When South Africa had their harsh lockdown at the beginning of the pandemic people who live hand to mouth day by day were dying of hunger.

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South Africa has a very young population (50% below the age of 21), the majority of people were unable to lock down economically, and unable to social distance, and ivermectin was in use.

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Estimates are that 80-90% of South Africans have had covid. We have herd immunity and have moved on.

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Guess the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration were correct. The only strategy to exit the pandemic is for the population to achieve herd immunity.

The fraud of the vaccine is that WHO had to remove the word “immunity” from the definition of “vaccine” and replace it with “protection” because this vaccine does not provide immunity.

Immunity is the only thing to get one out of the pandemic. Vitamin C gives protection too!

Sterilizing immunity is required to stop transmission and stop a person getting ill. The vaccine has failed on both counts.

Not only does the vaccine not provide immunity, it potentially damages a persons innate immunity preventing herd immunity ever being achieved in a population.

The highly vaccinated countries may be in for never ending cycles of covid. Eg. Australian, UK, Germany.

The normal Gompertz curve of a healthy population with herd immunity is destroyed in highly vaccinated countries.

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Or that as the population is young lots had covid but did not know it?

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Excessive deaths for 3 reasons:

1. Inadequate treatment of blood clots created by severe Covid which leads to eventual deaths.

2. Deaths from consequences of lockdowns and also supply chain failures during Covid

3. Deaths from mRNA shots

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The thing is...

All the high vaxxed countries show a similar pattern... and the low vaxxed countries don't:


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South Africa has just received several billion Rand "loan" from the IMF to buy vaccines.

Hold your horses until that plays out!

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Spot on!

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Respectfully, 82,650 COVID deaths represents 38% of 215,081 total excess deaths not 28%.

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I could be wrong, because this is only anecdotal, but I have seen what appears to be significant pushback in SA against completing the original series of shots or taking boosters. This could account for a disruption in the initial surge of deaths possibly associated with the shots. Of course, this is simply speculation to account for the drop off.

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Two notable points regarding pushback:

1) Big capital drove the vaccinations. The failure of the vaccination program resulted in Presidents brother in law being appointed as a WEF trustee.

2) Vaccine passports were Trojan horsed into legislation exactly the same way as in the UK. They were added as part of the of the lifting of lockdowns. People were too busy celebrating to notice the draconian addition to the legislation.

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