff who were forced them to remain employed.

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It can’t be denied that something is going on when you see now across multiple countries that vaccine status is longer being recorded, or data records are being amended so it’s no longer possible to track health conditions / mortality against vaccine status. I wonder why that might be?!

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As tragic as this is for those concerned, (I know having experienced this horror) I find it astonishing that the excess deaths in private homes isn’t headlines every day. These Non Covid deaths are of epic proportions.

3 weeks ago I wrote to ONS asking for an update on the “Non Covid Excess Deaths in Private Homes”.

That’s excess deaths above the 5 year average. Previously they published figures for 2020 and figures up to June 2021. In replying they said it was a “bespoke request” and I’d have to pay for it, including a list of charging rates. (I estimated £900 + Vat) for a “few days” work.

So I returned to this yesterday, now have downloaded the information for 2021 and to week 40 - 2022 (shown below). (All done in a few hours)

Previously published figures-

2020- 37,373

2021- 37,519

2022- 19,903

Total- 94,795

These figures are shocking to say the least, they raise serious questions.

Are numbers so high because-

1: vaccines killed people

2: did the blanket DNRs continue through to 2021/2022

3: did Midazolam usage continue unabated

4: were deaths attributable to undiagnosed conditions

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My ex m-i-l, early 80's, still living at home with dementia, fell out of bed April this year. Triple jabbed and mainly house bound unless taken out for jabs, dentist, optician. My son went to get her up and she was laughing at herself for being sso silly. She said she was ok but remarked on an ache in her abdomen. After family conference they decided she should get checked over. Upon arrival she was tested and it was positive. Family not allowed in for 10 days. Xrays showed hairline crack on pelvis. They operated on her. When family allowed in, there she lay, unwashed, totally incoherent, stuffed full off morphine and had been since op. Not eaten either due to being dosed up. By this time she'd now got double pneumonia and family told she wasn't going to make it through. They were very angry of course but hospital staff did not care. They managed to get her into a hospice where she was properly cared for and family could be with her 24/7 until she passed away. I know her dementia would only have gotten worse but she wasn't completely gone. Maybe it was a blessing but the denial of family and neglect in hospital is atrocious. I'd say this is now standard of care for us useless eaters. I know she had Covid on her death certificate which the family not happy about.

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Hospitals are becoming medieval institutions of torture. Avoid them if at all possible.

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I’ve been wondering about this for a while. It seems like a very interesting data point. Are numbers for previous years available?

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I think you will have to make a request for earlier years. Here’s where I got my info


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I think these people must just think that anyone who dies from the jab, and that includes infertility onwards, is just collateral damage. It is truly staggering. As they say, evil is banal.

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So, as I understand it: PHS magically ruled out the vaccine as being the cause of the neonatal deaths even though they failed to investigate the vaccination status of the mothers concerned, citing a 'risk' that those mothers might be 'harmed' by such an investigation, even using anonymised aggregate data. The source of that harm was expected to be hurty judgmental public opinion. Meanwhile, their babies are dead, which is evidence of actual harm both to the babies (in their case fatal) and the mothers (serious psychological harm). So here we have PHS doing a great job of retrospectively 'protecting' bereaved mothers from 'risk of harm', by stopping a proper scientific investigation into the cause of their bereavement which would also presumably prevent future mothers from experiencing such bereavement. Minimising the risk of harm via hurty words by refusing to minimise an actual risk of harm by carrying out a proper scientific investigation. But let's translate that into less cryptic layman's terms: PHS are protecting their own arses, the government's arse and the arses of both Pfizer and Moderna.

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You got it! That's 2020's society for you. I'm just going to reread what you wrote and check for correct use of pronouns now otherwise I might have to delete it!

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Come on Man! Can't we all just get along??? 🤷‍♂️

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Are you sure I'm a man?! Don't be so presumptuous!! Ha ha!

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Nowadays, you just need to sit on your butt and keep your mouth shut...😂

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And the Vaccine Program which must be protected and shielded from the harm that it causes. 10 years ago I looked up how WHO deals with vaccine adverse events. I was shocked to find out that when they have vaccine adverse events, the action to take is to convince the victims and the community that it’s not the vaccines. The Vaccine Program is and has always been protected at all cost. It is the best money maker for big pharma, they don’t have any risks just profit.

