This is so true. Naomi wolf has been pointing this out in her substack The evil is endless. Let’s pray that justice will one day have its due.

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Yes it was SHOCKING that they pushed this onto pregnant women and nursing mothers and babies DIED!!! Where where where is the outrage!!!

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The pregnant women and nursing mothers and babies who have DIED , in my view is just the tip of the iceberg ... what is coming in my view is a mass sterilisation / infertility, when the babies that survive grow older. My view only.

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One of my friend gave birth last year and the baby died suddenly 2 days after birth. She is fully vaxxed & had 2 kids before vaccinated & both of those kids are in good health… so how is it our health officials are denying these jabs has nothing to do with injuries or death? It’s a disgusting & disturbing minds we’re dealing with, a BUNCH OF KILLERS! EVERYONE NEEDS TO WAKE UP & UNDERSTAND WHAT’S HAPPENING TO OUR LIVES & HOW THESE JABS ARE HARMING HEALTHY PEOPLE & KILLING MANY

Here is a reminder from del bigtree about 18months ago. The carnage we are now seeing, they warned us & these THUGS are still pushing the deadly jabs. WE MUST FIGHT TO GET THESE JABS OFF THE CHILDREN VACCINES LIST

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Totally agree with you; but all I am saying is 1 million dead now (for arguments sake) is still the tip of the iceberg when you compare it to 1 BILLION sterilised in the next generation.

We must IGNORE all jabs - end of, not just these.

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Definitely, we MUST NEVER trust in any mRNA JABS, EVER!

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Never trust any jabs, whether it be mRNA or not. I keep putting this link up, only 2 minutes long (there is an hour version somewhere that has a lot more detail), but it changed my life; maybe have a look. Just to add something, I was in the O&G (oil and gas) industry for 30 odd years (and not at the top), but even I knew how and saw how it worked ... the products are in EVERYTHING from shower gels to women's make-up... paint to food... SO UICKLY have a look at this, THAT HOPEFULLY sets you up for the 2 minute video as mentioned... Banning fossil fuels... LOL...

1. https://www.petro-online.com/news/fuel-for-thought/13/breaking-news/what-foods-contain-petroleum/37415

2. Please watch (sorry if I have posted before to you) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1z7kjcwFqKo

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I agree Bob! But I remember being pregnant I was told to stop everything! I was not even allowed to take Advil or Tylenol!! Was told to eat as clean as possible- this goes against everything!

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My wife had the same when she dropped our two; not just the advice from the doctor and midwife, but from the older female members in our family (old wives' tales, but they were spot on). Very different over here in The Netherlands compared to say the UK, as a vast amount of people (the majority ?) give birth at home unless there is a potential for complication and then straight into hospital ... also you have your own dedicated midwife that visits you frequently - frequency of visits increases as it progresses; so you form a close bond and gain from all their advice (God, sometimes her stories gave me nightmares for weeks ...you women and your bits and bobs hey !!!). Anyway I digress.. She advised my wife and she had to cut out, as you say any drugs, change her diet and whilst I cannot remember it but there were so many things recommended to cut out, some of which were surreal; yet there are women complying with these rules and then will go and inject themselves with a poison !.... madness.

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What a disgusting, rigged system. They'll take your livelihood, reputation and licenses if you resist their criminally defective products, but it's " let them eat cake" when you're injured by one of their exploding pintos. Wtf?

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1000 fold increase in profits for pharma.

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We knew it was bad, I'm thrilled this is on Tucker!

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The Vaccine pushers know this is the truth , but they dont care as they can never be prosecuted because as far as I know all govts signed indemnity clauses with big pharma,. Time to bring back public hangings me thinks.

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Glen lair….Yes, yes, I completely agreed, Fauci & Bill gates MUST BE THE TOP 2…they are the most dangerous scumbags on earth

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Safe from prosecution, effective at padding the bottom line!

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Organized crime has taken over the US government.

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Criminals have actually been in control of “our government” for quite a long time. It’s the intelligence agencies, and they are the most criminal organizations in the history of mankind.

