Not curious at all, Joel (as I'm sure you know). In my book, I proved Covid was "the Biggest Nothing Burger ever to hit the airwaves" as I named it in my 24 hours of discussions with Dr B, with fewer deaths than mild flu seasons in 2020, 2021, and 2022.

Without all the hype and propaganda, it would have come and gone without anyone noticing. There were only 132,000 deaths total in those three years, "with" and "from" covid. AND this includes the 5 governors sending vulnerable patients back to nursing homes where sick , contagious patients waited (25,000 in NY alone and at least 35,000 total) and iatrogenic deaths due to ventilator mis-use, remdesivir use, and neglect (at least 35,000 deaths). This leaves 62,000 deaths ("with" and "from") over the three years, not the 1.16 million claimed by the US government. https://www.amazon.com/Heroes-Villains-COVID-19-Book-Lists/dp/B0BKHQ7CWN/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

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Great book , thank u.

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Thank you so much. Please let people know about it.thanks!!!

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'''''''';;;;;Тḣе ǵⅼоḃаⅼіѕtѕ іո tḣе ոеԝ ԝοrⅼḋ οrḋеr аrе рսttіոǵ tḣе ΜŔΝÁ ⅴах іո уоսr fοоḋ уоս ոееḋ tо ḋο tḣіѕ ΑЅΑР

Ꮩіѕіt... https://disq.us/url?url=https%3A%2F%2Frileynews3.blogspot.com%3AHAW6AfCqoi3IVA9_fgrwpTurf5E&cuid=67679

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Joel, here in the netherlands we have a (former) fishermans town called ‘Urk’. They are quite a religious group of people. Basically ignored all government advise, resulting in an extremely low ‘vaccination’ percentage. Now... no excess deaths. Looks a bit like the amish in the us. Steve Kirsch reported on that. Great control groups....

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Yup. https://metatron.substack.com/p/let-it-rip. So much truth here!

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I specifically used this exact video to close my required power point presentation for my multicultural registered nursing class. This was one of the last things I got to share before the college denied me completing my RN degree and kicked me out December 2021. I was their 4.0 gpa RN student to boot. I just graduated as a naturally immune RN last month : ). Taking Drone Pilot Training Licensing class right now too! Know Thy Enemy, right? Thank you Joel, for All that you do. God Bless brother.

Full 5+ minute Sharyl Attkinson ~ Amish video link https://youtu.be/O1DgWYdukZU

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"all the English people" - a line from the 1980s film Witness.

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Here take this shot. Not only does it cause clots and mess up your heart, give you cancer and autoimmune disease—but you have an even better chance of catching the thing its supposed to prevent.

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As we all know, correlation is not causation. I suspect that the Island had a plague of coincidence fairies ... like much of the rest of the world ...

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Researchers/authors from the Isle of Man also produced one of the most comprehensive and impressive documents that catalogs all of the many Covid scams. This is a long document but is highly recommended. Needless to say, this paper hasn't gotten nearly enough attention ... which is why I devoted an article just to this document.


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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-Prime I wonder what name the logical fallacy this combination created have. "is not" does not imply "not a damned good hint".

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Yes 'correlation is not causation', which is why big pharma saying that vaccines have eradicated smallpox over decades is not justified.

It also omits to tell us that poisons have never been good for public health but that wouldn't be good for profits or disposing of toxic waste without too many people realising.

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An old work friend of was renting out a flat to a tennant in 2021 on the IoM. The tennant was found dead in his flat not long after the vaccine roll out. Just a guy in his 40s.

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A guy in Australia, the brother of a dear friend, was found dead, sitting in his recliner, after one week.

By his brother.

This happened a few days ago. He'd suffered a stroke after his 1st jab, one year ago.

He received 4 more.

I won't say "You can't fix stupid" because you're not supposed to speak ill of stupid dead people.

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PS: An autopsy was ordered, prior to cremation.

Conclusion: Heart attack.

