The climate change narrative is clearly just another attempt by authoritarian ideologues to gain political control through baseless fear. We know global climate changes. Earth has been in a warming trend for thousands of years absent burning of fossil fuels, one of a great many such cycles in Earth's history. Since humans started burning fossil fuels atmospheric CO2 has only increased by about 140 ppm, or 1.4 parts in 10,000; a trace amount. Furthermore Earth's climate can change very rapidly absent human activity. At the location of Seattle's Space Needle a sheet of ice 5 times the landmark's height blanketed the site just 17,000 years ago, an eyeblink in Earth's history. The climate subsequently changed so dramatically and rapidly that the location was free of permanent ice a mere 800 years later (research the Vashon Stade). Marginal melting of contemporary glaciers due to natural climate change over the last 100 years comes as no surprise.

We must not let a self serving budding global tyranny commit this fraud. Education, and our intellects, must be employed to counter manipulative deceptions such as the climate narrative.

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You failed to consider that a 'democratic vote on the gene jabs' would have been a tyranny as well.

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Interesting, I only woke up the the climate scam because of covid. My background is in biology so it was pretty obvious, but I noticed exactly the same tactics between the two.

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It was incredibly disappointing tom see the vast majority of biologists that I know go along with the scam unquestioningly.

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Climate change will rectify it self when all chickens are registered with the proper authorities. WHO was that again???

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And all the cows are wearing masks and nappies.

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It's the chicken littles screaming 'climate crisis' who need to be registered with the proper authorities - certified insane would be a start.

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100% couldn't have put it better 👏

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Unfortunately, the climate crisis cult is probably too entrenched now for things to change much by public pressure. Most governments and corporations have been completely captured by the eco-scam perpetrated by the elites intent on world domination. The climate narrative is just part of their plan for global control and wealth transfers. Civil unrest will follow when citizens realise what is happening (CBDCs, 15 minute cities, food shortages etc) Interesting and worrying times, for young people in particular.

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I dearly hope the strident tones of your epistles make an impression.

The jury should most definitely still be out on 'climate change'. It's not my specialist subject but even I can see that such factors as solar irradiance and vulcanism haven't been considered properly or at all. The work of Zharkova and her colleagues on solar activity strongly suggests planetary cooling over the next few decades. Time will tell. Hold on to your fur hats, folks!

I fully expect that if the planetary temperature does indeed drop then it will be put down to the tireless efforts of our brave, prescient political leaders.

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I would describe my tone as “angry” rather than “strident”. I’ve been writing to these politicians on climate change for decades but they have always fobbed me off (as with other campaigners). And to quibble on your comment, the jury should most definitely NOT still be out on climate change, it should have been recognised as a massive scam years ago.

The one good thing to come out of the Covid plandemic is that the globalists have shown their evil true colours, which we can now see also applies to their Net Zero tyranny.

I don’t have great hopes on this post doing much as most of the members of this committee probably fall into the “useful idiot” category. I just wish that influential campaigners like Lord Lawson’s GWPF thinktank would get angry and take the gloves off!

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The real climate experts know it's BS, prove it's BS in many, many studies, and are shouted down by mentally challenged little kids.

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You must sue the crap out of them and make them prove it in a courtroom.

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I agree that covid exposed a lot of behaviour that I'd naively thought had been exposed and stigmatised following the Nazi and Stalinist experiences. It also woke up a lot of people to the failings of our current system and its easy capture by vested interests. I agree that the same has happened with Net Zero.

I looked up "lawson GWPF" on duckduckgo and a subsidiary page from the website appeared at number 7 in the results. This was below a number of results (from the Grauniad) like ""Climate sceptic thinktank received funding from fossil fuel interests ...".

I was going to say they need better SEO. Then I tried the search phrase "Global Warming Policy Foundation" and no pages from that website appeared on page 1.

You may be right that GWPF needs to be more aggressive (especially with its SEO!). I now think that Nature will do the job herself by cooling the climate anyway.

If that happens will it discredit the Net Zero nazis as it should? Well, I think they'll find some way to bodyswerve the brickbats - perhaps conjuring up some new 'existential threat'. They're very politically savvy. Their careers depend on it. This is a game they can't afford to lose.

