Apr 23, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Despite this public information, the governments of the Western World are for the most part still pushing the deadly vaccine. 50 years ago the government would have stopped the mRNA vaccine long ago. So what changed and who's pulling the strings?

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Apr 23, 2023·edited Apr 23, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Listen to the WEF psychopaths and their speeches at Davos. There’s the answer. They’re setting up a techno feudal system that enables them to own the population like cattle. ALL of our western governments, bureaucrats, authorities, and institutions are infiltrated with their ‘agents’. Read the list of WEF ‘members’ on their website. They really are setting bodies up,to be adulterated with their nano tech. Go to the UK, or Canada transhumanism government websites. They spin it as for ‘your health and protection’, but eagerly outline how even your heartbeat, dreams, and emotion will be monitored by them ( for your protection and convenience of course’. )That sounds like total slavery doesn’t it. Look what the reactions are already to any dissent. Imagine if they have access to your body and brain like they plan. The fools thinking this is some wild ‘conspiracy theory’ need to first listen to those creeps talking about this at Davos, and look up the Canadian government website’ Policy Horizons BioConvergence’. The US and UK have similar ‘plans’ for their populations. https://horizons.gc.ca/en/2020/02/11/exploring-biodigital-convergence/

The websites even say “ changing what it means to be human’.

So, who exactly voted for our government’s involvement in these psychopaths plans and funding this slavery system with your tax dollars? Ask why exactly these plans and agendas are kept so low profile. Write your MP. Ask if the government actually is ‘exploring’ ‘changing what it means to be human’ they aren’t making this very public at the very least; especially if it involves agendas as sweeping as ‘changing what it means to be human’. And is THAT their job description? They’re imagining being granted a political position means they’re our rulers or ‘owners’, instead of hired to be our public servants and run infrastructure for us. They want a21st century techno version of feudalism with the usual parasites offered even more access to the people for sucking the very life out of.

All that blatant mandating of these injections is to get the public free of the notion that they have bodily autonomy. Get used to government owning your body. Read through that website and ask where is there any notion of fundamental human rights in that agenda? The WEF really is orchestrating a coup of corporate interests aided and abetted by corrupt and complicit politicians and bureaucrats. Regulatory Capture used to mean simply the corruption of governments, authorities, institutions, and media by the influence and control of corporate interests. We’re way past simple lobbying now folks. And anyone still not realizing this is treason by ALL political or bureaucratic players involved in these violations of our humanity is their tool. Just like those virtue signallers asking people to pull that mask up over their nose, and your city council members who actually believed they had any right to ‘vote’ away citizen’s fundamental rights ; they’re colluding with Crimes Against Humanity.

I just wrote every single City Council member and reminded them this wrong notion of what their responsibilities actually are better not surface again.

I put up posters I made all through downtown last week, that stated ‘ getting on bandwagons that violate other people’s fundamental human rights, under any guise, which happened in our city in order to push Big Pharma’s experimental products on the public, is a crime, and will never again be tolerated.

People better stop ‘not wanting to look’ at what they’re doing to us. We still have ‘friends’ that refuse to even LOOK. They’re aiding and abetting this coup as well. Just as the public ignored what was going down in Nazi Germany. And we’re still dealing with Nazis you know. Freeland, Von der Leyen, most of them in fact, have family or business ties to Nazis.

We’d all better stand up now, however unpleasant or uncomfortable that may be.

Get rid of your freaking cell phones people. They NEED you to have mobile ‘internet’ for ALL of their plans. Get a landline, a desktop, an iPad. You don’t need to carry internet with you. My family dumped the smartphones over 10 years ago . It’s NOT a hard thing. Jesus. If you’re all reluctant then that tells you a lot about how you’re allowing this yourself.

Imagine if even just the ‘awake’ and ‘aware’ population of this globe dumped those phones; their plans would not be able to work. None of it. Do it. Don’t be a tool for them.