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People with a basic understanding of biology should have been able to reason better than most did. Fear is quite a vicious enemy. That's why the Bible repeatedly says, "do not fear" . The Amish experience makes perfect, scientific sense. Imagine that. They live their faith and they did not fear, they lived. They did not die (excessively) or suffer all the harms most suffered (physical and mental). Modernity and our "college education" isn't serving us well.

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It's the oldest control trick in the Machiavelli playbook: They sell fear. It works every time.


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I read this and I seriously could not believe it. In this era of Woke idiocy, how do we still get away with calling it the Isle of MAN?

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Ha ha! You got me there!!

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the word Man in the Isle of Man actually comes from the name of the Norse god of the sea Manannan

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Thanks for the info.

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Yes. Every year many people die, usually elderly, and we expect and live with that. Every year we know that a certain number of people die from the flu. We expected and lived with that. Then all of a sudden, we were all supposed to live forever, and if anyone died, even elderly, it was a crisis, and anyone who died, died "from" Covid. Even though some people have awakened from their brainwashing, there are still a HUGE number of people who are still on board and ready to do it again. Next time they will stick the "uncooperatives" immediately in the quarantine camps.

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There is no verifiable scientific evidence proving that any virus is transmitted in any manner. It's all germ theory guesswork and propaganda designed to scare the heck out of you so that you run to a medical facility and get your pretend life saving injections.

To prepare for a mysterious virus, they want you vaccinated ahead of time even though they have no clue what actual virus will be in season. They have no drugs to combat viruses after the fact and can only prolong your suffering by interfering with your body repairing itself.

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If "there is no verifiable scientific evidence proving that any virus is TRANSMITTED in any manner," then why do so many people get sick at the same time with the same symptoms?

For example, spouses and their children, students at schools, employees at a given workplace, etc.

If it's not a "virus" that is being transmitted from person to person, what is being spread from person to person? Pollution? Something in our food? 5G waves but just in these certain places?

Regarding my "early spread" hypothesis, I simply note that a lot MORE people in America were getting "sick" of "something" (compared to previous "flu seasons") beginning in November 2019 and continuing through February 2020.

I've written one story about the obvious spike in "Influenza Like Illness" in almost every U.S. state. You can just look at the first chart in my story (from the CDC) and see this was the case.

My question/conclusion: Isn't it possible this virus (or pathogen) was spreading a couple of months earlier than the experts said it was? I'm not saying ALL of these people with Covid-like symptoms actually had Covid, but if only, say, 20 percent of these sick people had already been infected by this contagious "virus" (or whatever) that would be many MILLIONS of people. And this doesn't count any asymptomatic cases nor does it pick up all the many people who never go to the doctor or hospital when they have virus or "bug" symptoms.

Why didn't anyone in the public health field ask this question: Is it possible this "virus" was already spreading throughout the world months before the lockdowns to slow or stop "spread?" IMO the evidence that supports this possibility is almost undeniable.


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I have cited my own micro "case study" to support my hypothesis. I came down with almost all the "Covid symptoms" in January 2020. I couldn't get out of bed for a week. I was sick enough that I did go to the doctor, where I got a "flu test" that was negative. I think I might have gotten this "bug" from my 8-year-old daughter, who I checked out of school the very day I had "onset of symptoms." My daughter had fever, a sore throat and fatigue, but her symptoms weren't nearly as bad as mine. I later learned that about 8 of my daughter's classmates and her teacher had the very same symptoms. After I got sick, my 5-year-old son got sick as well (again, his symptoms weren't nearly as bad as mine).

My logical take-away: Whatever caused me to be sick was "spreading" in my hometown (and my household). I later interviewed my doctor and an administrator from the health clinic that gave me my flu test. Both confirmed this clinic (which has locations in 12 counties) was seeing a flood of sick people with these symptoms. The sick people started coming into the clinic in large numbers in December 2019 and this lasted through January.

My administrator friend told me, "We thought there was something wrong with the flu test" since very few of these patients were testing positive for influenza. My doctor told me his "gut instinct" is that the virus was spreading months before officials said this virus had arrived in Alabama.

