Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

At this point the only safe assumption is everything Western government's and UN affiliated entities say is an attempt at deception. Note, not misinformation but disinformation, meaning active attempts to manipulate through deceit; all in a self serving effort to expand their power. The controlling individuals clearly aren't mentally well. Their megalomaniacal authoritarian illness is the same root of evil which has afflicted human societies through history.

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I've mentioned many times over the last two years since the "safe and effective" *experimental* soup started being shoved into willing arms. I do not personally know anyone who died or had permanent damage from the illness they called "covid", but I personally know 7 people who have never been the same after eagerly taking their bio weapon shots. That tells me all I need to know.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

When the world's most published cardiologist is censored and attacked, you know for certain he is right over the target and has been for a considerable time.

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

I like to post periodically an anecdote that shows how effective the jab is. I was at a club event in June of 22 and got talking to a fellow member. He moaned that he had gotten 3 covid vaccines and had had covid 3 times since. I said "I am unvaccinated and have never had covid. The vaccine damages the immune system". He stood there looking shocked. He had been lied to by the MSM.

I think the vitamins and supplements helped me.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Dr. Peter McCullough, an amazing human being.

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Leftist colleague (former CEO of a start up I once worked for) called me this Tuesday, just to catch up and say hello. When I met him 12 years ago, he was pretty robust, healthy, some might say brash. He is a shell of himself now, as his quad-jabbed voice wavered, and he explained the illnesses he and his wife experienced, forcing him not to go to his fave spot on a lake in Northern Italy this year.

For a Leftist, I will admit he bucks the trend. Guy was somewhat tolerant of alternate views, very in to meritocracy, and a hard worker. One of the better ones, but as the 2nd generation of Italian immigrants indoctrinated by New York's Democrat machine around the turn of the 20th century, this guy is going to die Leftist.

He knows I am a paragon of health, and asked me about the "new booster." Mind you, I spent a solid year discouraging him in the early stages of this BS, but he was pretty proud of all his Fauci Ouchies.

My response? "I have looked at all the data, and I can only conclude I made a mistake NOT getting jabbed. This thing is safe and effective." He laughed. "Do you mean that?" Just before saying goodbye, I told him, "does it matter? You are going to take it, it is who you are."

I'm encouraging the few Leftists who still speak to me, to get as many jabs as they can! Even if I like them, the truth is, I hate them.

Hail Victory.

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Joel, you might be interested to know that in Canada the federal government has extended the main stream media bailout subsidies to 2025 (the year of the next federal election). Here in Canada we can look forward to the propaganda from the Liberal pro jab government right up to the next election courtesy of the near bankrupt Canadian MSM. Here is the article published this past week.

Hint Temporary Bailout Stays (from Blacklocks Reporter September 13, 2023) Cabinet yesterday signaled it will extend a soon-to-expire $595 million temporary bailout for newspapers. Press lobbyist Bob Cox, who won subsidies on a promise “you can't give them forever,” was appointed to a bailout review panel that will now run into 2025: "I don’t like the idea of a long-term subsidy for newspapers that becomes permanent."

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Joel, autopsies done by good pathologists on people who died from vaccine injuries show the differences between covid full spectrum Covid virus vs only the spike protein generated by the covxx. I believe this is one reason why autopsies are not happening because they do reveal the differences. From the interview with Dr Cole on the HighWire, he believes pathologists are not using the correct chemicals that will reveal spike protein damage in subjects. And he said that pathologists are not being notified that new reagents must be purchased that can identify the spike damage. We have witnessed a complete protected agenda going on from the dissemination of the vxx, to its distribution, forced mandates, covering over the injuries and then covering over the deaths. As far as I am concerned, the level of deception is go great that it will be an act of God required to break through this web of evil we are witnessing.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

The most stunning, eloquent resume I have ever seen from Peter talking about the Covid scandal. Dr Peter McCullough was one of the very first to stand up and call out the mRNA injection risk and has done thousands of interviews on all forms of Media over the last 3 years. This has got to be the end game. Share or be complicit. Attack all forms of media with this.

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The power of narratives. Creates realities. We need to stop buying into narratives.



We need to start creating our own narratives


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There are those among us who would have us believe that McCullough is controlled opposition or that he is simply wrong about the virus and wrong about its toxic spike protein. I believe that he has been right from the very start and that he is right now. Looking at his address to the EU parliament, a native American would say that 'there is iron in his words'. The mass of real world data and evidence suggests he is right about the virus and right about the toxicity of the vaccines. The iron suggests that he is definitely NOT controlled opposition.

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That presentation is a must watch for EVERY one. Thanks for sharing this.

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

Governments aren't "captured". This is a narrative aka lie pushed by sheeple, plenty of those here on substack too. Government exists to remove liberty and steal money under threat of violence. Always have.

Basic demonstrable facts. Folks buying the delusion that governments are benevolent or "work for us" need to wake up from that Matrix programming.

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David Martin’s speech also on X


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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

What a fantastic presentation! Excellent takeaway - no longer fund WHO. I'd also close our wallets to the UN and NATO too.

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