Cumulative excess deaths. Good one. I've never plotted those at all.

Enhanced indeed: https://vigilance.pervaers.com/p/covid-19-vaed-spike-protein-disease

These are different strains though. Vaccines create immune pressure during breakthrough infections. Virus evolves, spreads, infects the vaccinates. Disease in them is now enhanced because they can't neutralize the virus with the antibodies that resulted from deceptive imprinting. At the same time they seem to develope immune tolerance.

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Many scientists have said this is not a virus but a bioweapon biosynthetic parasite. I agree with their findings. That’s why anti parasitic drugs have an effect on the injected disease. They don’t want people to have anti parasitic drugs for a reason.

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Well I agree it's a bioweapon, but it ends there.

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You may know of these already, but just in case, here are resources that provide visualizations of cumulative excess death data for Europe and the US:



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Thank you, didn't know they had those. I'm so busy going through data myself and visualizing it, I should read more.

Very good for reference. Hungary looks really odd for wintertime. I suppose those numbers still get updated.

Here're mine for Germany: https://vigilance.pervaers.com/p/german-excess-mortality-part-1

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pervaers !?--- das ist ja vollkommen krank-spitze! Gut gemacht!

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Another signal of ADE seems to be coming from Australia. Igor Choduv shows data here https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/a-summer-of-illness-and-excess-death, that the unvaccinated comprise exactly ZERO out of 1,779 hospitalized people for Covid. Looks to me that the vax is making the disease worse- ADE. When the shots first came out, scientists such as Luc Montaigne and Wolfgang warned that ADE is expected with any vaccine against a coronavirus.

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This is exactly what Dr. Yeadon, former Pfizer Chief Science Officer, said would happen when you vaccinate into a pandemic. And everyone said he was nuts.

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Ditto Dr Geert Vanden Bossche. They warned us, but the “experts” weren’t listening.

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Looks like he was right.

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The memory hole is starting to overflow!

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I have several friends in Norway and only one did not get vaxxed. I read about a family owned funeral home which has so many cadavers they have run out of room and they have never had so many in 100 years of business.

God bless the coroners and morticians who have done honest reporting when so many in the medical community have not.

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Indeed. And while some might say that the lockdowns were the reason why 2020 had no excess deaths (unlike most of Europe), keep in mind that Norway's lockdown was relatively brief, less extreme than the European average, did not have shelter-in-place orders, and their Google mobility data was not radically different from that of Sweden. And they were actually less strict than Sweden from May 2020 to November 2020.

And no masks either for the most part!

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Yes, I think that ship sailed. Not even the most ardent branch Covidian is clinging onto that one any more?!

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Confidential documents reveal that within months of receiving the initial doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, some individuals are developing Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED).

And as if that weren’t alarming enough, official documents also prove that a mysterious form of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is also appearing in a disturbing number of recipients just five months after their initial injections.

This may explain why, tragically, official Government records confirm that millions of people have mysteriously died suddenly in countries around the globe, including the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and Europe, in the wake of the widespread distribution of the COVID-19 vaccines.


The gun is smoking heavily

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There is a reason all the Ferrets died during the challange phase with covid mRNA tech....

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The signal is much bigger now (eye watering) than the original (non existent).

We need to end the original emergency, and stop the gov't from *helping* us.

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This is great work. But we need a new direction of research to identify and diagnose injuries in the living. My quadruple-vaxxed older brother just announced that he is scheduled for open-heart surgery to remove a "mass" in his heart. It was detected on imaging for a (seemingly) unrelated issue (gall bladder). What if millions are walking around with similar ticking bombs? How long before they keel over? What if someone did a study of living unvaxxed versus living vaxxed and compared the results? Add uninfected and infected while you're at it. Perhaps it would save lives. But if the signal is there, it will be both dramatic and undeniable. Hell, some enterprising person could make serious bank offering the testing. I took the first two shots and I'd sure like early warning.

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I'd pay for a vaccine injury screening, kind of like the comprehensive wellness screening at Lifeline. It seems we have enough things to look for.

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The problem is that the spike can go everywhere so it can create different issues everywhere. D dimer can check for microbloodclots. Gall bladder may also be an issue from the vax as it often signifies an unhealthy liver. What happens when liver starts producing spike protein and then body attacks those cells? I don't know.

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Hey Joel, excess deaths catastrophe in Scotland. Maybe do a post on this asap ?


I contacted MSP about it and they now say NRS data is misinformation. Not a joke. See below.

Thanks David

CoViD and Long CoViD are important to myself and to the Parliament. In fact the CoViD Committee met this morning.

As I think you know, there is a lot of misinformation and disinformation around and we all have to be wary which data we trust. And, to be frank with you, I do not trust the data you send me nor your interpretation of it.



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I have requested the correct dataset from NRS then will do a proper analysis that even an MSP could understand.

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Brilliant Joel ! Let me know when it's done. Tbh i present the raw NRS in a way a monkey could understand but then again MSP's i've come to discover are an evolution lower so i did my best !! They're about the cockroach level.

my email if any use:


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Also in your humble opinion should NRS/ONS still be using the 2015-2019 avg or the new one ? 2016/17/18/19/21 ? Looks like a damage limitation exercise to me.

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Who cares? All they are good for is sharing the raw data. All their analyses are pants!

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100%...they manipulate the data to support gov narratives. I mean 2020 in Scotland was the 11th lowest ASM rate since records began in 1855 so 154 other years had higher ASM rates. Ahh but they won'r report that way though. Now they are like doing more historical comparisons. LOL Why is almost everyone corrupt or just insane ? SICK OF IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thanks Joel

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Your email came to me when I was already in bed and my Norwegian is, er, rusty, but thanks for the nod!

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8 sigma event is like T-Rex riding a meteorite into the Eiffel Tower singing Bon Jovi

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It is working exactly as designed.

Mass culling through forced vaccinations.

There's no virus, but we 'vaccinate' against it.. 😎

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So much coincidence.

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Hey Joel. Our embalmer survey might interest you. We got a couple of responses from the UK https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/do-the-mysterious-fibrous-clots-really

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