It's been a pleasure to join you Joel.....many thanks for your work

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Thank you Joel. You're appreciated much more than you know..

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Keep up the amazing work. Most of us are all here for the same reason - the kids of today & the future. Thank you for everything you do.

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And many, many thanks to you Joel. Your blogs are illuminating even for the statistically illiterate. My own contributions to sanity are over at https://www.hughwillbourn.com/blog-1 sparse of late because I'm writing a book, but that too will be a work to expand the population of our village. I do hope we all meet there soon.

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OMG, Hugh Willbourn?! I used to reference your excellent work way back in the day on LinkedIn. Thank you!


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Hey, Joel, great to be cross-referencing with you :) Please drop me an email via my website - I would love to run the current stuff past you and we could set up the village institute... h

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I love these exchanges on Substack. So helpful, genuine, gracious collaborative. I see them alot. Twitter not a place that makes that easy.

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Thank you so much for everything that you do!

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Twitter can be a poisonous place. I salute you for having the courage to stand up and shout. I don’t feel vindicated or smug that we have been right. I do, however, feel desperately angry that Medical people who should have known better stood back and not only said nothing, when they knew that the narrative was false but were complicit in what is now unfolding. My GP husband was called an anti vaxxer and treated as an oddity for his views it was awful. I always said time would tell, I’m just so grateful that our extended family listened to us and none of our children or teenagers have been harmed. Thank you for providing the statistics that we needed to back up our arguments.

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And never forget how certain people treated you. One blessing, for me anyway, is I now know who I can trust and who I cannot. I will gently inform each as we go along. Cannot wait for their reactions!

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Thanks for your work! I often pass it on to my my tiny Polish audience via my substack Cogito ergo sum written in Polish. Good to have such a community.

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Thank you. Do you translate it?

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I mention it briefly, copy the link and count mainly on the audience that speaks good English. Many Poles do speak English these days. I live in Poland and brought my children up bilingually, but everyone gets 12 years of English as a foreign language at school anyway. So just bringing issues and sources up is enough. I believe, and as much as I am capable of doing.

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Substack is "a good space" for now. Remember that the bird, gugle, fakebook were once "good spaces" also. Note that Sub has hired or appointed Eric Topol to provide an "alternative" voice since 2021. Don't know if he is still active as I have not heard him mentioned since his appointment.

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I live by my word. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. No-one's voice should be censored. And everyone is free to listen or ignore to whoever they like. I have no problem sharing a space with Eric as long as his views/opinions are not promoted above others who disagree with him. Like you, say, Substack seems good in that respect for now.

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I follow him and he just posted warning everyone of the scary new variant(s) and that our best defense is the few months protection (his words) we'd obviously receive from the bivalent vaccine engineered for Omicron. Or something. I'd ask him to clarify but there's (surprise!) no comment section available. It's free though, and always will be for us lucky readers! What a swell guy. 🙏

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Joel, Sadly, as a pensioner, I don't subscribe as a paid Sub as I just follow too many like minded folk as you, but you for one can hold your head up high. No question! Thank you for all you do.

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You can put my name down for the village - should we call it a smart village?

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Noooo, not smart anything

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My husband and I would love to join you when you move to this village💕💕. Although we are a few decades older than you, we are with you and support your every effort. Thanks Joel.

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I do think we elders still have a lot to contribute even if we can't work an 8 hour day. Some for childcare, some for cooking, some for running the library or helping at the school. Whatever we have life experience in.

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From down here on the southern tip of the African continent, Joel, your work is appreciated. Along with El Gato, Eugyppius, Bret Weinstein, Neil Oliver and many, many other brave and bright individuals each chipping in from their own area of expertise, your contribution has been vital. Thankyou. Regrettably, I'm not flush enough to help out financially ....... I'm tossing my gratitude-tokens into the hat :-)

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Many thanks for your needed contribution, Joel.

I hope that 103 will increase over time.

It is quite rare to see the word "intercourse " used in a non bunga bunga context.

Did you know that the Australian Constitution also used that word ?

92. Trade within the Commonwealth to be free.

On the imposition of uniform duties of customs, trade, commerce, and **intercourse** among the States, whether by means of internal carriage or ocean navigation, shall be absolutely free.


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LOL. I did actually go and check the dictionary before I used it to make sure that its use in a non-sexual context was not completely archaic!

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Good on ya Barry! Intercourse, hehe 😁

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But only 100 paying...

I am already paying what I can to other substackers. I am so sorry...

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Thank you. That's fine. I'm not doing it for the money. I'm grateful for the subscriptions as they cover the cost of buying data from the ONS and subscriptions I make to other writers who do depend on this platform for their income.

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Joel. Forgive my ignorance- what is the ONS?

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Office of National Statistics in the UK, if I'm not mistaken.

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Thanks Ken.

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More recently referred to as the Office for Nobbled Statistics in some quarters!

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I bought an annual. Those who can will, and I think it is smart from time to time for authors to provide the stats snapshot that Joel posted. I've occasionally gifted subscriptions too where I see there is active and useful interchange by a frequent commenter. When I subscribe free I read for awhile and see how active the author is, how often I read, and whether it is redundant with other subscriptions. So the free space is really helpful for making that decision to pay. Some authors need the support more than others, and that is helpful to know as well.

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