Ivermectin developed from Avermectin (without worms)... in Japan after a scientist discovered a soil free from worms and investigated why.

Used for the best part of 40 years as an antiparasitic treatment that has killed less people than aspirin.

Pfizer made sure that the trials were conducted in people who contracted COVID AFTaear five days elapsed... this flawed the usefulness of the drug.... yet South Africans regularly use Ivermectin to control “river blindness” which explains the low incident of COVID deaths.

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Yep. I always point out that many of the ivermectin trials gave it to people who were in the hospital for covid and had symptoms for up to 7 days.

Do we give people in the hospital with covid the jab? No we do not. Why does the jab get the benefit of being administered a month in advance, but ivermectin doesn't?

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The people reporting the results of the efficacy of Ivermectin, also gave patients a HIGHER THAN PRESCRIBED dose. See how that works????

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Yes I agree Preventative vs Cure... P always wins.

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I think we all know the answer to that question.

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I purchased my ivermectin before the Canadian government could confiscate it!

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NOOOO and sorry to take my view out on you, but I read your comment before replying to the post above, but will copy this in a mo.

In the "article" it states "The SAIVE Trial, Post-Exposure use of ivermectin in Covid-19 prevention: Efficacy and Safety Results" ... before that I was all game on for what was being stated... and you have "Pfizer made sure that the trials were conducted in people who contracted COVID AFTaear five days elapsed" .....


“The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense.” ~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.

THERE WAS AND IS NO COVID, THERE WAS AND IS NO VIRUS and unless people start to both understand and realise that it was all "smoke and mirrors" or in my language "utter bullsh1te" and one of the greatest uses of psychology to get the masses into a global "mass psychosis"; there can never be any progress.

1. No virus has ever been isolated (EVER) and "proved to exist".

2. No virus has ever (assuming the tooth fairy solved the above), been proved to be transmittable (EVER) between two or more bodies of any breed (human - human, human - animal, animal- human etc.).

3. NOW COVID. People talk about COVID as if it is clearly defined or obvious like "a pain from banging your toe" or the usual "severe or not, cold or flu look-a-like (cold, flu are what exactly???, but that is for another story rant) ... BUT THIS IS THE BS the CDC states:


To quote a little from the above = "COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness." ... and ... "This list does not include all possible symptoms. Symptoms may change with new COVID-19 variants and can vary depending on vaccination status." ...

JUST THINK ABOUT THE ABOVE PARAGRAPH and it's wording ... because if you can see through the utter BS and nonsense of it; it literally could include a "stubbed toe".

Which brings me to the crux:

4. I do not know the exact date, but let us assume one; say 1750 for this part. In 1750 - there were NO disease names, there were just symptoms like feeling as if you wanted to be sick, bruised toe, back pain, headaches etc etc... doctors were literally quacks, but did their best handing out advice or some concoction made up from stuff they found in the natural World (in general).

Now everything has a specific name and a list of symptoms; oh but wait - now the doctor has 1 or more SPECIFIC DRUGS to handle the SPECIFIC NAMED "Illness" - if drug 1 does not work, change to drug 2 etc, still not "CURED" ... more tests and hey-presto; a doctor will tell you, "SORRY, but you also have ILLNESS B" ... more or different drugs ... NOT CURING YOU, but "treating" the likes of pain and discomfort.

3 years ago - I would have laughed at my view, thought "THIS BLOKE IS A NUTTER", but a small group of us have carried out extensive research (including medical people) and what you find is just stunning, baffling, depressing at first - it knocks you for six; the whole "medical industry" as we know it, is a money grabbing lie. PS Sure that there are GOOD doctors and and who actually believe they are helping and they do to some extent, sure some drugs help of course and provide "a cure" (see 6. below) ... but in general it is all "Smoke and Mirrors" and really "The World's a stage" - this applies not only to the medical industry, but others as well ... Big pharma, Big Oil, Big Agri etc etc.. together with the globalist elitist parasites have used and abused us "useless eaters" for decades / centuries.

Bllx, rant and waffle over, I shall leave you with my favourite 2 min video, that hopefully helps you understand this long rant ... oh but quickly:

5. Some info, on Ivermectin, if you have not seen it; just FYI and stated by other commentors on here = https://www.isglobal.org/en/healthisglobal/-/custom-blog-portlet/ivermectina-del-suelo-a-las-lombrices-y-mas-alla/3098670/0

6. Last = So called Covid, cold, flu etc .. have SYMPTOMS caused by your OWN LIVING or environmental surroundings, that cause a deficiency in your body of Vitamin C, D, Iron and maybe Zinc ... like your hormones (incredibly important), it all needs to be in balance, if they are off , whether too little or too much - you will be ill.. other cause IS your body is poisoned, but fighting back (sure more, but I leave that to the medical trained lot, I just spout my stuff).

7. Leave you with this and apologies if I have posted it before (not really, but hey-ho) = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsqhwXfn2IU#

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I had not heard that statement from Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, though I have listened to him a lot. It says exactly what my brain has been trying to formulate: "The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense."

