The Institute for Government (whoever the hell they are) have conveniently summarised the UK Government’s most impressive COVID interventions on a nice infographic for us:
Given that these measures were ultimately supposed to reduce the number of UK citizens dying from the deadly virus, I was hoping to see their follow-up, showing what a splendid job they had done in terms of actual mortality reduction.
Alas, I could not find one, so had to do my own.
Here’s how Government policy affected native men and women of England & Wales, born in 1950 (70 years old at the start of the alleged pandemic).
23rd March 2020
PM announces the first lockdown in the UK, ordering people to “stay at home”. Of course, this was not simply a withdrawal of basic freedoms for ordinary people but the start of a cascade of other severe disruptions to social and medical care, signalling the precipitous, sudden rise of deaths in both men and women.10th May 2020
PM announces a conditional plan for lifting lockdown, and says that people who cannot work from home should return to the workplace but avoid public transport. As life starts to return to normal, deaths of both men and women immediately start to fall. Go figure!14th Oct 2020
A new three-tier system of Covid-19 restrictions starts in England. Immediately, deaths of men sky rockets just like in the spring.5th Nov 2020
Second national lockdown comes into force in England to prevent a “medical and moral disaster” for the NHS. Immediately, deaths of women sky rockets just like in the spring.6th Jan 2021
England enters third national lockdown [after various nonsensical regional variations and curfews]. Deaths of both men and women continue to rise at the same precipitous rate, without any interruption, for the entire duration of the interventions.22nd Feb 2021
PM expected to publish roadmap for lifting the lockdown [which starts first week of March]. Within days, deaths of both men and women begin to fall again.Sept 2021
According to NHS data, as of September 2021, over 90% of care home residents and over 80% of care home staff had received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Additionally, as of November 2021, over 70% of NHS Trust health care workers had received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Deaths rise for both men and women at least as quickly as normal seasonal patterns in spite of expectations for pull-forward effect due to so much excess death in the prior 18 months.Apr 2022
The spring booster campaign began on 21 March 2022 in England and ran until the early summer. Instead of deaths falling as they typically do in a seasonal pattern, they remain consistently high for men and only drop marginally for the women, in spite of so much prior excess that must surely be producing a pull-forward effect by now?Sept 2022
NHS England confirms deployment of a single type of vaccine, the bivalent Omicron BA.1/Original ‘wild-type’ vaccines. Deaths of women shoot up more rapidly than at any other time during the “pandemic years”, for a full, relentless six months. In spite of expectations of very long overdue pull-forward effect, deaths of men rise at the same pace and magnitude as the original spike in spring 2020.
So many Government agencies, so many interventions, so many coincidences. And every one of them coinciding with spikes in mortality when introduced and drops in mortality when lifted.
Imagine how
badit would have been without them?!It’s enough to turn you into a conspiracy theorist…
Thank you Joel.
Daily press conferences - started on Monday16th March - and straight away "shielding" of the vulnerable awas introduced.
"That means that if possible you should not go out even to buy food or essentials, other than for exercise, and in that case at a safe distance from others. If necessary, you should ask for help from others for your daily necessities. And if that is not possible, then you should do what you can to limit your social contact when you leave the house to get supplies. And even if you don’t have symptoms and if no one in your household has symptoms, there is more that we need you to do now. So, second, now is the time for everyone to stop non-essential contact with others and to stop all unnecessary travel....It goes without saying, we should all only use the NHS when we really need to. And please go online rather than ringing NHS 111. Now, this advice about avoiding all unnecessary social contact, is particularly important for people over 70, for pregnant women and for those with some health conditions...So third, in a few days’ time – by this coming weekend – it will be necessary to go further and to ensure that those with the most serious health conditions are largely shielded from social contact for around 12 weeks."
The prime minister actually announced school closures from Friday 20th on 18th March
Closure of businesses was announced on the Friday - 20th March.
Full lockdown - 1 hour outside only - 23rd March.
On 18th he said "So stay at home for seven days if you think you have the symptoms. Remember the two key symptoms are high temperature, a continuous new cough. Whole household to stay at home for 14 days if one member in that household thinks he/she has the symptoms... We are asking retired healthcare professionals to come back and help us cope, help the NHS to cope, with this unprecedented challenge."
At the time 10%+ had a cough or fever according to flu survey:
26th March was my 50th birthday, I always wanted a global pandemic, not a great big friggin' fraud. Masks brought in at the third wave? That should have told us all how useless they are... We tortured children with those on flights and in school all day!