Well, it did but in Arizona! Not so much, a debate, but an unconflicted presentation of the facts to give Arizonians, Americans, and everyone in the world, the information part of "informed" consent.
I have a buddy who had “all of them” when I asked about the jabs. He “suddenly” came down with severe COPD and he s half dead now. I sent a Darkhorse podcast to his girlfriend explaining exactly how that happens. Crickets of course
US docs are admitting their patients have been injured by the covid vaxxes. A good friend recently had a heart attack. I asked her to ask her doctor if the covid vaxx could have contributed to the heart attack. Without hesitation her doctor answered “yes”.
Like Peter says, everyone now has at most two degrees of separation from the damage caused by the "vaccine", something I predicted would happen two years ago. Slowly but surely, the cognitive dissonance will also dissipate. No amount of gaslighting and propaganda will keep the truth from emerging. Alas, it will be too late for many but that's the consequences of the choices we make in life. Everyone had the same opportunities to avail themselves of the truth as we did.
Many, if not most, governments would like nothing better than for all of this to just go away and remain in the back burner for the next "pandemic".
But it is NOT going to go away, and justice will be served. As long as people continue to die from the COVID responses and vaxxs, the number and strength angry people will grow.
Meanwhile most Americans are, once again, distracted by another "war" and have forgotten the 200,000 plus people killed from Fentanyl, the thousands upon thousands killed from the "vaccines", the open border where over 8 million unknowns have flooded into the country, the millions worldwide whose lives have been decimated because of the "vaccines" and the lockdowns, the grocery bill *doubling* in the last few years, and the list goes on and on and on. But hey, Yay Palestine or Yay Israel right? Let's take sides in something scary so we can forget about all of the hell going on right here on our own shores.
Just found out last night that a previously healthy friend suddenly has end-stage kidney disease and will be starting dialysis soon. Big believer in modern medicine and fully protected (oh, the irony)
I did write to my mp, Simon Jupp, east Devon and asked him to attend MP Andrew Bridgen’s excess mortality post covid vaxxes presentation. Simon did write back to say he had to be at his surgery in East Devon, that day. I cannot imagine what is more important than the deaths of his constituents from a gov’t approved injectable “vaccine”. But I am old fashioned like that💕
M Dowrick – I am not a British person – in fact I live on the other side of the world - in the far-off antipodes. However, I have some familiarity with the way politics works in the Westminster system of parliamentary representation. British people who have come to understand the true nature of the Covid-Vax crime that has been perpetrated should not just throw up their hands in despair and accept the situation. They should not tolerate the attitude of parasitical political representatives, such as the 600 or so who failed to turn up for Andrew Brigden’s “debate” on the excess mortality caused by the experimental injectables.
Those MPs who deliberately went ‘missing in action’ need to be severely punished - and the way to punish an MP is to vote him or her out of office. I have witnessed first-hand the effect on MPs who have just lost their seat in an election. Believe me, they experience severe psychological pain and distress. Losing one’s seat in parliament is what every MP fears most. No other nightmare comes close for a politician. The Vax-Injured of Britain should not just get mad – they should get even!
The number of British people who now understand the true nature and scale of the Covid-Vax crime is very large. It is large enough to make a political impact big enough to eject from parliament very large numbers of those MPs (of both main parties) who did not bother to turn up for Andrew Brigden’s ‘debate’. This is a unique political opportunity in history, insofar that the guilty incumbent MPs were so stupid that they have self-identified themselves as being unworthy to hold office.
Out of curiosity I checked out the electoral data on Simon Jupp MP and his electorate of East Devon. This is what (the unreliable) Wikipedia says about it:
“The seat (and its precursors) has been held by the Conservative Party since 1835, meaning it has been held for 186 years. This is currently the longest held seat by one party anywhere in the country.”
However, when you examine the voting data that put Simon Jupp into the parliament in 2019, it is obvious that all you would need to do to punish him (by kicking him out of office) is to shift just 3,500 of his votes to the independent candidate!
I know from experience that most people are incredibly apathetic about politics and take no interest. Most electors do not understand how the mechanics of how politics works – they just let the corporate media do their thinking for them by believing the media bullshit that pushes them towards a foregone conclusion. In the end, politics in the Westminster system is just a number’s game. A well organised minority who get involved in the game are fully capable of shifting enough of the electorate’s collective opinion to remove an incumbent – such as the unworthy incumbents mentioned in this Substack who have expressed disinterest in the vax-killings. Examples - Simon Jupp MP, or Elliot Colburn MP - the clearly ‘disinterested’ member for Carshalton & Wallington - judging by his insulting reply to Andrew Bridgen’s spurned invitation to the parliamentary ‘debate’.
