And don't forget all the "cowards" in the mainstream "watchdog" press. If you polled these "journalists," they'd tell you they got into the business to report the truth and to hold powerful people accountable. Yeah, right. Look in the mirror, fellow.
And don't forget all the "cowards" in the mainstream "watchdog" press. If you polled these "journalists," they'd tell you they got into the business to report the truth and to hold powerful people accountable. Yeah, right. Look in the mirror, fellow.
I agree. They are complicit in millions of deaths and untold levels of misery and hardships. They more than any other institution had the power to stop all the madness and expose all the lies. And they didn't do it. They are still not doing it. And you can't say they are all obtuse and simple-minded. Plenty of them are smart enough to know they have been protecting lies all along ... and still do this. So we need to add a few journalists, editors and publishers to the Covid Tribunal defendant class as well. Not only do we need to expose our sorry political leaders, we need to expose how captured and awful the Fourth Estate is.
They are presstitutes. And I don't mean to be insulting any men or women of the night. Presstitutes lie for a living. And those lies are of enormous consequence to everyday people.
I remember some years back reading an article on psychopathy and sociopathy, in which the author listed occupations which had a high percentage of psychopaths and sociopaths, journalism being foremost among them. Honestly, at the time, I was surprised and couldn't really believe it. Well, the past few years have disabused me of my na├пvet├й. The media's support and amplification, on every level, of this psy-op (whatever one may think about the whole theory of psychopaths and sociopaths) has made it clear that members of that profession are without conscience, thoroughly cynical, and completely lacking in any traces of empathy for their fellow human beings. Whether this is due to some innate lack in their basic character or just the banal result of utter corruption is immaterial. They need to be at the top of the list for prosecution and retribution.
I can't find the link on Late Night Live where an author was interviewed about his book on Psycopaths. He said of all the psychopaths he interviewed, those who were not in prison were either CEOs or politicians.
IтАЩve read three books on psychopaths/sociopaths (the same thing). I had the unfortunate chance of dating one, who nearly destroyed my life. This was over ten years ago. It reminds me of the movie, тАЬGaslightтАЭ with Ingrid Bergman. And if youтАЩre an honest, decent, kind person you are the perfect target.
They have NO empathy, NO compassion, and lying is second nature to them. You will get red flags and тАЬgut feelingsтАЭ-trust them! If you know any, stay away from them.
I watched тАЬScent of a WomanтАЭ last night (IтАЩve seen it a few times), LMF really applies to the finale scene with Al Pacino! Of you havenтАЩt seen the movie, I HIGHLY recommend it! LMF TO THE MAX! Lol!
Those who knew but made their own preparations yet publicly played the game.
The actions of some, eg those getting themselves a bit of land in the country side, and having alternative fuel sources, all of a sudden growing vegetables; yet saying *safe and effective*, they are not cowards, just self serving traitors who never got the shot but encouraged everyone else to.
That is Nayirah Al-с╣вabaс╕е - she was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States. Everything she claimed in that congressional testimony was false, and it was pivotal propaganda to start the FIRST Iraq War - Operation Desert Storm.
Do you think "investigative journalists" are so bleeding incompetent they couldn't recognize that who she was, or find out who she was? Do you think our intelligence agencies couldn't recognize the daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador? Do you think nobody in Congress recognized who she was?
"Mainstream media" has not changed one iota in 30 years, you're just finally starting to recognize it for what it actually is - propaganda. They always, without fail, promote the government propaganda.
Rachael Maddow is paid $30 million a year to do her show. Do you think people are paid that kind of money to tell the public the truth, or to lie to them? Do you think Sean Hannity rose through the ranks because he's honest, or is a useful propagandists? What about Anderson Cooper, he's a Vanderbilt who has no journalistic qualifications, but he's somehow a top "news" anchor - he did do an "internship" at the CIA.
Operation Mockingbird was revealed in 1975 by the Church Committee - it didn't end just because it was exposed. People just refuse to recognize what is going on and what has been going on, for their ENTIRE LIVES.
I'm pretty sure it was you who said it -- these people aren't ALLOWED to cover the story. That's where "journalism" is these days -- you have to get permission to speak the truth (and are almost always denied).
If they aren't allowed to cover a story, they aren't journalists are they?
They are intentional propagandists.
We live in an age where you can write whatever you wish to any audience that wants to listen to it, yet what reporter does this? Got your story nixed by the NY Times? You can post it anywhere else you like, and there's HUGE followings for people who simply tell the truth - the public is starved for it.
