I am in UK, aged 58, Stage 4 Prostate Cancer. Gleason 4+5, PSA was 33 a few months ago. Refused Hormones I.e. chemical castration - was going to do radiation only but PSA PET Scan showed spread so cancelled and offered hormones again. Disengaged with Oncology Have been on Keto and Fasting, Ivermectin 6 x 12 mg, Fenbendazole 4.5 x 222mg daily plus supplements (including Milk Thistle and Black Seed Oil for Liver. No symptoms but no clue if it is helping. Can ask my GP to blood test and maybe get a scan in a few months. Fingers crossed. I barely trust the NHS to stitch a wound or set a bone. Incompetence a few years ago with my broken left wrist means I cannot enjoy playing guitar as much. Still, not life or death.

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They won't go this route cuz there is no MUNNNNY for them. The vast majority of doctors are money grubbing cunts ... kinda like everyone except that their grubbing causes much unnecessary suffering.

I read somewhere that the referring doc gets $6000 per chemo patient.

Doctors are the lowest scum on the planet... but all those medical Tee Vee shows have convinced the barnyard animals that they are caring kind fellas.

I suspect less than 5% of them do the right thing by their patients.


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I am about to drop an article on chemo and radiation ...

The short end of it is that my dog has chronic diarrhea ... after loads of tests etc... it's either severe Irritable Bowel or cancer.

I was told chemo was the way to go if its cancer... I said to the vet we will not give him cancer ... from what I see with humans all it does is prolong the suffering...if I was diagnosed I'd not accept treatment nor will my dog

Oh she says - we don't give chemo to pets expecting them to be cured... it's only to prolong their lives....

At least she's honest.

There will be no chemo - fuck suffering. He is currently holding his weight and has energy - but the diarrhea persists...

So if its cancer he'll not get on meds and spend his remaining time feeling like death warmed over

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Fenben and ivermectin given to dogs per Dr. makis’ patients. A few substacks related to this treatment from Dr. makis.

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Surely you are offered 3 monthly PSA tests? This is standard. Would be helpful to see if fenben and ivermectin lowering PSA. You can pay for a private scan, can’t you. I am not 100% sure about this?

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I got a full set of bloods taken yesterday. Results soon. My GP arranged it. I may ask Oncology for a scan though

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The population have been hoodwinked and told the NHS is there to serve and care for people but this is not the same organisation of the 1970/80s, it is now run for the benefit of its bureaucrats and it serves them. People caught up in the excessively complicated tangle of trying to fight to protect their loved ones are fighting against a formidable and ruthless foe where their energy is sapped deliberately. They have to fight layers upon layers of bureaucracy and it can be never ending and while they are trying to fight this their relatives suffering continues unabated. What a terrible, soul destroying situation for this lady and her husband.

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Look up the wellness company’s emergency medical kit. It is not a good idea to be at the mercy of the nhs.

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I can fully empathise with this story - my wonderful mother was in an NHS hospital recently - where she unfortunately passed away. The care she received was abominable. She eventually contracted sepsis which was what eventually took her, but if it hadn't I do not doubt she would have succumbed to starvation. Even though my mother was too poorly to hold a knife and fork, the food was dumped on her table every mealtime, and left! We brought this up many times, but nobody did anything. I have to say, the worst and most ignorant nurses were not originally of our ilk! I no longer believe the NHS would be lost without these people - quite the opposite, in fact. On one occasion she had requested a baked potato, minus the beans - she was served a baked potato on a plate, not even cut, no butter - nothing. The family were going in every day with food to make sure she was was fed. No body EVER brushed her teeth, we had to do that when we went in. Even when I was actually on the mobile to my mother and I said, tell the nurse that's there to brush your teeth - which my mother did - the nurse did nothing. Concerned as to what was actually wrong with our mother, we phoned numerous times to get information, told the doctor would phone back but out of probably 20 calls, only one prompted a return call. If I hadn't had a chance encounter with one of the doctors attending my mother I wouldn't have even known she had sepsis! We were lost as to what was actually wrong with her. we couldn't get any information other than, an infection. Nobody told us anything. She was actually discharged on one occasion by a physiotherapist who considered her suitable for discharge because she had managed to get from her bed to the wash basin (about 5 meters away) for a wash. She was readmitted three days later. This is just scratching he surface of the whole story, it really is shocking - quite honestly, somebody needs to gather together all these experiences and put them in a report - so people actually know how bad it is.

