Another tragedy. Another life ruined. Sitting in a café looking around. I imagine the majority of the patrons jabbed - maybe many times. They all ‘look’ fine. Laughing, joking, eating and drinking. Life has moved on for them but I know it hasn’t and never will while the truth is still being suppressed. My jabbed family members still know no-one adversely affected and have just come back from the US where they can go and I can’t. What really bothers me is that I still believe that they think that I am the crazy one and that they did the right thing. I’m obviously happy that they appear ok but I doubt they’ll even see the very sad stories such as the one above and if they did they’ve so swallowed the propaganda that they’d still dismiss it as co-incidence. So, so frustrating. My only consolation is that my first grandchild arrived 10 days ago - both her parents unjabbed which I give thanks for every day.
Please keep on with your posts. I agree that data will not help - my husband is a retired actuary and I couldn’t even convince him not to get jabbed with an article in the BMJ showing absolute versus relative risk!!
These stories of harm are so sad but if they help the truth get out then these people will not have suffered totally in vain.
The problem is only getting worse. Those of us that have done and read the research know that this is a problem that will continue to grow for years. It will get to two degrees of separation for everyone eventually, hopefully not one or even zero!
I think what’s happening now w/ clots, strokes, heart attacks & such are just the tip of the iceberg, Joel. All sorts of medical concern coming out now about deleterious neuro & autoimmune harms to come that may not manifest for several or perhaps many years. Think of the “burden” on healthcare, doctors, hospitals when potentially millions will need very intense care for such issues & likely many all at the same time or in successive waves that never end.
Alas, I think you're right. And although, this isn't the first time, I think the magnitude and attention this time round means it won't disappear into a long term trend like it has in the past.
It is interesting that we have 4 Covid cases in SD, but hospital capacity is high.
First thing is in the last week they have removed individual hospital info on capacity ICU and non ICU. I have had 2 friend who have had the shot have serious health issues and have to be flown to another hospital because the Rapid City regional didn’t have any ICU bed capacity.
I wonder when the health care system will tip -- there is a Perfect Storm approaching --- vax injured staff - endless waves of Covid sickness that impact the vaxxed working in the hospitals who remain under mandate (jab 5?) -- staff quitting as they refuse to continue boosting after seeing the horrifying results --- staff quitting because they are overworked and exhausted... huge influxes of vax injured patients and those suffering from the affects of VAIDS.
The exact situation that we were told would happen if people refused the Rat Juice. How ironic is that
Yes, lots of bleating about hospitals overwhelmed - maybe from more vax’d patients but definitely because of firing staff who refused the jab or staff who can no longer work or are out a lot because they keep getting sick. Every bit of it the consequences THEY created in the 1st place 🤬
Think of the costs to the healthcare system. We're already printing $ at mind-boggling rates, but that's not going to be enough in the future. I see hyper inflation and a major economic Depression on the horizon.
Here in Queenstown I was told by a coach last week that the team is off to an overseas tournament but that many of the members are Covid+ (again) - they may not be able to field a team. They will all be at least twice Rat Juiced ...
Summer is here - 30 degree weather -- and Covid is surging big time -- in addition to that hockey team I am told there are epic numbers off work sick with Covid (again) ... it comes in waves.
This is VAIDS. These fools have damaged immune systems... the damage is done and it likely will only get worse -- if this virus can bypass the immune defences -- then all sorts of viruses and cancers can - and are - getting through.
These imbeciles who are laughing and having a grand old time of it ... are on borrowed time. And probably happy because they finally were able to drop that terrible flu that lingered for months...
I completely understand how you are feeling. We (unvacciated) exist in this surreal world knowing what we know and living with the reality of what we know is going to happen. This is a heavy cross to bear. I have lost one (not immediate) family member so far. Everyone except me (the crazy old guy) is vaccinated. I thought my kids would be burying me. Now I have visions of going through their stuff and making arrangements for their burials. I am about to change my will and give everything to my unvaccinated (younger) friend. What else can I do? I expect a call all the time that someone has "died suddenly" or just been diagnosed with something horrible. And what is worst for "us" is what we will have to live with, as this all plays out. I think we will be forever damaged by what we will see and what we will experience in the future. So all of this now is just the prelude to a symphony of death that will replay in our minds until we die. God help us all.
I honestly do not think it will pan out as badly as this (and this comes from someone who went through a journey of total darkness that had me feeling similar, I am still emotionally damaged but I am being helped, I think by the Holy Spirit, to pass through it and I am almost thankful as I was a bit of a lost soul) . I hope you can try to veer away from that train of thought as it is leading you into where they want you , psychologically. If that happens to us, they have crippled us all, either physically or psychologically. I pray to God, that we can keep our spirit up …and then they can never win.
Let’s hope so… my problem is I have been reading and collecting scientific papers, articles, and videos about the injection and what it can do (and now is doing) to the human body since May of 2021. So as a result, I am kind of a lay expert now. With all this knowledge, in spite of my sincere desire to try to see hope, I really can’t see any. Anyway, I am actually a poet thrust into this insanity by a desire to help people. In the post attached, there is a poem that is in my recently published book of poetry that I think you will like. Some say it is prayer. Enjoy:
I had a feeling you would like it... now you know what is in my mind. But I wrote it give you hope and inspire you.... the next world will need you and people like you. There is much to be done.
Not being able to come to the U.S. is a VERY small price to pay for your health. You're not missing anything by not coming here -you have all of US, your friends on these Substacks!!!