I am old enough to remember when reporters had balls. They are all eunuchs now.
Let's all remember Gary Webb, who exposed the CIA trafficking drugs to inner cities in the 1980's to subsidize the cost of Iran Contra. He, supposedly, committed suicide, by shooting himself in the head, twice, after he had been blacklisted as a reporter. Surprised that Julian Assange hasn't been murdered yet, but he's been silenced.
Yep! The state of the media got so bad that here I am (along with others like this 'Stack!), covering the stories that the MSM and their billions of dollars seem to miss. Sad state of affairs!
That's why we built the internet. We've known for over 3 decades our news media was propaganda, now you know as well.
This system is designed from the ground up to be a decentralized information resource. That's the last thing we'll do before we die. There will be no Facebook, no Twitter, no Google, no Youtube. You'll be running a $70 computer out of your home that entirely replaces all of those, and the only way to censor you, will be to kill you.
I was a reporter. The best of us believed the interview approach should be: "Why is this bastard lying to me?" but that was rare even tens of years ago. The majority approach was always: "How do I keep my job, how do I get promotion?" and that got worse with the collapse of newspaper advertising.
Look, the reason there was a collapse in newspaper advertising is that news papers didn't report the truth. I knew that in the 1990's.
Everything said about the "complicated" situation of the Israeli/Palestine conflict is misleading at best, sometimes an outright lie at worst. Seriously - you guys couldn't identify that Nayirah al-с╣вabaс╕е was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador? You didn't check the hospitals that were supposedly looted of incubators..
And there's countless more examples. It was never reported that Emad Salem was an FBI informant planted in the group that bombed the WTC in 1993 - or that he warned the FBI about this attack and had audio recordings of it. The Douma Chemical attack never happened and two whistleblowers from the OPCW came forward to explain how it was staged, the Ghouta chemical attack was unlikely to have been done by Assad, Qaddafi wasn't about to cause a humanitarian crisis, but bombing Libya caused one. The Taliban twice offered to offer up binLaden, once with conditions that the US share information on why they believed he was responsible for the WTC attacks, and then unconditionally - you didn't cover that.
I'm just an engineer and I can rattle off things like this all day but it's not reported in our "news" papers. Your job is to actually know this stuff, if you were a reporter. Were you a reporter? You were a propagandist.
And you ask people to pay for "news" papers that don't inform, and actively lie. Judith Miller won the Pulitzer Prize. We just went through 4 years of Trump supposed having prostitutes urinate on a bed, that "Russia hacked our election" (somehow..), and now we're off to being told a corrupt, senile, hair sniffing pervert is the most popular presidential candidate in all of American history even though he couldn't get 50 people to show up to a campaign event.
The Internet is eating your lunch, and justifiably. It's trivial to hyperlink to documents to show proof of what is stated, like this:
Why should anybody have any sympathy for your profession? You lie us into wars, you cover up crimes by our own government, you pretend to believe in ridiculous lies like Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide.. You don't make any effort to tell the truth or to inform the public, and it's because of people like you our government is this horrifically corrupt. We just went through 2 years of our "news" telling us it was essentially to get a "vaccine" that's entirely experimental which turns out not to work for a "pandemic" which has a 99.98% survivability rate across the entire population on which the median age of death was older than the average life expectancy.
You're not reporters. You sell wars, you sell drugs, you sell misinformation, you sell lies. That was your job and that's why people like me, engineers, built this Internet. We did it in part, to end the unrelenting, stupid propaganda, but we got suckered, we built corporations that replaced the old guard being run by Operation Mockingbird which came out in the Church Committee in 1975. That's fine, we can destroy what we created, and doing something the 2nd time around is a lot easier than doing it the first time around, and our tools are now VASTLY more powerful.
You know, at the end of WWII propagandists for the Nazi regime were put to death and through your professional negligence, you've allowed this Nazi regime to form. Why should we cry for the people that have spent decades lying to the public, and doing their utmost to misinform them? An educated citizenry is essential to maintain democracy - you are the ones that destroyed it. We're in a oligarchical dictatorship where we're at the point that if you say the wrong thing, your bank account can be cancelled.
Thanks much! Sure, you helped destroy the nation, but you had to keep your job! The silver lining on this though is that you're so horrible, so despicable, that the propaganda system will never regain its credibility. I suppose that's a good thing. Yellow journalism should have ended the entire industry but it didn't.
