Oct 25, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Greatest crime in world history

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Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Someone said a while back that we are witnessing the most painful, tragic "I told you so" ever. I agree it feels like a crime against humanity. The Government is a puppet show. To expect that they will sanction this kind of Inquiry is giving them more credit than I believe they, who claim to represent the people, deserve. This needs to come from the 20% of the UK population who are able to see. Who have been questioning. Who are truly stepping out of the mind control (govern-ment) and can see the bigger picture. These petitions are the way of old paradigm thinking. Born of the same paradigm blindness we are witnessing now. To paraphrase what Einstein said, we need to look at things from a different consciousness than the one that created the problem.

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Then get a rope.

That's a different consciousness, no?

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There would be many. Nuremberg 2.

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Oct 25, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Even if 1 million people had signed, an inquiry still wouldn’t happen. They know already and this would have horrendous consequences.

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Story on my local news station--“Why having covid vaccine side effects might actually be beneficial.”

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Gaslighting 104.8

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Oct 25, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

That's a Fauci classic, "because it is evidence that your immune system is doing its job and getting stronger!"

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"You know the vaccine is working when you die. After that you don't get COVID." Hm.

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That is True...

Good point. :)

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Irony is funny. :)

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Oct 25, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I was one of the very few (18 to be precise) members o the public allowed in to watch the debate. My write-up:

Video/transcript of yesterday's parliamentary debate on petition to hold a public inquiry on covid vaccine safety now published. There were only 18 public seats available, so many people who wanted to watch it couldn't get in. We were told to arrive 20 minutes early, but despite being 40 minutes early, it took so long to get through security that we missed the first couple of minutes.

The opening speech by the member of the petitions committee tasked to move the petition was a disgrace. Instead of summarising the petition and the reasons for it (even if he didn't agree with them), he launched into a rant about how the vaccine campaign had been such a great success, and the MHRA was doing a wonderful job, not surprising as he admitted they had briefed him thoroughly on what to say. Fair enough to hear the case for the defence, but he ought to have listened to the prosecution too. However, he openly admitted that he hadn't done that, equating the 107,000 petitioners with "anti-vaxxers, climate change and moon landing deniers" who had apparently been protesting outside his office, and therefore he was "inclined to ignore it completely". All in all, he was the very worst person you could choose to move this petition, which was presumably why he was chosen.

Including him, there were only a dozen MPs present, including a Health Minister and her Labour and SNP opposite numbers (who all agreed with each other at length that the jabs were wonderful), one Labour MP and half-a-dozen Tories. Several of these made some very good interventions and speeches, pointing out that the MHRA gets 86% of its funding from the pharmaceutical industry (which might tend to undermine its independence), adverse events are massively under-reported to the Yellow Card scheme (by the MHRA's own admission by a factor of 10 or more), the 40,000 care workers who lost their jobs thanks to the government's mandate, extension of the programme to the whole population despite initial assurances that it was only aimed at over-50s, refusing to take infection-acquired immunity into account (as one MP said, "the best vaccine against covid is covid"), children's natural immunity, the 18% rise in all-cause mortality since the start of the rollout, and the derisory and almost-impossible to obtain £120,000 limit on compensation for death or serious ("60% or more") injury.

In reply, the minister made no commitment to take any of these points into account, concluding "I encourage everyone who is eligible to step forward for their covid and flu vaccines as soon as they are able". The inappropriately-chosen proposer of the motion then got to sum up, saying "I will not apologise for not allowing that [compensation for vaccine injury] to be a gateway that allows vaccine misinformation to come into the mainstream", and "I join the Minister in urging people to come forward for their vaccines this winter".

So it looks like nothing will come directly from the debate, perhaps some tinkering with the compensation scheme, certainly not a proper inquiry into covid vaccine safety (although it seems the government has expanded the terms of reference of its previously-announced covid inquiry to also include vaccines - how could they have been omitted originally?). However, I think the petition and debate have still been worthwhile - over 107,000 people were concerned enough to sign the petition, and the serious concerns raised by backbench speakers in the debate (and the united Tory/Labour/SNP front bench refusal to acknowledge them) are now a matter of public record.

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Thank you for this summary. I managed to stomach 5 minutes of that guy at the start and thought I'd wait for my breakfast to go down before continuing. What's important is that we get all this on the public record so that when a proper independent enquiry is done (most like by the people, not the government), it can culminate in the prosecution of all those on record who continued to push the jab even though the evidence of its unsafety was presented.

