OMG, There’s been no truly valid safety studies of vaccines from the beginning. Instead, what was used as placebos were formulations similar to the vaccines being ‘studied’. I’m now converted into a complete antivaxxer.

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Join the club. My single biggest regret is not knowing this before I had my three children.

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If I know what I know now, I would have never vaccinated my children, thank the good lord they weren’t harmed.

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RCT’s are the gold standard. Everything else is garbage. Okee doke, show me the RCT’s. Homina homina homina…….

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Big pharma's entire vaccine empire is a scam. Number if lives saved? ZERO. They can never prove any vaccine saved one life. Why? As we are seeing with wonderful books like the "Turtles" book, they have never done long term trials that would answer the question of whether vaccinations are life savers verses not having any vaccinations.

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Exactly. They know precisely what the data would show. Which is why it is never done.

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Just adding my thanks as well. I wonder if/when this will be published in other languages. I have many Spanish-speaking friends who would appreciate it.

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Again thank you so much. I have wanted this in audio format since it came out... bought the book, but too many little kids to get to read it!

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I listen back to it walking round the supermarket!

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Hey Joel I did something (which I consider) pretty cool with the death certificates.


Added two new variables:

1) Proportions

2) Excess proportions

T509 (poisonings other meds) and monthly vaccinations run parallel.

Gonna see which timeseries correlates strongest with the monthly vaccinations time series and see if we can find some more.

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Are you collaborating with John Dee? He is after the missing T50 codes from the ONS. Would be interesting to compare your notes?

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We chit-chat, but these are based on US data, as is everything I am momentarily working on.

I will definitely talk to him about this though, thank you for pointing it out.

By the way, I am planning to set up a forum for us all to communicate more efficiently about these things over at https://forum.pervaers.com, but I haven't had time to set everything up yet. What do you think of the idea?

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Ditto…wish I hadn’t imposed vaccines on my daughter

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I remember finding this out 7 or 8 years ago. It was so shocking, and I still get morally outraged. These are our children!

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There is a random trial of the DTP vaccine in Guinea Bisseau. The results are damming, double the amount of deaths I the vaccinated female girls. Have a look at the lecture.

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Thank for doing this audio! I have friends that won’t read . So even thought they are ready for this info they just would not read a book. Now I can share this and get people knowing the book!

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I would have bought this for my Dad right away if it had been translated to German. :/

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