I think a lot of doctors, nurses and employees at health clinics would/could report the exact same "case loads" throughout America. But almost none are willing to state this. They know such testimonials go against the "authorized narrative," which is that this virus began to spread widely in America beginning in March and April 2020 (warm weather months!).

I actually think the virus was dying out on its own by this time period. This means all the "Covid deaths" must have been iatrogenic deaths or deaths caused by the lockdowns and the unnecessary panic and fear.

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This fits my main hypothesis.

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8-year-olds can't legally drink communion wine. Lock up the teachers and administrators at that school for giving it to them! That's why they won't admit covid spread before 20 January 2020; it would incriminate them. And you shouldn't have shared wine with your daughter when you checked her out of school. (/s, as though I really must.) What do they drink on the Isle of the Manx (or is it Vir?)?

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Jul 3, 2023
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I've tried to highlight this fact, Salty Dog. The same thing was happening in community after community in America (and probably the rest of the world as well). Troy, Alabama - or Dothan or Opp or Sylacauga or places in north Alabama - were NOT unique or "isolated" outbreaks. These outbreaks occurred in all 50 states (not just my own state). Right there, this tells me some kind of "virus" was "spreading" person-to-person. Again, maybe most people weren't sick from Covid, but if 15 to 30 percent were - that's a huge number of people.

The notion that you could "slow" or "stop" spread by locking down the country on March 15, 2020 ... is/was preposterous in my view.

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Jul 3, 2023
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I think it must be just you and me that get these key take-aways. I keep arguing if you want to know the real IFR of Covid, you need to look at how many people were dying when this virus was really spreading across the planet - when people were actually becoming "sick" with Civid-Like symptoms.

IMO The reason no investigation will "confirm" this has to do with nuclear geo-political considerations. The real bottom-line might be that this virus escaped from some lab much earlier than we all think ... and it's possible this lab might have been in ... America. Or: Maybe China ... but not in December or November 2019.

The key is that no investigation look into a man-made virus, but also when this virus actually began to spread person to person.

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I'm going to be really controversial here and suggest that a) there was no novel respiratory pathogen and b) the mRNA gene therapy injections which supposedly provided protection against the aforementioned pathogen were not only unnecessary but highly dangerous and responsible for immeasurable deaths and harms.

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3 years ago, that might have been controversial.

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As UK Column's Mike Robinson might say: "Indeed"

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A case study in how to normalize insanity.

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I've wrote an article on NHS Shetland v COVID for UKC coming out soon. Very revealling.

You may gleam some info here Joel -


IOM also are more on the ball when it comes to the ''vaccine'' injured.


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In such small, close-knit communities, it must be really difficult to hide the truth?

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So I hear.

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You had to have the jab to get on the island. So sad.

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Same as islands off the coast of Spain.

No jab, no ferry ride...

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Not sad but plain evil. Anybody insisting on jabbing people to go anywhere should have a rock tied to their legs and thrown into the deepest ocean.

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Yep, them and the Amish.

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They probably locked down harder and faster.

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Did a better job than the jab if they did! But still... 20% of all deaths are "COVID"? So, I'm thinking...

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Funny how the 20% 'Covid deaths' mattered so much more than the 80% (previously 100% - pre 2020) other deaths.

Imagine the phone calls, "We regret to inform you, your close relative has passed away. Fortunately, it wasn't from Covid."

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On another note: There appears to be a huge difference in quality of the 'vaccine' batches. I have read about this before.

This is a good article on the topic, based on Danish and German research.

It just may impact numbers in a completely unpredictable way. Man being an island, they may have received a specific type of batch....


Its in Dutch, but it contains a translate button.

The author (Anton) deserves some credit). He's published valuable data.

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"All vaccines are born equal but some are more equal than others."

In other words, some vaccines are saline and do nothing at all and some contain deadly poison and are, well deadly.

In between the poisons vary as do people's immune systems/state of health so reaction to poisons of whatever potency will vary enormously.

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