Sending to SIMON JUPP MP for east Devon, although I note he backed Risch Sunak for PM. This is a tidy summary of the hell we have been placed, over the past 2 1/2 years. Not one apology. Just the opposite, a determination to see the wef’s plan through to the end. I say this as I witness all the chem trails in the sky day after day, including this morning. Climbing the wall of worry each day removes our joy in life. All part of the plan. Finding the little things to be happy about. Using cash instead of credit cards, cancelling any company or social media that bans or suppresses people, finding like minded people, staying the hell away from doctors, hospitals “healthcare”, eating healthy foods, getting exercise and sleep each day, taking one day at a time, perform a mitzvah each day, show compassion even when I don’t agree with a friend or family.

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Britain suffering from Stockholm syndrome, constantly re-electing their captors. We need more people who can connect the dots and see the big picture.

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Chem trails criss crossing over West Yorkshire right now also!

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Also in Wales, as has become the disturbing daily norm.

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People should make videos of such trails being created. I've seen nothing in the past year which wasn't possibly a cloud formation.

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Good luck with that…

My MP still believes the MHRA propaganda when they say the “vaccines” are “safe and effective” despite sending him verified/peer reviewed evidence that they’re not. Don’t even know if he’s aware the MHRA are 86% financed by big Pharma.

I’ve given up and told him I will not be giving him my vote in the next election if he can’t be bothered to look into this, reminding him he actually works for us and ignorance will not be an excuse if and when….

No more main parties for me now as they’re all the same.

We are in a dark place…democracy an illusion.

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The book is fantastic. My print copy arrived a few days ago, and I'm reading chapter 6 now. Each chapter has so far been better than the previous one (starting from very good in chapter 1).

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Oh yes. We're nearing the end point of the road to technocratic fascism and the global dictatorship. They've slaughtered countless millions getting there and the British Deep State is sitting right at the dark, beating heart of this 'conspiracy' to instigate a new world order.


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Again UK is greedily and arrogantly trying to rule by expanding its murderous ideas. The King stIll thinks he is the ruler. The king is still not so smart so he needed an even dumber US puppet president. Some things never change. They also can't stand an independent and strong USA. This is why treasonous and terrorist US media blasted about the queens death like it is also the US queens death which for MSM it is. Most US public has forgotten history and they will make history completely forgotten by destroying statues and rewriting all history books and pretending wef -UK monarchy rules USA.

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The American Deep State and the British Deep State are not so far removed. They are both in the thrall of the corrupt corporate banking elite. The first Americans were smart enough to realise it which is why they designed the constitutional republic, very different from the constitutional monarchy which existed in Britain. Biden and the Democrats are determined to destroy the US constitutional republic and British politicians are determined to replace our once democratic Parliamentary constitutional monarchy with a technocratic fascist totalitarian system of governance on behalf of themselves and their unelected partners in big business.

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The UK government takes 40% of GDP activity (not income, activity) in taxes. Europe is even worse with France over 50%.

That means every man, woman and child in the UK spends two out of 5 working days, working for the government - a small part of that is working for every other Brit.

this is not "pulling together" - this is sponsoring an ever growing welfare state.

just 32 million out of 68 million brits pays taxes - meaning that less than half the country pays all the tax.

i will not pay income taxes or vote in any UK election.

the "system" needs to be "zero-budgeted" to examine what government costs and services are "rational". using other countries as a benchmark is useless as all countries are in the same mess as the UK.

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100%. You may be interested to know that plans are being laid to present an alternative form of governance in the form of a Distributed Autonomous Organisation. Not just in the UK, but in many other countries around the world. We could do with you on board, Peter.

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happy to help where i can. though my starting point of zero taxes for zero political solutions (especially government mandated health and green energy) might be a little extreme for most! haha

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Not for me!

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And you know they know that people might not pay their taxes and therefore in the USA they have highered over 83,000 new IRS agents which they will train for handling guns, shoot and arrest citizens while doing raids on the citizens houses. They are preferably young and able people best in college age which they know are indoctrinated by the left to the point of MK ultra. This has been ALL happening under our noses WITH OUR MONEY. How will UK stand ground?

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Good one, thanks for sharing. I presented a more simplified and non-UK specific version of events before in these threads:

1. Governments worldwide have committed treason, not only against their own citizens but also against humanity itself.


2. A thread on the importance of understanding the social contract and how that knowledge can help us out of the ongoing crisis.


3. Evil vs. Incompetence - Is There a Difference?


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That's an excellent summary of the state of things!

I've just ordered the book.

I seriously believe we would be better off with no government - what has the British Government done since about 1946 that has actually made people's lives better? What things that people wouldn't have done anyway? They've made the NHS worse, education is worse, general infrastructure maintenance is worse, policing is worse. I could go on. Local authorities could be responsible for local issues and local people would be more inclined to get involved if they could see local needs/improvements/etc. Maybe a central govt is needed for defence but how about if we didn't have an army at all? Who's going to invade? All we seem to do with our military is defund it and send it to fight other peoples' dodgy wars.

I know, I know - I'm being naive and idealistic. Ho hum!

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Many will say it's all deliberate.

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I also can't figure out what US government did besides idiotic wars for made up reasons. We have to pay taxes for what exactly? And they just print money in USA when they need it and we pay it through inflation.

