A few days ago, I surpassed another milestone - 15k subscribers on Substack. I wasn’t going to make a thing of it but this morning I decided to show my gratitude.
Every morning, I try and read every comment on my posts. I’ll admit, I don’t always make it to posts that are more than 2 or 3 days old but I do also try and respond to those that ask me questions or further the discussion.
Compared to two years of Twitter toxicity, my daily dose of Substack intercourse is a real boost to my mental health. I feel this is a good space, even to discourse with those with different views.
And to think, a few months ago, I was ready to give it all up.
I should apologise to those who I have not treated fairly because the platform is obviously biased to those with similar views to my own. Let’s say, I’m not yet completely “clean” of Twitter’s harm.
So, my fellow Substackers, I salute you! I’d like to round you all up in a village some place and live an ordinary, peaceful, enjoyable life together, happy that my kids are growing up in a civilised society.
Maybe, one day?
It's been a pleasure to join you Joel.....many thanks for your work
Thank you Joel. You're appreciated much more than you know..