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Follow this ... https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/a-near-fool-proof-cure-for-cancer

It will help you avoid the hospital... once you get old and start to break down... take Fentanyl... suffering is for fools

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Have I got anything good to say about the NHS? Nope.

Have I had any good experiences with the NHS? Nope.

I had both my children at home rather than go to the hospital. The first pregnancy was fine - the midwives were very keen on a home birth. The second pregnancy was a nightmare because it was a different Trust who didn't approve of home births ("what makes you so special that you think you can have your own midwife?").

We went through NHS hell with both my parents as they aged. The wickedness of the treatment they received was unbelievable. The absolutely useless "health care professionals" was astounding - fat, tattooed nurses eating biscuits at the desk rather than answering calls for help, foreign nurses who barely spoke English, doctors who didn't know how to discuss approaching death, useless facilitators who couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery let alone a discharge from hospital, GPs who couldn't be bothered with home visits, multi-storey car park charges, fast-food outlets with no fresh food. There is no one single good thing to be said about the NHS and I can assure you that I didn't bang any saucepans on my doorstep because I knew they weren't saving any lives at the best of times.

I feel so sorry for this lady and her husband and so angry that we are all trapped by the very existence of the NHS.

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You can just imagine the case meetings in the NHS - we’ve got a right one here, freedom loving anti vax homeopath, calls herself Lady - better get the lawyers in.

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So many heartbreaking stories. I now have zero faith in the NHS.

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madazolan and morphinein carehomes put downto covid for thefearcampain on the tv

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So sorry to read this. Does not surprise me in the least. I have transcribed so many testimonies of outrageous hospital neglect and malfeasance all across the English-speaking world. Yesterday in fact I was working on transcribing one testimony from the UK— of so much needless and cruel suffering and then, in the end, the woman's mother died of something that easily could have been prevented. It was one testimony that, like all of them, had I encountered it before covid times, I would have found it difficult to believe. All I can conclude is, as you say, DYOR, and do anything and everything you can to stay out of the hospital.

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Speaking of shit healthcare...

My brother - unvaxxed - was knocked hard by a persistent serious respiratory infection ... this was ongoing for nearly two months.

He presents to a local clinic... is told it's viral so no antibiotics... he's a bit short of breathe so given an inhaler.. (he is not asthmatic)... this helps a little but he's still hacking and spitting up nasty shit ... he often works 7 days a week at his business but was feeling very tired and had to take some time off for the first time in years...

He goes back to the clinic for another puffer ... another doc sees him ... notes elevated heart rate... recommends ECG and chest xray last week... not told it's urgent... he's scared by the ECG thing thinking he's dying or whatever so he does not get either procedure done promptly.

Monday morning this week massive stroke - half paralyzed now. ICU notes fever - chest xray - serious chest infection - he's on an IV antibiotic drip ... damage is done.

I research and find that respiratory infections carry a serious risk of stroke

Infection linked to dangerous blood clots in veins and lungs


I spoke to a nurse friend today and she is appalled that he was sent away with a puffer ... she said even if it was viral when its serious there are almost always bacterial infections as well - the patient should be given antibiotics and a chest xray... the reason for the urgency is because of the clotting issues....as the heart struggles to get oxygen to the body.

So doctor one fucked up denying him the antibiotics.... and not recommending the chest xray

But doc 2 who recommended the chest xray and ECG fucked up - why the ECG? heart rate is up likely due to an infection so give him antibiotics ... and calm him by telling him the likely cause of all of this is the infection ... take these - but get the chest xray...

If she'd done that he'd not be fucked up.

What is to be done with these stupid cunts that call themselves healers????? Useless fucking morons. I am surprised they did not offer him a Covid shot given they'd know he's not vaxxed.