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I’m still open to the idea that viruses don’t exist, at least not as we think we understand them. But do you believe Covid IS or WAS something and that Ivermectin and other treatments worked for whatever was making people sick?

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I need the medical lot to give more informed info, but I shall have a crack at answering for now (no expert, so do not shoot the messenger !).

Sorry using numbers again for points, no offense:

1. I am a professional chemical engineer and have been for over 30 years, so on this - well I sort of know my stuff. Maybe at first, think what the word "Isolation" means.

2. So the powers that be.. all the "made up" reports from the likes of CDC etc, all the "made up" academic reports state the same ... we took say a blood sample orwhatever ... and added Chemical A, B, C, and D (plus) to isolate "the alleged virus" ... but even as a fundamental principle ... it is complete NONSENSE, it is so illogical it is madness; but people will still believe it.

3. We get ill right ? and that was always my problem in understanding (when advised - actually told by a right stroppy mare) about this virus scam; so after being battered down, I came up with my analagy - NOT PERFECT, but hopefully it makes people think. So here it is (stupid or not):

a) You get a so called Cold = symptoms (or as you may have called it at the time Covid).

b) You feel dreadful, but you need to go into work, where EVERYONE is healthy.

c) In the next day or so, at least a decent percentage (say 50% for ease of explanation) of your colleagues come down with the same symptoms - they blame you - you feel guilty blah blah for SPREADING YOUR VIRUS right ?.

d) BUT did you ever wonder why the other 50% are still fit and healthy, no sneezing, no anything ?.

It is not the best argument, but the best I have and NO, I do not believe this Covid was anything but (as stated a mass psychosis) a huge brainwashing of the masses to INSTALL FEAR AND CONFUSION INTO THE MASSES and transform our lives into a totalitarian, fully controlled digital state; whilst depopulating the Global population to whatever number for easier control plus plus.

Regards "Ivermectin" - of course it may work, like sucking a lemon and taking an aspirin for a headache... there was another one at the time, there was Ivermectin and ?????.... and guess what ?, the ????? could be made at home by grating citrus fruit peel and adding a few other ingrediants.

e) This is my view only .. you and others need and must "see the light", "make up your own minds" or whatever ... I could be talking absolute sh1te, but it is now my belief.

f) Quick video if you want to watch, but even I think we have surpassed this now, as "Viruses" HAVE BEEN PROVED to be a scam. See what you think, now let me watch the footy.

Oh, take your pick - https://search.brave.com/videos?q=Germ%20theory%20vs%20terrain%20theory&source=web


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I began questioning viruses for the same reasons you stated about not everyone getting sick regardless of who is exposed. By the same token, there are different types of colds and flus and some are much worse than others. When I finally did Get Covid in November of 2022, both my wife and I got sick a day apart. Up to that point I had taken 4 or 5 rapid tests for Covid for other, more minor colds and they were all negative. The one time the test was positive, both of us experienced the same symptoms which were unlike any cold we've ever had, including a complete loss of taste that lasted weeks. We never got a great deal of congestion, but then we were taking Ivermectin, Zinc, D, C, etc... So, COVID is or WAS something and there is lot of evidence of a planned pathogen according to Dr. David Martin who could write a book on this. So, if it's not a virus, it must be something that contaminated our environment.

Also, I note that the 'no-virus' theorists also proclaim that there are no such thing as germs either. I really have a hard time with this? Does that mean no one is every infectious or can spread a contagion? Or is there just another name for germ, bacteria, or whatever??

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Not sure how to respond, but copied and paste to some "medical bod", who maybe be able to shed a little more light on my waffle.

But for me you see.. you saying "When I finally did Get Covid in November of 2022, both my wife and I got sick a day apart. Up to that point I had taken 4 or 5 rapid tests for Covid for other, more minor colds and they were all negative. The one time the test was positive, both of us experienced the same symptoms which were unlike any cold we've ever had, including a complete loss of taste that lasted weeks. "

It is more than frustrating, it wants to make me bang my head against a brick wall (like talking with my Dad, Sister or my Wife and then you realise; there is just no point anymore - however much you love them - or in YOUR CASE .. whatever (LOL)).


It was amiss of me, to not mention the tests (the biggest convincer of the population and all utter bllx) ... ABSOLUTE BS. If you have a box full of them (the test things) at home, take them out, take 5-15 out ... take some food out of your fridge. rub your grass or even your ruddy eyebrow, open a can of coke, rub on the floor - whatever ... USE 5 and test...then 5 mins later TEST again and and again... then compare the results. PLEASE LET ME KNOW.

Loss of taste FFS. Now please do not take offense here; but do you know how taste works, because I did not until I was "lucky" enough to get NPC cancer (a decade ago, so irrelevant, BUT I have been left with a few partial - what we call taste buds and little saliva) BUT AND A BIG BUT ... other parts of your body take over (something like that) .. like a one armed man, his other arm, if used becomes huge .. (Christ I need the medical one on this) ... ANYWAY apparently taste is NOT just about your go and tongue, an equal part of taste is smell ...then allegidly you have small bits adding in vision and and .. so again (not meaning to sound arrogant or patronising); WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS WE WERE TOLD OF .. OF A COLD ?;


Stuffy nose.

