Jun 24, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

The problem is that culturally, Japanese are trained from birth that “the nail that sticks up will be hammered into place.” They’re trained, as a former agrarian society, to do whatever is necessary for the community, and will therefore sacrifice their own personal feelings and autonomy for the “greater good” of society. That’s why they’re effectively socialist and why they’re not individualistic at all. Lemmings. They move with the crowd, and that crowd is easily controlled by the few who are independent and shout the loudest in their society. Critical thinking is not taught in their schools either. So you’ll not get people to connect dots and demand change. I’m absolutely certain there are Japanese researchers who can see this is bad, but would more than a handful ever speak up? Who would give them a platform to broadcast the message wider? Or the even worse and more diabolical scenario is that the government knows, and is encouraging it. Why would they want to kill their own people when they already have a shrinking population? Simple, their population pyramid is inverted and they have more aged people than young workers to support them, and taking care of all those senior citizens (national pension, healthcare, lack of income tax revenue, etc) is a fiscal burden the government can’t pay. The more who die, the cheaper it becomes.

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As I said in the first article, I think the official researchers are either gullible or dishonest. I think the former.

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The latter is happening as well. Just as one small example, there have been numerous reports primary physicians marking the vaccine as the cause of death, only to be overruled by the state board later on.

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That was one my of two first thoughts on hearing of Covid back in Feb? '20---it would fix the funding problem for USA social 'benefit' systems

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Not just usa but any country with a social security system for seniors.

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Not only those past 'working age'--but also the young ones on the dole--anyone on 'disability'--anyone who takes 'more' than he contributes? (even if he did a heck of a lot of contributing for a heck of a lot of years--I started paying into SocSec when I turned 15)

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Exactly! Where I am in the USA, people cannot partake in benefits unless they are jabbed! Pretty sick, whether they’re on the dole or not. Humanity, what’s left of it, can be very evil.

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'Splain, please?

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People that are on welfare or assistance from the state are required to get the jab in order to receive benefits.

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That would make a government welcome Covid, but why would a government want to welcome vactines [Brandon's word for the jabs] if they can disproportionately harm younger, able-bodied citizens?

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I do think that a sign that the clot shots are deliberately harmful would be "someone" suddenly investing in bankrupt pension schemes, that would "magically" become in surplus and thus available for a spot of asset looting.

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Not just pension funds..... insurance companies are seeing very high profits with all of their senior citizen customers dying before they can use their benefits on their policies.

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Interesting thought indeed

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Japan is arguably the most collectivist, non-individualistic society in existence. In a collectivist society creativity, inventiveness, and ideas are anathema. Balance, harmony, and the mean are the goals. This even extends to emotional affect. Emotional affect serves to distinguish one from other societal members, the unforgivable sin. This has its basis in Eastern religious philosophy, that posits that we are merely manifestations-incarnations of the one ultimate reality. Therefore the best that can be done is to become "aware-woke" to this fact. The result is societal group-think. My Japanese brother-in-law told me that: "There isn't a single person like me in all of Japan." This when I questioned certain authority figures.

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The deaths are not widely reported here. NHK, akin to PBS in the States, recently got caught and apologized for airing interviews of survivors of those killed by the vaccine but reporting that they died of covid. Doubt many know of the lie and apology. I have heard not a soul speak of it outside of Substack. Should be big news anytime the government news agency gets caught in any lie, but no one is talking about this here.

In fact, they are reporting that boosters will be ready for the Fall covid season. Frankly, I wonder how many there are left who have not had at least two shots at this point.

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Hi Agent K.

Yep ... For a long time now, Reporters Without Borders has generously ranked Japan around 65th in the world for freedom of press. Generous at best.

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In short, the Japanese do not tolerate bad mouthing their country in Japanese. For a fun exercise, those who have not done so should read the same issue of a Japanese newspaper issued in English and issued in Japanese. Quite informative.

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Indeed, I was "amused" to read the captions in a historical museum in Japan.

Nevertheless, I still think I'd like to spend more time there in the future after having enjoyed several trips there over the past 25 years.

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We may have chatted out her, but Kuniya Hiroko's wiki-page in English is quite different from the Japanese version. But neither go into much detail about how she was ousted from NHK's Close-Up Gendai when her questions of an LDP 'old boy' went off script.

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I always wonder, is there some website of group to start meeting people who refused the vaccine? I have no idea, how many people currently are non-covid vaccinated.

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I doubt it very much. No better way to make oneself a target than by publicly forming such a group. If all you are looking for is how many are unvaxxed, look at the number of those who have received the first two shots and compare with the overall population.

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I saw that as well. NHK did them dirty, and their non-apology apology afterward was just as despicable.

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That’s right, it really was a non apology, wasn’t it?

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And they don't have mandates.

Just thinking of the greater good.

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Japanese society does not need mandates for such things. Recommendations and group think lead most to get them. For those few immune to such, there are incentives; full vax verification required to participate in various tourism events, discounts for the fully vaxxed, fear pf being blamed for causing a covid “cluster” at work, kids not allowed to attend school if anyone in the family has covid symptoms (which are the same for a wide variety of ailments) if anyone in the household is unvaxxed and others.

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If you can, boycott whatever is thus discounted.

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I boycott places that demanded I wear a mask, except the bank as I do need my now meager earnings.

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Jun 24, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Hi Joel ... something strange going on in South Africa ... major Mumps out break in spite of fully vaccinated populous...

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Not really strange then? It seems this is quite a regular occurrence in fully "vaccinated" populations...

