Oct 3, 2022·edited Oct 3, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

The facts are that the FDA did mislead the public over Ivermectin and other useful, life-saving, cheap, safe and effective drugs to treat Covid, thereby leading to their use being banned or proscribed. It is almost certain that they did this specifically to justify and facilitate the emergency authorisation of the Covid 'vaccines'. Countless people died and were seriously injured as a direct result of this. Therefore the FDA are guilty of facilitating mass manslaughter at the VERY least.

Everyone's mum should be able to understand this, surely, especially when communicated by their trusted offspring? I like to think that my own mum might have understood it, and would have been shocked beyond belief if my dad had not been able to. I never got to test this, as they both passed away before this nightmare, which overall I think is a blessing. I really feel for those awake people who just cannot convince their family of the reality of what's happened.

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It was seeing that Ivermectin was on the WHO essential medicines list that did it for me.

This is great, so glad to see AAPS taking action. This line:

"Defendant FDA has improperly exploited misunderstandings about the legality and prevalence of off-label uses of medication..."


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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Finally watched the new Oracle film with Mark Sharman, “Safe and Effective”. I have sent it to every single person I know, including my MP. I was just asked, yesterday, by a fellow lawn bowler, who knows full well I am unvaxxed, if I have had the bivalent covid jab. She did this in front of a large group. I took this opportunity to let her and everyone within earshot know, once again, I do not believe these vaxxes are safe and effective, and I would never take one. I have had covid, I have natural immunity. She continues to takes the vaxx and continues to get covid. Honestly, it is impossible not to see what is going on. The media and our wonderful medical associations have done a magnificent job of burying patient information regarding early treatments such as ivermectin. They are the real disgrace.

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I may be wrong, but not treating Covid patients with these safe and approved drugs (ivermectin and HCQ) are doctors guilty of “ failure to treat” which is malpractice

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

This is great.

And the global threads damn it further.

Many nations all dropped the hammer on the same drugs at the same time. Reclassifying them from OTC to prescription only (France), severely restricting them based on pre-school-level logic (Australia), or other sleight of hand moves that were transparent like a Rothschild's hands.

Perhaps this vector will yield opportunity to build an international case. By necessity the directives were public, unlike so many facets of the Plandemonium. Orders/warnings went out to Doctors through governing bodies. WHO created the directives, and who signed off on them? Why target drugs that had decades of safe use behind them? Even if they failed to help deal with RalphieB's creation there was little risk of harm. One in particular is safer than Aspirin. Yet all the attention of nudge units, Big Tech, and Big (P)harma focused on these humble drugs. The Eye of Sauron. Surely it had better things to look at, at the time? Like what their little patented customized chimera was up to?

Seems disproportionate. Seems like a questionable use of resources. And threatening Doctors, during a health emergency...

There is a smoking gun that has been ignored amid the daily distractions.

In this case they can't hide what was done since it had to be done at the interface, not behind their curtain.

We probably wouldn't need a lot to get the ball rolling in one country. Some FOIA requests for starters. A member of the legal profession who isn't a soulless demon. And some whistleblower types who received the various warnings/threats. Then start pulling the threads.

I think the illumination provided, globally, will reveal the TNI for what it is. And those who backed it. Maybe a backdoor to takedown the Psychopaths?


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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Leftist claim we “live in a society” and thus we are required to sacrifice for the greater good. But, who made them the arbiters of the “greater good?” Who said we want to live in their vision of a society? Why is their ideology suddenly the ideology of the future? Maybe, their ideology is actually old, outdated and totalitarian. They don’t represent the future, they represent an archaic and villainous past.

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Oct 3, 2022·edited Oct 3, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I have also suffered phrases like 'it's too complicated' as a cop out used by many of my family and friends. Along with the mantra "I am too busy" or the amazing "I'm not interested."

All excuses, the apathy astounds me as does the lack of individual agency and responsibility.

"The difficulty of comprehension is a cognitive dissonance that comes from within" - you are correct here and it saddens me that even those with children do not do their due diligence. I despair sometimes.

As for the FDA and their criminality, I have thought all along that the medical profession should have pushed back hard in unison and said a big fat NO to the take over of their control mechanisms by greedy mafia regularlatory and corporate actors. By allowing the systematic erosion of their core ethical and moral professional codes and patient/doctor relationship they have been complicit in the death of thousands of innocent people. I will never forgive the medical profession for this. So many know now and knew all along what was happening and stayed silent. Worse though, too many took the decision to tow the party line and promote this damaging madness and many actively perpetrated it. This is called joint enterprise.

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

It wasn’t just the USA health authorities, safe and effective ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were banned as Covid treatments by health authorities all around the world so they could pretend that the only salvation to the “plandemic” [ref. Reiner Fuellmich] was mass vaccination.

An excellent article in The Conservative Woman in October 2021 exposed the UK skulduggery at the time of the initial “three weeks to flatten the curve” lockdown: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/we-both-know-this-has-never-been-about-saving-lives-boris/

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

If only Professor Sir Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer in the United Kingdom had known anything about Ivermectin...


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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Joel, You are one of the few who choose TRUTH before COMMUNITY. Most search for community, and then, once embraced, they absorb the truths of that community. They don’t trust their own judgment enough to divine their own truth. Your mother gets community from her daily ritual of TV, and, like most, is more terrified of losing community (and her sense of belonging and relevance) than of being wrong with her adopted truths. There are a few, like us, that trust their powers of discernment to the extent that we first search for TRUTH and then join the COMMUNITY that reflects that TRUTH. To us, we’d rather live alone than a lie.

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Ya, the governments messaging against ivermectin was absolutely surreal. It was insane. And it was oddly the western governments that had coordinated messaging against ivermectin.

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I'm wondering if we, as a community, should be looking into and becoming knowledgeable about "nudge theories", which have definitely been used against us massively by corporations, scientists and governments, in order to work out how to get our messages across to friends and families who still trust the institutions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nudge_theory "Nudges are small changes in the environment that are easy and inexpensive to implement. Several different techniques exist for nudging, including defaults, social-proof heuristics, and increasing the salience of the desired option." Indeed, perhaps talking to them about nudging itself, out of context of covid, could help them to begin to see it for themselves?

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Simply and succinctly put. Thank you! I’ll be trying this modus operandi out!

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I'm waiting for someone to sue the completely corrupt , EVIL June Raine and the rest of the cowboys, or should I say clowns at the MHRA!!! How the hell she's still in her job is beyond me, in fact how such a useless cretin got the job in the first place is a disgrace!!

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I am a layman but have been finding the full series of this summary fascinating. Still a long read but enjoyed it. Forensic! https://doyourownresearch.substack.com/p/ivermectin-much-less-than-you-needed?publication_id=539702&isFreemail=true Have you followed this Joel?

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Far worse in killafornia where useless, murderous Gavin newsomthing signed ab2098

Which means your doc tor If you are foolish and ghoulish enough to have one can lose their license for saying ivermectin on a rainy day for covid 19.

In Killafornia.

Thanks Gavin newsom thing

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