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Apr 23, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

I've been saying for the past three years that what is going on has some connection to "Operation Paperclip". For those of you not yet familiar with it, after WWII, the OSS (Office of Strategic Services... now know as the CIA) brought 1,700 of Hitler's top doctors, scientists, engineers, etc into the United States, and put them into top positions in our government, running programs like NASA and our space program. These Nazis were also put into top positions in our largest and most important industries, like BIG PHARMA, BIG CHEM, BIG TECH, etc.

A woman by the name of Annie Jacobsen wrote a book about "Operation Paperclip" back in 2014 that I highly recommend.

I know it sounds crazy, but when you look, you'll see that many of the same players are involved in what is currently going on, including the CIA.

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I read Annie Jacobsen’s book, “Operation Paperclip”...excellent book!

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It doesn't dound crazy. My history professor from Boston College in the '80s told us about how the Nazis were brought here to America and given positions in the corporations here post WWII.

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Apr 23, 2023·edited Apr 23, 2023

You are very astute and your comment is very prescient. I've seen the Cdn gov website before and was surprised that it was already up.

I would just say that getting rid of your cell phone won't be the answer: the ceo of Nokia stated at (I think) a WEF meeting that by 2030 we'll be imbedded with our cell phones, i.e., powerful micro chips.

George Gammon (a macro financial guru) keeps saying it: the problem will be that people will just sleep walk into this. He speaks of the dangers of CBDC's but points out that many people will think that's a great concept and demand it. They're going to demand their own enslavement in the guise of safety, convienience etc.

I've noticed for a while that yes, we are more and more being treated like cattle. That really is how these certain people see it. Covid made me realize that the problem is not so much our gov but our fellow citizens who support, vote for, even demand this craziness.

My solution is to try to present this to people in 'bite size pieces' to try to convert people. I also like to band together with like minded people.

What else to do?

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One of the things that's made me hopeful is the ineptitude of our various gov's. Canada is still trying to get the kinks out of Pheonix, gov payroll software and it's been years!

Take a look at this list on the Corbett Report:


For me, #3 was the doozy although all 5 are wacko. When you remember the sheer craziness of some of the studies that our gov's have funded in addition to this list, you can be hopeful that this craziness too shall pass.

We must remain resolute, hold fast to our faith, morals, ethics and prayers.

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You’re my kinda person Vanda💪🏼🙏

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023

The lynchpin to all of their ‘plans’ is your smart phone.

Dumb the damm mobile internet people.

If everyone who is aware and awake did that globally, it would be the equivalent of the resistance blowing up a bridge.

No one NEEDS mobile internet on your phones. THEY NEED people to be that joined to that technology and believe they can’t‘ function’ without it. I hear ‘freedom fighters’ all the time saying things like “ my ‘life’ is in that phone; I can’t ‘live’ without it”. That’s not true, is it.

Get a landline. Get a desktop. Don’t say “ you can’t live without mobile internet on a phone”.

People who refuse to consider the role those phones are playing in all of these grotesque’plans’ and still clutching on to them like they clearly are, are exactly what the enemy’ wants, isn’t it? Are we all really that weak?

What to do? Cancel your smartphone plans.

For myself, I’m just as baffled by the ‘freedom people’ who won’t get rid of those things as we were at those people STILL wearing masks and getting ‘boosted’ up.

Get rid of the damm mobile internet people! How long are people going to wait before they jettison that trap of the enemy that they carry around with them and clutched shakily in their hands and regard as if it’s oxygen? Lift your heads up from those damm screens. The ‘enemy’ must just feel so encouraged to see people joined to mobile phones like that. It’s like your awareness/ consciousness is sucked into that device. Hypnotized indeed.

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In case my first reply sounded too pessimistic, I wanted to add this: I continue to pray for the conversion of all the authoritarians and wanna-be world rulers. I also pray for stength to persevere for myself and my friends.

If you take even a brief look back through history, the world has been filled with hard times but good people have still survived and prospered. I've been watching Jordan Peterson's biblical series on youtube. He's got a great way of explaining the old testament and like I said, it is also filled with stories not only of perseverence and triumph but of immense personal growth.