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I hadn’t come across the acronym SEO before (Search Engine Optimisation) but I know what you mean. I did a post on this a while back hosted by Joel: https://metatron.substack.com/p/how-the-general-public-was-kept-in?r=i378u&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

It’s frightening how Big Tech and Big Media hide online information they don’t want you to know.

The GWPF does a good job of exposing the technical infeasibilities of Net Zero. They set up a new campaigning body called Net Zero Watch which puts out a weekly synthesis of news stories. Several of the links in my post come from GWPF/Net Zero Watch.

My “beef” with them is that for many years they adopted the stance of being “lukewarmers”, i.e. conceding that atmospheric CO2 does affect the climate but only by a small amount. I don’t think they have fully shaken that off. Either that or they are scared of being labelled as climate change deniers and nutters.

I think the time is long past to give any credence to the establishment’s climate change narrative. It’s the establishment that needs to be painted as the nutters.

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Sorry, I should have defined SEO. Gaming the search engines has grown from nothing to a multi-billion dollar industry over the past couple of decades.

As a physicist (lapsed) I'm sure that CO2 concentration does affect the climate. The big question is: is it enough to bother about? The answer at the moment is certainly not enough to warrant the level of hysteria we've witnessed (or any hysteria).

Climate science is monstrously complex and poorly understood, rather like the human immune system. We are being supremely arrogant if we think we understand any of this well enough to base life-changing decisions on it.

My approach to all of this is to call for the removal of the malignant influence of politics - which never solves anything - from discussions in most areas, especially technical ones. Yeah, hopeless I know, but someone's gotta say it!

The problem, as you clearly understand, is that people generally 'prefer comfortable lies to jagged truths'. Political argument is all about the former and so starts out with a huge advantage.

There is hope: the uptake of the jab diminished in time as more and more people realised that, despite the propaganda, it was a crock as a vaccine - and had nasty side effects too. People eventually do get the message but unfortunately too late for many. I'm sure your letters have had a positive influence.

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Brilliant job again Douglas !

You might find this useful ?

''Scotland’s carbon dioxide emissions represent around 0.1% of global emissions.''


As linked in the letter please all share this video far and wide - follow them on twitter


Also would they be doing this if concerned about rising sea levels and co2 ?


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I think the intention is to destroy western nations to create a more equitable world which is also much easier to control. Media repeatedly now calling on western nations to pay poor nations for causing the climate crisis. Blaming citizens for their lifestyles when it is the elites and large corporations who have made trillions off of cheap energy.

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Citizens are being blamed for their lifestyles affecting the environment as a result of the media advertising campaigns to consume products with built-in obsolescence, etc.

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Those products that create so much extra waste have been such an irritant for me for a long time. But these companies get away with all that waste, while making enormous profits while expecting the rest of us to accept all the collateral damage too. Its such an insult to now be lectured about climate change and how we need to pay more and cut back by all those CEO's and elites who live lives of utter privilege made possible by fossil fuels. We need to resist this broken narrative by people who are morally bankrupt. They are playing on our decency which they lack.

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No need to worry about fuel shortages with climate catastrophism. We'll have plenty of fuel burning down the Parliament, Capital building, homes of MP's and legislators. Also their Euros and Dollar bills. Should be a nice bonfire of the vanities.

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Oh if only....

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If your home isn't 'green' enough, suitably insulated and all other things to save energy, they are proposing after inspection that you retrofit to bring up to standard. If you don't or can't due to costs, they will down grade it, make it impossible to get mortgage on too. I'm probably correct that huge noncompliance fines could be imposed giving you no option but to walk away with nothing.

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burn it to the ground.

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'Fraid the global warming fraud was abundantly self evident from the mid 1990's as an ideological Trojan horse. In 1999 when Mann et al. published their falsified polemic, the hockey schtick the IPCC really took off, seguing from falsified global warming to unfalsifiable climate change™, an imperative move given the inconvenient 17 year "pause" among many other things. Since then, the criminals in various official bureaucratic met entities around the world have been fiddling the data shamelesly to fit the narrative. Climate Change™ is defined and predicated upon the consequences of ANY direct/indirect anthropogenic influence on atmospheric composition and/or land usage. The definition furnishes infinite justification to meddle infinitely with the lives of people (if we allow it). Reductio ad absurdum ~ Zeroing climate change™ ~ would require the expunging of humanity altogether, clearly the mutual goal of a clutch of deranged Gaia zealots and Malthusian maniacs.