The vax-affected, with their wider families & friends, need to get off their backsides and start to mobilise politically. But action must be focussed and organised. For example, get behind that party that Andrew Bridgen has shifted to. Well organised collective action in the next U.K. election against the injury-disinterested political incumbents won’t necessarily change the government - but it will definitely remove enough of the parasites from office to send an almighty shock wave through the British political system. Those remaining will tremble in political fear.
I urge you and other like-minded people to become politically active. Make it your major project for the next two years. Join with the hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of others who now understand the true nature of the mass-killings that have taken place, to remove these ‘injury-disinterested’ political parasites from the British parliament. A massive political backlash of angry citizens is starting – join with it!
Hello from West Sussex. When you say surgery, did you mean he is also a doctor? :)
Probably poisoning somebody in any event I daresay.
I had an NHS survey form recently from Andrew Griffith, my MP. I wrote a letter to attach to point out the gross failing of the wretched GP's and NHS as a whole.
Your last comment is great. Perhaps you could write him another letter using it.
Thank you, and I did! The whole thing can make one so angry one would be useless for anything so I try and relieve the tension a little. I double checked the link. It says:
"One meaning of the word "surgery" in British English is "the time during which a doctor, dentist or vet is available to see patients". The use in politics reflects this meaning."
So I was partly right after all. Like most GP doctors they will listen to you for a short time and then 'prescribe' something useless. Maybe not poisonous though! As to how long one waits before the MP sees you I wouldn't know as I have never been.
Well, it's possible his surgery had been arranged weeks before the debate was scheduled for half an hour on a Friday. So I think that could be legitimate. Lots of constituents have desperate problems and with the centralised nature of 21st.C UK government local councils often can't solve them.
It was the government machine that chose to give Mr Bridgen 30 mins on a Friday, not 3 hours on a Tuesday (which the subject clearly deserves.) They knew that many MPs do surgeries on a Friday.
My MP denied that the whips had sent around an order not to attend. He later sent me some text clearly written by Whitehall, not him, justifying his decision not to be there. So I take it the whole Downing St. machine was in charge.
I don’t belong to either party, and consider all politicians to be blood-sucking (or soon to be blood-sucking) parasites. Having said that, no matter which party was in power when this went down, the misrepresentation and censure would have been the same. Government no longer allows disagreement with policy or independent choice. It’s just the way it is.
Keep up the good work! You never know what will help
I would absolutely love to forward this to my waste of space and good air MP! Unfortunately I think it would be a waste expensive electricity. He most definitely would just ignore it but probably then get 74th Brigade or MI6 to shut you down. Great article!👍
Wayne - giving in and doing nothing is the completely wrong approach. You must send your complaint - otherwise the parasite will win. If enough people email or write to their political representatives, then they will shit themselves. You must take action!
Joel, I know how badly you must feel...we feel it too...that no members showed up. I am so sorry....and it doesn't speak well for the ruling class. But word is getting out, and people can only lie to themselves for so long......and they will be the first to go when their masters have no more use for them.
Many thanks for your post. The attendance at parliament was pathetic, albeit about 3 times what happened when Andrew first raised the issue.
If you will excuse me but Elliot Colburn has shit for brains. I see he is also a homosexual.
His full name is Elliot Haydn George Colburn. One anagram of his name makes him a 'doolally incoherent bugger'. This would explain a lot.
Julie Marson follows close behind on the mental stakes. I see she was born in Barking. That figures, barking mad she is.
I don't think sitting through a full five hours would be productive for me. I have known what is going on since 2020 when I woke up to the gross deceit of all vaccines and big pharma in general.
But Joel, please, you shouldn't make people feel guilty about not sitting through the 5 hours. Guilty about not telling people that vaccines are nasty and should be avoided like the plague perhaps instead.
However certainly the MP's should be made to feel guilty. They should not be bombarded with lots of paperwork and evidence. They can be hammered on this single point.
As I have said before the simple thing is that vaccines are poisons and poisoning oneself has never been a good idea for health.
You made me laugh, thank you. I will qualify my statement - if you don't sit through the 5 hours (or even 3 hours I have condensed) then don't expect any sympathy from me if you or someone you love suffers the consequence and don't expect a moment of my time in discourse. Is that better?!
Thank you, it is. I did understand why you said it as you did. We are all very frustrated to put it mildly. It is the mental laziness of those who won't do even a simple check of the blindingly obvious. In the MP's case, are they compromised by shares in big pharma or what?