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Any population-level harms vs benefits of vaccines are ethically uninteresting. Even if the vaccine had caused all the alleged health problems, this would not match the harm caused by the precedent of removing the right to free medical consent (for any reason) and the precedent that it is morally permissible to kill an unlucky minority for the alleged benefit of the majority. This is the kind of harm that will affect future generations even if the present vaccine were a placebo, and unless solved now, it opens the door again for crimes against humanity being committed under the guise of healthcare. When corporate personalities like Tucker are ‘outraged’ about medical harms of vaccines, their owners do not want you to see the bigger picture. https://michaelkowalik.substack.com/p/why-vaccine-mandates-are-unethical

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Disaster capitalism. Make the population soil its collective dry goods and they'll hand over their wallets and their house keys.

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This MP’s response is almost word for word the same as my MP’s, a Cabinet Minister, this is obviously their conspiracy.

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No, they are just dumb. MPs are so far down the power pyramid, they can't possibly be part of the conspiracy.

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Dumb or corrupt? I pick the later.

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I posted the Thorp ObGyn clip to colleagues at NZDSOS.com early this morning, linked to Bitchute and was about to do what you have just made a whole lost easier ~ thanks Joel.

Will cross-post.

In NZzzz the dystopian authorities are strict adherents to WEF/BMGF dogma. Jabbing of pregnant women, children and infants is being promoted vigorously by a vast majority of NZ doctors who surrendered clinical decisions dependent upon science and ethics to pay-grades higher up the food chain, while any comments, evidence or dissent is systematically silenced by State bribed and controlled media, while also being officially labeled as 'dis/mis information' by the supraParliamentary 'Disinformation Project' a neo-Marxist unit set-up by former PM, Jabaconda Ardern.

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Well, remember doctors used to promote smoking as good for your health too until that lie become to big to hide any more. Be careful who you trust, especially if they come with "credentials".

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As a mandated clinician, I was devoid of income for a year. Is that 'careful' enough?

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I'm kicking myself because I realise that TC and Fox would have known all about this material way back. Finally bringing Thorp into the spotlight of MSM is just part of the game. The jab phase it seems, is done for the moment. Now look out for the sacrificial offerings. Pure theatre?

Detonate the Stack Saturday: Tucker Carlson is the Greatest Limited Hangout Mockingbird Media Op in History


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Tucker Carlson Blows Up at Rutger Bregman in Unaired Fox News Interview


I used to like TC.

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Odd interview I thought. Bregman does not come across well hitting all the conceivable dog whistles in an smarmy, supercilious manner. One needs to disprove that he is not a stalking horse for the WEF/Davos crowd, testing the feasibility of coming for your money for the "collective."

There is an important point to be made around the individual accumulation of unspendable and astronomical amounts of wealth, but it is as complex as it is hackneyed, the old politics-of-envy, redistribution and seguing into socialism, thence a slippery slope to mass murder as our history professor may/may not know. Crony capitalism, or communism, two sides of the same evil coin, greed for power.

TC lost the plot, simply unable to manage a multitude of attacks. The sub text? The video is aimed at discrediting TC just at the point he is having impact around the murderous jabs?

Gave up a fair while ago on FOX.

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Jabaconda 🤣 Good one, that is quite fitting.

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Hopefully an imminently extinct species.

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Tucker Carlson continues to go where network TV anchors couldn't go six months ago. This is a very important - and stunning - study. I actually know one of the authors of the study. This man did a great job hitting all the key points in a few minutes.

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Can not wait to take these lying bastards and throw them in Jail Gates Fauci Klaus Soros. Gone.

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Even one of our largest local hospitals here in Boise broke long the standing, sacrosanct pregnancy exemption. Human resources confirmed it when I had called because I could not believe it.

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I can still remember Hancock in the HofCs standing at the despatch box saying these shots were just for the elderly and vulnerable groups. Shouldn't he at least be held to account for lying to the House?

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Thanks Joel. Appreciated.

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Oh, but Joel, the fact that this "doctor" was willing to speak to anyone at Fox, absolutely PROVES that he's a rogue, a charlatan, a right-wing nutjob!

An upward revision to the established threshold at CDC and FDA will absolutely debunk this so-called "doctor's" absurd claims.

His data is faked. Yes, that's it, faked data. No..... wait, it's a misinterpretation of real data, the dude's gotten himself lost in the signal-to-noise ratio. Oh yes, that's MUCH better.

Apologies for the sarcasm. I freely admit that it's unseemly. My only defense is that it's marginally preferable to flying into a rage or bursting into tears. See how effective The Narrative has been? Propaganda-induced stress is a gift that just keeps on giving...and giving...and giving.

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