Three False Narratives from Corrupt Governments and Unelected Agencies Around the World
Dr Peter McCullough testifies again.
The first false narrative was the virus is unassailable, we have to stay in lockdown and be fearful. The second false narrative is take a vaccine, it’s safe and effective. We are now seeing a third false narrative. The third false narrative is: it’s not the vaccine causing these problems, it’s covid.
Don’t fall for the false narrative. The medical literature at this point in time is compelling. The Bradford-Hill criteria for causality have been fulfilled. The vaccines are causing this enormous wave of illness.
Video source: Rumble
At this point the only safe assumption is everything Western government's and UN affiliated entities say is an attempt at deception. Note, not misinformation but disinformation, meaning active attempts to manipulate through deceit; all in a self serving effort to expand their power. The controlling individuals clearly aren't mentally well. Their megalomaniacal authoritarian illness is the same root of evil which has afflicted human societies through history.
I've mentioned many times over the last two years since the "safe and effective" *experimental* soup started being shoved into willing arms. I do not personally know anyone who died or had permanent damage from the illness they called "covid", but I personally know 7 people who have never been the same after eagerly taking their bio weapon shots. That tells me all I need to know.