Runny nose.

Sore throat.


Mucus dripping down your throat (post-nasal drip)

Getting it yet ???



"both of us experienced the same symptoms"

Have you not answered your own comment ?... same environment maybe ?.


As for your last paragraph ... clever and I will give you that.

"no-virus" theorists, also known as "anti-vaxxers" hey ? ... well maybe me and you are going to fall out over this, because your comment is ABSOLUTE NONSENSE. The mRNA jabs are not VACCINES, even the CDC (or was it FDA and MRNA) had to change their official description of a so called Vaccine (plus many others); it is allegedly a GENE EDITING DRUG, it does not "protect" - nor stop transmission (if it could... whahahaha) - as AZ and Pfizer DIRECTORS have admitted..

But why I did not take it, was more to do with everything else going on PLUS I do or did not agree with filling my body with manufactures chemical sh1t - I was in O&G for 35years and I know where the refined products go !!... if people only knew; the World would change for the better overnight..

Regards Germs ... Iam in the same boat as you here, in that I am still trying to piece it all together and I am questioning THIS SPECIFIC TOPIC MYSELF. However, what I am gleaming (remember a decent enough Chemical Engineer) is that - it sounds so obvious and stupid to write it, but :

1. Healthy mind, healthy body and vice versa.

2. Body is complex, but an incredible DEFENDER, I need to get one of the medical ones to spout off here, but maybe as an example, my Mum used to say "No pain, No Gain" .. or old wive's tale ... well true it seems BUT HIDDEN from our kids.

3. Anyway back to Germs - to be honest I have forgotten ... but we have billions of different types of bacteria in our body , yes billions, so why are we not all dead ??

4. This is IMPORTANT = there are no biological weapons ... BUT THERE ARE chemical weapons; a subtle but distinct difference. They must usually get into our blood stream.

UNCANNY - as you stated "Or is there just another name for germ, bacteria, or whatever??" ... said the same myself and yes, the devil is in the detail - a name, description etc... hence my comment 4 above. But the masses lap up any old nonsense... oh which I was part of until recently.

World's a stage; take a step back, have a beer, relax, breathe and you will see.

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Whoah. Slow down.. I really have no idea about 90% of what you just said, lol. You could benefit from your own advice with that beer; relax, write one thought at a time and use periods where needed. :)

And most importantly do NOT jump to conclusions. Did I even once represent an mRNA jab as a real vaccine? Did I defend them? I am against mRNA jabs and all 'real' vaccines. But being a virus-skeptic doesn't make me an anti-vaxxer. I am an anti-vaxxer because I've done my homework on the history of infectious disease and vaccine adverse events. I truly do question whether or not viruses exist. I highly doubt people spread colds the way we've been told. I am very open to the science behind terrain and biome theories. But, you really lost me over the tests and sense of taste and smell. I cannot make a bit of sense of what you said there. Please try and rewrite it with shorter, more intelligible sentences. I got winded just reading it, lol.

As for what COVID is or is NOT, I confess to not knowing. And I didn't know of people dying of colds before COVID; not even flu, to be quite honest. COVID is or WAS something more than just a cold being rebranded with fear, imho.

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Fine … chicken and egg … I already have the video of Pirbright labs UK made in 2016 the year BG took out the 2nd COVID vaccine patent… btw Bill Gates owned Pirbright labs back then… and copies of that video were “wiped” by the BG censorship machinery … nothing to see here but his dupers delight…

Ivermectin “binds” to the receptors spike proteins try to use… so is actually a good interruptor of this mad scientist juice.

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Spike proteins ?... if OK, I claim your 5th amendment and will pass on a response. Have a good night and rest of weekend.

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https://patents.justia.com/assignee/pirbright-institute the Scientist involved Paul Britton... this information has been “altered” to the original documents prior CV19 ... mRNA work began in 2009... the durum cleavage sites inserted in the present vaccine include part of the work done at this lab.

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Bill Gates took out two coronavirus patents at this lab 2015 then 2016... but factcheckers have tried to sweep this away since people began to link the two events with the present fiasco from clown world lab nuttery... courtesy of mad boffin science.

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It was a bioweapon, virus or not.

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Devil is in the detail, it is NOT a Bioweapon, it is a Chemical weapon.

PS ... stated above, but somehow got this....


I WROTE = "My comment was deleted apparently. Please note that I being hit, left, right and centre... IT wise. I will try and make it obvious that I am the real "me" ... fock me, - how sad is this ?... as an example."

THEN ......


Apr 22

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Fuck this site, it is controlled opposition at best.

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Thanks, so believe what you want and I will agree to disagree on this subject. I have listened to stuff like this for three years and spent 3 years as part of a multi-disciplined team researching it... oh, I am also qualified in psychology, even though I am a Chemical Engineer .. so when I see this sort of stuff "multi-toxic bioweapon spike" ... and all the China stuff ... you just make me laugh.