And if you think I'm being harsh - I'm not. I've spent 30 years doing what you SAID your job is, in my spare time. You realize it's trivial now to talk to anybody on the planet? How hard do you think it was to confirm Bana al-Abed wasn't in Aleppo? Pretty trivial actually. She certainly couldn't have used the Internet every day when water wasn't available because of infrastructure damage. I should know, I helped set up similar infrastructures.
Upvoted you primarily because 1) I'm a retired engineer, 2) I've always disliked the news, 3) I knew 9-11 story was fake as soon as they announced the hijackers by name within 1-2 days and "found a passport" and then muzzled the NTSB and the FAA controllers and WT-7 dissolved etc, 4) I read old authors, like Whittaker Chambers.
I'm an EE, I was part of creating the basic infrastructure of the Internet in broadband. This is why I picked this field - I still view the internet as the crowning achievement of our civilization and it was designed not to have central points of attack from the ground up.
We know for CERTAIN that parts of the 9/11 story was false, but I cannot say to what extent it was falsified. It does appear to have been a joint operation between Mossad and US intelligence agencies to me. With regard to the bombing in 1993, it unquestionably was.
I'm so pissed off with "reporters". These people will absolutely not do their jobs. They are absolutely just propagandists. I knew who Gary Webb was, before he supposedly killed himself, by shooting himself in the head, twice.. Reporters do exist, but they are startling few and far between. Julian Assange I expect will die in prison.
Rachael Maddow isn't paid 30 million dollars a year to educate the population, they are paid that kind of money to lie to the public. Same is true of Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson for that matter. All the "mainstream media" is, is just garbage.
We fucked up in Silicon Valley, we realize, now. Twitter, Google, and Facebook are just arms of the intelligence agencies. What we created though, we can both replace, and destroy. Sorry about my naivete. We never thought AMERICAN companies would betray our most fundamental first amendment right, the right to communicate.
No Sandra. I was part of making the early Internet. It is filled with nonsense and lies, but "news" papers are NOTHING but nonsense and lies.
That's the difference. It's the choice between fishing around in a sewer that has nothing but sewage, and sewer that has some coins and even a few valuables in it.
"Reporters" don't do their STATED job. I saw Gary Webb be murdered but before he was murdered, probably by the CIA, he was blacklisted from the "journalist" profession. I saw Judith Miller get the Pulitzer Prize for using Ahmed Chalabi as her exclusive source about Iraq, which was entirely lies.
I can't find ANYWHERE in mainstream "news" questioning if it was possible for Bana al-Abed to access the Internet EVERY DAY in Aleppo when they were simultaneously reporting that the city was so destroyed that WATER was difficult to get.
You lie. That was your job.
I now have to listen to "who blew up the Nordstream pipeline??? Must be Russia!!!"
Golly gee wiz, Cui Bono? Its would be a mystery to me, if either I was lying or the stupidest person on the planet. We can see right through you. The NY Times, the toilet paper of record can't figure it out:
Comedians have been building CAREERS over just exposing your, supposed, incompetence. You're not incompetent, you're dishonest. Your job was to MISinform the public. Not the 4th estate, the PR arm of the 4th Reich.
You are cowards, you do not speak truth to power, you hide criminality, you're pathetic. I can do a better job doing your STATED job in a 1/2 hour a day, than what I get from "mainstream media". It's not because I'm some sort of genius, I'm just not a sniveling coward that is paid 8 hours a day 5 days a week to make excuses for blatant obvious criminality, and to then look the other way constantly.
That was your job. How is it that I know more than you do, you're job is to know. Gee whiz, I wonder?
If the media did their job in informing the public, the Internet would be nothing more than conspiracy nuts, technical information, entertainment and pornography but you won't do your job.
Gary Webb DIED for his job. Julian Assange will slowly be murdered. You're silent, we have to speak out.
You were never a reporter. There's less than 10 reporters in the West at this point and they are all independent. How many of you defended Phil Donahue (a scumbag admittedly) when he fired from his TOP RATED SHOW on MSNBC for just questioning the Bush administration's claims about weapons of mass destruction and so on? None of you.
Don't think people can't see, and don't think that your BS industry has a stranglehold on the populace. People, dumb people anyhow, think that a few websites constitute the Internet. That's far from the truth. I can talk to anybody, anywhere, in the entire world, and so can anybody else, if they put in MINIMAL amounts of effort. Any journalist can do this, but they don't, because they know what they are - paid liars. That's what you were.