Yes, i agree totally. I live in Belgium but am from the U.K. and my daughters live there. I wouldn’t even have taken it to go and see them and for a time it was very difficult but it didn’t last long although I had to endure many tests and lots of quarantine. Health is so important and so many are going to struggle.
I used to holiday in the US often but I honestly have no desire to visit a ever again. The travel rules are so ridiculous. My husband took - against my pleas - one dose of J&J back in August 21. He got covid and passed it on to me (he was far sicker than me) but he could still go to the US and I can’t. It’s absolutely nothing to do with health or science.
I was mentioning to a friend that I cannot visit Canada because I'd need to transit in the US and the unvaxxed cannot touch down.
He could not understand why I'd not 'just get the shot - what's the big deal'
I kicked him an email with brief details of 6 friends or people I know very well (not second hand accounts) and their vax injuries. Mostly heart and stroke problems -- 3 are instructors at the local gym... one is a semi pro hockey player.
And I finished with -- I won't take this Rat Poison under any circumstances ... and certainly not to be able to transit the US.
My friends don’t believe the stories of vax injury either. So frustrating and sad. If i stay home forever so be it. No desire WHATSOEVER to visit the usa or canada, oz or nz ever again
It’s the same in Australia. In my case I went to hospital on the advice of my gp. I had a heartbeat alternating between AF and VF and in between regular pulse but tachycardia. They ran blood tests , chest X-ray ECG. There was no cardiology consult, no diagnosis. I had to wait several weeks to see a cardiologist and get a diagnosis of pericarditis. The damage is permanent requiring medication for life. My sense of balance is variable , and my lung function has been affected. I’m an older person (70) and it threatens my independence . I have never tested positive for COVID nor had COVID- just one shot of Pfizer. The Australian government response to anyone that ver 65, is issues like clots, heart disease etc is expected in our age group. I’m also aware of a 40 yo same experience different hospital also told he was safe to go home as I was- poor guy cardiac arrested driving home ( as I did) but he ran off the road and died. Leaving a wife and young kids. I’m just grateful I lived to speak up, and I do as often as possible. Who speaks for people who die like this guy did ?
You do, Julie and, thankfully, you have. The more people talk, even if it gets to just one other person, the closer we get to the truth getting to everyone. But, in fact, it doesn't just stop at one person. Eventually, it will spread exponentially. It will happen. It just takes time to push through the relentless propaganda and gaslighting. Ironically, as this becomes more and more desperate and detached from the reality that people are witnessing with their own eyes, the stronger the push back will become.
In the beginnings Ning when I would tell others I was vax injured, I was treated like I was the Antichrist. Now when I’m around people vaxxed 4 times and stil being told they have COVID they are more willing to listen.
The media have become the new global church and whatever the media preach, lockdown, mandates, climate change, becomes religion.
Most people dont realize how literally true this is and what this means for the world we live in. In all western (and westernized) societies, we have abandoned the values of enlightenment and fallen back 500 years, intellectually as well as morally.
Brandy Vaughn (RIP) said in one of her presentations that she learned working for big pharma marketing that the message has to be seen/heard 12 times for the message to stick.
Which reminds me of when I was recently visiting family in Sacramento, I was wandering around Safeway Thanksgiving morning listening to "get your booster" ads non-stop. Then I get in the car and hear more booster ads.
My mate who played semi pro hockey tried to get an exemption after Fizzer Shot 1 resulted in a severe vascular injury (13 months later he is still nowhere near back to normal and is still able to work only 20 hours per week -- the hockey is obviously not happening)....
The doctor told him to take the second shot (no exemption) but switch to Moderna.
His response - right so in addition to the heart issues I can then have blood clots.
He refused to pay the bill and was hounded by her office -- I told him to show up with a sack of coins and dump it on the floor --- even offered to do that for him.
I am not sure if he eventually paid up.
What a vile creature... I sincerely hope that she experiences a vax injury herself -- or better still one of her close family members. That would be poetic justice
I’m 70 for better or worse, I’ve had a life. I get angry when I hear about people like your young mate. The pressure to get vaccinated event after an injury is unforgivable. Because of the extreme mandates in this state, both my adult children are triple vaccinated and my three grandchildren double vaccinated. I fear for all their futures. I wish your mate the best. The best hope seems to be detoxification from heavy metals and look for alternative medicine to rid himself of spike
I think you've been lucky. Yes, there are plenty of lovely individuals working in healthcare, as there are in all walks of life, but systematically, the environment in healthcare settings seems set up to conflict with those people and the basic premise of care first and foremost? I had planned to cover this story but you can read about it in the author's Twitter thread instead - Yes, it's UK again but this is a global strategy. North America is at the spearhead of this.
The US is an instrument of a "supranational group of some sort." It has been infiltrated, as have many other countries' governments. I live in the US and I am so appalled by what is being pushed, but I know it did not originate here organically, although we are certainly being used as a mouthpiece to push these ideas. It is not representative of the American people, at least not the ones who haven't been victimized by the propaganda.
The bad guys definitely are playing a number of games, but one of them is "let's you and him fight (I'll watch)."
In the US, though, we still have enough people believing that we have Constitutional protections and individual rights, that the authoritarian infiltrators have not yet been able to push past that as they have in other countries such as Canada, Australia, UK, and so on.
Yes, I have. Not to the extent described in the article. It was a doctor (specialist) who did nothing and when I found out about a treatment, he Gaslit me.