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The company I work for is almost 100% Japanese. My impression is that the vast majority of my co-workers are not aware of the mechanism of action of mRNA jabs vs. traditional vaccines. They don't know what spike protein is. They don't know what LNP means. Most are just getting it because MSM has made it the "normal" thing to do (along with masks).

I've tried communicating the dangers, but it's still difficult to get through to many people. Even my own doctor told me I should get the shot, despite having recovered from Covid several months earlier (was a run-of-the-mill 2.5-day cold for me, no lingering symptoms).

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Unlike in western societies, suicide in Japan is often considered to be an honourable act, so if some people effectively make the choice to kill themselves 'for the greater good' then they are dying with honour, not stigma. Suicide is a major problem in Japan. The suicide rate notably peaked in the country in the 1980s when the Japanese economic miracle started to fall apart, and then again in the late 1990s. There's a lot to love about Japanese culture, much to admire about Japanese industriousness and innovation and their superb manufacturing - Japanese cars, motorcycles and electrical goods are still the best in the world in my opinion. But there is a dark side too. The Japanese sun certainly appears to be setting and it's raining Datsun cogs.

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Jun 24, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

The difference with "cases" and "deaths" is, that you can replicate the former but not the latter.

Persistent deaths (extra) will eventually lead to "lower" death rate. But now we see unseasonal extension for two years+? Not so with cases with leaky vaxes, they will reappear and re...

Please revisit the australian myocarditis data. Every age group can be assigned to roll-out schedule, and thereafter problems apperance.

Dumbo, long thougth to have extincted, is florishing everywhere!

Long live the -vaxavoiding!


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Jun 24, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

If you think the Japs are stupid, try us Swiss. We are the only people in the world who actually got to vote on the Covid measures and lockdowns. Last week we voted for the THIRD time to keep the measures on the law books till 2032. People are just pinprick plebs.

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Interesting. When I visited Switzerland last September, I had a great time, and it didn't seem that people were paying attention to Covid or acting silly about it. Also, I thought the food was wonderful.

If it makes a difference, I enjoyed the German-speaking cities more than the French-speaking cities, though that could be because my knowledge of German is less pitiful than my knowledge of French.

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To be fair to the Swiss, AO, they weren't as crazy as the French or Germans over Covid. And there were a lot of major protests about the measures. The German part of the country is the real Switzerland. Oh, and yes, the food is pretty good!

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Jun 25, 2023·edited Jun 25, 2023

Hey you Swiss are battling it out with the USA and Austria for top spot in the refusenik olympics in the western world LOL. 9 million people but 3 million held out and didn't take it. Well done.

Now about that 6 million of your population (66%) who took 14 million shots ... Sheesh. Those ones are true believers in the cult. I saw the vote and was very disappointed as I had hoped reality would get through to enough to stop the nonsense but the cult is strong with those 6 million.

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Jun 24, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

If you ever needed more proof that this is NOT about intelligence I can't help you. Japan, South Korea and Israel are all very bright, well educated, with cultures that value academics and yet they fell for it REPEATEDLY.

Sheesh. Just when we need more engineers to fix things and solve problems we've poisoned 3 great sources of engineering talent. This doesn't bode well for the species. Just saying that George Carlin may have been correct with his "Pack your shit folks. We're going away".

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There are different types of stupidity. I know several people with PhDs. They're not really bright. On the contrary, they could be so stupid on certain issues.

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Good point. There are differences among intelligence/stupidity (ability to understand), knowledgable/ignorant, wisdom/foolishness (ability to make sound/moral judgments), gullibility/cynicism (eagerness to accept what one is being told) and communal/individual focus.

I suspect Japan, South Korea, and Israel have overweighted communal focus and gullibility, and they don't have the best foundation for wisdom independent of the main power hierarchy. It seems some states in the US, some countries in the EU, and some other countries have made better decisions than others. Not sure if there is a common thread for those or not.

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It is more of a personality trait than intelligence. Ivor Cummins did a survey and the INT-J personality is 2% of the population and over 20% of the refusniks. We INT-J's question authority obsessively. INF-J were a close second. Together those 2 of 16 personality types make up almost half the refusniks (40%). INF-P and INT-P round out the top 4. Combined those 4 (11% of the general population) make up over half of the refusniks.


Very basic survey and not a study but it would explain a lot.

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Personally I like using Myers-Briggs, though I've heard it is viewed as weak science at best. I am INT-J (though relatively close to INT-P). Definitely I don't agree with the crowd by default.

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I'm an INT-J as well. I shudder to think about a world with the majority of people being those 4 personality types LOL. Now that would be entertaining in very weird and unexpected ways.

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Like Sheldons from Big Bang Theory :-)

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Jun 24, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Your research is keeping me sane. Truth heals.

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When the elephant is that big and the room is that small, it's difficult for people to see it. They only see its feet.

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Jun 24, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Kinda bummed to hear that Japan is so bad, you never want to go back. My son is stationed over there w/ the USAF & we’ve just booked a trip next April to visit him. O well, the main point is to be with him & share a slice of his life there (he’s really loving it so far) & im sure we’ll enjoy some nice experiences along the way.

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It's good that you have a son defending the liberty of the american people, not the cabal interests, by being stationed in Japan. China is to blame for the virus...

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Jun 24, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley


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sorry I meant fully vaccinated against Mumps

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Can we trust that they are still reporting the jab stats? - Nah.

Incidentally, they can't get treatment at clinics unless they wear masks. Stupid lasts forever

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Well given population trends it may be a great place to live if you can be self sufficient

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