You should be ashamed about what you've taken part in, but I know, propagandists have no shame. Your job was to protect criminals, not to to shine a light on these roaches.
The reason that people stopped buying "news" papers is not because of the Internet, it's because there's no news in newspapers. It's just constant lies. I can show you countless examples, ridiculous example of "mistakes" of "reporters". Here's one:
Look, Anderson Cooper, the Vanderbilt that has no journalist credentials at all, who did an "internship" at the CIA is talking to a man who is obviously not Ukrainian who is supposedly in the Ukrainian airforce. Do you think we're this stupid? Well, the only people that listen to this blatantly obvious propagandists at this point, are stupid.
I'd gladly pay for INFORMATION, but I don't get that, I get propaganda or trivial BS "news", that doesn't matter. You're either noise and distraction, or lies. That's been our "news" for the last 30 years, maybe my entire life. I don't know, I didn't pay that close attention during the Reagan years being a child.
Why don't you use your full name, Richard? If you are called Richard of course.
And you seem to have extreme difficulties in understanding the written word. Neither of your comments reply to what I wrote. If you stop being quite so angry (i am worried for your heart) you will see that my first comment essentially greed with your opinion, Sit down, have a nice cup of tea, and read it again, thinking hard.6
Sandra - I'm pointing out that the reason the "news" paper industry is dead, is that propagandists and scum are employed in it, not journalists or reporters and I've given around a dozen examples of it and I don't see you disagreeing with me at all.
You were NEVER a reporter. Real reporters, go to jail, or they end up in exile, or they're murdered in the United States.
And you want to know why I don't use a full name? Because I actually do your fucking job, in my spare time, for free. My professional job is building infrastructure to replace you fucking traitors and that's what you are.
Twitter was just caught red handed violating our most basic right to communicate. Name a "news" organization reporting on it? The reason you don't DESERVE a job, is you don't do your job - you lie about what your job is. You're moral garbage.
"Journalists" could use their power to prevent wars, end crime, expose criminality, but you don't. 40 years ago, there were some that did. It's been that FUCKING long.
So you have moved from failing to understand my post to ad hominen libel and ranting under a pseudonym - frankly a cowardly - now to swearing in an unhinged manner. You do realise you're sounding madder with each post?
Sandra. I completely understand you. I don't respect you though, at all.
You're not a reporter, and you never were.
You were a propagandist. Just imagine how many lives could have been saved if any of your sniveling fucks would just report the truth? If you exposed that the US overthrew the Ukrainian government in 2014, or if you exposed this led to an immediate civil war between East and West Ukraine? IF you exposed that the US was funding their puppet government they put in power to do this?
If only a FEW of you would do you FUCKING job. But you never will.
You have blood on your hands. I have as much respect for you as I did for Joseph Goebbels.
Iraq was built by people like you, as was Libya, and Syria. The media is entirely silent about Yemen and Somalia. You're murderers, or at least, accomplices in murder. Do your fucking job. You are NOT a reporter. You're an enabler of the worst crimes of my criminal government. That's what you did.
Now, you tell me how I'm incorrect. You've accused me of libel, well, point out where I'm wrong. Explain it to me. Maybe I am wrong, but you haven't contradicted me once on a specific point. Why is that?
Anything called "mainstream media" or "reliable sources" is just trash propaganda at this point. It's been this way for 2 decades, and the few people that don't recognize it at this point, are insufferable incurable idiots.
People STILL listening to the liars that told you there was a weapons of mass destruction program in Iraq, or Qaddafi was taking viagra to rape girls, or Assad is gassing his own people, or Bana al-Abed was in Aleppo begging Obama to bomb Syria more, or that George Zimmerman was a white supremacists, or that BLM and Antifa were engaging in "mostly peaceful protests", or January 6th was an "armed insurrection", blah blah blah blah. The list is endless.
If you can't figure out by NOW that "journalists" are simply propagandists, for the government for the MIC, for pharmaceutical companies, whatever - that's just pathetic. It couldn't be more obvious.
And don't forget all the "cowards" in the mainstream "watchdog" press. If you polled these "journalists," they'd tell you they got into the business to report the truth and to hold powerful people accountable. Yeah, right. Look in the mirror, fellow.
The MSM are a disgrace and are also complicit in the deaths of millions ! They've crossed the point of no return and i think they know that !