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Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Well said and good to hear from someone in the room. I hvae literally just finished watching the entirety of the debacle called a debate'. The overt propaganda and pushong of the narrative was wholly inappropriate and the minister at the end using an interesting selection of words which will allow her to wriggle off the hook later when/if properly scrutinised was macabre and yet fascinating. Phrases like 'mo evidence' = one can't find what one does not look for; 'suspected' reactions/events - who is doing the suspecting? followed by absolutely not answering diect questions such as 'what is the government doing to support people 50% injured?' and instead going on to use the time as a vaccine promotional soap box with go and get your booster now.

More than disheartening, it is sickening to the core to hear these people. The Scottisn representative at least allowed that the use and safety vaccines should be looked at. Sure, no doubt to 'prove' how 'safe and effective' they are but at least he speaks of the importance of having a look and debate.

Wow, what have we come to. This is more than sad. Thanks for your observations and comment Mike, appreciated.

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They can run, but They can't hide.

The noose is tightening.

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Absolutely. It was just sales pitch after sales pitch. Completely inappropriate for the topic being ‘debated’.

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Oct 25, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I watched a bit a bit of this, in particular Andrew Gwynne MP for Denton, he is a complete clown, an utter low IQ clueless prick, standing up FOR the MHRA!!! I thought (meaning know) our local MP is a tool, but this idiot surpasses him!! What a 100% cretin!!......It's no wonder these useless cowards decided not to hold an enquiry............Joel, your early post on the 'Road to Fascism' book is spot on. This Parliament SHOULD be dissolved and NONE of the present shower should be ever allowed to stand again (you might lose a few decent ones, but I'm sure they'd accept getting of 630 'rotten to the core' MPs for good would be a decent result for the sacrifice)......The last paragraph of that post is an accurate conclusion of this present parliament 'Being a bunch of incompetent, ignorant, corrupt, weak, gullible cowards who will forever be remembered as the worst Parliament in British history that oversaw the return of fascism to the governmental, juridical and cultural forms of the neoliberal democracies of the West.'

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I feel very sad about that particular MP. He has always come across as being a hard working, sensible and thoroughly decent individual. What a great and utter disappointment he has turned out to be in this instance - a ‘Yes’ man after all, siding with the other bad eggs. I suppose swimming in a constant political cess pool will eventually taint all but the most steadfast. Shame on him…and I suppose shame on me for thinking and believing he was different.

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I had come to the thought that these risk-denying politicians must all be deliberately lying sociopaths who hate other people's children. And that thought is so bleak and demoralizing because sociopaths cannot change and cannot be healed. Yet they have POWER over us. I mean, what else could explain how they maintain their denial in the presence of so much anecdotal evidence, including in their own circles, and growing piles of independent published science we have in hand and are ready to share with them? But then we had old friends visit us. They had been stuck in Italy for two years and had not been able to get back to Canada due to Covid lockdown until now. They were as unaware, uninformed and firmly biased as these UK politicians, through no fault of their own. Not sociopaths. Simply ignorant. The censorship and propaganda had totally worked on them.

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Robert Yoho says we should be using the word psychopaths because the term sociopath was invented them to downplay how evil they are...

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Not just any sociopaths, these are M&S sociopaths - Malignant Sociopaths, alternately known as malignant narcissists or narcissistic sociopaths.


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I like what you did there!

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Sunak: 'Boris gave us the great vaccine rollout and for this we should be thankful. By the way, I just got parachuted into place as your new PM and I'm going to work day and night to do what is best for the British people. Isn't that wonderful?'

The British establishment is in full denial of their very significant role in what may turn out to be the single most vicious, calculated and callous crime ever committed against humanity, certainly if one merely does a body count of the victims, but also in terms of its sheer, deliberate, breath-takingly deceitful cruelty. Let's face it: they are NEVER going to open up an enquiry which would formally expose their crimes. The people themselves are going to have to do this.

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Oct 25, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Hi Joel, I don't know if you're interested in this data - I've been monitoring the road fatalities figures in Queensland, where I live. If you follow the link you'll see there is a roughly 10% rise each year over 2021 & 2022. I read a puzzled comment from a police inspector in the Cairns Post a couple of weeks ago about the unexplained rise in driver-only crashes - that's also borne out in these figures (incidentally, the editors always clear any comments I make pointing that out). I'll send this to Igor Chudov too.


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Thanks, I have looked at this in the past and there certainly looks like there is something in it. I won't have time at the moment to dig deeper though.