Anyway, thanks again and for what it is worth keep up the good work, the trickle is becoming a flood.
“The MPs should be made to feel guilty. They can be hammered on this single point.”
Absolutely correct! People should not just sit back and cop this. Elliot Colburn & the Marson woman need to be removed from the U.K. parliament, along with all the other parasites who didn’t turn up for Andrew Brigden’s debate. They need to be voted out. It can be done, but requires people to get politically active. A great post, Baldmichael - you gave me a good laugh.
"It remains the biggest regret of my life, as a father devoted to the safety and protection of his children that I was so feeble-minded myself when they were babies that I allowed this to happen to them" I absolutely share your regret and shame here, for I too was ignorant back then and consented without any due diligence. I will regret that neglect and failure to protect my children always.
VAERS reports evidenced an array of serious harms, including death, very early on. There has never been any mystery for those who pay attention and keep their brains in gear, at least part time.
"I do not find myself particularly enthusiastic about sitting through another litany of baseless, bizarre and inaccurate load of conspiracy theory nonsense about
vaccines and excess deaths."
I’m betting that Julie either got a placebo jab or she exempted herself from getting any jab at all. But I hope that karma catches up with her for her lack of empathy for people who have been harmed by the jab and were mandated to get it.
Thanks for posting this remarkable hearing. Where are the other 49 states doing this? What has come from Florida?
A remarkable conference where Dr Peter McCullough, lawyer Aaron Siri and others were allowed to speak freely, while the Arizona legislature listened. AZ is very hot in the summer and short of water. But a beautiful place to visit. A huge thanks as always, to our US freedom fighters💕💕
Thank you Joel. My friend is vaccine injured but has no idea. She spends the winter in AZ. I am contemplating sending this to her.
All you can do is share. Good luck!
I just now hit send.
My expectation is that I will get no response and she will ghost me. 😢
I have a buddy who had “all of them” when I asked about the jabs. He “suddenly” came down with severe COPD and he s half dead now. I sent a Darkhorse podcast to his girlfriend explaining exactly how that happens. Crickets of course
US docs are admitting their patients have been injured by the covid vaxxes. A good friend recently had a heart attack. I asked her to ask her doctor if the covid vaxx could have contributed to the heart attack. Without hesitation her doctor answered “yes”.
Like Peter says, everyone now has at most two degrees of separation from the damage caused by the "vaccine", something I predicted would happen two years ago. Slowly but surely, the cognitive dissonance will also dissipate. No amount of gaslighting and propaganda will keep the truth from emerging. Alas, it will be too late for many but that's the consequences of the choices we make in life. Everyone had the same opportunities to avail themselves of the truth as we did.
Joel - I got two shots and woke up two years ago. I was spared. This is why I fight so hard to get the truth out.
Many, if not most, governments would like nothing better than for all of this to just go away and remain in the back burner for the next "pandemic".
But it is NOT going to go away, and justice will be served. As long as people continue to die from the COVID responses and vaxxs, the number and strength angry people will grow.
We are a juggernaut.
Meanwhile most Americans are, once again, distracted by another "war" and have forgotten the 200,000 plus people killed from Fentanyl, the thousands upon thousands killed from the "vaccines", the open border where over 8 million unknowns have flooded into the country, the millions worldwide whose lives have been decimated because of the "vaccines" and the lockdowns, the grocery bill *doubling* in the last few years, and the list goes on and on and on. But hey, Yay Palestine or Yay Israel right? Let's take sides in something scary so we can forget about all of the hell going on right here on our own shores.
None of it needs to be forgotten. Every single thing they have done needs to be remembered.
COVID-19- the biggest hoax and psychological operation in world history.
Here's a great song by Supertramp from 1974, the title song to their album "Crime of the Century", that describes the COVID-19 Operation:
Now they're planning the crime of the century
Well, what will it be?
Read all about their schemes and adventuring
Yes, it's well worth a fee
So roll up and see
How they rape the universe
How they've gone from bad to worse
Who are these men of lust, greed and glory?
Rip off the masks and let's see
Well said Allen. I made reference to the song myself which was part of my teenage years.
I hope people will double check the last lines of the song which you don't quote. I quoted in full on my link.
I keep saying it was as much our fault as anybody else's.