We are the resistance of our times and I'm proud of it.

PS: I hardly ever use my cell phone and it is my phone, not my computer. When I had my own business, I made a conscious decision that I didn't want to be 'on' all the time so did not share the number much. I have the cheapest data plan that I could find and use a faraday bag. I still have a rotary dial phone that probably dates back to the early 70's and works great.

Land lines in Canada are increasingly becoming more difficult to obtain. A lot of my friends don't even realize that they have VOIP, the company they're with doesn't really explain it well at all.

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You're absolutely right. The problem is however that that horse left the barn a long time ago. Yes, it would most likely slow down 'their' plans but it wouldn't stop them. There is a video clip of the, I think, CEO of Nokia stating that by 2030, our cell phones will be imbedded in us. There are people today who think micro chipping themselves is cool.

It's like CBDC's. Watch some recent videos by George Gammon in youtube on CBDC's. It's the average person who will not give any consideration to their freedoms and privacy being increasing lost. The MSM will spin it as 'so convinient' and 'so cool' and people will buy it.

It'll be the same psy op's that drove the covid & shots narrative.

My pet peeve is facebook. Even many of my most anti narrative friends use it and strangely enough, some of my more compliant friends don't.

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People can get rid of their cellphones then. During lockdowns the UK fined one person by tracking his cell phone outside his house. He got the fine via text message on his cell phone and posted a pic.

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Your solution up is one we can actually do on an individual basis. Once enough are aware, with Gods help, we may be able to slow this down but like George I believe the people want this. They want to be told what to do.

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Thanks for the link. I looked it up. Scary stuff.

Yes WEF is an organization that needs to be ended. Nothing good is coming out of them these days. A one world benevolent government would be great but since the WEF is after a reduce population ruled by their elites, I pass. It is only a matter of time until robots can do most of the work of people. I assume the WEF plan would be to further reduce the population when the robots come into normalcy. I donate and write letters to help some worthwhile efforts to counter the Covid and Trudeau narrative and looks like I need to step up my game to joint protests and see what I can do to get rid of Trudeau and any other WEF wannabe government in Canada. Pierre Poilievre doesn't meet the test either so a new political party is needed. Thanks for taking the time to put all your thoughts into your post.

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Apparently robots, or robot dogs are going to be used to patrol Time Square in New York City this summer. This is what the "defund the police" movement is REALLY about, in my opinion. Big Tech is working behind the scene to replace the Police with "technology". Also, the whole push for "Trans" rights over the past several years is, in my opinion, so that we'll be more accepting of "Transhumanism".

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Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023

That’s right. In order to accept the notion that government has the right to be that intrusive into your body, they have to ‘loosen’ or erode both notions of the most fundamental right of bodily autonomy, but also notions that people’s identity is associated with their (human) body. Gender is an identity tied to the body. It also is related strongly to privacy.

These people whose ‘plan’ this is are psychopaths, but you have to admit it; they’re morons. THIS shit is the best thing they can think to do with all that wealth they stole from us? How embarrassing spending your life being a parasite on humanity and being this ignorantly destructive. What a big FAIL they are as examples of human development.

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No political party is needed. Government is not needed. Have you heard of Voluntarism? If the world should start over that’s where to go. https://substack.com/profile/30926052-etienne-de-la-boetie2?utm_source=byline

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Agree with everything you said and admire you greatly. I'm trying to get a land line...nigh near impossible.

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I have a VOIP phone hard wired to a router that I can turn wifi off. Not as reliable as a landline (if electric goes off, no phone) but it works flawlessly and is less than 10$ a month after buying the box. You may want to look into it. :-)

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What country are you in ? In the US I use VOIP via Basic Talk, I think that's $25usd per month now.

What VOIP service do you use?

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I write my local elected officials in Boston and Massachusetts all the time. I bring up the same issues.