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Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Five minutes into the video and it is clear that it is all farce in Westminster Hall. The first speaker's language is ridiculously inflammatory even after five minutes of speaking. His mind is clearly closed. He won't look at what anyone else has to say and claims papers were 'shoved' into his letterbox. Did he see them being 'shoved'? No. So how can he say they were? Because he is a blinded, biased, self loving, pompous fool.

How many are in the room? I counted fifteen participants with papers in front of them. It seems there are more witnesses/members of the public than sitting in the hall. This whole process is plain and simple wrong. These people take their money and don't bother to show up for work. What would happen if I did that? I would go bust.

Shall I watch the rest of the 1 1/2 hour video. Will my emotions be stirred? Undoubtedly. Yes, I will continue to watch because I want to be witness to the whole process. Unlike that first speaker I am willing and eager to look at all sides and be prepared to change my mind in the light of better evidence, as I did early on in the so called 'pandemic'. I keep looking yet cannot find anything which supports their version and narrative. Not only that, the more I look the more there is to support our version. Believe me when I say I want us to be wrong, this truth is so utterly frightning, yet I know there is no black swan to resue us here.

Thanks again Joel for sharing this.

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The irony is that, here in the land of the free, we can't even get the politicians to consider and debate the petitions.

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"here in the land of the free"*

*special conditions may apply

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Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I wrote an article yesterday "Decline in Public and Scientific Discourse" which ties in with this https://garysharpe.substack.com/p/decline-in-public-and-scientific ... in particular "Most disturbingly, it seems to me that this is the modus operandi that our own governments are increasingly adopting against us, the people who they are supposed to be serving, exploiting the inherent power imbalances to “win” these games."

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Oct 25, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Despite Dr Malhotra’s interview with Laura Engle (US Tv news) getting a million views on twitter, the UK refuses to consider an investigation into the severe adverse events and deaths caused by covid jabs.

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Oct 25, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

The Hansard transcript of the debate is here: https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2022-10-24/debates/FF880636-BC3B-4BDB-A5E0-D6D4B82B2888/Covid-19VaccinesSafety#

A small number of decent MPs excepted, this was mostly absolutely shocking. The “mover” of the debate, Elliot Colburn must surely be in the pockets of Big Pharma. His rant and the reaction to it of Sir Christopher Chope are shown shortly after 39:00 in last night’s Mark Steyn show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1YTiXLU04I

Of parochial interest to me I note that the SNP representative repeated the old chestnut, I think based on Neil Ferguson magical modelling, that the Covid vaccines saved 20 million lives.

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Oct 25, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Where is the limt?

Upper bound: I hope that if every person who got jabbed would have died right on the spot, then people would have raised concerns and the govts would have done something.

Lower bound: what is happening (excess deaths, strokes...) is really big but nothing happens, they are getting away with it.

I wonder: what would have happened if just 1 person out of 10 died within 10 mins from getting the shot? Or 10 days? Where is the limit?

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Oct 25, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I asked the MHRA through an FOI request what their 'stopping condition' is for this vaccine. They confirmed in writing they have none.

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Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I find this question fascinating. I think the numbers have to rise from one in a thousand to one in a hundred, heading towards one in ten people you know, before you start to care without the teevee (social media) telling you to care.

Right now, the teevee is telling you to care that the shots have saved millions, which puts any random tens of deaths you might hear about into the mental category of a tragic but necessary sacrifice in our war against the virus. Wartime footing... We must all do our part... A few people may die so that many might live in peace, etc.

I think government will have the pharmaceutical companies reduce the toxicity of the shots so that the scheme can be kept going longer to finish the job of moving the herd to submit to annual mRNA shots for this, that, and the other disease.

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With the lack of pushback, It seems the next step( for them) will be stronger more deadly injections.

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Of course they can do it.

We will probably find the limit. I hope we don't need to get to the point where every person dies on the spot right after getting the shot.

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But btw if the British government ever cede an inquiry it will be with aim of kicking the issue into the long grass for decades - it may be a tactic to call for one, but it isn’t good news if you get it. The gruesome fudges of contaminated blood scandal and Camelford water disaster are Department of Health masterpieces of a kind, and a terrible warning. Criminal prosecution is more like it.

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Oct 25, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

It seems whenever we take a step forward, we then take two back. For instance, the UK health agency [MHRA?) quietly removed covid vaccines recommendations for certain aged children.. good news. This week, the UK gov’t declines to perform an investigation into the injury/death caused by the covid jabs, despite over 100,000 people signing a petition requesting an investigation…bad news.

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One could be forgiven for thinking they had something to hide…

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