This is just the end of a very long saga of abuse by the the UK “health” service of an old friend of mine.
The hospitals involved are Maidstone NHS and Princess Grace in Marylebone but I imagine there are similar stories in all of them. It all started with the Cleveland Clinic.
The entire system is awash with bad information and indoctrinated medical professionals.
You can read the full story on Victoria’s Twitter feed. Of course, the lame stream media are not interested in spite of the public interest.
I am in UK, aged 58, Stage 4 Prostate Cancer. Gleason 4+5, PSA was 33 a few months ago. Refused Hormones I.e. chemical castration - was going to do radiation only but PSA PET Scan showed spread so cancelled and offered hormones again. Disengaged with Oncology Have been on Keto and Fasting, Ivermectin 6 x 12 mg, Fenbendazole 4.5 x 222mg daily plus supplements (including Milk Thistle and Black Seed Oil for Liver. No symptoms but no clue if it is helping. Can ask my GP to blood test and maybe get a scan in a few months. Fingers crossed. I barely trust the NHS to stitch a wound or set a bone. Incompetence a few years ago with my broken left wrist means I cannot enjoy playing guitar as much. Still, not life or death.
The population have been hoodwinked and told the NHS is there to serve and care for people but this is not the same organisation of the 1970/80s, it is now run for the benefit of its bureaucrats and it serves them. People caught up in the excessively complicated tangle of trying to fight to protect their loved ones are fighting against a formidable and ruthless foe where their energy is sapped deliberately. They have to fight layers upon layers of bureaucracy and it can be never ending and while they are trying to fight this their relatives suffering continues unabated. What a terrible, soul destroying situation for this lady and her husband.