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Listen to Robert Kennedy Jr’s presidential announcement in Boston MA April 19th 2023. UTube

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I was there 🙌

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GG you are on it.. the PsyOp has been and continues progressing as planned primarily on the citizens of the G20, they are All in the Kill Box.. Reduce the Global Population and enslave the remainder in Dystopia.. all dialed up with nanotubes in their blood stream to be triggered with the appropriate 5G exposure.. if they don't behave for Big Brother

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The burst will be called a variant..

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What changed is the powers that be want to reduce the global population. The United Nations is pulling the strings, in my opinion. This is all part of the World Economic Forum's "Great Reset", which, in my opinion, is prelude to United Nations "Agenda 21 / 30"

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They want this outcome or know they are responsible and don’t want the blame, or both.

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The United States DOD in coordination w/the CCP. That’s who.

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But China is slowly collapsing and the CCP goes with it. They have major problems with lots of housing just falling apart, lots of problems with realtor companies going bankrupt, a few banks going bankrupt, drought in some areas, flooding in others reducing crop harvest, and huge crop stores rotting in storage, many large companies moving out of China to Vietnam and ppl cannot find jobs. And the people are protesting more.

Most new housing only lasts 2-10 years but the mortgage is for 40 years. So some people have to move out of a crumbling house, but still have to pay the mortgage.

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I wonder this daily

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Some countires, like Switzerland...have gotten rid of them entirely.

Us and Australia seem to be the last hold outs.

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These countries have banned the vaccine or certain versions of the vaccine. https://wordsalad.info/tag-vaccineban.html

The US has only banned the old version of the vaccine with old variants. The new version of the vax is still being used.

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The crimes against humanity that have been perpetrated by many evil people who KNEW that the Covid “vaccine” was killing & injuring people & kept giving the injections anyway should all be prosecuted!

Those truly satanic people at the top who created this bioweapon vaccine like Gates & Fauci & many others, should all be in Gitmo for life or worse!

They are evil & will do anything to massively depopulate the world... but not themselves or their families???

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Devil is in the detail so please hear me out and not think I am a smug t1t. IT is not a bioweapon, it is a poison - bad chemicals ..injected into you. Do not ask, but .. just take my comment or leave it.

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Approximately 1 million excess deaths up to Jan 1 2023 - and that figure tallies with the VAERS data, allowing for an underreporting factor.


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“The Covid-19 injections were meant to reduce the sudden surge of deaths the USA recorded in 2020 due to the alleged Covid-19 pandemic. But unfortunately, the official figures prove that the opposite has happened.” Incorrect. Those that died of the vaccine did not die due to Covid-19.

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Kind of true. My analysis of the evidence suggests that the "COVID" deaths were caused by the "vaccine", yes, but they are different from the non-COVID deaths caused by the "vaccine". Anyway, we don't need to get too caught up in the semantics?! The initial response and the "vaccine" are responsible for pretty much all the excess deaths since March 2020. That much we can agree on?!

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Sorry, should have put “(Sarc)” afterwards. I was just trying to point out that they do not care about how many die, only in which column they are logged in. As long as they are not in the “vaccine” column they are happy. If there are more in the excess death column after the shots than before, they don’t care. As long as the numbers listed under “vaccine” are small they don’t care how things are manipulated.

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Where are the freedom loving politicians? The so called Republicans where is the outrage that they express on national TV? All I hear is crickets

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BREAKING! SWITZERLAND STOPS/WITHDRAWS ALL COVID VACCINATION RECOMMENDATIONS. https://metatron.substack.com/p/switzerland-withdraws-all-covid-vaccination?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=579085&post_id=113465152&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

Comment from badgerbrigante - "SWISS PASCAL NAJADI: Incredible news you bloody wonderful fellow!! Well done and thank you for taking up the charge on this SO IMPORTANT issue. You are an inspiration. Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Man! I sincerely hope both of your cases pass to the next stage and the accused are charged - then we will know the justice system is truly willing to engage." Vax-injured Pascal states he has lost 20 years off his lifespan. 50 million dead worldwide. 20% stillborn deaths. 20% infertility rate in men". It took courage and integrity for one man to proceed in the way he did.

