The “NHS” sent a letter for my 12 year old grandson to get injected with a COVID19 vaxx. I just finished a scathing complaint to the “nhs” advising the “nhs” the covid vaxx is unsafe and ineffective and the letter they sent out was full of misinformation. I also mentioned that both the “nhs” and the person administering these unsafe and ineffective vaccinations would be held accountable if a child suffers a severe adverse event or death. It took me a few minutes to find the correct place to submit my complaint, but I did it. Parents, grandparents the time is NOW. Protect your children/ grandchildren. Make it crystal clear to the “nhs” that what they are doing is extremely dangerous and putting young lives at risk. Let them know today.💕💕

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The only way this stops is for enough people to take this sort of action. Many still haven't got a clue what's going on.

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Ideally thousands upon thousands would book appointments with GP and refuse to be polite when raising these issues. Clog up the system and at the same time read them the riot act.

Enough of treating these fools as if they walk on water. Let them have it both barrels.

If that seems harsh ... keep in mind - they are wanting to inject you - and children - with an experimental substance that wrecks their health.

If you had josef mengele in a room on his own... would you be polite?

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NZ health sends me sms messages from time to time 'noticing I have not had any shots'

I reply with F789 Off. Sometimes if I am feeling ornery I will call and ask some really difficult questions that they cannot answer -- they try to fob me off by saying they are there to book jabs --- but but ... it says here -- I read them the sms - if you have any questions or wish to book.... I have questions - so you must answer my questions.

They put me through to a clinician who is unable to answer my current questions about why they are recommending jabbing healthy kids when they don't get seriously ill or die from covid ... that does not stop them from getting and passing covid --- and which could maim or kill them...

They struggle.

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What?? They are stalking you with sms? Unfortunately, the police will not be helpful.

What you are doing is great.

Here is another question that you could ask them:

"I was told the vaccines are safe, so I would like to see the prospective cohort studies (better: RCT´s) with some million participants which compare the adjusted (!) 5-year health outcomes of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated people.

Are there any statistically significant differences between these groups for certain diseases like cancer? Is it possible that vaccinated have a higher (or maybe even a lower) odds of certain cancer forms, heart disease, infectious disease in general including and excluding covid, autoimmune disease, diabetes, neurological disease etc. etc. What about all-cause mortality? Is there any statistically significant difference with regard to all cause mortality between these groups or is there a higher or lower cancer or hearth disease mortality between these groups after 5 years?

Please tell me the Odds ratios for all these diseases and mortality including covid mortality!"

If they do not have this study, they can not say the vaccines are safe because they simply do not know anything.

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I've asked them many questions ... they can never answer other than to say The Ministry of Health Covid Website says....

It's kinda like this


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The nhs is stalking children now in the Uk by sending letters to their home to be vaxxed. Asked our children not to vaxx the grandkids.

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The only thing these Covid vaccine fanatics can answer is the phone...

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Thank you for doing that! You are a very good and brave grandmother! You are a hero!

I also tried something similar. I wrote a big letter (80 pages with more than 100 sources like studies, data, independent analyses) to almost all parlamentarians in Germany (these are more than 700 politicians).

In this letter I explained, based on a huge amount of available data, including peer reviewed studies, why these "vaccines" probably cause more harm than good (if they do some good at all). I gave them many more data and information with regard to severe diseases caused by the vaccines, increased risks of infection due to the vaccines, increased risk of heart disease, probably cancer risks, increased risk of all-cause mortality for most age groups etc.

I also explained them the healthy way to deal with such a viral infection: Early treatment. I referenced many studies and data showing that early treatment can reduce the risk of death by up to 99.8% (data from Dr. Fareed and Dr. Tyson), so this would be the real way! At the samt time, the vaccines may be killing more people than the might save (at least in many or most age groups, maybe in all age groups..., who knows).

I told them that they can contact me if they want even more information about early treatment for example. Guess how many of these more than 700 politicians asked me for more information?

In case the NHS will respond, they will just defend the vaccines, of course. They will tell you that you are misinformed. This is cognitive dissonance. They can not write something like: "Yes, you are right. We just realized the vaccines may be harmful. Sorry for misleading the public."

If you need help to find arguments etc. you can ask Joel or me. We could help you. Also, Steve Kirsch has collected and published a huge amount of data on his substack.

However, I believe a discussion will not help. You have data, they have other data. You will tell that they are wrong, they will tell you that you are wrong... This is an endless nonsense.