I am beside myself with rage

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Aww sorry man

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I was thinking about putting up the considerable cash to drag this stupid CUNT into a court room but research indicates a 4-7 year process and given the state of the world I think we'll collapse before this is seen through.... I was speaking to a close friend about this on DM last night (lawyer)... and we discussed the merits of how the mafia would deal with shit like this... they don't wait no 4-7 years... and their best case scenario ain't settling out of court.

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The update on this is he was diagnosed with pneumonia ... and is on an IV drip of antibiotics... so basically had been walking around with this severe infection for who knows how long ... https://bloodclot.org/blood-clot-pneumonia/

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Eddy look up nebilised hydrogen peroxide in saline and a dash of iodine Dr Vernon Coleman has a good recipe. To help stave off recurrance. Reduces need for antibiotics. Hand held nebuliser

(just noticed Dr Coleman also mentioned below ... one of most censored on internet) wishing your brother well.

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The problem is he is in the hospital and I am 11,000 km away... so have no influence on the outcome... he is on blood thinners... I believe the pneumonia is clearing up...

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I was more thinking of how to keep it at bay after this episode as there is a danger of it flaring up when next bout of coughs cold whatever goes round comes.

Maybe get the items delivered for when he gets out and send instructions for use ?

I am in the "do whatever we can to avoid doctors and hospitals" camp lol

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Something increasingly evil and malevolent has been unleashed on the world, as atheism and rejection of Christ continues to rise. Gee, I wonder if there might be any correlation?

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Warning. If at all possible, stay out of the hospital, period. Purchase an emergency medical kit from the wellness company in the USA. Or something similar. Do not put yourself at the mercy of your gp or a hospital. If for any reason, you do not have a choice and are put in a hospital, you MUST have an advocate. This is a MUST!

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be aware allegedly another vitrus has escaped from wuhan i kid you not check out yesterdays daily mail under the health heading....also be sure to check out a page called the expose..also check out the following a documentary on bitchute called plandemic....dr vernon coleman...also check out and read carefully a petition at citizengo.org..say no to the who,s health dictatorship-reject the pandemic treaty..be aware its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including the uk

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How on earth did you manage to get Ivermectin and Fenbendazole? I had exactly the same problem to you and It had spread to one of my lymph nodes. I had hormone treatment (which I stopped early because of the side effects), brachytherapy and external beam radiotherapy. The treatment seems to have worked but I have suffered with various side effects.

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Ivermectin - I get mine from India. Guy called Maulik. Uses WhatsApp +91 99251 71777 FenBen 222, 500 mg too

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Devon Brewer

Devon Brewer


I want to expand on a comment that Jennifer Depew made about the poor search engine coverage of Substack. See this interesting article about how a Substack author struggled to get his Substack indexed by Google: https://rsilt.substack.com/p/how-i-got-my-substack-to-be-google. Substack engineers its platform to inhibit search engine indexing. Why would it do that? Consistent with Fast Eddy and others' thoughts, I suspect that it serves to make Substack a ghetto. Readers are forced to "live" within the Substack ecosystem to learn what information is in it. And outsiders remain ignorant of the content within Substack through its invisibility in search engines. Interestingly, the Mojeek search engine does index Substack partially through a separate link on its search page (www.mojeek.com), which is an indirect admission of Substack's isolated position on the web. Mojeek also seems to be a relatively good search engine, with less apparent bias than almost every other search engine I've tried.

If Substack were about making money and spreading information broadly, it would do everything it could to get Substack content indexed by search engines.



I've been involved in online media for 25+ years... companies pay search optimization consultants huge amounts of money to compete for top spots on the engines....

To not index a website is to make yourself invisible to the engines... essentially you do NOT exist as a website.

Because a site like Substack has enormous amounts of mostly original content covering so many topics.... it would be ranked extremely high by the engines... (think Wikipedia high)...

But if they fellas who own the site (minions of the Ministry of Truth)... have not indexed it and block the engines... then ....

Now why would they do that?


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Thanks Joel, really appreciated x

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