I agree. They are complicit in millions of deaths and untold levels of misery and hardships. They more than any other institution had the power to stop all the madness and expose all the lies. And they didn't do it. They are still not doing it. And you can't say they are all obtuse and simple-minded. Plenty of them are smart enough to know they have been protecting lies all along ... and still do this. So we need to add a few journalists, editors and publishers to the Covid Tribunal defendant class as well. Not only do we need to expose our sorry political leaders, we need to expose how captured and awful the Fourth Estate is.
yup, the rot is in and is now needing to be cut out !
They are presstitutes. And I don't mean to be insulting any men or women of the night. Presstitutes lie for a living. And those lies are of enormous consequence to everyday people.
I remember some years back reading an article on psychopathy and sociopathy, in which the author listed occupations which had a high percentage of psychopaths and sociopaths, journalism being foremost among them. Honestly, at the time, I was surprised and couldn't really believe it. Well, the past few years have disabused me of my na├пvet├й. The media's support and amplification, on every level, of this psy-op (whatever one may think about the whole theory of psychopaths and sociopaths) has made it clear that members of that profession are without conscience, thoroughly cynical, and completely lacking in any traces of empathy for their fellow human beings. Whether this is due to some innate lack in their basic character or just the banal result of utter corruption is immaterial. They need to be at the top of the list for prosecution and retribution.
I can't find the link on Late Night Live where an author was interviewed about his book on Psycopaths. He said of all the psychopaths he interviewed, those who were not in prison were either CEOs or politicians.
IтАЩve read three books on psychopaths/sociopaths (the same thing). I had the unfortunate chance of dating one, who nearly destroyed my life. This was over ten years ago. It reminds me of the movie, тАЬGaslightтАЭ with Ingrid Bergman. And if youтАЩre an honest, decent, kind person you are the perfect target.
They have NO empathy, NO compassion, and lying is second nature to them. You will get red flags and тАЬgut feelingsтАЭ-trust them! If you know any, stay away from them.
Thank you for making me curious! I'm sure this isn't the same article, since it focuses solely on psychopaths. But it is very enlightening:
The 10 professions with the most psychopaths
Dr Malhotra in the UK has been outspoken that big pharma and co are psychopathic !!
If you are interested, Jan Jekielek (Epoch TV) did a fantastic interview of Dr. Malhotra which was fittingly entitled, "Psychopathic Entity":
Yes, we have an epidemic of propaganda, fear and psychopathy.
One word exemplifies them: E-G-O
LMF goes back to WW1; its use is much more justified today than it was then: Lacking Moral Fiber.
Perfect: LMFтАжawesome!
I watched тАЬScent of a WomanтАЭ last night (IтАЩve seen it a few times), LMF really applies to the finale scene with Al Pacino! Of you havenтАЩt seen the movie, I HIGHLY recommend it! LMF TO THE MAX! Lol!
There's another category of course.
Those who knew but made their own preparations yet publicly played the game.
The actions of some, eg those getting themselves a bit of land in the country side, and having alternative fuel sources, all of a sudden growing vegetables; yet saying *safe and effective*, they are not cowards, just self serving traitors who never got the shot but encouraged everyone else to.
The so called "mainstream media" has been bunk for at least 30 years. Remember this?
That is Nayirah Al-с╣вabaс╕е - she was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States. Everything she claimed in that congressional testimony was false, and it was pivotal propaganda to start the FIRST Iraq War - Operation Desert Storm.
Do you think "investigative journalists" are so bleeding incompetent they couldn't recognize that who she was, or find out who she was? Do you think our intelligence agencies couldn't recognize the daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador? Do you think nobody in Congress recognized who she was?
"Mainstream media" has not changed one iota in 30 years, you're just finally starting to recognize it for what it actually is - propaganda. They always, without fail, promote the government propaganda.
Rachael Maddow is paid $30 million a year to do her show. Do you think people are paid that kind of money to tell the public the truth, or to lie to them? Do you think Sean Hannity rose through the ranks because he's honest, or is a useful propagandists? What about Anderson Cooper, he's a Vanderbilt who has no journalistic qualifications, but he's somehow a top "news" anchor - he did do an "internship" at the CIA.
Operation Mockingbird was revealed in 1975 by the Church Committee - it didn't end just because it was exposed. People just refuse to recognize what is going on and what has been going on, for their ENTIRE LIVES.
I'm pretty sure it was you who said it -- these people aren't ALLOWED to cover the story. That's where "journalism" is these days -- you have to get permission to speak the truth (and are almost always denied).
If they aren't allowed to cover a story, they aren't journalists are they?
They are intentional propagandists.