But it is very good that you told them your point of view! Each time they receive such a letter, it increases the chance that they or the employee who reads the letter (silently) start thinking about these arguments which do not support their narrative. The more letters they receive, the higher the chance that they might start doubting about their own narrative.

And Joel is right. We need more people to do that.

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Giving Covid vaccines to any young person is child abuse. I am not sure what the age cutoff is where the vaccine is beneficial. I used to think it was somewhere between 15 and 45, but now I think it is somewhere between 55 and 95.

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There is no age. All VE studies are rigged. Look at the all-cause mortality. Absolutely no-one benefits from the jab except Big Pharma and those they have bribed.

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I have a backlog of substack articles from you, Igor, and Alex to read before I can convince myself that I shouldn't have taken the first 2 shots.

My two major long-lasting side-effects have convinced me that I shouldn't have taken the 3rd. :-( At the time of the booster, I met the CDC criteria for an early booster. Since then I've had a bunch of blood tests that would indicate my unvaccinated immune system would likely have easily coped with Covid. Alas.

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I believe the FLCCC has a protocol to help after vax.

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Yes they do! I-RECOVER: Post-Vaccine Treatment

Management of Post-Vaccine Syndrome


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Thanks, I need to check that out.

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For detailed instructions and sources, download An Approach to the Management of Post-Vaccine Syndrome PDF.

I-RECOVER: Post-Vaccine Treatment - Version 1, May 25, 2022


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My view of Big Pharma has plummeted in the past two years; however, my view of Big Food has plummeted ever further. Both are adept at milking conflicts of interest for all they're worth, influencing Big Government, and skimming profits off the top.

Nevertheless, you may want to check the Caps Lock key on your keyboard. 😀

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Criticism accepted. Sometimes CAPS required for emphasis. It is past the time to let the normies go unchallenged. Those of us truly red-pilled need to start now respectfully cordially assertively awaken as many lost sheep as possible with facts and data as such as is presented continuously by multiple substacker starting with this one. If we keep to our own echo chambers and let everything go by thinking we cannot do anything nothing will change. More than enough data has been available since spring '21. We have to vow to red-pill 1 person each. Then another an so on. We need a QR code on a card or in our Mind Erasers® to present to the nearly open minded at a moments notice.

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NO AGE IS BENEFICIAL!!! My God open your eyes WIDER!

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My 55 year old BI died within a week of one jab, friends father 92 within 72 hrs 😢 74 Yr old mother now has serious heart and liver problems

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There has not been a beneficial window after a few months, and typically the "benefit" quickly tips to the negative, notwithstanding adverse events.

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That brief window is the period where the virus is working out how to smash the vaccine and emerge bigger faster and stronger...

And in the meantime the vax has damaged the immune system -- probably permanently ....

All for an infection that is nearly 100% survivable unless you are 80+ and near death already.

There is ZERO rationale for being injected with this --- hang on ... if you are suicidal then do take all the shots

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The "brief-window-of-benefit" is only supported by the clinical trial testing fraud wherein they adjudicated which of the injected participants would be tested post injection, whereas all control participants had to be tested. Furthermore, the controls were tested up to PCR CT 40 and, adjudicated injected were up to CT 28. IF they had tested all control and injected participants the Vaccine Efficiency would have been (truly is) starkly negative.

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Where did you send your complaint in the NHS please?

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Thank you. Excellent use of graphics to illustrate the data. I'm passing your post on the several people, including my doctor.

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Gorgeous maps!

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Sorry, I know you wanted to do them!

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Actually the Biggest Lie Of All is that “covid” is a just a made-up brand name used to re-classify pre-existing conditions as a novel disease and the alleged virus that allegedly causes it has never been properly isolated, purified, genetically characterized and therefore never proven to actually exist, and the PCR “test” used to diagnose this made-up disease has no gold standard (it has never been compared to a totally purified and fully-intact virus isolate from a sick host) and is therefore completely meaningless, making every data point about cases and deaths completely meaningless. It is exactly what they did with the HIV=AIDS fraud. Same playbook, same players.

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What of the way it apparently presents symptomatically? It is seemingly different to other viral infections.

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Was like a bad head cold with a tummy bug for me (unvaxxed) followed by a chest infection, I've had worse

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I've not had it however I was curious about its symptoms. What of the cytokine responses and such that are reported? Are we indeed dealing with a "novel" virus? A chimera engineered in a lab or is it, as Walking Disease Vector would have us believe, simply the flu rebranded?