The Cult of the NHS is very strong here. The feeling is that the NHS can do no wrong, and if it does do wrong, it is because it was not placated with enough sacrificial tax.
I am proud to say I never ever clapped for the Killing Nurses and the Sociopath Doctors.
It's because the NHS is just another government entity. It's the same as any Registry of Motor Vehicles, our "public" (aka government) school systems, or the Internal Revenue Service, here in the U.S. It is the nature of the beast: zero competition and a hostage market of consumers. It is the evidence that free markets are the best vehicles for freedom.
"If [people have not] - I diss mixed pronouns! - been swayed by the data and evidence by now, they never will."
I agree.
"Volenti non fit injuria" applies. So I did not react to the story of an Israeli man who got whacked at the injection site whilst taking his 5th dose!
They have to answer two questions:
1. Why did you. or your child. take them?
2. What research did you do?
Another curious theme of the few strangers I managed to chat with: they all parroted the lies and tried to snow me; none listened to what I told them and asked for details.
They took three and said no more. I asked why. They won't answer me. Some said they took them for their jobs. I asked what if their employers required the 4th. They won't answer me!
I know a hurt is a hurt. However, what they said and did mattered. If they won't honestly and openly answered the above two questions, ......
It is unwise to rely on the charity of strangers.
I am writing the above with mixed feelings of sorrow, anger, frustration and puzzlement.
About three days ago I slammed a nose picker - she was not offended as I told her our chat was not personal.
I had a perv at an idle test shop front. A woman came out. She tried to parrot the lines. I repeatedly slammed her for the policy double standards in 2021 of locking families for 14 days because a daycare had a "positive" case whilst the nose pickers NEVER had to isolate!. Otherwise, as I told her, there would be no nose pickers. Of course, she tried to snow me; but realised she could not because I kept dunking her!
To my surprise, as we were about to finish, she INVITED ME TO DO A FREE PCR TEST!!! I reacted by pointing to my butthole and said she could test it. SHE RECOILED slightly!
She is another one where "volenti non fit injuria" applies.
"The superfit physio whose life has been ruined by Covid jabs"
The superfit physio who ruined his own life by submitting to the Covid jabs and complying with the agenda.
Another article focusing entirely on the damage caused to those who complied with the agenda. Again, there's no recognition that compliance imposed costs on innocent third parties who did the right thing and refused to comply with the government's tyrannical vaccine agenda. What about the people who lost their businesses? What about the people who lost their careers?
Would he and so many others in the same position come to our defence or support if we had lost our jobs our worst gone to prison to stop this?
Ouch. And true. It seems many vaccinated who aren’t knowingly injured really do ignore or scorn or persecute the vaccine injured. And those of us who refused the jab and subsequently lost our jobs, endured enormous humiliation and rejection from jabbed friends and family, we are left, still, with a conscience THESE PARTICULAR VACCINATED DON’T AND MAYBE NEVER HAD. We seem to be tasked now therefore with showing compassion and support for those who got these dangerous shots , these who, truth be told, likely would be slamming/shunning us unvaccinated still, if they weren’t injured.
Many vaxx injured are aware of the ultimate pickle they got themselves into and thus rather shut their mouths than expose themselves to insult on top of their injury. One of the reasons why their number seems relatively small in our private circles.
Also, Victoria's chief medical officer, Brett Sutton, is the brother in law of Jane Halton, Australia's COVID response coordinator, formerly employed by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation and a participant in the Event 201 pandemic simulation
If your interested Maria Zeee( three e’s) has her own chanel and has a telegram account. She’s an Australian , reporting on legislation created here. How AHPRA is not constitutional under our constitution and despite a handle has no relationship to our government plus lots of interesting podcast. AHPRA is the biggest day that deregistered doctors who advise supplements or don’t stick to the official narrative.
The Burnet Institute which does the crappy, hysterical modeling for COVID in Victoria. Obviously no conflict of interest for him to be involved on both sides
There will be many stories like this. The whole lot of the lying thieving bastards behind these poisons must be brought to justice for crimes against humanity. The gallows would be the perfect instrument I think.
"If someone hasn’t been swayed by the data and evidence by now, they never will."
I stopped reading at this point. It is the new political ("medical," "scientific," and "media") reality, brutal, murderous, inhumane and psychopathic.
In New Zealand, the weekly aberrant excess mortality rate would have garnered hysterical attention. The silence is a societal red flag, as it is elsewhere.
Trying to convince the scientifically and ethically illiterate seems perhaps an effort too late, instead focusing and reinforcing those fighting the battle for sanity and morality seems the prudent and most effective tactic.
We are an incrementally growing number and we will not be silenced.
Highlighting 'one who should know better' is no solution now, spoken with utmost compassion and sorrow.
I tried linking the UK column interview of Adam’s story on a Twitter discussion. That interview had me in tears and made me so angry. The replies I got to my Twitter reply was that he “was a shill”, “he’s an actor just doing it for money” (he has a go fund me account). I replied that they must surely not have watched the video to believe that. They didn’t respond. Those of us who know what damage the jabs are doing feel for the injured. Those who still believe the “safe and effective” are not capable of seeing beyond that I’m afraid.
‘He said: ‘After the first injection, I got a fever and was in bed for four days. I’d been suffering insomnia which got worse, and I started having fits in bed, up to 15 a night.