Just found out last night that a previously healthy friend suddenly has end-stage kidney disease and will be starting dialysis soon. Big believer in modern medicine and fully protected (oh, the irony)
I did write to my mp, Simon Jupp, east Devon and asked him to attend MP Andrew Bridgen’s excess mortality post covid vaxxes presentation. Simon did write back to say he had to be at his surgery in East Devon, that day. I cannot imagine what is more important than the deaths of his constituents from a gov’t approved injectable “vaccine”. But I am old fashioned like that💕
M Dowrick – I am not a British person – in fact I live on the other side of the world - in the far-off antipodes. However, I have some familiarity with the way politics works in the Westminster system of parliamentary representation. British people who have come to understand the true nature of the Covid-Vax crime that has been perpetrated should not just throw up their hands in despair and accept the situation. They should not tolerate the attitude of parasitical political representatives, such as the 600 or so who failed to turn up for Andrew Brigden’s “debate” on the excess mortality caused by the experimental injectables.
Those MPs who deliberately went ‘missing in action’ need to be severely punished - and the way to punish an MP is to vote him or her out of office. I have witnessed first-hand the effect on MPs who have just lost their seat in an election. Believe me, they experience severe psychological pain and distress. Losing one’s seat in parliament is what every MP fears most. No other nightmare comes close for a politician. The Vax-Injured of Britain should not just get mad – they should get even!
The number of British people who now understand the true nature and scale of the Covid-Vax crime is very large. It is large enough to make a political impact big enough to eject from parliament very large numbers of those MPs (of both main parties) who did not bother to turn up for Andrew Brigden’s ‘debate’. This is a unique political opportunity in history, insofar that the guilty incumbent MPs were so stupid that they have self-identified themselves as being unworthy to hold office.
Out of curiosity I checked out the electoral data on Simon Jupp MP and his electorate of East Devon. This is what (the unreliable) Wikipedia says about it:
“The seat (and its precursors) has been held by the Conservative Party since 1835, meaning it has been held for 186 years. This is currently the longest held seat by one party anywhere in the country.”
However, when you examine the voting data that put Simon Jupp into the parliament in 2019, it is obvious that all you would need to do to punish him (by kicking him out of office) is to shift just 3,500 of his votes to the independent candidate!
I know from experience that most people are incredibly apathetic about politics and take no interest. Most electors do not understand how the mechanics of how politics works – they just let the corporate media do their thinking for them by believing the media bullshit that pushes them towards a foregone conclusion. In the end, politics in the Westminster system is just a number’s game. A well organised minority who get involved in the game are fully capable of shifting enough of the electorate’s collective opinion to remove an incumbent – such as the unworthy incumbents mentioned in this Substack who have expressed disinterest in the vax-killings. Examples - Simon Jupp MP, or Elliot Colburn MP - the clearly ‘disinterested’ member for Carshalton & Wallington - judging by his insulting reply to Andrew Bridgen’s spurned invitation to the parliamentary ‘debate’.
The vax-affected, with their wider families & friends, need to get off their backsides and start to mobilise politically. But action must be focussed and organised. For example, get behind that party that Andrew Bridgen has shifted to. Well organised collective action in the next U.K. election against the injury-disinterested political incumbents won’t necessarily change the government - but it will definitely remove enough of the parasites from office to send an almighty shock wave through the British political system. Those remaining will tremble in political fear.
I urge you and other like-minded people to become politically active. Make it your major project for the next two years. Join with the hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of others who now understand the true nature of the mass-killings that have taken place, to remove these ‘injury-disinterested’ political parasites from the British parliament. A massive political backlash of angry citizens is starting – join with it!
Hello from West Sussex. When you say surgery, did you mean he is also a doctor? :)
Probably poisoning somebody in any event I daresay.
I had an NHS survey form recently from Andrew Griffith, my MP. I wrote a letter to attach to point out the gross failing of the wretched GP's and NHS as a whole.
Your last comment is great. Perhaps you could write him another letter using it.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surgery_(politics) But I think you already knew that?! :)
Thank you, and I did! The whole thing can make one so angry one would be useless for anything so I try and relieve the tension a little. I double checked the link. It says:
"One meaning of the word "surgery" in British English is "the time during which a doctor, dentist or vet is available to see patients". The use in politics reflects this meaning."
So I was partly right after all. Like most GP doctors they will listen to you for a short time and then 'prescribe' something useless. Maybe not poisonous though! As to how long one waits before the MP sees you I wouldn't know as I have never been.
The word surgery is used by MPs. It is just their office space in their constituency.
I know, it was a little joke. Unlike the big joke that is trying to get something sensible from a GP who wears a mask in his/her office.
Well, it's possible his surgery had been arranged weeks before the debate was scheduled for half an hour on a Friday. So I think that could be legitimate. Lots of constituents have desperate problems and with the centralised nature of 21st.C UK government local councils often can't solve them.
