In March, I wrote a scathing attack on the stupidity of the Japanese. Admittedly, I could have written it about most countries but it just so happened that Japan is the most COVID “vaccine” “boosted” country in the world and they have decent mortality data so, here it was…
In that piece, I said:
Season 2023, which captures the second round of boosters, is not yet complete but from early showing, it will easily eclipse 2022.
Unfortunately, I was right (as usual).
They keep lining up for more Deathshots™. They keep on dying a few weeks later. Instead of shots, maybe they should start joining the dots?
Here’s the super “vaccination” campaign, courtesy of Our World in Data:
Note the latest booster campaign starting mid-Oct 2022.
And, sure as eggs is eggs, a couple of months later, Japan suffers what I called “super excess” mortality, mortality that exceeds the upper bound of expectations, really rare events (prior to 2021 at any rate).
And how is 2023 “shaping up”?
Yup, worse than the already bad 2022.
Thankfully, it looks like the message has finally gotten round and the dear Japanese are beginning to join the (rather obvious) dots and are no longer subjecting themselves to the experiment.
Hopefully, this translates in a reduction in mortality. Really, it should fall below expected levels due to the huge amount of pull-forward.
However, since the longer term impact of the experiment is still being recorded and evaluated (by the independent researchers at any rate, not the public health authorities or regulatory agencies), there is still uncertainty that deaths will stop.
Moreover, I’m not entirely sure we can trust that they are still reporting the jab stats anyway.
I’ll review this again in three months when the full-year mortality data should be available at least.
The problem is that culturally, Japanese are trained from birth that “the nail that sticks up will be hammered into place.” They’re trained, as a former agrarian society, to do whatever is necessary for the community, and will therefore sacrifice their own personal feelings and autonomy for the “greater good” of society. That’s why they’re effectively socialist and why they’re not individualistic at all. Lemmings. They move with the crowd, and that crowd is easily controlled by the few who are independent and shout the loudest in their society. Critical thinking is not taught in their schools either. So you’ll not get people to connect dots and demand change. I’m absolutely certain there are Japanese researchers who can see this is bad, but would more than a handful ever speak up? Who would give them a platform to broadcast the message wider? Or the even worse and more diabolical scenario is that the government knows, and is encouraging it. Why would they want to kill their own people when they already have a shrinking population? Simple, their population pyramid is inverted and they have more aged people than young workers to support them, and taking care of all those senior citizens (national pension, healthcare, lack of income tax revenue, etc) is a fiscal burden the government can’t pay. The more who die, the cheaper it becomes.
The deaths are not widely reported here. NHK, akin to PBS in the States, recently got caught and apologized for airing interviews of survivors of those killed by the vaccine but reporting that they died of covid. Doubt many know of the lie and apology. I have heard not a soul speak of it outside of Substack. Should be big news anytime the government news agency gets caught in any lie, but no one is talking about this here.
In fact, they are reporting that boosters will be ready for the Fall covid season. Frankly, I wonder how many there are left who have not had at least two shots at this point.