‘I didn’t really link it to the vaccine either until I had the second shot.’ Really? I find that unfathomable. A health care worker didn’t link having had a vaccination and a subsequent adverse reaction? As a health care worker he should have known all vaccines can cause adverse reactions, usually not serious or fatal, and the mRNA product was experimental with no safety data. It is why many health care workers refused the mRNA inoculation and risked their jobs, because they understood the risks of the new wonder drug.
Why unfathomable? Haven't you been paying attention to plethora of evidence of mass formation psychosis, gaslighting, relentless propaganda? Only the minority were "immune" to this and could immediately make the link to the jabs. I would wager that the majority of healthcare professionals remain in the delusion that the mRNA experiment is safe and effective.
Joel, you are right about the relentless propaganda but also people in the medical professions have been hazed throughout their studies and career. The rebels and the thinkers are beaten down and out of these professions. We need an entire restructuring of the training and career of doctors and other health workers so that we can be free again not robots ticking boxes in the electronic medical record!!
Unfathomable was a polite way of saying not credible. Pay attention? I certainly paid attention to my training and experiences when I worked as a health care professional.
We have free will, ‘they made me do it’ doesn’t work - it didn’t at Nuremberg if you recall. But this was not just a member of the public, he was a health care professional who should be able to recognise signs & symptoms after treatments or medication as he might be able to save a patient’s life with quick action.
All vaccines can cause adverse reactions, usually only mild but some serious and fatal. A healthcare worker should know that. Being persuaded (gaslighted) to take the first dose, doesn’t explain or excuse taking a second having had extraordinary severe symptoms. Night time fits? Even if he hadn’t had a vaccination that should have prompted seeking medical advice to establish cause.
And by the way, it wasn’t just a few healthcare workers refusing the mRNA product, it was tens of thousands just in the UK, and elsewhere too. Recently a multimillion dollar lawsuit against the Federal Government has been settled in favour of the thousands of healthcare workers fired for refusing vaccination. Healthcare workers refused because they understood the risks and uncertainties of an experimental product with no safety data, whereas members of general would be less sensitive and more biddable.
The health care workers don’t want to make the link. It’s not because they don’t think there could be one. It takes an honest person to truly admit you’ve allowed yourself to be abused. I disagree with what you say about other vaccines- they’re all poisons which do long term damage.
ADAM Rowland was better than fit: he was a consultant in sports physiotherapy working with some of the most high-profile golfers in the world.
That was until two AstraZeneca jabs destroyed his life, destroyed his marriage to his wife Leanne, 49, and left him suicidal.
He said: ‘After the first injection, I got a fever and was in bed for four days. I’d been suffering insomnia which got worse, and I started having fits in bed, up to 15 a night.’
‘I didn’t really link it to the vaccine either UNTIL I HAD THE SECOND SHOT' [My emphasis]
What? Is this for real? I try hard to be sympathetic in cases like this, but they do make it very, very hard, I have to admit.
Villagers in rural India were in some cases forcibly injected with AZ. These 'simple' folk fled into rivers in order to avoid being injected with this stuff. Just what went wrong in our so called 'modern, advanced' western societies where so many people recklessly and unthinkingly delegated the responsibility for their own health and that of others to faceless public health bureaucrats and handed over bodily autonomy to the government?
"Walking Timebomb" or "Accident Waiting To Happen" come to mind. An absence of symptoms is no evidence for infection or injury...Dr. McCullough's latest: "Adolescent Palpitations and Syncope after COVID-19 Vaccination" . Basically, if you've consented to the insanity of inoculation of children, they'd better get checked out before they start doing any more strenuous sport!
I've chatted with Adam multiple times since his case became known to me. He comes across as a decent, honest guy & there's no doubt whatsoever in my mind that his case is genuine. What's happened to him thanks to the AZ & the response by the NHS is absolutely unforgivably shameful.
There's seems little hope that cases like Adams are likely to ease up, especially as in many cases the damage has already been done but also because the authorities are 1) still pushing the boosters & 2) showing no signs of concern for the vaccine injured. We should be picketing every hospital that is dismissing the vaccine injured in the way those treating Adam have done. And as this seems pretty much universal, we should be picketing a lot of hospitals!
MDs Around the world have simply lost any remaining sympathy for the suffering jabs injured. Unfortunately I think it’s go as get worse before any possible improvement. We must keep on talking about it.
Another tragedy. Another life ruined. Sitting in a café looking around. I imagine the majority of the patrons jabbed - maybe many times. They all ‘look’ fine. Laughing, joking, eating and drinking. Life has moved on for them but I know it hasn’t and never will while the truth is still being suppressed. My jabbed family members still know no-one adversely affected and have just come back from the US where they can go and I can’t. What really bothers me is that I still believe that they think that I am the crazy one and that they did the right thing. I’m obviously happy that they appear ok but I doubt they’ll even see the very sad stories such as the one above and if they did they’ve so swallowed the propaganda that they’d still dismiss it as co-incidence. So, so frustrating. My only consolation is that my first grandchild arrived 10 days ago - both her parents unjabbed which I give thanks for every day.
Please keep on with your posts. I agree that data will not help - my husband is a retired actuary and I couldn’t even convince him not to get jabbed with an article in the BMJ showing absolute versus relative risk!!
These stories of harm are so sad but if they help the truth get out then these people will not have suffered totally in vain.
The problem is only getting worse. Those of us that have done and read the research know that this is a problem that will continue to grow for years. It will get to two degrees of separation for everyone eventually, hopefully not one or even zero!
