Fixed it:

"Dear Mr Smalley,

I'm not very bright but someone, I can't remember who, told me the Covid-19 vaccines have saved hundreds of thousands of lives and I am grateful not to have to reflect on or challenge this whilst I believe, also with little evidence or investigation, that this is the most popular view in my constituency and party"

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As to who made the claim, I recall that in one of Vaccine Reports a similar claim was made. If I recall correctly, it was to the effect that some millions of lives were saved as shown by a computer model that was "assumed" to be accurate.

I wish I had noted that source more carefully.

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The computer model was based on the 95 % efficacy. And we all know that was BS. Mathew Crawford of Rounding the Earth and Norman Fenton have shown the efficacy data was a sham. Aside from that, there is no proof (it was requested by a doctor from the CDC) that covid serum antibodies can cross from the blood into the airways (it had only been shown with flu antibodies in rare instances and was of no clinical effect/quantity). Thus there is no mechanism by which muscular injections prevent a sars-cov2 infection from taking hold or becoming severe.

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I saw an article on this subject that mentioned Imperial College, but it the article did not link to any publication or published article. We have been here before.

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just a thought....how many lives would have been destroyed/ended with lockdowns for 5+ years?

AND, now, how many will question shots/vexxes, and also will stay away from hospitals and doctors? Maybe, just maybe, there is method in the madness? Just saying.

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Jesus an auto reply would have been more intelligent and constructive.

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It's actually a record response, especially given that the auto reply said how busy she was. Hit a nerve. She was probably wondering why she hadn't heard from me in so long.

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I guess we can be grateful she didn't say millions?!

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I was thinking exactly that!

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"Dear Ms Marson, please kindly provide the evidence/empirical proof that your many thousands of vaccinated would have died had they remained unvaccinated. "

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Now you're just asking for the moon. These people are allergic to facts.

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If I had to bet my hard-earned money, I would bet that she is NOT vaccinated with the most sacred miracle elixir.

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Andrew Bridgen MP stated that he had side-effects from taking 2 x AZ.

There are two MPs (Lab. & Con.) who I'm almost sure didn't take it. In general though, surely they're affected by 'mass formation' just the same as the rest of us were (or weren't).

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I feel sorry for Bridgen. It's too bad that he experienced side effects. He is a leader. We need more like him. I am convinced that the vast majority of western politicians and otherwise, did not take the jabs.

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Just ask her if she considers the product safe and effective and if she does to supply the data to support it🤔You could have alot of fun with this.

I'm going to have ago with the illustrious Rebecca Pow MP👍

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Or ask her if she’s had her own children and/or grandchildren‘vaccinated’....

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I think that's why she choose the reply she did, it helps confirm her lack of intelligence🥴

It's all quite normal in our new reality🇬🇧👍

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Yes, kind of “I am out of the office”.

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My MSP in Scotland tells me data from National Records is misinformation.

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HOW tf is One MP supposed to go against ALL the lobbying $ ALL your politicians take, openly http://allaregreen.us/ & survive politically? YOU continually refuse to grow tf up & face the reality that they can't first TAKE the $ then vote against them, then you FURTHER refuse to grow up & pretend that this $ doesn't affect decision-making.

This leaves them alone without OUR protection should they try & fight against the corporations. You try so hard to abnegate YOUR social & adult-level responsibility you actually tie THEIR hands as well, all to retain a childish belief that Mummy & Daddy-Government care more for you than $? Tell me what do you THINK would happen to the FIRST POLITICIAN to try & go against ALL the corporations paying out THOSE amounts of $?

Will they throw them a birthday party?

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You seem a little angry.

In the UK the members of parliament are meant to represent there constituents.

The horse witch of new Zealand has walked from office was it because she was good at her job? And yes I'm still trying to grow some 👍🧚🧚

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1) NO ONE (listen very carefully now) can TAKE corporate $ then vote against corporate agendas & survive in their political careers.

No one. This INCLUDES politicians.

2) If you take ONE corporation's $, then you either have to stop there & arrest yourself, or you have to accept it from all of them. Or again, bye-bye career.

3) The jabs are being mandated due to corporate lobbying payments. Do We Citizens want them? Did We Citizens ask FOR them? No. The Only Reason the MANDATES EXIST is lobbying $. If your infantile brain wants to regress to an emotional state usually reserved for those whose age we use months to indicate & just cry "but they're SUPPOSED TO waaah" whenever reality doesn't meet your childish view of the world, then all you're ever going to be able to do is go "waaah." We're here on a newsletter speaking about how politicians are making $ for killing children for greed.

& YOU are sitting back & crying about how Mommy and Daddy-Politician aren't living DOWN to your infantile expectations & about how THAT is The Problem? Seriously?

So... you're sitting there allowing these murders to continue because you can't be an adult WHILE crying "waaah?" THAT is The Problem? Crying "waaah" is MORE IMPORTANT to you somehow than saving children's lives?

Even here after I pointed out that we need to change our mindset in order to save children's lives ALL you can talk about is how going "waaah" is your Highest Priority & that all you care about is that I seem angry about you going "waaah" not that I MIGHT BE ANGRY about you going "waaah" instead of, I don't know, taking action to save the lives of children?

Do you THINK your politicians are exempt from the law? Do you think they SHOULD be? Do you actually think that it IS LEGAL for YOU to mandate people get injected with untested products?

Now why do you think that those who wrote your country's laws made it legal for politicians to do so? Or that we can't arrest criminals because the seat they sit in when committing crimes is in a government office?

