Is the tide turning. Four mainstream doctors/researchers admitting this is quite a twist. Sadly my 19 y.o. grandson studying physics and math at a top university, has taken the jabs, believes they are perfectly safe, and calls me a conspiracy theorist. How do we reach those being harmed?

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Alas, it's not always possible. One thing I have learned is that academic capability is not a good marker of intellect!!

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The brain under age 30 does not have a fully developed pre-frontal cortex & is thus unable to understand long term consequences. It’s maddening, but not their fault. An enlightening & easy read is Frances Jensen, MD’s (Neurologist U Penn & Harvard) book The Teenage Brain. I feel the title is a misnomer because it explains behavior/decision making up to age 30. Every parent & kids 14 & up should read it.

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Sounds like author is making excuses for a whole additional population of victims! Considering the institutions she's connected with, it is no surprise.

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She wrote it several years ago. Long before covid.

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Intelligence does not equal common sense either.

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With great love and respect I would share a model I like to reflect upon before I tackle involving myself in the choices others make. It's called the Karpman Drama Triangle. Perhaps this model may help you successfully navigate conflict. With kindness in my heart, I am wishing you great success!

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Understanding the “drama triangle” has changed my life. It aligns with the four agreements as well. Very good advice.

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Do you have a recommended starting resource about this ? - I have been pondering solutions https://garysharpe.substack.com/p/overcoming-division-disdain-despite

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It’s called the Karpman Drama Triangle, and there is a lot written about it. A little book I found very helpful was: How To Break Free of the Drama Triangle and Victim Consciousness (Weinhold)

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There is a line about learning about the consequences of reality in the I Ching, the oldest known book: "Those who can not be made to see, will be made to feel"

Maybe he needs an "Alex Jones was Right!" Tee shirt for x-mass.

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"This is killing innocent children & we're upset. Let's tell 'Daddy-Government' about This Problem, then wait for these corrupt politicians http://allaregreen.us/ to voluntarily decide to reject the millions of $ they're paid to allow this to happen themselves." Why? Is this what stopped Hitler & industrial polluting? Waiting?

For "Someone" to "do something?"

Did that cause Glyphosate to cease to be toxic? Did it cause Germany's planes to be unable to fly & drop bombs? If this always works, can it cure cancer?

Or are you all waiting because you're WAY more afraid of holding mere authority FIGURES accountable than you actually care about the lives of those innocent children?

Well, let's see: as the articles of impeachment against Trump reminded us, 1) it IS STILL 100% ILLEGAL TO take corporate $ while in public office (for OBVIOUS REASONS), & no politician is exempt from that law. Which means, all the people here could organize together to start a movement to collect more public support than even they can block or dismiss & have them charged, prosecuted & even arrested for just that.

It is also 100% illegal to (listen carefully now) MANDATE we inject products before they've been adequately tested for safety OR especially if they've been shown to cause ANY harms, for equally obvious reasons.

So let's see how fast you all adjust yourselves to organizing these legal measures guaranteed to get the mandates ended.


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Yesterday I posted that exhortations without action plans are Bs. I am in agreement with you. Years ago I owned a tee shirt which said” talk is cheap and so are the wages in the Bell System”. It was an old strike mantra which was true at the time. Talk, however, has become the coin of the realm and appears to me to be valued more than action by those on both sides of issues.

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Nobody I’ve spoken with knows what to do.

I also can’t think of anytime likely to work.

Unlike past times, this time, as far as I can tell, every institution is inoperable.

I’d welcome others actions.

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OPkay. So let's progress forwards. What CAN we do & how? I actually studied how protest DO succeed as well as the psychology of all participants to see how we can get there from here (listen carefully) In Steps if there is no direct option available.

This could require understanding the psychology. I wasn't really joking when I said people are afraid of standing up to Authority Figures. Mitch McConnell & congress blocked heroic first responders from getting needed medical help FOR DECADES.

Did anyone WANT him to succeed? No. Did anyone think he was going to stop HIMSELF? Sort of. But I don't know if you already know this so I'll go into it only if you want to. It my be necessary to in order to understand how the public reacts.

If I Myself with no social media presence writes up a legal attempt, who will support it? Everyone will wait for 'someone else' to do so. "New" ideas automatically mean 'not socially acceptable - yet.' Ergo, we need to make people feel safe joining.

If the people running sites like THIS ONE were to do it, if enough of THEM signed onto such a thing, THEN their followers feel they can hide within the group & feel safe through anonymity. But obviously the people running these sites don't themselves feel comfortable doing that, so we can't depend on this 'just happening because it makes sense.' The fear will ALWAYS overwhelm what makes sense.

So how to create the sense of security needed FOR people to join? We can always shift to skipping steps if the public adjust quicker than expected, but NOT if they don't. What can you & I do without mass public support? Nothing.