I think what’s happening now w/ clots, strokes, heart attacks & such are just the tip of the iceberg, Joel. All sorts of medical concern coming out now about deleterious neuro & autoimmune harms to come that may not manifest for several or perhaps many years. Think of the “burden” on healthcare, doctors, hospitals when potentially millions will need very intense care for such issues & likely many all at the same time or in successive waves that never end.
Alas, I think you're right. And although, this isn't the first time, I think the magnitude and attention this time round means it won't disappear into a long term trend like it has in the past.
It is interesting that we have 4 Covid cases in SD, but hospital capacity is high.
First thing is in the last week they have removed individual hospital info on capacity ICU and non ICU. I have had 2 friend who have had the shot have serious health issues and have to be flown to another hospital because the Rapid City regional didn’t have any ICU bed capacity.
Medical gaslighting at its finest.
I wonder when the health care system will tip -- there is a Perfect Storm approaching --- vax injured staff - endless waves of Covid sickness that impact the vaxxed working in the hospitals who remain under mandate (jab 5?) -- staff quitting as they refuse to continue boosting after seeing the horrifying results --- staff quitting because they are overworked and exhausted... huge influxes of vax injured patients and those suffering from the affects of VAIDS.
The exact situation that we were told would happen if people refused the Rat Juice. How ironic is that
Yes, lots of bleating about hospitals overwhelmed - maybe from more vax’d patients but definitely because of firing staff who refused the jab or staff who can no longer work or are out a lot because they keep getting sick. Every bit of it the consequences THEY created in the 1st place 🤬
Think of the costs to the healthcare system. We're already printing $ at mind-boggling rates, but that's not going to be enough in the future. I see hyper inflation and a major economic Depression on the horizon.
Here in Queenstown I was told by a coach last week that the team is off to an overseas tournament but that many of the members are Covid+ (again) - they may not be able to field a team. They will all be at least twice Rat Juiced ...
Summer is here - 30 degree weather -- and Covid is surging big time -- in addition to that hockey team I am told there are epic numbers off work sick with Covid (again) ... it comes in waves.
This is VAIDS. These fools have damaged immune systems... the damage is done and it likely will only get worse -- if this virus can bypass the immune defences -- then all sorts of viruses and cancers can - and are - getting through.
These imbeciles who are laughing and having a grand old time of it ... are on borrowed time. And probably happy because they finally were able to drop that terrible flu that lingered for months...
We are looking at the living dead.
People appear to have been harmed in a myriad different ways. We must all keep squawking until justice is meted out.
I completely understand how you are feeling. We (unvacciated) exist in this surreal world knowing what we know and living with the reality of what we know is going to happen. This is a heavy cross to bear. I have lost one (not immediate) family member so far. Everyone except me (the crazy old guy) is vaccinated. I thought my kids would be burying me. Now I have visions of going through their stuff and making arrangements for their burials. I am about to change my will and give everything to my unvaccinated (younger) friend. What else can I do? I expect a call all the time that someone has "died suddenly" or just been diagnosed with something horrible. And what is worst for "us" is what we will have to live with, as this all plays out. I think we will be forever damaged by what we will see and what we will experience in the future. So all of this now is just the prelude to a symphony of death that will replay in our minds until we die. God help us all.
I honestly do not think it will pan out as badly as this (and this comes from someone who went through a journey of total darkness that had me feeling similar, I am still emotionally damaged but I am being helped, I think by the Holy Spirit, to pass through it and I am almost thankful as I was a bit of a lost soul) . I hope you can try to veer away from that train of thought as it is leading you into where they want you , psychologically. If that happens to us, they have crippled us all, either physically or psychologically. I pray to God, that we can keep our spirit up …and then they can never win.
Let’s hope so… my problem is I have been reading and collecting scientific papers, articles, and videos about the injection and what it can do (and now is doing) to the human body since May of 2021. So as a result, I am kind of a lay expert now. With all this knowledge, in spite of my sincere desire to try to see hope, I really can’t see any. Anyway, I am actually a poet thrust into this insanity by a desire to help people. In the post attached, there is a poem that is in my recently published book of poetry that I think you will like. Some say it is prayer. Enjoy:
It is good and I did enjoy it. You should keep it up and I hope it brings you peace & strength. Keep that forged iron sword held high!
I will.... been holding it high and sometimes using it... all my life.
I had a feeling you would like it... now you know what is in my mind. But I wrote it give you hope and inspire you.... the next world will need you and people like you. There is much to be done.
It is truly dystopian.
It is for sure... a real life example with nightmarish proportions.
Definitely consider altering your estate if not a total rewrite.
Not being able to come to the U.S. is a VERY small price to pay for your health. You're not missing anything by not coming here -you have all of US, your friends on these Substacks!!!
Yes, i agree totally. I live in Belgium but am from the U.K. and my daughters live there. I wouldn’t even have taken it to go and see them and for a time it was very difficult but it didn’t last long although I had to endure many tests and lots of quarantine. Health is so important and so many are going to struggle.
I used to holiday in the US often but I honestly have no desire to visit a ever again. The travel rules are so ridiculous. My husband took - against my pleas - one dose of J&J back in August 21. He got covid and passed it on to me (he was far sicker than me) but he could still go to the US and I can’t. It’s absolutely nothing to do with health or science.
I was mentioning to a friend that I cannot visit Canada because I'd need to transit in the US and the unvaxxed cannot touch down.