We live in an age where you can write whatever you wish to any audience that wants to listen to it, yet what reporter does this? Got your story nixed by the NY Times? You can post it anywhere else you like, and there's HUGE followings for people who simply tell the truth - the public is starved for it.
I am old enough to remember when reporters had balls. They are all eunuchs now.
Let's all remember Gary Webb, who exposed the CIA trafficking drugs to inner cities in the 1980's to subsidize the cost of Iran Contra. He, supposedly, committed suicide, by shooting himself in the head, twice, after he had been blacklisted as a reporter. Surprised that Julian Assange hasn't been murdered yet, but he's been silenced.
Yep! The state of the media got so bad that here I am (along with others like this 'Stack!), covering the stories that the MSM and their billions of dollars seem to miss. Sad state of affairs!
That's why we built the internet. We've known for over 3 decades our news media was propaganda, now you know as well.
This system is designed from the ground up to be a decentralized information resource. That's the last thing we'll do before we die. There will be no Facebook, no Twitter, no Google, no Youtube. You'll be running a $70 computer out of your home that entirely replaces all of those, and the only way to censor you, will be to kill you.
Samizdat worked in the USSR, it will work here.
I was a reporter. The best of us believed the interview approach should be: "Why is this bastard lying to me?" but that was rare even tens of years ago. The majority approach was always: "How do I keep my job, how do I get promotion?" and that got worse with the collapse of newspaper advertising.
Look, the reason there was a collapse in newspaper advertising is that news papers didn't report the truth. I knew that in the 1990's.
Everything said about the "complicated" situation of the Israeli/Palestine conflict is misleading at best, sometimes an outright lie at worst. Seriously - you guys couldn't identify that Nayirah al-с╣вabaс╕е was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador? You didn't check the hospitals that were supposedly looted of incubators..
And there's countless more examples. It was never reported that Emad Salem was an FBI informant planted in the group that bombed the WTC in 1993 - or that he warned the FBI about this attack and had audio recordings of it. The Douma Chemical attack never happened and two whistleblowers from the OPCW came forward to explain how it was staged, the Ghouta chemical attack was unlikely to have been done by Assad, Qaddafi wasn't about to cause a humanitarian crisis, but bombing Libya caused one. The Taliban twice offered to offer up binLaden, once with conditions that the US share information on why they believed he was responsible for the WTC attacks, and then unconditionally - you didn't cover that.
I'm just an engineer and I can rattle off things like this all day but it's not reported in our "news" papers. Your job is to actually know this stuff, if you were a reporter. Were you a reporter? You were a propagandist.
And you ask people to pay for "news" papers that don't inform, and actively lie. Judith Miller won the Pulitzer Prize. We just went through 4 years of Trump supposed having prostitutes urinate on a bed, that "Russia hacked our election" (somehow..), and now we're off to being told a corrupt, senile, hair sniffing pervert is the most popular presidential candidate in all of American history even though he couldn't get 50 people to show up to a campaign event.
The Internet is eating your lunch, and justifiably. It's trivial to hyperlink to documents to show proof of what is stated, like this:
(here's his recording)
Why should anybody have any sympathy for your profession? You lie us into wars, you cover up crimes by our own government, you pretend to believe in ridiculous lies like Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide.. You don't make any effort to tell the truth or to inform the public, and it's because of people like you our government is this horrifically corrupt. We just went through 2 years of our "news" telling us it was essentially to get a "vaccine" that's entirely experimental which turns out not to work for a "pandemic" which has a 99.98% survivability rate across the entire population on which the median age of death was older than the average life expectancy.
You're not reporters. You sell wars, you sell drugs, you sell misinformation, you sell lies. That was your job and that's why people like me, engineers, built this Internet. We did it in part, to end the unrelenting, stupid propaganda, but we got suckered, we built corporations that replaced the old guard being run by Operation Mockingbird which came out in the Church Committee in 1975. That's fine, we can destroy what we created, and doing something the 2nd time around is a lot easier than doing it the first time around, and our tools are now VASTLY more powerful.
You know, at the end of WWII propagandists for the Nazi regime were put to death and through your professional negligence, you've allowed this Nazi regime to form. Why should we cry for the people that have spent decades lying to the public, and doing their utmost to misinform them? An educated citizenry is essential to maintain democracy - you are the ones that destroyed it. We're in a oligarchical dictatorship where we're at the point that if you say the wrong thing, your bank account can be cancelled.