Oh aye, how did they "develop numbers of distinct sars-cov-2 variants - causing millions of terrible, preventable with real covid early treatment, viral disease precipitated deaths." ... IF NOBODY EVER HAS ISOLATED A VIRUS OR PROVED IT TO BE TRANSITTABLE ?... get educated, an upgrade or more training ... and do not waste my time again.

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Midazolam is a far superior drug to give to someone who is gasping for air with a severe respiratory disease!


You should not use midazolam if you are allergic to it, or if you have:

narrow-angle glaucoma;

untreated or uncontrolled open-angle glaucoma; or

an allergy to cherries.

breathing problems; or

congestive heart failure.

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Maybe so, but the larger part of South Africans instinctively declined the experimental injection and as a result natural herd immunity could click in. And did. Few citizens here took or take the cov-flu seriously; they have had more serious priorities: to put food on the table for the kids and to survive inflation, far and away the greater current evils.

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Seriously, I think the next study which demonstrates beyond all doubt (again) that ivermectin is a safe, effective treatment for and against Covid infection should begin with the following introduction to the Abstract:

"Hi y'all. In accordance with FDA online Twitter advisory protocol, we enrolled 800 human beings who identify as horses and cows to take part in this randomized clinical trial."

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that's it! That's the answer - we all identify as horses, better yet stallions. I've always loved Rocky the italian stallion.

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023Pinned

The EU banking authorities have been emboldened by the roaring success of the internationally coordinated -no exceptions permitted- pandemic response. Meaning the trusting and fear-driven public acquiesence to lockdowns and vaccine passes (not protests and calls for accountability). The ECB (European Central Bank), is deciding on October 23 of this year to launch their "electronic euro", their CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) and, if I understad correctly, banning all cash transactions over €1000. This control surveillance of all financial transactions is for "not lagging behind", for "protecting Europe" against Russia, China, Google etc. For asserting the central bank as the "anchor" of finance, and you bet, for "fighting terrorism", according to Christine Lagarde, the head of the ECB. You can watch yesterday's Jimmy Dore YouTube podcast on the subject: https://youtu.be/ouf6xhiPh-co, or this short: https://youtube.com/shorts/UbrglMMK5BM?feature=share This is what we get for our silence and dumb trust. These fascist bastards will do anything to retain their control over their imploding criminal enterprise being found out. Central banking becoming an arm of the security and surveillance state (as if that was ever a central bank's role)! The patently obvious red herring of equating ivermectin to horse paste, the silliest ruse that even a simpleton should understand were he/she not pre-propagandised to trust that gibberish "y'all are not a cow, are not a horse", has evidently proven to our corrupt authorities, that they can bluster ahead with whatever they fancy next. For their real goal, which is control. Shamefully, this is our, i.e. society's, "bad"! We here in Europe are going to taste this bitter stick first. CBDC's mean your access to your accounts can conceivably turned off as easily as how the Canadian government "handled" the truckers, but without Emergency Powers. You in America are in my view the only resistance with enough clout to stop this totalitarian train in its tracks. These are very dangerous times, but at least the battle lines are being drawn more clearly. United, the people cannot be beat. Cheers from Estonia! (Our pandemic response was a farce too, but not quite California or New York. Our new "Science Committee" head at the time, a credentialed relative of an old friend of mine, was installed as the new stooge, because the old head was stammering. What was needed was more schoolboy obedience. On cue, he arrived at the airport triumphally parroting that FDA horse cow Ivermectin BS, as if the FDA can do no wrong, and isn't 70% funded by the industry it is "regulating". This is our sordid official really, it really is this crass. Just a little bit of research into the FLCCC Alliance or Peter McCullough, would have punctured the bubble. But that was to be avoided. It is politics, after all).

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Watching the folks in my life who are jabbed become less and less ok, less and less confident in their choice. A woman I know who is over 80 told me, 'everyone is dying, all the musicians are dying' and all I could do is agree with her. Her daugher made sure she was jabbed as well, and her daughter is an acupuncturist. The acupuncture school she teaches at is all masked and jabbed because they take gov. dollars. It would be funny if it werent so deadly and sad.

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The terrifying thing is that the dying probably hasn't even really begun.

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Thanks SimulationCommander. Since most of the bodies are being cremated, I guess the incinerators are run on 'clean burning natural gas' so its pretty funny how they are trying to outlaw the natural gas....what a macabre set of problems they have engendered!! Watching my friends and family die should be a real (gas) blast, how does one prepare for that? By fighting the internment camps I suppose. Hero's work never done, right?

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Eventually we will be turned into food like Soylent Green or fertilizer for the indoor MRNA lettuce farms. Can't waste all that biomass. The globalists think they own us all as our parents registered our births.

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Nope. To all those who CONTINUE to laugh at me and the warnings I gave & give, wh say "Ha! You were totally wrong! EVERYONE I know who got it is FINE!", I now just respond with a "Tick Tock!" & point at my watch.