He could not understand why I'd not 'just get the shot - what's the big deal'
I kicked him an email with brief details of 6 friends or people I know very well (not second hand accounts) and their vax injuries. Mostly heart and stroke problems -- 3 are instructors at the local gym... one is a semi pro hockey player.
And I finished with -- I won't take this Rat Poison under any circumstances ... and certainly not to be able to transit the US.
No response
My friends don’t believe the stories of vax injury either. So frustrating and sad. If i stay home forever so be it. No desire WHATSOEVER to visit the usa or canada, oz or nz ever again
Hang in there Lady. Not easy but thank all things that you grandchild & his parents are also unjabbed.
Congratulations! New life, a cause to celebrate x
It’s the same in Australia. In my case I went to hospital on the advice of my gp. I had a heartbeat alternating between AF and VF and in between regular pulse but tachycardia. They ran blood tests , chest X-ray ECG. There was no cardiology consult, no diagnosis. I had to wait several weeks to see a cardiologist and get a diagnosis of pericarditis. The damage is permanent requiring medication for life. My sense of balance is variable , and my lung function has been affected. I’m an older person (70) and it threatens my independence . I have never tested positive for COVID nor had COVID- just one shot of Pfizer. The Australian government response to anyone that ver 65, is issues like clots, heart disease etc is expected in our age group. I’m also aware of a 40 yo same experience different hospital also told he was safe to go home as I was- poor guy cardiac arrested driving home ( as I did) but he ran off the road and died. Leaving a wife and young kids. I’m just grateful I lived to speak up, and I do as often as possible. Who speaks for people who die like this guy did ?
You do, Julie and, thankfully, you have. The more people talk, even if it gets to just one other person, the closer we get to the truth getting to everyone. But, in fact, it doesn't just stop at one person. Eventually, it will spread exponentially. It will happen. It just takes time to push through the relentless propaganda and gaslighting. Ironically, as this becomes more and more desperate and detached from the reality that people are witnessing with their own eyes, the stronger the push back will become.
In the beginnings Ning when I would tell others I was vax injured, I was treated like I was the Antichrist. Now when I’m around people vaxxed 4 times and stil being told they have COVID they are more willing to listen.
The media have become the new global church and whatever the media preach, lockdown, mandates, climate change, becomes religion.
Most people dont realize how literally true this is and what this means for the world we live in. In all western (and westernized) societies, we have abandoned the values of enlightenment and fallen back 500 years, intellectually as well as morally.
Brandy Vaughn (RIP) said in one of her presentations that she learned working for big pharma marketing that the message has to be seen/heard 12 times for the message to stick.
Which reminds me of when I was recently visiting family in Sacramento, I was wandering around Safeway Thanksgiving morning listening to "get your booster" ads non-stop. Then I get in the car and hear more booster ads.
Still being flogged in NM grocery stores & tv-radio ads too
I hear the ads at the local Smiths/Krogers.
My mate who played semi pro hockey tried to get an exemption after Fizzer Shot 1 resulted in a severe vascular injury (13 months later he is still nowhere near back to normal and is still able to work only 20 hours per week -- the hockey is obviously not happening)....
The doctor told him to take the second shot (no exemption) but switch to Moderna.
His response - right so in addition to the heart issues I can then have blood clots.
He refused to pay the bill and was hounded by her office -- I told him to show up with a sack of coins and dump it on the floor --- even offered to do that for him.
I am not sure if he eventually paid up.
What a vile creature... I sincerely hope that she experiences a vax injury herself -- or better still one of her close family members. That would be poetic justice
I’m 70 for better or worse, I’ve had a life. I get angry when I hear about people like your young mate. The pressure to get vaccinated event after an injury is unforgivable. Because of the extreme mandates in this state, both my adult children are triple vaccinated and my three grandchildren double vaccinated. I fear for all their futures. I wish your mate the best. The best hope seems to be detoxification from heavy metals and look for alternative medicine to rid himself of spike
No offense to you or Great Britain. I’m actually an Anglophile.
But when I read stories like this, I thank God that I was born in the US .
I have never, ever, had a health care worker treat me or anyone I know like that.
They wouldn’t have a job....
I think you've been lucky. Yes, there are plenty of lovely individuals working in healthcare, as there are in all walks of life, but systematically, the environment in healthcare settings seems set up to conflict with those people and the basic premise of care first and foremost? I had planned to cover this story but you can read about it in the author's Twitter thread instead - Yes, it's UK again but this is a global strategy. North America is at the spearhead of this.
IMO, it's the US that's pushing this type of crap. (I'm an American.)
The US is an instrument of a "supranational group of some sort." It has been infiltrated, as have many other countries' governments. I live in the US and I am so appalled by what is being pushed, but I know it did not originate here organically, although we are certainly being used as a mouthpiece to push these ideas. It is not representative of the American people, at least not the ones who haven't been victimized by the propaganda.
The bad guys definitely are playing a number of games, but one of them is "let's you and him fight (I'll watch)."
In the US, though, we still have enough people believing that we have Constitutional protections and individual rights, that the authoritarian infiltrators have not yet been able to push past that as they have in other countries such as Canada, Australia, UK, and so on.
That may be true. But have you ever gone to a hospital in the US and had anyone working there treat you badly? I sure haven’t....
I’ve been to several over the years and have always been treated professionally.
The articles that I’ve read about the NHS sound like they are overworked, unhappy, and near mutinous assembly line workers.
I’ve never seen that here....
