I'm all for people damaging themselves by choice but there's no fucking informed consent, so this is a genocide.

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Feb 4, 2022·edited Feb 4, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

The death rate is currently off the charts - looks like 9x the March 2020 rate on the OWID graph - and it starts on the day they roll out jab 4 (Jan 2, 2022).

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Yes, I wanted to capture that but they haven't updated the official datasets yet. I'll do a follow up in a week or so.

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On this, they also ramped up testing in early Jan - and then ramped it right back down again on Jan 18.

I don't know what's going on there - I can't see any benefit to them thinking 'Oh shit, we'd better dial the testing down', because presumably everyone in hospital is tested by routine, and most/all deaths outside hospital are presumably tested post mortem, but it's a strange coincidence.

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Another great and illuminating article. I love the way you cut to the chase and let the data do the talking. Great work.

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Feb 4, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Great job. I'll spread this around in Israeli media.

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This is the trend...excess deaths everywhere. No one has yet asked the US President why record #s of Americans are dying, more than ever. Math is hard.

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If you look at the fall of Big Tobacco, the fall of Sackler family (Opiods), the fall of Iraq Qar narrative, it takes about 20-30 years for clarity and correction. If you are unvaxxed, then you will probably be here for that moment. If you’re vaxxed, you can watch it in heaven.

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Maybe add text to 1 & 2 for the graph challenged?

Slide 1:

* Before vaccines, the claimed "covid deaths" were higher than excess deaths. This is impossible. The official data has been manipulated to overstate covid deaths.

* After vaccines, the excess deaths were higher than covid deaths. This means something other than covid was causing excess deaths.

Slide 2:

* The excess deaths after vaccines track vaccination rates. The vaccines killed people, not covid

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This is why graphs like this are better than whatever Malone is doing. By calling himself the inventor of the mRNA technology and exaggerating the risks of the vaccines, he has propped himself up as an easy caricature for the public health authorities to attack. The Israeli’s are using an ad hominem attack on Malone to try to prove that the vaccines are safe and effective. The data shows the vaccines are not effective. Imagine if Malone had just gone on the show and presented these graphs.

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Very good point. Contact Malone directly! Perhaps its not too late for him to change tactics.

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What is the first graph showing? Excess deaths are the same pre & post vaccine?

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"All the world assenting, and continually repeating and

reverberating, there soon comes that singular phenomenon, which the

Germans call Swarmery, or the “Gathering of Men in Swarms,” and

what prodigies they are in the habit of doing and believing, when

thrown into that miraculous condition....

Singular, in the case of human swarms, with what perfection of

unanimity and quasi-religious conviction the stupidest absurdities

can be received as axioms of Euclid, nay as articles of faith,

which you are not only to believe, unless malignantly insane, but

are (if you have any honour or morality) to push into practice, and

without delay see done, if your soul would live!"THOMAS CARLYLE.

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It seems as iff there has been a backward risk shift. The effect would be a cost reduction in the hospital domain because of prior upward excess mortality. Intensive care of covid is costly. Selective procedures are profitable.

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Perverted Public Health Policy.

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For #1, what was the baseline against which you measured to call the deaths 'excess?' An average over a period of x years prior to 2020, with some upper and lower bounds for 'normal?' And does the zero line take into account seasonal adjustment for varying numbers by season?

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On #2, why isn't dose 2 graphed?

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Excellent work. As you said, a picture (or graph) is worth 1,000 words.

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Feb 4, 2022·edited Feb 4, 2022

It's not clear when Israel started vaccinating and how many in every period, since dose 1 of Pfizer vax. If it was beginning of Dec 20 then the big arrow "No vaccines" on graph 1 should start from Dec 20 end... looking at graph 2 black line, at least

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I'm sorry, for those slow at home and who struggle with scientific/statistical graphs, can you please just state what the first 2 charts mean? And what does deficit deaths mean? I'm sorry!

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From user Tim Lundeen: Maybe add text to 1 & 2 for the graph challenged?

Slide 1:

* Before vaccines, the claimed "covid deaths" were higher than excess deaths. This is impossible. The official data has been manipulated to overstate covid deaths.

* After vaccines, the excess deaths were higher than covid deaths. This means something other than covid was causing excess deaths.

Slide 2:

* The excess deaths after vaccines track vaccination rates. The vaccines killed people, not covid

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Thank you! So if the covid deaths pre vax were higher than excess deaths how do they know that this is 'inflation' or that was impossible? What is the data or evidence that shows that? Also why is excess deaths nearly identical both pre and during vaccination? ?

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