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JS, the masked are becoming self-fulfilling prophecies. The more they mask themselves, the more they will talk themselves into taking more and more death jabs--this is Satanic. Pfizer leadership knows what is going on and laughing all the way to the bank--may it be that the righteous God in heaven will act in due time and use a keen man or woman to bring down those that believe they are untouchable!

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Thanks ArnoldF.... since the masks are found to contain CNTs (carbon nanotubes) and graphene, dioxins, they are causing lung distress akin to silicosis and carbon dioxide poisoning. So those maskers are actually getting sicker and sicker as they continue. Sometimes I say to them, your childrens children will be wearing a mask, that's ok with you? Masks put the psy in psyop fe sure. best

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JS, indeed they are killing themselves. at my office there is a heavy set man who always wears a mask when he steps into a office corridor. he is always sleepy and looks like he will not make it through the day. very sad. CCP leadership is happy they exported death and maximum control to the west over citizens via the mask. muzzling not much different than the birka. Communists are genuinely evil individuals who care nothing for people except the maintenance of power and control.

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Doubt that there will BE ANY "children's children" in any normal, ordinary, pre- scam-demic world sense. The jab seems to be "coinciding" with a rapid deceleration in birth rates and decline in general fertility.

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It IS satanic, & NOT merely "figuratively" so. There is REAL darkness and evil behind this, & not

merely in the sense of "the banality of evil, carried out by the order followers", but ACTUALLY satanic. I think this is a darkly occultic cull, a MASSIVE human sacrifice.

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JS, thanks for the anecdotal. Indeed governments have much blood on their hands. There are real consequences for going down a path of folly.

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Wow......so, an acupuncturist, who would doubtless identify as a practitioner of "holistic, alternative medicine", AND all her cohorts & cronies too, are ALL jabbed 💉 muzzled, propagandized stupefied dupes TOO??!! Incredible. It really just goes to show how far from the appellation "sentient" SOOooo many people really ARE. Unbelievable. So, the allopathic "healthcare" racketeers, and subjects of the biopharmaceutical industrial complex, who SPIT on the

efficacy and benefits of holistic and alternative medicine, are those "who know best" to her, when push comes to shove, and all it took for HER to spit on her OWN convictions and credentials was a lil' repeated fear pornography and infantile propaganda and, of course, peer pressure, and media psychological conditioning/warfare, & agenda setting. Bizarre. What a depressing world we now live in. Sometimes, it makes me think that perhaps many of 'em DO deserve the titles of "useless eaters" & "useful idiots". Sad & infuriating-🤬.

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

Yes, many acupuncturists and naturopaths were extremely 'compliant' (they are used to jumping through regulatory hoops, right?) ; when I sent some info on the dangers of the jabs to that acupuncturist who is a full doctor, they literally said 'I just don't have the bandwidth for it'......I guess the oaths were just for show. It has been extremely revealing and horrifying to say the least, I guess when your paycheck depends.........thanks CorScorpionis.

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Indeed, suppressing Ivermectin was a crime against humanity. The voices of those who spoke out, when so few did, need to be remembered. Here is one of many:

Dr. Littell Speaks at the Polk County Commission: The Right to Treat Patients

Testimony given September 22, 2021


Posted on rumble September 30, 2021



DR. JOHN LITTELL: Yes, good morning. Thank you for allowing me for come here all the way from Ocala. My name is John Littell, I'm a family physician [states address]. And why in the good Lord's name would I clean out my slate of patients who've been waiting a long time to see me and drive two hours down here to speak for 3 minutes and then two hours back to work until 11 o'clock tonight?

It's because what I'm going to do until 11 o'clock tonight is I'm going to be not only seeing my covid patients in the office, my covid patients in the hospitals, and I'll be calling in prescriptions all over the country, including here in Bartow, Tennessee, South Carolina, Oklahoma, California, New York, and Washington DC for people who have not been able to find physicians who will write for medications for them.

Who would have thought we'd ever be in this position? That I would have to come and say anything to anybody about why I cannot get drugs. Or—- let me tell you this, when patients call me from any of those places the first thing I have to ask them is please find a pharmacy that will give you the medications that I'm prescribing for you. Because I've been through that, calling CVS, calling Walmart, calling Walgreen's, and being told by a pharmacologist or pharmacist that they don't agree with me when I've been spending 32 years as a family physician, 7 years as an army family physician taking care of folks in Guantanamo Bay, we picked up patient refuges who had malaria and measles and HIV and tuberculosis. Working in a health service corps in rural Montana. Chief of staff of the hospital, chairman of family medicine. On five different medical schools in Florida teaching medical students to this day. And what do I tell those medical students? I tell them, for God's sake please do not become robots, because that is what the medical system has produced for the last 30 years and it's continuing to produce. The medical students of today and most of the physicians of today are becoming enslaved to corporate systems. My friends who work for the VA, who work for academia, who work for hospitals are being threatened and two of them have already lost their jobs because they have written for Ivermectin which, yes, you've heard all the great things.

