'How to lie with Statistics' one of Bill Gates' favorite books.

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And can be seen to be on his coffee table in some photos promoting him in interview.....

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What a ridiculous bureaucratic response. Question: “Why don’t you collect and report the date of death?” Answer: Massive word salad answering every question you didn’t ask and avoiding answering the question you did ask. Data which is literally on every gravestone in the land. Whenever they want to tell us that the intrusive collection of massive amounts of personal data by government going to help us, point out that it never will be used to help as the G is utterly incompetent unless it is being tyrannical, and thus totally untrustworthy and that no one else is more trustworthy.

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"Data which is literally on every gravestone in the land" - exactly! maybe authorities feel the died x days after a C jab data needs to be buried far deeper than its victim

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'Midazolam' Matt Hancock was doing that all through the pLandemic. They were saving-up the Weekend data and publishing those for Tuesday and Wednesday (rather than for Monday) to big-up the numbers & giving large spikes in the data, as I highlighted in my posts in the forums on www.ukcolumn.org - it was as plain as day. (Subscribers to UKColumn can see those charts here https://community.ukcolumn.org/forums/parmaceutical-industrial-complex/government-dashboard-data-cv19-deaths-bigging-numbers?page=4

The ONS contentions that there were few changes in their data is a also complete bollocks. I made a spreadsheet in which I tracked the daily changes for deaths between successive dates (say, for example October 20th & 21st 2020). When I checked the daily .csv data each day from the Govt Dashboard, I found that these data (for the same historical dates, e.g. the two dates mentioned) I found the data flip-flopping up&down - the numbers went up on some days and then down again on others. Over the period to 5th May 2021 there were THOUSANDS of changes - like there were several compilers at ONS and they were all using their own 'master' datasets which were different from each other! Then - following the early May Bank Holiday in 2021, the data miraculously cleaned-up and the day-to-day updates were consistent. Clearly somebody had looked back, seen the mess that they had been publishing and said to themselves "Oh shit! We've got to fix this!!". After the 6th May there were HARDLY any changes from day to-day for gthose fixed dates - it shone like the Bass Rock Lighthouse !! (I'll try and dig those files out from an old HDD if I can. Anybody who is subscribed to UKColumn can look here to see the pdfs of the Excel sheets I uploaded in relation to those dashboard data downloads https://community.ukcolumn.org/comment/438920#comment-438920



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Not only do they miss the whole point, they give no reason as to why they couldn't just publish it both ways.

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"Firstly, there were more deaths than average in 2020, caused by COVID-19" - was part of their reply, they have many, many layers of lies that are impossible for the ordinary person to sift through. Our faked pandemic starts off with a frenzy of PCR tests where every man and his dog is diagnosed with covid because of their invasive swabbing and it goes downhill from there into negligence, mistreatment and misdiagnosis. The layers of lies produced by government and the compliant institutions continue up to the "vaccines", all of their responses have caused deaths but the priority for them is the covid narrative and they make the deaths they are responsible for a means to feed their deadly covid fairytale.

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Frenzy PCR test.

Mr. Mullis made it clear that more than 24 CT would induce false results.

Most countries used 45 CT.

The sensibility difference between CT45 and CT 24?

The CT 45 is 2097152 times more sensible than CT 24.

Thus even your car's tires would have been tested positive.

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John Magufuli, the president of Tanzania, paid the ultimate price for questioning the PCR test in the early stages of the plandemic.

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I remember.

So sorry for him and beloved ones.

He tested the PCR with fruits and many other thing that all went " POSITIVE ".

At 45 CT, even thin air would test positive.

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The MHRA are just as useless, equally as pointless, and corrupt to the core. The hierarchy of BOTH organisations should be fired and jailed with immediate effect. Collaboration in genocide charges should be enough to deny them bail !!

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Their answer boils down to “we’d rather use fake data and lie to our citizens than have to do work to publish revisions.”

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These civil servants aide, abetted and profited the killing and cover-up.

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An excellent article, thanks! One I've saved for future reading.

I might question this : "the national data service is incompetent, failing to consider the material impact of using incomplete data, without even offering a caveat, or correcting their analyses as more information becomes available".

Incompetent or intentionally misleading?

The ONS have a history of publishing data that's incomplete or confusing and whilst not outright lying (they wouldn't dare), it's perhaps done intentionally to bamboozle all but the closest scrutiny

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I am forever torn between Ockham and Hanlon with their razors!

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As long as the truth isn't out there people will continue to go along for those toxic jabs. Only yesterday a lady was telling me how she had gone to a local surgery for her covid jab and it was chaos because it was so busy. I reckon she must be on her 9th or 10th jab by now - they are getting invites for spring and autumn boosters. Along with their 'flu jabs and shingles jabs. Absolutely none of these people are asking any questions - they absolutely believe these are safe and effective. If they were withdrawn and the invites stopped arriving they would simply assume "the science" had changed and their last booster offered a more permanent protection. These same people also all take statins and blood pressure tablets, generally are either type-2 diabetic or "pre-diabetic". They are totally the profit line for the pharma corporations.