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At least we know which humans need to go first. You can tell many by their age, weight, and their private jets and yachts.

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USA are trying local state legislation disruption tactics. I think we in UK need to do similar. Do these fools, useful idiots etc not realise that once tjey have served their purpose they are dispensable? "Laudable green city bollox". They are committing suicide.

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US has separate states and laws. We don't have different laws. We have a regional Mayor, she's that actress from Coronation Street. I think the regionalisation is part of Agenda 2030. Most people I try to engage conversation with just look at me with bemusement or humour me; majority 3/4 x jabbed. Vernon Coleman reckons each jab reduces IQ by 20 points and I reckon he's right!

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With regard to rationing, our good friend John Dee showed that 2020 lockdowns had absolutely no impact on atmospheric CO2 measured at the Mauna Loe observatory in Hawaii.


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Well spotted! I picked up that John Dee post myself via PSI and linked to it under “is not controlled” in bullet point 7 of my post.

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And others have very inconveniently pointed out the NASA satellite images of the greening of areas around the Equator that were not so just a few decades ago, as well as the wholly beneficial effect of CO2 on plant growth - strangely these "truths" are not reflected in MSM to any degree. Doubtless as the deniers of the vital importance of increasing CO2 ( as opposed to the impending disaster of lowering levels thereof ) munch into their salad imported from EU greenhouses which induct CO2 to improve yields, these useful idiots might not realise the irony and never acknowledge it if they have the wit to see it.

Mr B, I 100% support you as an "angry" man; I have my own personal reasons to be boiling mad with the actions of scum politicians, big pharma and elements of the medical so called profession - keep going, you are doing a power of good to a lot of people; I do likewise with my MP and the serial lack of cogent rebuttal of the data/studies which have destroyed said MP's egregious support does not detract from the fact that they have had this information and if they do not act ......the reckoning is coming.

May I suggest you apply your forensic engineering brain to how to attack the entities that control MSM - those who commission/control advertising revenues and exposing the bribes from Gates and his ilk which pull the MSM proprietors' strings......?

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The Everything Crisis



Even the most cursory glance at economic and financial history will reveal a litany of bubbles and booms, crashes and crises. We’ve seen numerous instances of speculative manias, real estate bubbles, market collapses and banking crises. Even the dot-com bubble of 1995-2000 wasn’t really ‘a first’, since there’s at least one previous instance – the Railway Mania of the 1840s – of the public being blinded to reality by the glittering allure of the latest vogue in technology.

You’d be wrong, though, if you concluded that “there’s nothing new under the Sun” about what we’re experiencing now. The coming crunch – for which the best shorthand term might be ‘the everything crisis’ – sets new precedents in at least two ways.

First, it’s unusual for all of the various forms of financial crises to happen at the same time. Even the global financial crisis (GFC) of 2008-09 wasn’t an ‘everything crisis’. Now, though, it’s quite possible that we’re experiencing the start of a combined stock, property, banking, financial, economic and technological crisis, with ‘everything happening at once’.

Second, all previous crises have occurred at times when secular (non-cyclical) economic growth remained feasible. This enabled us to ‘grow out of’ these crises, much as youngsters ‘grow out of’ childhood ailments.

No such possibility now exists.


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Our world is now being led by the obtuse. Mrs. Gump had it right: "Stupid is as Stupid does."


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Loved your very well researched letter. I wish it would help.

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This is a good summation of so much that is wrong these days. It needs to be sent to every MP in this country (UK). With UK local elections coming up in May, it's impossible to know how to vote when it comes to Net Zero policies - it seems to me that they're all in it together when it comes to anything to do with all of this. I despair sometimes...

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“They’re all in it together”. That’s exactly the point I’ve been making for the past couple of years, be it Covid, climate change, Ukraine, food shortages, Agenda 2030 ... They are all fake crises, tools of oppression which our puppet politicians inflict on us on behalf of their globalist overlords.

The only UK politician who gets it is David Kurten, leader of the Heritage Party: https://twitter.com/davidkurten/status/1545123500935024641?t=I5nuh1srhd3MFDIMNYpXxA&s=09

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