Look at Uttar Pradesh, the largest state— we all need to get an education about India,1.3 billion people, one state, 240 million people. As we sit here today 5% of their population has been vaccinated and yet they have the lowest incidence of covid in Uttar Pradesh, India. The lowest in the entire country. Why? Because their minister of health a year ago said we're going to start using the Ivermectin, we've already had for both prevention and for treatment. The same with Chiapas, Mexico. The same across most of Africa where they've used Ivermectin to fight river blindness for decades because of the World Health Organization recognizing that it was a safe and effective drug.

And most importantly guys what all this is about for me and why I have this white coat on, this, I don't wear this as a show and tell thing. I wear this because when I put this on and I walk into the patient exam room [time alarm sounds] I have learned through my 30 years of practice that this projects hope for those patients. And I have found that with covid people are not getting a message of hope. They're being told that there is no hope [time alarm continues sounding] that you wait until you're in the hospital. [time alarm sounding] I'm sorry, I've gone long.

CHAIR: Thank you sir.

DR. JOHN LITTELL: Help me to be a doctor for my patients. God bless you all and thank you for listening to me.

CHAIR: Thank you, sir.



# # #


Dr. John Littell's website is https://www.johnlittellmd.com/

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

On the subject of crimes against humanity.

Ask a climate emergency fanatic ‘what if you’re wrong?’ They will say, I’m not but if that was the case then I’d be so happy to have been wrong, humanity would be saved.

Watch them mentally shut down when you point out that actually the climate narrative has kept billions in extreme poverty because for decades it has been limiting their development through restricted access to cheap and reliable energy provided by fossil fuel.

Tell them that would the biggest crime against humanity in human history.

They usually slink away after that.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

As time has passed, I've become more inclined to believe that SARS-CoV-2 simply doesn't exist with influenza-like illnesses being rebranded, the fraudulent PCR tests generating 'cases' and midazolam ensuring lots of deaths amongst the elderly (just as the traditional 'flu season was ending in March 2020). If, as appears, ivermectin works both as a prophylaxis and a treatment for the symptoms of influenza-like illnesses and is a proven anti-parasitic, I wonder what else it can do?

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And wonder what other lies you've been told?!

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You mean like pretty much everything ever?

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Ivermectin (and HCQ) most likely, cures the common cold, flu, etc. If this is true, think of the pharmaceuticals with no home any longer = 💰and over the counter remedies.

Think of the money TPTB will lose...

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Quercetin and zinc do the same thing … block viral replication… the “thing” never gets off the starting block when it comes via the airways… but if you stick a hypo with several billion spike proteins… it goes everywhere… natural defences get overwhelmed.

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You got it!

And TPTB knew that, obviously.

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Flu season in Australia is usually August; now, April, people are coming down with flu-like symptoms and govt. TV ads recommend people hurry and get a flu and COVID shot due to early start to the flu season.

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

May I respectfully refer you to the 550+ pages of documents released this week in the US which set out in massive detail how EcoHealthAlliance* intended to use US taxpayer dollars to develop chimeric (their* word) SARS coronaviruses from bats to introduce pathogenic properties not seen - ever - in nature; the whole purpose to determine if these novel (their word*) viruses can be combatted by drugs which induce the human body to produce a spike protein to be defeated by an immunological response. "Simply doesn't exist"? - tell that to the more than 6 million people who have died from "rebranded flu" as you reckon (WHO confirmed these figures, total deaths from "rebranded flu" and following the jabs estimated to be ~10 million - remember the reference in Bridgen's speech from the Consultant who said "this" ranks behind the Holocaust as genocide?)

These pages reveal that up to ~2022, Daszak and his criminal colleagues intended to do the same for MERS - still think MERS was a rebranded "something else"? - Robert Malone calls it all as GoF research, out of control...surprise surprise, the US never inspected the WIV despite paying towards its construction...? I understand from Dr Malone that the MERS outbreak earlier this century had a lethality rate of ~30% - far far far higher than "rebranded flu".

Ivermectin worked/works around the world ( contact the health authorities in Uttar Pradesh for the inside story ) - as an antiviral early treatment drug along with others in multi targeted regimes designed and adopted by medics world-wide - it has, as noted by Ryan Cole, multiple AV properties; these regimes reduced the impact of infection, reduced viral loads, kept people out of hospital and the vast majority of patients survived ( please see Dr Chetty, SA GP's videos on this subject) - exactly what was required from late 2019 onwards. IVM was scuppered for approval in the UK - ask/scope Dr Tess Lawrie as she calls out Andrew Hill for torpedoing their meta-analysis - and see if you can find a connection between him squirming in their video where he repeatedly refuses to say exactly why he reneged on their decision to confirm IVM as an effective prophylactic - and see if you can join the dots between a 40 million donation to the University of Liverpool from ......please fill in the gap - "appears" does not apply here.

As I understand it both US FDA and UK MHRA could only grant EUA status to Pfizer Biontech/Moderna et al if there was no, pre existing treatments - remember how Trump was ridiculed for being treated with HDC; well, now we ALL know - beyond ANY doubt as has been the case for a couple of years plus - that HDC and IVM (and other drugs) WERE/ARE effective, pre existing authorised, repurposed , off patent, very cheap drugs - a corporate anathema to BigPharma. Ergo, EUA status was granted illegally - ultra vires at least - and the whole charade of the actions of FDA/MHRA/EMA falls like a pack of cards in a hurricane. You might have greater insight than me so if you know of a greater, more injurious policy decision by any public body "in the modern era" , I would welcome reading about that.