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It's only when you stop and think. What is modern government actually for? The laws to ensure nobody puts ground up glass in your flour or sends your kids up chimneys were passed over a hundred years ago. Local authorities can check that the flour is clean and the kids aren't up chimneys. Yet we all think having a central government is important and normal and necessary. Maybe when Napoleon or Hitler was around it was useful to have some sort of central command to oppose them but Putin isn't Napoleon. He's engaged in a local dispute which our govts have hijacked. We, the people, wouldn't interfere in other countries' affairs and, without govts, other countries wouldn't be pushing each other around. It's governments that cause the problems. We, the people, wouldn't put up with Bill Gates or the WEF bossing us around but our govts do exactly that. As for paying taxes! Where I live we pay £300 a month to our local council and all they do in return is empty our bins! We have no public lighting, no public drainage, no public transport, no police presence, no local school. Very expensive bins!

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I think the fact that most people are unaware is the crux. They don't understand, not interested in any debate, think people are conspiracy theorists etc. I was one of those people myself until I discovered how the PCR test was set up and used inappropriately. Then in lockdown my reading began in earnest! I will certainly be reading this book.

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Fortunately, you only need 3% to 5% of the population to actively (peacefully) force change. The rest will follow compliantly like they always do.

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I seem to be out on a limb where I live, ignored by local councillors and community leaders. I'm sure many think I'm going nuts! I shall print this off and post door to door and maybe hand out in town outside my MP's office! They know what goes on with social media but can't control old fashioned methods of one to one conversations. I find it easier to approach a stranger and offer a piece of paper for someone to read than try to persuade family (all jabbed including adult children) and friends, all jabbed too, to see how they have been deceived. One person I know has suffered lung clot followed by infection then heart prob which resulted in pacemaker fitted. I sent info regarding prob cause to warn. However, my info was ignored and off she went to get bivalent tested on only 8 mice plus flu jab! I despair!

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There will definitely be others feeling exactly the same as you. Little by little we will all find each other and come together. Then it's end game.

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Maajid Nawaz predicted all of this on Joe Rogan a while back. Coming next now they have Sunak in charge is the Central Bank Digital Currencies.

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The media are engaged in yet another propaganda campaign this morning, absurdly trying to portray Sunak as the 'right wing' conservative candidate who can be trusted to fix the financial crisis - which he created by furloughing millions of workers for many months and by printing nearly a trillion pounds to pay for it and the fraudulent attempt to control a virus no worse than a bad flu. Short memories - he opposed Truss's tax cuts to stimulate the economy. He was one of the first British ministers to suggest that we set up a centralised digital currency and he said we should 'get used to' high energy prices. A WEF acolyte if ever there was one. Next they'll be telling us he's the Mahatma Gandhi of British politics with a dash of Thatcher thrown in for good measure!

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If the media is supporting him then we know his a baddie...

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Piers Morgan has sung his praises too. I mean, how much more evidence do we need?

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I nearly can't read this post.

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Hear hear!!

Do not comply

Taxation is theft

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Yes, to everything!

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It needed to be said....and unfortunately it’s very true. But, as for dissolving Parliament, it’s only a fantasy at this point in time.

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That sums it up nicely. The same thing has happened here in the US, more or less. We do not have any knowledge as to who has actually been elected, and we are being told who has been selected. Corruption is out in the open and there is no recourse, no law enforcement, no justice, and no one curious in our feckless ruling class of representatives. As an example; Scott Gottlieb can run the FDA while sitting on the Pfizer board (and now from National Resilience I suspect). We have lost our jobs. We have lost our friends and relatives to poisonous injections that were never intended to do anything good. Our daily lives have been changed seemingly forever by a technocracy that spies on all of us in real time. A technocracy that controls who will be our “leader”. The combined might of the USG bureaucracy and the technocrats applied against the people who loved their country is truly staggering to behold. Rubbing our nose in shit by installing a corrupt and mentally incoherent puppet to lead us into total destruction. From the possibility of a bright future in 2019 to a perpetual world of slavery just a few months later. They stole everything from us, and most people do not realize what has happened.

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You stated MY feelings perfectly! And I couldn’t have said if better if I tried. Your last sentence is spot on...unbelievable!

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I believe the bright future you posited , actually began in 2017. The people took heart , once saved from the Hillary bitch. But the hidden Obama 4th Reich embunkered in the civil service and remaining government bodies treasonously undermined all of us, using the Press and TV and above all, Social Media, to destroy all of us. The upcoming elections in November should clarify whether our nascent hopes and prayers for the renaissance of American populist government will be realized.

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Yes, big relief that they were not prepared to do what they did in 2020 back in 2016. Now I think that is the standard SOP going forward. No matter what it looks like on the street, the communists win from here to eternity. When there is no way to stop them from getting away with it, why would they not take advantage?

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The same applies to governments around the world. All of them are comprised of criminals at this juncture, all of them steal from the people, and certainly none of them serve or do the will of the people. It's easy to say the government should be dissloved, it's another for something like that to actually happen, especially in passive and compliant countries like the UK, Australia, NZ, Canada, and even the US.

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Not quite the same in the US; here, there are more and more angry and even embittered people, growing greater each month; and, many, Praise G-d, are armed. And as I wrote several days ago, they will not be going softly into the night. The despair and anger grow exponentially, now that the sheep people (“sheeple”) have noticed finally the extent of the loathing and hatred of the Government elites towards the sheeple, and the mocking of the purported weaknesses of the despised ordinary folks. But the Government still fears our Second Amendment and continuously tries to disarm we the people, just in case we do, finally awaken fully. And now Canada is banning sales of handguns ...

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Absolutely brilliant. And spot-on. The beauty is that by replacing references to the British people, the pounds and numbers, and replacing those with [insert your western nation here], it works for the entire hoodwinked western nations populated largely by sheeple. Oh if only this piece were read by all of the "blue pilled."

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It is one thing to read about the history of the collapse of civilization. It is wholly different living through it.

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