Thanks much! Sure, you helped destroy the nation, but you had to keep your job! The silver lining on this though is that you're so horrible, so despicable, that the propaganda system will never regain its credibility. I suppose that's a good thing. Yellow journalism should have ended the entire industry but it didn't.
And if you think I'm being harsh - I'm not. I've spent 30 years doing what you SAID your job is, in my spare time. You realize it's trivial now to talk to anybody on the planet? How hard do you think it was to confirm Bana al-Abed wasn't in Aleppo? Pretty trivial actually. She certainly couldn't have used the Internet every day when water wasn't available because of infrastructure damage. I should know, I helped set up similar infrastructures.
Upvoted you primarily because 1) I'm a retired engineer, 2) I've always disliked the news, 3) I knew 9-11 story was fake as soon as they announced the hijackers by name within 1-2 days and "found a passport" and then muzzled the NTSB and the FAA controllers and WT-7 dissolved etc, 4) I read old authors, like Whittaker Chambers.
If you think I'm incorrect in anything I've said, I'd appreciate it if you would take the time to correct me.
If you want a crash course in 9/11 and you're willing to take notes, here's an extremely dense over-view of what (may have) happened:
I'm an EE, I was part of creating the basic infrastructure of the Internet in broadband. This is why I picked this field - I still view the internet as the crowning achievement of our civilization and it was designed not to have central points of attack from the ground up.
We know for CERTAIN that parts of the 9/11 story was false, but I cannot say to what extent it was falsified. It does appear to have been a joint operation between Mossad and US intelligence agencies to me. With regard to the bombing in 1993, it unquestionably was.
I'm so pissed off with "reporters". These people will absolutely not do their jobs. They are absolutely just propagandists. I knew who Gary Webb was, before he supposedly killed himself, by shooting himself in the head, twice.. Reporters do exist, but they are startling few and far between. Julian Assange I expect will die in prison.
Rachael Maddow isn't paid 30 million dollars a year to educate the population, they are paid that kind of money to lie to the public. Same is true of Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson for that matter. All the "mainstream media" is, is just garbage.
We fucked up in Silicon Valley, we realize, now. Twitter, Google, and Facebook are just arms of the intelligence agencies. What we created though, we can both replace, and destroy. Sorry about my naivete. We never thought AMERICAN companies would betray our most fundamental first amendment right, the right to communicate.
Nah. The collapse in newspaper revenue happened due to the arrival of the internet, and the fact that advertising moved onto it.
No Sandra. I was part of making the early Internet. It is filled with nonsense and lies, but "news" papers are NOTHING but nonsense and lies.
That's the difference. It's the choice between fishing around in a sewer that has nothing but sewage, and sewer that has some coins and even a few valuables in it.
"Reporters" don't do their STATED job. I saw Gary Webb be murdered but before he was murdered, probably by the CIA, he was blacklisted from the "journalist" profession. I saw Judith Miller get the Pulitzer Prize for using Ahmed Chalabi as her exclusive source about Iraq, which was entirely lies.
I can't find ANYWHERE in mainstream "news" questioning if it was possible for Bana al-Abed to access the Internet EVERY DAY in Aleppo when they were simultaneously reporting that the city was so destroyed that WATER was difficult to get.
You lie. That was your job.
I now have to listen to "who blew up the Nordstream pipeline??? Must be Russia!!!"
Golly gee wiz, Cui Bono? Its would be a mystery to me, if either I was lying or the stupidest person on the planet. We can see right through you. The NY Times, the toilet paper of record can't figure it out:
Comedians have been building CAREERS over just exposing your, supposed, incompetence. You're not incompetent, you're dishonest. Your job was to MISinform the public. Not the 4th estate, the PR arm of the 4th Reich.
You are cowards, you do not speak truth to power, you hide criminality, you're pathetic. I can do a better job doing your STATED job in a 1/2 hour a day, than what I get from "mainstream media". It's not because I'm some sort of genius, I'm just not a sniveling coward that is paid 8 hours a day 5 days a week to make excuses for blatant obvious criminality, and to then look the other way constantly.
That was your job. How is it that I know more than you do, you're job is to know. Gee whiz, I wonder?
If the media did their job in informing the public, the Internet would be nothing more than conspiracy nuts, technical information, entertainment and pornography but you won't do your job.
Gary Webb DIED for his job. Julian Assange will slowly be murdered. You're silent, we have to speak out.
You were never a reporter. There's less than 10 reporters in the West at this point and they are all independent. How many of you defended Phil Donahue (a scumbag admittedly) when he fired from his TOP RATED SHOW on MSNBC for just questioning the Bush administration's claims about weapons of mass destruction and so on? None of you.