This means that we have been subjected to manslaughter on an unprecedented scale - at the very least - and the main indictees are the US and Chinese governments with a toilet roll length of accomplices. The "case" may never get tried; if it were proved, the US is bankrupt - US litigation Lawyers would set the initial compensation at $100M per case I read somewhere; if the lab leak is "proved" so is China but in all honesty, "who" will enforce that and collect the money? Does that have any relevance to China's overt/covert attacks on just about everyone else?

The fact that the same toxic technology - mRNA GT inducing the production of non human spike protein delivered by a similarly toxic delivery method - LNP - is being confirmed by , eg UK MHRA, as fast tracked new drug therapies - is so scary and I don't have the imagination to adequately describe how scary.....do you?

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I’m drawing the same conclusion.

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I think there is no question that Influenza was rebranded. That in itself does not mean that SARS-CoV2 does not exist, only that this bit of sleight of hand was part of the pre-planned force multiplication measures intended to make Covid-19 scary as hell, which included suppressing early treatment, forcing people onto ventilators + Remdesivir, etc., etc., etc.

The open and very interesting question is this: Does IVM also effectively treat influenza?

John Cullen has been working this angle hard and his twitter feed is full of examples like this;


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Yep, AND the odd intentional release of engineered toxins into the water supply, here & there, allowing them to "predict" where there were "going" to be outbreaks, as demonstrated by Dr.Brian Ardis in Stew Peters documentary "Watch the Water", & bursts of harmful microwave emissions via 5G, causing radiation sickness, which in

lower levels produces "COVID" symptoms. So, a 3-pronged attack, I think 🤔💬, rebranded FLU' and colds, deliberate release of a toxic pathogen created from the envenomation of the krait and king cobra snakes, and 5G induced low level (or NOT) radiation poisoning, all propped up by lies, propaganda and ceaseless fear pornography.

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why i've been taking ivermectin daily for months.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Alex Berenson won’t like this...

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He presents himself as some kind of maverick yet absolutely denounces ivermectin for the treatment of IFIs and parrots The Narrative™ around Ukraine. Strange bloke.

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Agree... it’s hard to wrap my head around Berenson. I want to believe, but he needs to eat some humble pie and open his mind.

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Some substacker labelled Alex Berenson something like 'narcissistic and completely self absorbed' about 6 months ago, and since I read that I have had zero cognitive dissonance around that guy. Think about it. He is writing about Joe Biden killing, injuring and sterilizing millions of people, then acting like his personal court case against Biden for censorship is the main takeaway.

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I was promised by the right a 10,000% increase in mortality rates in the vaxxed by the unvaxxed-right, instead all I see is a measly 300-400% mortality increase in the vaxxed. I was hoping that the unvaxxed propaganda-resistent types would take over the world -- overall I've been sorely disappointed so far.

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Can't make it too obvious. 10 million out of 8 billion is easy to hide. Ask the Biden crime family...

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But if it keeps increasing it will be noticeable. They will have to introduce something to cover their tracks! Which will have to be a war or new deadly pathogen that will mysteriously appear!

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NF, the majority of the levers of power are with the pharmekia industrial complex (read the book of Revelation to see that this pharmaceutical witchcraft is part of the wickedness of the last days). They have no intention of going down quietly--too much money, too much power and too many insiders that are sold out to to dark side pushing depopulation eugenics and transhumanism. It was reported by pharma vaccine insider at recent World Vaccine Convention that 50% of those who work in the industry refused to get the death vxx.

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Thank you 🙏. The scriptural import

in all of this is where I usually "lose"

people & their attention, which diminishes any gains I had been making in convincing people that this IS all part of a truly evil and SATANIC agenda: a darkly occultic cull and ritual mass human sacrifice, in order to, I believe, aid in the installation of the anti-Christ kingdom New World Order 🌎, with the Trilateral commission recently having declared that "2023 is year ONE of the N.W.O."! Time is short.

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CS can you provide a link to the trilateral declaration?

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Directly, no, unfortunately. I heard/ read this referenced in a flood of comments on various videos on bitchute by several people who DID reference the occasion and speaker specifically. Sadly, I now skim through so much data from substack groups, links in comments

people leave, this & that, that my memory is not what it once was. I did understand it to be clearly the case that the remark WAS made though, but I'm gonna chase it up & try and track it down, & I'll hit you back as soon as I can verify it definitively👍. Cheers

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absofuckinlutely...so disappointing so far

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most drugs for animals come from the research that is done for humans. the money isn't made for research for animal diseases. my own dogs use drugs that are for humans. what is so strange is they cost much less than the same doses for people. its because insurance is the deep pocket. many drugs are replaced by others that cost much more. its the insurance companies that are objecting to using drugs that cost less. yes they pay more for the new drugs but they own the drug research companies. the CEO's of the insurance companies make money on the investments for the new "improved" drugs. . drugs are not usually made just for animals. no money to be made. most drugs are the result from people who have tried natural plants to cure problems.------- I, Grampa

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I buy fish antibiotics (USP) for SHTF emergencies. They are the exact same antibiotic as human. The entire pharmaceutical industry is a scam!