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This has been standard operating in the US for decades. In fact, it was legislated here in 1986:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/1eea2a442dc5

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My friend's daughter is pregnant with her first child. She took the jabs previously to protect immucompromised parent who has organ transplant. I don't know if there are problems with babies who were conceived after jabs but we know they only started studies in Aug2021 when FDA gave authorisation to Comernity brand and these studies were part of approval. But it is now uncovered that these are DoD contracts who are supplying counter measure prototypes which are NOT pharmaceuticals and so no safety rules apply! All govss signed up to it and not allowed to test vials. Those which were smuggled out and tested, many brands, none conformed to manufacturer spec! everyone should watch vid on globalresearch.ca by Corona Investigative Committee Oct 5th I think date is.

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They also clearly don't want the moms to feel guilty over killing their babies.

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Yes, you couldn't get anymore anti-scientific and explicitly covering up than that!

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Are we not “following the Science” then , shock , horror? Or as Pfizer boss said, moving at the “speed of Science”. Seriously though, why isn’t this lack of accountability all over the media?

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Which is odd, because previously, the 'speed of science' for novel vaccine approval was of the order of decades, which reduced to months with the Covid 'vaccines'. I think what she meant to say was: 'We greatly exceeded the speed of science in order to keep pace with the speed of politics and profitability', which meant that we cut corners here, there and everywhere.'

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Well said ~ and she actually said as much when she admitted their focus was on what was happening in the marketplace. I'm shocked more people haven't commented on this.

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she is the Marketing Director and her role is sales. Best sales woman I knew said you sell the sizzle not the sausage. They certainly took her advice!

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It's my believe that Big Pharma knew if they went through 'normal' channels, by the time the shot was ready we'd all have acquired immunity.

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Of course! Thank you for pointing out the obvious.

(Shocked I never thought of this myself.)

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Because the media are at the heart of the problem!

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It takes stupid people to make stupid rules, and fools to mind them.

Do not be a stupid.

Do not be a fool.

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I watched Dr. C earlier this morning. The upheaval in the UK over policy and leadership is a distraction. Keep investigating!

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identifying the vaccination status of the mother, even aggregated and anonymously could cause harm

oh, so what about identifying the vaccination status of those wanting to go to work, the store, the pub, a concert, etc.? i guess that very, very specific identification could never possibly cause anyone any harm.

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Yes, it is totally shameful. I just tweeted John's lastest video and tagged the relevant agencies and people on twitter. It probably won't have any effect, but to be silent is to be complicit. https://twitter.com/lapogus1/status/1583027941620862976

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"The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history."

—George Orwell

(h/t Mathew Crawford)

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Promo Code: George Orwell. 😅

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That's Sexy George Orwell!

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I have watched Dr. John's videos since the start of the 'pandemic' in early '20 and it was a constant source of frustration that he had been such an advocate for vaccination. He is obviously a very nice old gentleman who went into his profession to help people. Unfortunately such people tend to be quite naive as to the ways of power (aka, the ways of the psychopaths at the top) and his eager advocacy for the vaccines betrayed that naïveté.

I am glad that he is awakening to what is going on.

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I'm mean honestly how much more s are and how many more people need to die to stop this diabolical regime. I know that's the idea that we die but its an atrocity

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Minute 6:45 to 7:45 is especially nice. Thanks for sharing the video.

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Ha! ArkMedic comes in with this point too: "Public Health Scotland demolished by 10 seconds of silence - from a Campbell"


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The ACIP members are doing this exact same thing. NOT CHECKING. These monsters, wherever they exist, must be stopped.

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What was NOT mentioned in Dr JC's video is that John O'Looney has revealed that NHS Hospital Trusts in his locality have been sending the bodies of newborn children who have died - if I remember correctly, please correct me if I am wrong - directly to Crematoria, bypassing local Undertakers; If I recall he has sought and got corroboration of this egregious practice from his Undertaker business contacts elsewhere;

For accurate reporting please view this link:


After viewing Dr JC's video above, it occurs to me that, if ANY of these poor infants where alive for even a few seconds, and then the NHS Trust concerned cremated the bodies, I don't have to any further describe the horrific vision that has just "crept into my brain". I acknowledge that this might not have happened, but does this not constitute a potential crime that the Police MUST investigate? ( when not babysitting certain protesters, and ensuring that any disruption they intend to inflict actually happens, of course ). I hope Mark Steyn gets involved in this...following on from the DT report?

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The "white crap" is amyloidosis:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/d648a65bf7c4

And this video includes John's report about the cremation of the newborns:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/d43472314b99

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"Nothing to see here. Move along." I pray for those brokenhearted women and their families. I also pray that people wake up.

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