Don't think people can't see, and don't think that your BS industry has a stranglehold on the populace. People, dumb people anyhow, think that a few websites constitute the Internet. That's far from the truth. I can talk to anybody, anywhere, in the entire world, and so can anybody else, if they put in MINIMAL amounts of effort. Any journalist can do this, but they don't, because they know what they are - paid liars. That's what you were.
You should be ashamed about what you've taken part in, but I know, propagandists have no shame. Your job was to protect criminals, not to to shine a light on these roaches.
The reason that people stopped buying "news" papers is not because of the Internet, it's because there's no news in newspapers. It's just constant lies. I can show you countless examples, ridiculous example of "mistakes" of "reporters". Here's one:
Look, Anderson Cooper, the Vanderbilt that has no journalist credentials at all, who did an "internship" at the CIA is talking to a man who is obviously not Ukrainian who is supposedly in the Ukrainian airforce. Do you think we're this stupid? Well, the only people that listen to this blatantly obvious propagandists at this point, are stupid.
I'd gladly pay for INFORMATION, but I don't get that, I get propaganda or trivial BS "news", that doesn't matter. You're either noise and distraction, or lies. That's been our "news" for the last 30 years, maybe my entire life. I don't know, I didn't pay that close attention during the Reagan years being a child.
Why don't you use your full name, Richard? If you are called Richard of course.
And you seem to have extreme difficulties in understanding the written word. Neither of your comments reply to what I wrote. If you stop being quite so angry (i am worried for your heart) you will see that my first comment essentially greed with your opinion, Sit down, have a nice cup of tea, and read it again, thinking hard.6
Sandra - I'm pointing out that the reason the "news" paper industry is dead, is that propagandists and scum are employed in it, not journalists or reporters and I've given around a dozen examples of it and I don't see you disagreeing with me at all.
You were NEVER a reporter. Real reporters, go to jail, or they end up in exile, or they're murdered in the United States.
And you want to know why I don't use a full name? Because I actually do your fucking job, in my spare time, for free. My professional job is building infrastructure to replace you fucking traitors and that's what you are.
Twitter was just caught red handed violating our most basic right to communicate. Name a "news" organization reporting on it? The reason you don't DESERVE a job, is you don't do your job - you lie about what your job is. You're moral garbage.
"Journalists" could use their power to prevent wars, end crime, expose criminality, but you don't. 40 years ago, there were some that did. It's been that FUCKING long.
So you have moved from failing to understand my post to ad hominen libel and ranting under a pseudonym - frankly a cowardly - now to swearing in an unhinged manner. You do realise you're sounding madder with each post?
Sandra. I completely understand you. I don't respect you though, at all.
You're not a reporter, and you never were.
You were a propagandist. Just imagine how many lives could have been saved if any of your sniveling fucks would just report the truth? If you exposed that the US overthrew the Ukrainian government in 2014, or if you exposed this led to an immediate civil war between East and West Ukraine? IF you exposed that the US was funding their puppet government they put in power to do this?
If only a FEW of you would do you FUCKING job. But you never will.
You have blood on your hands. I have as much respect for you as I did for Joseph Goebbels.
Iraq was built by people like you, as was Libya, and Syria. The media is entirely silent about Yemen and Somalia. You're murderers, or at least, accomplices in murder. Do your fucking job. You are NOT a reporter. You're an enabler of the worst crimes of my criminal government. That's what you did.
Now, you tell me how I'm incorrect. You've accused me of libel, well, point out where I'm wrong. Explain it to me. Maybe I am wrong, but you haven't contradicted me once on a specific point. Why is that?
Anything called "mainstream media" or "reliable sources" is just trash propaganda at this point. It's been this way for 2 decades, and the few people that don't recognize it at this point, are insufferable incurable idiots.
People STILL listening to the liars that told you there was a weapons of mass destruction program in Iraq, or Qaddafi was taking viagra to rape girls, or Assad is gassing his own people, or Bana al-Abed was in Aleppo begging Obama to bomb Syria more, or that George Zimmerman was a white supremacists, or that BLM and Antifa were engaging in "mostly peaceful protests", or January 6th was an "armed insurrection", blah blah blah blah. The list is endless.
If you can't figure out by NOW that "journalists" are simply propagandists, for the government for the MIC, for pharmaceutical companies, whatever - that's just pathetic. It couldn't be more obvious.