Yes, I have. Not to the extent described in the article. It was a doctor (specialist) who did nothing and when I found out about a treatment, he Gaslit me.
The Cult of the NHS is very strong here. The feeling is that the NHS can do no wrong, and if it does do wrong, it is because it was not placated with enough sacrificial tax.
I am proud to say I never ever clapped for the Killing Nurses and the Sociopath Doctors.
Give it time.
It's because the NHS is just another government entity. It's the same as any Registry of Motor Vehicles, our "public" (aka government) school systems, or the Internal Revenue Service, here in the U.S. It is the nature of the beast: zero competition and a hostage market of consumers. It is the evidence that free markets are the best vehicles for freedom.
He’s just a batch number, after all.....
"If [people have not] - I diss mixed pronouns! - been swayed by the data and evidence by now, they never will."
I agree.
"Volenti non fit injuria" applies. So I did not react to the story of an Israeli man who got whacked at the injection site whilst taking his 5th dose!
They have to answer two questions:
1. Why did you. or your child. take them?
2. What research did you do?
Another curious theme of the few strangers I managed to chat with: they all parroted the lies and tried to snow me; none listened to what I told them and asked for details.
They took three and said no more. I asked why. They won't answer me. Some said they took them for their jobs. I asked what if their employers required the 4th. They won't answer me!
I know a hurt is a hurt. However, what they said and did mattered. If they won't honestly and openly answered the above two questions, ......
It is unwise to rely on the charity of strangers.
I am writing the above with mixed feelings of sorrow, anger, frustration and puzzlement.
I totally concur with you and shared this in my previous article - In addition, it really doesn't matter how it gets to them or whether they admit or not, we know it's getting to them all the same.
About three days ago I slammed a nose picker - she was not offended as I told her our chat was not personal.
I had a perv at an idle test shop front. A woman came out. She tried to parrot the lines. I repeatedly slammed her for the policy double standards in 2021 of locking families for 14 days because a daycare had a "positive" case whilst the nose pickers NEVER had to isolate!. Otherwise, as I told her, there would be no nose pickers. Of course, she tried to snow me; but realised she could not because I kept dunking her!
To my surprise, as we were about to finish, she INVITED ME TO DO A FREE PCR TEST!!! I reacted by pointing to my butthole and said she could test it. SHE RECOILED slightly!
She is another one where "volenti non fit injuria" applies.
"The superfit physio whose life has been ruined by Covid jabs"
The superfit physio who ruined his own life by submitting to the Covid jabs and complying with the agenda.
Another article focusing entirely on the damage caused to those who complied with the agenda. Again, there's no recognition that compliance imposed costs on innocent third parties who did the right thing and refused to comply with the government's tyrannical vaccine agenda. What about the people who lost their businesses? What about the people who lost their careers?
Would he and so many others in the same position come to our defence or support if we had lost our jobs our worst gone to prison to stop this?
Ouch. And true. It seems many vaccinated who aren’t knowingly injured really do ignore or scorn or persecute the vaccine injured. And those of us who refused the jab and subsequently lost our jobs, endured enormous humiliation and rejection from jabbed friends and family, we are left, still, with a conscience THESE PARTICULAR VACCINATED DON’T AND MAYBE NEVER HAD. We seem to be tasked now therefore with showing compassion and support for those who got these dangerous shots , these who, truth be told, likely would be slamming/shunning us unvaccinated still, if they weren’t injured.
Many vaxx injured are aware of the ultimate pickle they got themselves into and thus rather shut their mouths than expose themselves to insult on top of their injury. One of the reasons why their number seems relatively small in our private circles.
To add to that our last health minister Greg Hunt is a WEF graduate.
There is no-one in a person of influence and responsibility that hasn't been groomed by the WEF. It's not a difficult trail to follow.
Also, Victoria's chief medical officer, Brett Sutton, is the brother in law of Jane Halton, Australia's COVID response coordinator, formerly employed by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation and a participant in the Event 201 pandemic simulation
It's a cabal
More than that, he held the position of director of something or other (can't remember right now).
If your interested Maria Zeee( three e’s) has her own chanel and has a telegram account. She’s an Australian , reporting on legislation created here. How AHPRA is not constitutional under our constitution and despite a handle has no relationship to our government plus lots of interesting podcast. AHPRA is the biggest day that deregistered doctors who advise supplements or don’t stick to the official narrative.
Thank you Julie, yes I know all that, she's great! AHPRA is a joke!
The proverbial plot is so thick that mind boggles how we got here.
Speaking for my simple-minded self, I can not believe that we have so
many of "those" people in positions of power/decision-making.
My best to you :-D
The Burnet Institute which does the crappy, hysterical modeling for COVID in Victoria. Obviously no conflict of interest for him to be involved on both sides
Obviously not
There will be many stories like this. The whole lot of the lying thieving bastards behind these poisons must be brought to justice for crimes against humanity. The gallows would be the perfect instrument I think.
"If someone hasn’t been swayed by the data and evidence by now, they never will."
I stopped reading at this point. It is the new political ("medical," "scientific," and "media") reality, brutal, murderous, inhumane and psychopathic.
In New Zealand, the weekly aberrant excess mortality rate would have garnered hysterical attention. The silence is a societal red flag, as it is elsewhere.
Trying to convince the scientifically and ethically illiterate seems perhaps an effort too late, instead focusing and reinforcing those fighting the battle for sanity and morality seems the prudent and most effective tactic.
