I'm pretty sure it will make no difference to the true believers though. They would rather die from the toxxine than admit they were wrong about it from the start.

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For sure-many will go to their bitter end before admitting they were wrong. I just hope more will question all vaccines and find the truth about this pseudo science before it really is too late.

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What True Believers? There are nothing BUT people here who believe that once Mitch McConnell hears How Bad he's being for taking all that lobbying $ to make YOU take jabs http://allaregreen.us/ that he will... will what? Arrest himself? Or hold your hands, say he's sorry & have that Great Moment of Reconciliation With Daddy that you're all anticipating with such Loyal Desire?

What do you believe is going to happen while everyone continues to pay lip service to how these jabs are killing children, but refuse to take ANY steps to hold those mandating them accountable? Walk me through how posting facts, then waiting for an entirely imaginary Daddy-Figure to rescue you STOPS the harms of their policies.

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What have you done to bring accountability? Please tell us, O Wise One.

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I give up: why ARE YOU begging ME to do what you refuse to? Amazing, isn't it? I point to actions you CAN take to Save The Lives Of Children & all YOU see is a place to defend Your Continued Inaction.

You don't know me, never heard of me before. So how does what I am or not doing affect the fact that YOU'RE doing nothing? It can't possibly have been me stopping you BEFORE now. & my words here can't stop you now or AFTER now.

So: how will my answer affect your continued inaction? Now, despite all that, the "please tell us" component. It's simple really. For two straight years, when listing the articles of impeachment against Trump, your daily news outlets REMINDED you all that politicians are 1) legally Private Citizens just like you & me & that 2) they are no more exempt from laws against harming other citizens than you or me. They have no exemptions to commit murder or rape, & they have no exemptions to (listen carefully now) MANDATE that any of us Must Take Any Jabs. In fact, there's at least one class-action lawsuit in Florida at present targeting ALL businesses that coerced any of their employees to get the jab BECAUSE such coercion IS unlawful.

Which means that you all have the power to take legal action to end the mandates. Have had since the beginning.

Also, almost as an aside: politicians ESPECIALLY HAVE no exemptions from laws specifically targeting them. The ONLY Reason Trump was brought UP on charges was that he used his Public Office for Personal Gain: that's illegal. !00% illegal.


As you all already knew & were reminded of in 2018-2019 for over a year, daily. So now you have no excuse for the masses here who CLAIM they want the vaccines stopped to gather together & draw up the legal means of doing so.

But you cowards WON'T do it. It isn't what any of you want.

You want Mummy-Government to pat your hands & tell you what Brave Infants you are for daring to speak up & Daddy-Government to apologize so you can have your Grand Moment of Reconciliation with them so you can go back to feeling comfortable with your Blind Faith. & you DON'T CARE about any children, least of all your own or any of your loved ones NEARLY as much as you care to imagine having that.

& you'll prove me right by continuing to not do it. Despite the fact that there are MILLIONS of people "wanting to end the mandates" none of you will join an effort that could possibly undermine the potential to have That Moment.

Not for something as valueless as your children.

You can argue all you want. But until One Person proves me wrong...

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I guess I touched a raw nerve with my question to you. My question was really responding to your accusation that no one here on this platform is doing anything to counter the big lie and mandates and totalitarian overreach. I simply thought that your accusation was over presumptuous.

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1) We're on a page of a newsletter about people killing children for Fun & Profit. & your defense is that I was presumptuous about the absolute nothing you are doing?

2) In my reply to your question, I outlined how we can, legally, non-violently & easily end the harmful mandates responsible for these killings going forward. & your entire reaction was to express concern that you might be touching a nerve by asking me questions.

So even with you STILL NOT acting to hold child murderers accountable, you STILL felt a need to mention what your Rhetorical Positions About My Assumptions were, WHILE proving them correct?

Wtf goes on in your head?

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What have you done to bring accountability? Please tell us, O Wise One.

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This is absolutely THE central counterpoint that shreds this fairy tale narrative about "preventing severe disease and hospitalizations..." which the entire global media, and thousands of "doctors" keep repeating, with ZERO evidence! Where are the clinical studies showing this even to be true, much less that this was the true "intent" of these jabs? Joel, you are 100% correct that this was NOT part of any of the clinical trials/pivotal studies submitted for authorization, approval nor as the data was published in the literature (primarily NEJM). And since then, where are such studies?

"And how did they conclude that the “vaccine” was effective in reducing severe disease when this wasn’t an endpoint evaluated in the clinical trial used for emergency use authorisation and isn’t evident in the real-world data?"

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Easy! By getting the latest scientific consensus from the factcheckers and from the articles like this: "COVID-19 misinformation cost at least 2,800 lives and $300M, new report says" (https://www.msn.com/en-ca/health/other/covid-19-misinformation-cost-at-least-2800-lives-and-300m-new-report-says/ar-AA16KM64)

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Not a single reference or citation they provide is an actual clinical trial with any sort of control. They cite government propaganda only. Where is the published research on this claim? There is none.

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But what about "A number of studies have found that getting vaccinated can reduce the risk of COVID infection and hospitalization"?

Never mind that they substitute the fraudulent and distorted data reporting for studies, sourced from htps://www.cbc.ca/news/health/covid-vaccines-illness-death-risk-1.6171958: "Unvaccinated 36 times more likely to be hospitalized for COVID-19, new data shows" ("reports" and "data" from Aug. 2021, BTW). That's CBC for you - the Canadian state media outlet that stops at nothing to please the hand that feeds it.

