The world exists, we exist. If we are a part of God, then God exists. The world is not God-less. What ways need amending? God is not a scolding parent that must mete out punishment to foolish children. We have free will to manifest our own destinies. When you rub your hands and say whoa is me, how can I make God happy, you have denied your own power.
The world exists, we exist. If we are a part of God, then God exists. The world is not God-less. What ways need amending? God is not a scolding parent that must mete out punishment to foolish children. We have free will to manifest our own destinies. When you rub your hands and say whoa is me, how can I make God happy, you have denied your own power.
I didn't mean it in that context. My point was that a large percentage of humanity has elected to live outside of the light o Providence and follow their own intentions. I fully understand free will choice and it precisely those choices which have plunged mankind, headlong into a downward spiral because, as I mentioned, humanity has chosen to follow their own agenda, as it were. My 'power' , if I possess any, is solely from God as without Him I can do nothing. When I die the only thing that I will take with me to the grave; the only thing(s) that are truly mine are my sins because all else that is good in my life is a a result of grace; nothing that I did on my own or merited.
The world exists, we exist. If we are a part of God, then God exists. The world is not God-less. What ways need amending? God is not a scolding parent that must mete out punishment to foolish children. We have free will to manifest our own destinies. When you rub your hands and say whoa is me, how can I make God happy, you have denied your own power.
I didn't mean it in that context. My point was that a large percentage of humanity has elected to live outside of the light o Providence and follow their own intentions. I fully understand free will choice and it precisely those choices which have plunged mankind, headlong into a downward spiral because, as I mentioned, humanity has chosen to follow their own agenda, as it were. My 'power' , if I possess any, is solely from God as without Him I can do nothing. When I die the only thing that I will take with me to the grave; the only thing(s) that are truly mine are my sins because all else that is good in my life is a a result of grace; nothing that I did on my own or merited.