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they are even packaged by the same companies. when I was on my cousins farm we used drugs for the cows that are the same for humans. they require trained nurses to put them inside humans but I was doing it for the cows when I was nine years old. yes I was shown how and was watched by an older cousin to get it right. not just the dose but where I put it. we had to weigh the cows to get the doses correct. many years ago drugs didn't need a prescription. you did go to a druggist to get them and they told you what you needed. were drugs abused? yes! has the control by doctors stopped it? No! in fact doctors are one of the main causes of death in this country. we don't see representatives passing laws to control doctors. now they lower standards for "diversity". our health care costs are ten times higher because of insurance. My dad paid for my mothers kidney removal and a month in the hospital when I was two months old in 1943. he was a ditch digger for the county with little health insurance. he was the only one insured not the family. yet he paid for the operation and hospital stay. he was earning two thousand dollars a year then. today the same operation would cost millions and the same for a week stay at a hospital. we see a constant demand by government for new taxes and then inflation takes any gains we make. it is one large scam. what will cure it. REVOLUTION. but it will destroy America.---- I, Grampa

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023

its all a gigantic enrichment scheme of the medical-pharma-industrial complex. all in credentialed lockstep with each down from the pharma factorys to the medical schools to the pharma dispenseries to the insurance industries. All one big racket of credentialing, accreditation, licensing and approvals by the 'expert' class. Death and life by regulation and everyone prospers whose hands are in the other person's pockets.

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I have horse paste. My dr did give me 2 rx for ivermectin, took one every week for a year because I was having shedding issues.

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I’ve used animal meds. For ringworm e.g. If it works for animals, why not for me. Just get the dose right. And the horse stuff of course 😉

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Another cheap, safe and effective Covid early treatment drug callously banned by health authorities all round the world (more proof that it was a globally-coordinated “plandemic”) was hydroxychloroquine.

In the UK it happened just days before Boris Johnson’s initial lockdown (“three weeks to flatten the curve”), see https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/we-both-know-this-has-never-been-about-saving-lives-boris/.

South African GP Dr Shankara Chetty testified that he defied the authorities by using protocols based around hydroxychloroquine to successfully treat 10,000 patients without putting any into hospital or onto oxygen and without a single patient death, see video and transcript https://expose-news.com/2022/02/22/covid-illness-is-due-to-an-allergic-reaction/.

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Interestingly, France decided to take HCQ off OTC status in late 2019, but you would have to be a conspiracy theorist to believe it had anything to do with pandemic foreknowledge. That's just crazy talk.


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It is a welcome relief to see yet another definitive study, thank you for writing about it. But, this study being particularly convincing, I could cry with frustration and rage at the opportunity lost to save so many. There will never be a reckoning.

It was surprising to hear that people threw that tweet back at you. And I can see why you feel as you do towards them. To be fair though - the vast majority of people have never even heard of ivermectin - even now. I raise it all the time and am met with blank non comprehension. For those that reluctantly engage with me, it is a tough/impossible mental hurdle for them to accept that an effective early treatment would be deliberately suppressed for political and financial gain. If you are still a mainstream reader, that sounds utterly crazy.

And perhaps that is not their fault.

Also, perhaps there was something in the blissful ignorance. I often think about what people must have gone through who tried and failed to source ivermectin for dying relatives. And no doubt still go through. Plus the scorn that would have poured on them by medical staff etc if it didn’t work - and the deep heart breaking injustice of that if it was only because of the delay in administration.

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Ps the truly evil thing was stopping the pharmacies from filling prescriptions / preventing hospital administration on spurious ridiculous grounds even against a court order. Mind blowing how anyone could be complicit in that. How do they sleep at night.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Strange world we live in. All this information is out there from amazing people like you yet all our jabbed friends have been ill numerous times and are constantly testing themselves, yet they go and get another shot. My brain hurts trying to figure the lack of critical thinking in them!

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

They need to be charged and prosecuted for promoting misinformation which caused mass genocide. These drugs were also suppressed using money donated by Sam Bsnkman fried and others. We need adequate trials, adequate sentencing, and adequate public relations to expose the truth. Getting late to act.

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100% but the Court of Public Opinion has no SoL..?

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The COPO is thoroughly subsumed under the weight of the totalitarian propaganda. It only takes a few brave and intelligent truth tellers and truth seekers to change this. Once the truth gets out it will be explosive.

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Thanks Joel, keep chipping away.

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Great work, Joe, THANK YOU!

Really hope we see a Nuremburg 2.0, it COULD happen IF we get a president and a sufficient number of congressmen and senators to find that, uh, whatever that stuff is called.

Oh, wait - guts?

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

First used on humans ... not horses or cows.

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