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I believe I got it from a recently boosted and subsequently positive patient, my husband got it from me and was even milder for him. We both took ivermectin and had been following flccc protocol as I work in healthcare. Never picked it up off my son 2 months prior and he sneezed and coughed all over me, I also didn't have a cough, just very painful blocked ears, which hubby didn't have. Had pneumonia and swine flu in the past and this was a walk in the Park compared to them.

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These charts remind me of what one can infer from charts and tables at https://covidactnow.org/. Today about half the states are "green" and half are "yellow" or "orange". A few weeks ago, the site changed the definition of the colors, but regardless, green is still considered better than non-green.

Of the 11 most vaccinated states (including PR), only 1 is green.

Of the 12 least vaccinated states, 10 are green.

As many folks like to say, "Correlation doesn't imply causation." However, I believe "Anti-correlation definitely implies lack of causation". I.e., being more vaccinated doesn't give a state better outcomes, therefore the vaccine is not an effective public health mechanism, even if it looked beneficial in some randomized controlled trial.

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At this point, many of us are thinking, "Who the hell still believes the official COVID B.S.?" Thanks for adding another log or two to that raging fire.

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Among your best. The graphics perfectly illustrate the point... Kudos!

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Lots of practice!! This was one of my earliest pieces - https://principia-scientific.com/coronavirus-uk-while-johnson-fiddles-the-uk-burns/

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Nice stats!

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I really appreciate reading both Joel Smalley’s and Mathew Crawford’s analyses!

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I want to show this article to some CovIDIOTS --- it is powerful -- but I am holding back -- cuz I know they will say 'correlation is no causation ... squawk ... correlation is not causation'

And if I ask they what is causing all these excess deaths they will blurt out 'Covid' squawk 'Covid'


Arguing with fools is a fool's game

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There is no need to argue. Even if you win the argument, so what? Priority number one - use the information to make your own life decisions. Priority number two - use that same process to protect those dearest to you, especially the ones who depend on you. At the end of the day, you have to accept, there is only so much you can do. Respect the right of others to make their own decisions (and live with the consequences - if they are lucky).

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Agreed - I do not engage in Injection discussions.

In fact because I have a lot of time on my hands ... if someone asked me to give them a lift to the clinic ... as long as it's not during rush hour traffic ... I'd happily volunteer.

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Fantastic, concise, and well-reasoned summary of the lie. Thank you!

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Awesome article. Sharing widely! Exactly my sense of sarcasm too! What will it take to stop this failed experiment? Certainly it won't be stopped by those who initiated and imposed it. They are holding on tight to their "rightness" and ""righteousness" regardless the cost... Because when the breadth and depth and evil of their actions become apparent, there WILL be repercussions. I guess they are hoping enough people will die and/ or be is such desperate state that they won't act. Population collapse is in process now! We must be thinking of and planning how we get through this... we must be strong, fit, brave and wise! We must take action.

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I think that people dying will actually be the catalyst for rebellion. No amount of propaganda will combat that when the time comes. How many people have to die before that, who knows? I would have thought we passed the number a long time ago but evidently I don't think like most people!!

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Do you have information about how this has affected those under 5 and mothers and infants and those not born.¿

Bet you can proove tis a depopulation agenda as did the expose'...

Bet you a dollar or a ruble...

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I don't but others are doing it. I'd take the ruble over the dollar though!

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That seems a tougher case to make for children under 5, since their young immune systems were hampered by as much as 2+ years of lockdown isolation, and some lunatic parents have taken this even further than their "public health experts" ever dreamed. These are formative years for human immunity, exposure to a plethora of bugs is necessary for later health, and the lockdown covered not only a larger share of their young lives, but a key larger share. The surge in RSV, foot and mouth and hepatitis is likely due to their enourmous "immune debt." I would not bet on a causal link to covid or clot shots, but I do suspect a long, tough road ahead for this unfortunate cohort.

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I agree , but my point stands...

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The amended WHO will lay the groundwork for a corporate profit model beholden to it's private

stakeholders including model-based (voodoo based) lockdowns. American thought leaders podcast with David Bell, a ex-WHO scientist, best articulated explanation of WHO organization as an economic puppet master.

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This continues to look bad for those who got the shots, but could it actually be worse because of the lousy medical reporting here in the USA?

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