Using one's public office for personal gain AS WELL AS (again, listen carefully now) MANDATING that people get injected with products that have not undergone proper testing IS ILLEGAL in all nations with constitutional laws. You can organize & stop this tomorrow if you decided to today.

If you ever stop going "waaah" that is.

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The DOD is behind this - they are also injected the US military...

This ain't about $$$

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Check out Andrew Bridgen MP here in Britain

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And just what are you doing about it? Your comment is juvenile. You are projecting.

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I just told you all that you have legal, non-violent recourse. & you either 1) missed that, which indicates you're 'very intelligent' otherwise what are you angry about? or 2) aren't surprised by it meaning you've always know it, but refuse to act upon it for something as worthless as saving the lives of children

3) You've never heard of me before. So how am I POSSIBLY RESPONSIBLE FOR the fact that none of you who already knew this won't do it?

4) How am I supposed TO do it when you won't support it? Thanks for proving me right, though. Y'all would rather continue sacrificing your own children before you'd question a single one of your authority figures.

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Because the population of NZ saw her for the fraud she is - woke wouldn’t even be understood shearing sheep and long may that be!

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Mine has been the same on anything Covid related since day 1. I now regularly write to him pointing out the government's own evidence with the statement "Just making sure you cannot in future claim not to have known".

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When I was a kid in the USSR, there was a formula that people used when required to 'state a position" on a dissident. "I have not read this author but I condemn him." This sounds similar in essence.

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Spot on 🥲 did you escape the ussr of Gorbachev for USA of Biden? Jeez I’m sorry 😢

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I wonder if that response can be used as evidence in a future trial.

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That's what I have warned her repeatedly. She has no excuse.

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A nation of fools will be ruled by fools. Inevitably.

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‘Twas ever thus’

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Despite the denial many of our MP’s have about the safety concerns, including severe adverse events and deaths from the covid jabs, we must not give up. My MP, Mr. Simon Jupp, east Devon, responds to my every email. Sadly he is a “the jabs are safe and effective” guy. I send every study and piece of data questioning the safe and effective narrative. I will not stop sending til he sees the light of day. Even the idiot in the White House has admitted defeat, finally. The EUA will be lifted on May 11th. Half of my family in the Midwest of the USA, have covid right now. Most took all the boosters.

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I like to refer to him as Sleazy Joe. He's a real scumbag.

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Keep it up - Uk MPs first past the Pfizer Moderna clap post 👏👏👏 Whitty ccp funded university progs Hancock murders - they even put Boris on a ventilator (what did they know or not?😂) and at least a year behind many European and MEPs not to mention the surgeon general of Florida coming out with the truth, verified stats and actual scientific data ..... dozy dangerous bunch but the opposition are just as damned stupid 🥲

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Keep this receipt!

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I live in NSW Australia and that was exactly the response I received from my Federal member who is also a GP. When ever I email her I send links, she never sends me any links to show that these jabs are safe and effective, despite me asking for that evidence

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On the upside she did respond, my MP the illustrious Rebecca Pow chooses not to respond to my emails👍

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You mean the current MP for Saffron Walden? RAB’s bones will be rattling in his grave one hopes!

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Does she know we could replace her with a very simple computer program? Like, has anyone told her?

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I think it's been done. The MP/windbag is no more than a software-liveware interface.

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My MP is Tim Farron. He was out and about in Kendal where I live the other day. I was talking to him about the mistake of the lockdowns citing Sweden who had a very light lockdown. His reply was they had an 80% lockdown. You can’t have a sensible conversation with these people.

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I know a person in Sweden. They only closed public concert venues. They closed nothing else, and never required masks. In Michigan we had a total lockdown, with these businesses closed: hair salons, tattoo parlors, nail parlors, all restaurants were totally closed down in 2020, with partial openings of restaurants (like take out only) coming later. Michigan required masks and you even needed travel papers in 2020 to travel if you were not going to the grocery store.

There was a study that compared Sweden to Michigan and Michigan had more illness per capita.

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The fact that they can’t even lie consistently shows that they are just making it up.

The Lancet said the vaccines have saved “20 million lives worldwide in 2021” (contemptuously dismissed by Norman Fenton, see https://twitter.com/profnfenton/status/1607425275008282624?s=20&t=8OtGvQeBLDg3Ua9I4PxvHw), I saw someone else recently say 8 million lives, Steven Barclay says “countless lives worldwide” and your MP says “hundreds of thousands of lives”.

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Modelling study funded by Bill and Melinda. Pseudoscience with vested interests.

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Saying what her pharma masters are telling her to say. Funny how many different levels of sheep us humans have been herded with. She is no worse than the USA talking heads.

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She demonstrates her true attributes…those of a politician who’s motivations have nothing to do with her constituents best interests.

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My MP is the same! She sounds like she’s reading off the Pfizer crib sheet though! I’m Dre that’s what many of the world leadership said after catching covid after vaccination. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻

Ask her to show proof the vaccine have saved lives.

That whole argument is pathetic! It’s the same as saying “ I wear underwear so I don’t get run over by a bus!…oh look, I haven’t been run over by a bus the underwear has saved me!”🤦🏻

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I modeled the frequency of bus run overs and underwear usage. Underwear is safe and effective at saving lives from bus run overs. Nearly everyone who’s killed by bus run over was wearing underwear but there are breakthrough cases and adverse effects from every prophylactic approach. Keep wearing underwear and your life will be saved from bus run overs.

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Wasn’t wearing underwear! 🤣


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