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It does not get any clearer than this information. Meanwhile in the U.K. the covid jabs continue rolling on into every “vulnerable”person’s arm. It is an outrage. Robert Kennedy Jr. just announced his intention to run for president in2024. Perhaps a few more presidential candidates like him?

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Nothing to see here Joel. Move along...🤨

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The way the anti-vaxx right was hyping the death jabs, though, I was hoping to see a 10,000% increase in vaxxed mortality rates and not the measly 300% or whatever we've seen so far, so that the unvaxxed, freedom loving, propaganda-resistant populations would inherit the earth. I've been very disappointed so far...

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Looks like there’s a ‘reason’ the public is not ‘seeing’ the fallout from the death jabs. Read more. It’s not always a fast process. Give it a few years yet. Don’t get too complacent about the stats you’re’seeing’. Have you compared it to what it’s SUPPOSED to take to signal harm that requires withdrawal of a pharmaceutical product. Given that Pfizer was found guilty of the “ Biggest Health Care Fraud in History “ in 2009, and the very long history of corruption by these corporations in collusion with corrupt regulatory bodies, I wouldn’t start feeling too secure about those conclusions of yours just yet. I remember the government enabling of Pharma’s horror that was Thalidomide on pregnant women. I wonder how many of our prevalent health conditions can be attributed to their Pharmaceuticals and the racketeering to promote them, that don’t actually help, but only harm( statins, fluoride alone must be a big money maker for Pharma, those drugs they’re peddling to post menopausal women that destroy the skeleton, and on and on, and on). There’s a LOT more to ‘see’ yet. Buckle your seatbelt, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023

Joel Smalley thank you for that. Please go to Karen Kingston's substack The KIngston Report and spread the analysis she has made of the patents and documents on Pfizer and the rest, which prove that the Transhumanist goal of the globalists has already been put into motion by introducing a self-assembling nanotechnology into the "vaccine" to convert us to humanoids. Many on your thread here obviously know nothing of this and assume that "by 2030 we'll be imbedded with our cell phones, i.e., powerful micro chips." @

Vanda Salvini

I'm sorry to say this has already happened and the world needs to take stock and understand that they have been injected with a highly toxic bioweapon that has damaged their bodies, causing great injury and even death. The prelude and in preparation for the NeoFeudal Reset.

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The Washington Post just published a big editorial telling us what officials got wrong and right with the Covid response. I say don’t listen to the Post or its “seasoned experts.” When it comes to the truth, they want to keep us all in the dark.


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I do not trust the CDC. I would bet their numbers are purposely low to protect big pharma's murder schemes. I doubt that 10 million died suddenly deaths would matter to these medical terrorists.

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Thanks Joel. The toll just keeps on rising. Horrific.

RsClowns all over still promoting the injections?

The sheeple still just don't get it that this is all part of the NWO Mind control & Mind Conditioning psyop. Do what you're told, when you're told. Now.

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FYI.... In case you were in any doubt – no “vaccine” authorized or licensed by the FDA needs to demonstrate prevention of infection or transmission


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My previously-published estimate was 1.1 million Americans killed by the toxic Covid-19 vaccines in 2021 and 2022. Not a coincidence.

Safeguard your love ones - no more toxic Covid-19 vaxxes.

I've been trying since Nov2022 to get cheap, effective treatment for the billions of Covid-19 vaxxed, who are at risk of serious vaxx-injury and death.

Send my free book to everyone you know:




"Incompetent, late treatment of Covid-19 patients caused ~530,000 mostly-preventable American deaths. The toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” caused an additional ~1.1 million American deaths. The death toll in the USA from the mismanagement of the Covid-19 illness and the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” totaled ~1.6 million to end 2022, and it is far from over.

Based on total USA deaths:

The death toll in the USA from the mismanagement of the Covid-19 illness and the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” totaled 1.6 million to end 2022. The Covid-19 avoidable American death toll to date exceeds the total 1.1 million American deaths in all their wars, including the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, WW1, WW2, Korea, and Vietnam."

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