It was the government machine that chose to give Mr Bridgen 30 mins on a Friday, not 3 hours on a Tuesday (which the subject clearly deserves.) They knew that many MPs do surgeries on a Friday.
My MP denied that the whips had sent around an order not to attend. He later sent me some text clearly written by Whitehall, not him, justifying his decision not to be there. So I take it the whole Downing St. machine was in charge.
But Labour was even worse. No Lab MPs turned up.
I don’t belong to either party, and consider all politicians to be blood-sucking (or soon to be blood-sucking) parasites. Having said that, no matter which party was in power when this went down, the misrepresentation and censure would have been the same. Government no longer allows disagreement with policy or independent choice. It’s just the way it is.
Keep up the good work! You never know what will help
I would absolutely love to forward this to my waste of space and good air MP! Unfortunately I think it would be a waste expensive electricity. He most definitely would just ignore it but probably then get 74th Brigade or MI6 to shut you down. Great article!👍
They've already tried! And failed.
Wayne - giving in and doing nothing is the completely wrong approach. You must send your complaint - otherwise the parasite will win. If enough people email or write to their political representatives, then they will shit themselves. You must take action!
* 77th Brigade (not '74th').
Sweet! I heard this was happening but I didn't know how it went. Thanks for the videos!!
Joel, I know how badly you must feel...we feel it too...that no members showed up. I am so sorry....and it doesn't speak well for the ruling class. But word is getting out, and people can only lie to themselves for so long......and they will be the first to go when their masters have no more use for them.
Many thanks for your post. The attendance at parliament was pathetic, albeit about 3 times what happened when Andrew first raised the issue.
If you will excuse me but Elliot Colburn has shit for brains. I see he is also a homosexual.
His full name is Elliot Haydn George Colburn. One anagram of his name makes him a 'doolally incoherent bugger'. This would explain a lot.
Julie Marson follows close behind on the mental stakes. I see she was born in Barking. That figures, barking mad she is.
I don't think sitting through a full five hours would be productive for me. I have known what is going on since 2020 when I woke up to the gross deceit of all vaccines and big pharma in general.
But Joel, please, you shouldn't make people feel guilty about not sitting through the 5 hours. Guilty about not telling people that vaccines are nasty and should be avoided like the plague perhaps instead.
However certainly the MP's should be made to feel guilty. They should not be bombarded with lots of paperwork and evidence. They can be hammered on this single point.
As I have said before the simple thing is that vaccines are poisons and poisoning oneself has never been a good idea for health.
You made me laugh, thank you. I will qualify my statement - if you don't sit through the 5 hours (or even 3 hours I have condensed) then don't expect any sympathy from me if you or someone you love suffers the consequence and don't expect a moment of my time in discourse. Is that better?!
Thank you, it is. I did understand why you said it as you did. We are all very frustrated to put it mildly. It is the mental laziness of those who won't do even a simple check of the blindingly obvious. In the MP's case, are they compromised by shares in big pharma or what?
Anyway, thanks again and for what it is worth keep up the good work, the trickle is becoming a flood.
Quoting Baldmichael:
“The MPs should be made to feel guilty. They can be hammered on this single point.”
Absolutely correct! People should not just sit back and cop this. Elliot Colburn & the Marson woman need to be removed from the U.K. parliament, along with all the other parasites who didn’t turn up for Andrew Brigden’s debate. They need to be voted out. It can be done, but requires people to get politically active. A great post, Baldmichael - you gave me a good laugh.
Thank you!
"It remains the biggest regret of my life, as a father devoted to the safety and protection of his children that I was so feeble-minded myself when they were babies that I allowed this to happen to them" I absolutely share your regret and shame here, for I too was ignorant back then and consented without any due diligence. I will regret that neglect and failure to protect my children always.
VAERS reports evidenced an array of serious harms, including death, very early on. There has never been any mystery for those who pay attention and keep their brains in gear, at least part time.
Julie Marson:
"I do not find myself particularly enthusiastic about sitting through another litany of baseless, bizarre and inaccurate load of conspiracy theory nonsense about
vaccines and excess deaths."
I’m betting that Julie either got a placebo jab or she exempted herself from getting any jab at all. But I hope that karma catches up with her for her lack of empathy for people who have been harmed by the jab and were mandated to get it.
Thanks for posting this remarkable hearing. Where are the other 49 states doing this? What has come from Florida?
I watched the whole 5 hours
Thank you for posting this!
A remarkable conference where Dr Peter McCullough, lawyer Aaron Siri and others were allowed to speak freely, while the Arizona legislature listened. AZ is very hot in the summer and short of water. But a beautiful place to visit. A huge thanks as always, to our US freedom fighters💕💕