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Do you think it possible that they might have detoxified these current jabs to provide cover to keep the quaccine industry alive for the faithful and the narrative ?

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The civil service has been gutted, with twat consultants in top positions in the pay of the globalists. Stake Holder Capitalism, started with Tony Cunting War Criminal Blair. I've watched it happen.

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It's impossible to do any meaningful calculations, or science, when you have no DATA,

rather, just (made-up or modelled) numbers.

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Is a real reckoning coming? I just don’t know. Even when the statistics come out (or in Fauci’s case, the damning EMAILS), no one is called to account, much less arrested & punished. Even Daszak’s “punishment” is only a slap on the wrist with no more “funding” from one of the governmental entities involved in the whole scamdemic. Why he hasn’t started singing to bring down the rest of the rotten lot is beyond me.

The global lockstep response to the truth now is no different from the lockstep lies circa 2020 to present. Except MAYBE the truth will be such a tsunami that they can run but no longer hide. I hope

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Our best hope is that enough NPCs will wake up when the truth eventually trickles down to them. All these dead people had relatives. The ones who supported their euthanasia will keep denying but others will want answers at least, even retribution? Take a look at Philippines right now - https://metatron.substack.com/cp/145121586. Just listen to the first few seconds. This is not going away. Thalidomide, contaminated blood... it might take many more years but the scandal will eventually be revealed to all and accepted.

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From your lips to God’s ear, Joel. Thanks for the hope!

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You wrote this about my plot: "You go from a spurious positive vaccine effectiveness to a negative one because, ultimately, there are thousands more deaths reported in the vaccinated (numerator) but the vaccinated population (denominator) hasn't changed.[1]" Where footnote 1 said: "In this case, the numerator is the proportion of deaths that are in the vaccinated and the denominator is the proportion of population that is vaccinated. Both numerator and denominator of deaths will increase as new mortality data is received but it is evidently disproportionately in the vaccinated. That alone is a story."

However the numerator in my plot was the absolute number of deaths in vaccinated people, and not the proportion of deaths. And the denominator did in fact change, because the black line includes deaths among the general resident population of England, but the colored lines for the ONS dataset only include a subset of the English population.

The bulletin for the 9th ONS release said: "The 2021 Census linked dataset is based on the population in Census 2021. This allows for analyses to be carried out that require a known living population with known characteristics. We linked deidentified Census 2021 records to NHS numbers using the personal demographics service to obtain NHS numbers for census identifiers. People with no NHS number or multiple entries are not included, and imputed individuals are not included. The individuals were then linked via NHS number to vaccination data from the National Immunisation Management Service (NIMS) and ONS death registrations. The population was restricted to people in England, alive on 1 April 2021 (51,786,812 people). This is 91.6% of the England population on Census Day 2021." (https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsinvolvingcovid19byvaccinationstatusengland/latest) And the bulletin for the 7th ONS release said: "The PHDA is a linked dataset combining the 2011 Census, the General Practice Extraction Service (GPES) data for COVID-19 pandemic planning and research, and the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES). It combines demographic and socio-economic factors with pre-existing conditions based on clinical records. The PHDA covers England only and contains a subset of approximately 79% of the population of England aged 10 years." (https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsinvolvingcovid19byvaccinationstatusengland/deathsoccurringbetween1january2021and31may2022)

In the latest version of the ONS dataset for mortality by vaccination status, for example in May 2022 vaccinated people have 3,330,575 person-years, which correspons to approximately 39,214,835 people (from 3330575/31*365). But in ZIP archive of data from the discontinued the UK Coronavirus Dashboard API, the average cumulative number of vaccinated people across all days of May 2022 is 44,876,003, which is about 14% higher than the number of vaccinated people in the ONS dataset (https://ukhsa-dashboard.data.gov.uk/covid-19-archive-data-download):

$ wget https://archive.ukhsa-dashboard.data.gov.uk/coronavirus-dashboard/vaccinations.zip;unzip vaccinations.zip

$ grep England vaccinations/2022/cumPeopleVaccinatedFirstDoseByPublishDate_nation_2022.csv|grep 2022-05|awk -F, '{a+=$NF}END{printf"%.0f\n",a/NR}'


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More excellent work Clare and Joel. Pathological liars at the ONS. Absolutely outrageous and criminal.

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If it wasn’t for the unvaccinated

As a healthy control group.

(That is, If everyone was vaccinated)

They would ALREADY

Be quarantining the “vaccinated” .


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"but Coroners statistics for 2021 indicate that the number of deaths registered by a coroner dropped to the lowest number since 1995." - this feels somehow very important. That during covid, standard autopsies were not being done to determine cause of death...

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