Aug 5, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

When Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, et al all suddenly started manufacturing billions of doses of their new 'vaccines' in 2020, where was the massive recruitment drive? Where was the rapid acquisition or construction of the new facilities needed to produce them? Are we seriously meant to believe that they all began the manufacture of their products from scratch at such scale with their existing resources?

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Aug 5, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Funeral director John O’Looney reported that his local NHS hospital had newly prepared for a pandemic by November 2019, backed up by serious construction, “because something horrible is coming”. WHO tipped them off to that? The link I had doesn’t work now and I’ve got to dash.

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Aug 5, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

I followed my gut instinct and rat-smelling qualities in declining the jab. Convinced no one else though, with the lucky exception of my husband. Obviously my powers of persuasion are either nil or the fear porn was just too convincing for those not willing to investigate for themselves. Always amazed at how your friends and family put their trust in government and its institutions (whom they continually complain about in all else), yet apparently believe that well-intentioned friends (who do read and advised caution!) do not have their best interests at heart and are trying to do them in.

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The Virus-Vaccine package is a synergistic, multi-faceted, dose dependent, threat multiplying genetic bioweapon. There, that's my conspiracy theory and I'm sticking with it, even in the face of mounting evidence which shows it's not a conspiracy theory, but fact.

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Aug 5, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

This started to make fuzz in January 2022.

Everything is 100% accurate, it's impossible to falsify data in archive.org. Archive.org is just an image of past things.

Please notice that the "operative" was from Sweden.

What country opposed the restrictions?


Their intelligence service knew more than we did.

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Conspiracy theory from a weirdo on a weird website! Excellent Saturday morning fare!

We will never know the truth of it all because there isn't any Bond villain stroking his cat somewhere. Not even old Billy-boy. Everybody was involved. Everybody was complicit. Except for some of us who are clearly wired differently and are too cynical/logical to believe anything we are told.

Everybody from the top to the bottom participated in the whole thing so there's no conspiracy theory that confirms anything. The zeitgeist was just right, the world wanted some excitement, life was too dull and safe, there was money to be made, huge amounts of money, there was fame and glory without the need for guns, there was celebrity to embrace, there was the frisson of fear. And then there was no way of getting off the merry-go-round so the deaths are just continuing even though the narrative has mostly moved on. Go walk round your supermarket - 99% of the people around you were involved in causing the deaths.

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Half way through 2019 I put a prediction on Facebook that there would be a worldwide crisis in the healthcare industry. I didn’t know what it was going to be but I could feel it. Then I read in an article on RT news that there were global figures also predicting a worldwide crisis in the healthcare industry in 2020 but no specific threat or event. So it wouldn’t surprise me at all if the 4chan board was all legit

There were people that knew what was coming

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The Olympic Rituals of 1992/2012 "Predicted" The Corona Operation


Satanic Pfizer: The Occult Symbolism Found On The Pfizer Mural. They Are Mocking Us


They Love The Number 33. Are you awake yet?


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Interesting... Flu isn't a hard word to get right... I've seen this before, I dismissed it, even if it is true, what whistle blower choses 4chan? Having said that the people Blackrock and Pfizer are employing look well silly.

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A few notes. “Torille”, means literally “*to* the outdoor market”, but is commonly used also to make “let’s celebrate something big”, like Finland winning hockey world championships. But it is also used sarcastically on other occasions.

In the 4chan thread it seems to be a reply to “ Nice to meet you operative. I'm an agent.” Not to “Where will the virus first appear?”

I hope this clarifies. Very interesting stuff, even without the market square reference and given the caveats of authenticity.

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To nitpick just a bit, it's not quite this:

"it is said (with good reason) that if enough people make predictions, at least one of them has a very good chance of being correct, just by luck."

But rather, there is a very good chance that at least one of them will be at least partly correct.

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It was all a scam and the fell for it

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Georgia guide stones. "maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature"

The word "maintain" is particularly interesting. 💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉🤝👍

If you Google them, the four main themes are:

Establish world government

Population and reproductive control



Any of this sound familiar???

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Hmmm so “Covid” appears on the scene a mere months after the main conspirators - Gates, Rockefeller, WEF - hosted Event 201 simulating a deadly, global coronavirus pandemic, which was attended by none other than the head of the Chinese CDC, which just happens to have a station in Wuhan where the first “outbreak” of a mysterious form pneumonia (ignore the horrible pollution problems in that city for a moment) was discovered, and from where the first samples of the alleged virus were sequenced and sent to the WHO.

Then, Drosten and Co., without ever possessing a sample of the alleged virus, create a protocol for the first PCR test, which was “peer reviewed” in a mere 24 hours by a publication on whose board multiple members of the team who created the test just just happen to sit. This test was immediately accepted by the WHO and became the “gold-standard” for diagnosing all those infamous “cases” of the so-called “Covid-19” disease, and the basis of the vast majority of tests used around the world. This test has been exposed as a complete fraud six ways to Sunday.

And, seemingly and astonishingly, the flu disappeared from the face of the Earth as soon as this alleged novel virus appeared, which just so happens to have the same exact symptoms as well as the same exact mortality rate, effecting the same exact at-risk demographics - the old and severely sick. The only two differences between “Covid” and the flu is 1. The aforementioned PCR test and 2. The unprecedented, extraordinary, and globally coordinated/scripted response.

It was those policies - lockdowns, ejecting the old and sick from hospitals, isolation/neglect/DNRs/sedation of nursing home residents, cancelled surgeries/screenings/treatments for everyone but “covid” patients, and the murderous treatment protocols which caused spikes in excess deaths in certain cities and countries around the world, and which, thanks to the PCR tests creating fake cases, insidious changes to protocols for registering deaths (anyone with a positive PCR or merely assumed to have had “Covid”) and corrupt “experts” and corporate media propagandists deceitfully and unquestioningly repeating these statistics every night accompanied by and endless stream of fear-mongering images, many of them staged, gave the impression to the public that there was anything unusual going on whatsoever, in addition to mandatory masks which, successfully employing applied behavior psychology, became a perpetual visual symbol and unconscious trigger of a threat that didn’t ever exist.

And all this just happens to coincide with a global financial crisis, foreseen by the central bankers and BlackRock, the latter of which wrote a plan for how to response to the next crisis 6 months before the “pandemic” was even declared, called the Going Direct Reset, which the former (the Fed) immediately set out to implement, which resulted in the greatest transfer of wealth from the public and middle class to the wealthy parasites in history, surpassing even the bailouts of 08/09 and beyond. This is simply all a cover for the final crisis of capitalism, which the transnational ruling class knew was inevitable, and which required a radical solution and hence the ongoing transition to a new, digital system.

Call me a coincidence theorist but I believe this is a diabolical attempt by the billionaires to seize ownership of the whole planet, to exterminate/sterilize billions of people, and to permanently enslave the rest.

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It was a DOD operation, and that is well documented.

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The faked covid pandemic was in the "works" long before September of 2019. I would "guess" it was in the works for at least the last 50 years and is still a work in progress.

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