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whatever CNNBBC say --- is what the CovIDIOTS believe... anything else is fake news or conspiracy theory

And that is not going to change

Cuz they are MORE-ONS

BTW - ever tried mentioning how WMD was faked -- how they were played back then... doesn't matter... CNNBBC are to be trusted

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This is amazing, and pitiful, or as I like to call it, "amazingly pitiful!" As many--including me--have mentioned repeatedly, the FDA Advisory Committee, led by Dr. Paul Offit, voted 16-2 AGAINST recommending boosters for people under 50 years of age, well over 2 years ago. (The CDC, in the person of Dr. Rochelle Wallensky, publicly ignored that result, and recommended boosters to everyone, barely a few days later!) And now, the British authorities have admitted to what the FDA Advisory Panel recommended long ago. (Make no mistake, the British authorities knew it long ago too.) And yet, I am certain the vaccines will continue to be "offered," whatever the hell that means, for the foreseeable future. What. The. Absolute. F*ck.

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They will be "offered" forever now, in a form of an annual October Grim Reaper Ritual (a.k.a. seasonal vaccination).

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And taxpayers will pay for the vaccines to be produced by the pHarma companies, even if no one takes them...

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Indeed, Maria Romana. That's the real genius part of the scam from the perspective of POTUS. The Feds buy the vaccines in advance, and offer them to a willing public, "for free." Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

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In the end it was nothing but snake oil. A scam that has been used over and over through all of human history. Only benefit it had was to big Pharma and it’s shareholders and certain government officials who collected royalties. The fact that thousands have perished at the hand of trusted government officials makes my blood boil. If king for a day I would make each and every person involved pay (some with their lives) some with financial ruin some with jail time. This will not be tolerated and those guilty people need to be punished

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Excellent questions Joel, we should ask Rebel News to ask Dame June Raine... Oh yes we should...

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I heard the Head Jabber of the South West on BBC Radio Somerset this evening (I know how to have fun). He was hesitant and faltering explaining JCVIs latest missive. "We are only offering boosters to those not in a special category for another month". He then made a non sensical description of herd immunity. The interviewer was a little hostile... This is not my imagination, that doctor is scared. So he should be...

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Thanks for indicating that those elderly that died of Covid were already seriously ill. There are many healthy elderly who should not be coerced to take this drug.

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It was mentioned in the "Independent " as a WARNING to get more jabs while you're still eligible. Ffs

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well, it’s called a vaccine and from that everyone simply assumes that it will prevent infection as well as transmission of disease... nevermind that neither of those outcomes were actually validated in the trials (it was deemed too dangerous to expose the trial participants to covid to test for prevention of infection).

ladies and gentlemen, i give you FAITH BASED MEDICINE!

you can trust that it’s Safe and Effective™, because they say so. and they’ll change the definitions of the words when evidence contradicts their meaning. inconvenient truths can’t stop this train.

“everything will go back to normal when everyone takes these vaccines...”

it’d be a funny joke if people weren’t dying.

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"Faith-based medicine". Like it! 👍

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Yes, I'm going to borrow that term "Faith-based Medicine". It's perfect!

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Excellent article!! Thank you Joe smalley for breaking it down inch by inch!!

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Not surprised at all. They are quickly going into fall back. The UK govt is blaming the died suddenly increase on the lack of people taking statins (which do not work either). Of Big Pharma gets to sell more useless drugs with that excuse.

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Excellent analysis. However it burns me up that they plan to “offer” spring and autumn boosters for the elderly (like me and close relations and friends), many of whom will continue to believe that the vaccines are “safe and effective” because that is what our lying politicians tell them, backed up by the corrupt MSM and complicit media regulator, bought-and-paid-for by globalist vested interests and government propaganda advertising spending.

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The PR Team is clever - devious - and they are allowed to cheat.

So what's going on here?

As we know they used a wide range of dirty tricks to convince nearly 8B to inject their Rat Juice.

The goal was to get as many people injected as possible.

Mission Accomplished

Have they realized they are now pushing on a string - and now moving onto the next phase...

Whatever that might be.

Oh and btw the Fizzer Project Veritas leak is bullshit -- it's just the PR Team once again trying to convince the mob that this is all about the $$$$ - keeping them away from the true intent of the Rat Juice.

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The cat has been out of the bag for a good while now but like the 'elephant in the room' can no longer be ignored nor left outside.

What is a compromised government and its medical henchmen to do? They can't bring the 'programme' to a screeching halt as many doctors (not in hock to Big Pharma) have been requesting a halt for a while, since that really would send the wrong signal to the masses.....so a date in February is set for the under 50s, and a continuation for older cohorts amongst which deaths are bound to happen..."it wasn't the vaccine wot dun it"...'they' can let that run on, keeping their friends in Big Pharma sanguine as to future programmes, eg, SEERS 2025 ( advertised by Gates).

The Hallet Inquiry is another consideration....less focus on ongoing excess deaths. Andrew Bridgen really needs to sue and skewer Hancock and force more of the government's criminality in to the light.

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Such a relief! I have been so wound up about them pushing it on my kids! 2 did. 3 saved from the toxin.

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Relentlessly on point and humorous (in spite of the tragedy) as your keen and witty analyses highlight the key statistical factors which both pharma and government dis-regulators so arduously attempt to obscure.

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