We are an incrementally growing number and we will not be silenced.
Highlighting 'one who should know better' is no solution now, spoken with utmost compassion and sorrow.
I, too, was a physical therapist when I was still allowed to work as such in Germany.
I tried linking the UK column interview of Adam’s story on a Twitter discussion. That interview had me in tears and made me so angry. The replies I got to my Twitter reply was that he “was a shill”, “he’s an actor just doing it for money” (he has a go fund me account). I replied that they must surely not have watched the video to believe that. They didn’t respond. Those of us who know what damage the jabs are doing feel for the injured. Those who still believe the “safe and effective” are not capable of seeing beyond that I’m afraid.
Reminds me of Vax injured Kyle the mountain biker who almost killed himself because of the gaslighting and people saying he was faking it.
His recovery story here with Dr Campbell
‘He said: ‘After the first injection, I got a fever and was in bed for four days. I’d been suffering insomnia which got worse, and I started having fits in bed, up to 15 a night.
‘I didn’t really link it to the vaccine either until I had the second shot.’ Really? I find that unfathomable. A health care worker didn’t link having had a vaccination and a subsequent adverse reaction? As a health care worker he should have known all vaccines can cause adverse reactions, usually not serious or fatal, and the mRNA product was experimental with no safety data. It is why many health care workers refused the mRNA inoculation and risked their jobs, because they understood the risks of the new wonder drug.
Why unfathomable? Haven't you been paying attention to plethora of evidence of mass formation psychosis, gaslighting, relentless propaganda? Only the minority were "immune" to this and could immediately make the link to the jabs. I would wager that the majority of healthcare professionals remain in the delusion that the mRNA experiment is safe and effective.
Joel, you are right about the relentless propaganda but also people in the medical professions have been hazed throughout their studies and career. The rebels and the thinkers are beaten down and out of these professions. We need an entire restructuring of the training and career of doctors and other health workers so that we can be free again not robots ticking boxes in the electronic medical record!!
Unfathomable was a polite way of saying not credible. Pay attention? I certainly paid attention to my training and experiences when I worked as a health care professional.
We have free will, ‘they made me do it’ doesn’t work - it didn’t at Nuremberg if you recall. But this was not just a member of the public, he was a health care professional who should be able to recognise signs & symptoms after treatments or medication as he might be able to save a patient’s life with quick action.
All vaccines can cause adverse reactions, usually only mild but some serious and fatal. A healthcare worker should know that. Being persuaded (gaslighted) to take the first dose, doesn’t explain or excuse taking a second having had extraordinary severe symptoms. Night time fits? Even if he hadn’t had a vaccination that should have prompted seeking medical advice to establish cause.
And by the way, it wasn’t just a few healthcare workers refusing the mRNA product, it was tens of thousands just in the UK, and elsewhere too. Recently a multimillion dollar lawsuit against the Federal Government has been settled in favour of the thousands of healthcare workers fired for refusing vaccination. Healthcare workers refused because they understood the risks and uncertainties of an experimental product with no safety data, whereas members of general would be less sensitive and more biddable.
I understand and agree with Joel's "strategy" but your points still stand John.
Well said. Took the words right out of my fingers.
The health care workers don’t want to make the link. It’s not because they don’t think there could be one. It takes an honest person to truly admit you’ve allowed yourself to be abused. I disagree with what you say about other vaccines- they’re all poisons which do long term damage.
ADAM Rowland was better than fit: he was a consultant in sports physiotherapy working with some of the most high-profile golfers in the world.
That was until two AstraZeneca jabs destroyed his life, destroyed his marriage to his wife Leanne, 49, and left him suicidal.
He said: ‘After the first injection, I got a fever and was in bed for four days. I’d been suffering insomnia which got worse, and I started having fits in bed, up to 15 a night.’
‘I didn’t really link it to the vaccine either UNTIL I HAD THE SECOND SHOT' [My emphasis]
What? Is this for real? I try hard to be sympathetic in cases like this, but they do make it very, very hard, I have to admit.
Villagers in rural India were in some cases forcibly injected with AZ. These 'simple' folk fled into rivers in order to avoid being injected with this stuff. Just what went wrong in our so called 'modern, advanced' western societies where so many people recklessly and unthinkingly delegated the responsibility for their own health and that of others to faceless public health bureaucrats and handed over bodily autonomy to the government?
How awful that Adam has to seek donations.
"Walking Timebomb" or "Accident Waiting To Happen" come to mind. An absence of symptoms is no evidence for infection or injury...Dr. McCullough's latest: "Adolescent Palpitations and Syncope after COVID-19 Vaccination" . Basically, if you've consented to the insanity of inoculation of children, they'd better get checked out before they start doing any more strenuous sport!
I've chatted with Adam multiple times since his case became known to me. He comes across as a decent, honest guy & there's no doubt whatsoever in my mind that his case is genuine. What's happened to him thanks to the AZ & the response by the NHS is absolutely unforgivably shameful.
There's seems little hope that cases like Adams are likely to ease up, especially as in many cases the damage has already been done but also because the authorities are 1) still pushing the boosters & 2) showing no signs of concern for the vaccine injured. We should be picketing every hospital that is dismissing the vaccine injured in the way those treating Adam have done. And as this seems pretty much universal, we should be picketing a lot of hospitals!
MDs Around the world have simply lost any remaining sympathy for the suffering jabs injured. Unfortunately I think it’s go as get worse before any possible improvement. We must keep on talking about it.