Relatively speaking:

- Sweden did not fare any worse than any other country, despite a lighter touch. Not a good sign for lockdown advocates

- In some age groups 2021 was not clearly better than 2020, despite 5 reasons to expect it (vaccines, natural immunity, survivor bias, milder variant, better treatments). Since lockdown harms can’t be blamed for this failure in Sweden, this increases the probability that vaccines are the explanation of the bodies.

- The downward trends in some age groups are intriguing. There is no “pulling forward” to explain that, as it happens right from the start of 2020. This raises the hypothesis I’ve held since the beginning: covid may have some health benefits. Fever-causing pathogens tend to be that way (pyrotherapy). Loads of epidemiological studies on this. Possible preventative effects may happen with cancer, flu, heart disease, and stroke. It may be important to find out what people are dying less from in the 60 to 69 age group in Sweden these last couple years to see if it fits the things a virus might benefit. Can't really study this in a country that had hard lockdowns.

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Maybe the difference is that vitamin D deficiency has been reduced in Sweden. Perhaps working immigrants (who are more likely to have vitamin D deficiency) avoided Sweden.

"Patients born outside Europe (n = 66) had 15 nmol/l [95% confidence interval (CI) 9.17–20.84] lower levels of vitamin D than patients born in Europe. Vitamin D deficiency was more common in patients born outside Europe (50%) than in patients born in Europe (11%, odds ratio 8.20 95% CI 2.49–26.98, p < 0.001)."

People living in Sweden benefited more from the following action than temporary working immigrants.



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Yes. This is why attacking the vaccination program being pushed by the public health authorities is misguided. We end up focusing on just the failure of the vaccines rather than the ultimate failure of the PHA’s. Whether it was vaccines, lockdowns, masks, fear, or hand washing, all of the public health diktats were wrong and misguided. The PHA’s need to be attacked, not the vaccines.

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Something is f'ed up in those results - positive excess death 70+, negative 60-69, positive 50-59. negative <49.

wtf? Doesn't make sense. Those stats seem fubared somehow.

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What if they all lied or were misled that they got the vaccine? What if a nurse or doctor wised up and gave everyone saline? Conspiracy theory I know, but I think it might have happened somewhere in the world, after those 2k people got fake cards just in Spain.

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That would not explain these bizarre stats in any way, but I think that some of the shots were null. The Mengele crew is keeping good records, but we'll never see them.

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The superior natural immunity explanation sounds very plausible!!! Thank you for all this excellent work.

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E Asia had herd immunity from a precursor to SARS COV 2, which means their populations' immune systems were trained, but as you well know, S Korea and neighbouring countries have seen deaths take off since the vax campaigns. I don't know whether that's consistent with your last paragraph. Also, it's just an anecdote, but I know you're a fund manager, and a Swedish technical consulting company I sometimes trade, whose revenues depend on billable hours, had higher staff absences yoy in Q1 2022 for sickness from "Covid". So the 25-49 cohort in Sweden may not be dying, but they're sicker than last year. Maybe they're less sick than Austrians and Italians - I couldn't say.

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Cross immunity from other beta coronaviruses not as good as immunity acquired directly from SARS-CoV-2? Yes, perhaps the younger Swedes are simply healthier?

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Less glyphosate can be a big protective factor or harmful factor.

Europe has less than the US or Canada.

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Surely gone extinct not instinct.

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I find your data analysis helpful and insightful.

Just a little confused by your scale relating to vaccine doses. Eg over 80s, >300% vaccine doses so everyone has had at least 3 doses? Even the 20 - 24 is 200% which seems very high. Was no-one not vaccinated?

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That is what the data from ECDC shows. For the over 80s, they include the second booster. The take up is 99%, 99%, 96% and 78% respectively. It's taking a rather long time for them to cotton on that the jabs are neither safe or effective, such is the power of false information peddled by the propaganda outlets.

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Thanks -that explains where your numbers are from. I realised it was multiple but I didn't know that Sweden was up to 2nd booster / 4th shot. That meme of showing the loyalty card of 10 shots and you get a free cup of coffee (if you actually survive) may yet turn out to be true.

BTW I am someone who is unvaxxed, has had Covid19 mildly, is on the ONS survey and for 5 months have had higher levels of antibodies. Just helps to confirm what we know - that natural immunity works and is much superior to vaxxed induced immunity

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Fauci said that himself 😉☺️

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I thought I've been reading on other substacks that getting jabbed after natural immunity from an infection not only increases your chances of a serious adverse event but "undoes" the extra protection that natural immunity offers? Your analysis seems to contradict these theories?

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What to you think of the suggestions made by SWPRS, particularly the possibility that the baseline for mortality shoud be redrawn to take account of the age composition of the population. When that is done, it appears that Sweden did indeed experience excess mortality following the vaccine rollout.

Scroll down to "Figure: Mortality rates in Germany and Sweden."


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It is a mystery why Sweden's vaccine rollout does not seem to have increased all-cause mortality. The idea that previous infection may have made the population resistant to adverse events caused by the vaccine does not sound very convincing. I came across this study, which may hold the answer. Unfortunately I do not know nearly enough maths to understand it. Would welcome comments from anyone more versed in statistics than I am:


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I'll point out that there is no scientific evidence that "SARS-CoV-2" exists, much less "covid," a disease with ordinary respiratory symptoms. Over 200 FOIA's have been sent to "covid" labs in 35 countries around the world, including the CDC, and all responded that they could identify no study which had isolated/purified SARS-CoV-2. So, why assume SARS-CoV-2 exists- because the "safe and effective" crowd told us so?

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You know what would be really ironic? If the pharmaceutical companies only sent placebos to Sweden, "This will show those unbelievers!!!" [evil guy furiously twirls mustache]

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Huh. What is with the 60-69 chart having significantly under-excess deaths with increased vaccination rate? It is like the vaccine did not cause harm or injury to 60-69 year olds...somehow and less so to younger-ages...but is seemingly quite-bad for the 70+

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"Hero to Superhero"

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Are there any ideas as to why Sweden would have higher rates of natural immunity than surrounding countries?

It just seems like its more likely that it was the lockdowns that were more likely the cause of the excess mortality.

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