So we'd need to go at THEIR pace, not the one we wish they would go at. Am I making sense to you?

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You make sense. Step one? I see Mike Yeadon has weighed in here. I believe he has been vilified, has many contacts, and yet does not know what to do. I think this period of sleep by the populace has been going on a long time and likely means small steps, at least at first. Once a movement gets going it can pick up speed quickly,e.g. gay marriage. I have spoken to all I know about the madness surrounding covid( and other things). Most don’t WANT to agree which is to your point about standing up to authority figures. I will continue to do so. I also will vote. If I choose unwisely, I’ll vote out the next time. Aside from those tiny steps, I remain stymied. As a side note, I have been surprised to learn how many folks are beholden to some degree in their livelihoods to the government. That is a big problem reminiscent of the Greek financial crisis of a few years ago. Thanks.

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Very good. Didn't realize this site existed. Thanks!😊

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Theoretically I agree with you. However,

1) money donated to political campaigns is not considered to be a bribe. If we can prove that the money was transferred illegally to said politician , then that’s a different story.

2) unfortunately, the poisons were ‘approved’ by back door means. They essentially did a bait and switch, they got something approved... and then got approval to keep using the old formula. It was all bullshit and everyone knew it at the time. They were desperate to get a formal approval, and they got it.

I suspect that you already know all of this ...

So what is your plan? What can we do to stop this, exactly? I would love to hear some practical ideas......

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As I mentioned to JuQu, yes, I have some practical ideas. They require some indirect thinking because people have a Strong Subconscious Urge to treat 'politicians' as if they are Father Figures without whose permission we Dare Not Proceed. If you think this is psycho-babble, let me point out that it affects you in ways you're not aware of.

I mentioned that the articles of impeachment against Trump reminded us that taking corporate $ was STILL illegal: I used the word still precisely because I knew someone would think "money donated to political campaigns is not considered to be a bribe (likely because they passed Citizens United, C.U.)."

1) The articles of impeachment against Trump were AFTER C.U. had been passed. 2) Seriously? Jésus Christos, man, it isn't graft any more because they "called it?" Do you REALLY THINK the framers of all our laws who put rules like this in left them the power to just declare themselves exempt from laws?

I Also Mentioned That the articles of impeachment meant that they are NOT EXEMPT from these laws & you STILL went back to "we can't prosecute them if they themselves don't see what they're doing as illegal."

I honestly can't do much in writing when people have this much reticence in standing up to mere corrupt politicians/view them as if we're children terrified of their anger as if it was that of our Own Fathers. If you're so afraid that "they" won't agree to our terms that you can't even hold onto info made abundantly clear, nothing I put here in print is going to make you feel safe enough to stand up to them.

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I think that you missed my point entirely. I come from a family of lawyers so I tend to look at things from a legal perspective.

My point was that they have closed ( or at least think that they have closed) all legal ways to attack them in the areas that you mentioned.

Trust me.....I have no urge, subconscious or otherwise, to look at those people as father figures. I loathe many of them.

Short of a revolution, You must use the law in order to fight these people. It can be done, but unfortunately, it takes forever and requires a lot of patience.

That’s the way the system was set up.

I’ll go back and look at your previous posts......and you’re right, doing this in writing sucks. Meaning and nuance are lost in translation.

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Have you checked out Katherine Watt's substack, bailiwicknews? She shows all the US laws created for the plandemic. Some super long articles. I haven't spent enough time there to see if she analyzed the legal consequences of the Other Transaction (OT) law used to created the gene therapies. Operation Warp Speed was created in order to create the jabs under OT authority. OT is a US military requisition law for experimental products. Under this law, no laws or regulations apply and it can be kept secret forever. Also, because of the Trump mandated updates to the PREP act, as soon as the head of HHS or WHO declare an emergency pandemic the DoD takes control. US citizens have fewer rights than lab rats (it's illegal to make them suffer needlessly). The emergency was continued a few weeks ago when Biden renewed it for another year. Legally speaking, they could send out the military to forcibly inject everyone with anything they want. I can't vouch for the accuracy of Katherine's paraphrasing of the laws but she has provided hotlinks to everything.

All of this "the jabs are unsafe and ineffective, the masks don't work and lockdowns are nonsensical" is pointless. They know all this already. That's why they passed laws specifically for the killing of hospital and nursing home patients, for example. They created laws and regulations for every conceivable eventuality.

Peter McCullough recently mentioned a new study out of Germany, I think. They were trying to figure out why almost all fatalities and adverse events came from fewer than 5% of the jab batches.

Ends up that because most jabs were not kept at the prescribed super cold temperatures all the time, at least 85% of the jabs had lost all activity. No protection, but also no deaths and adverse events (I don't know if polyethylene glycol is affected though).

Worldwide all cause mortality in 2018 through 2020 was 0.76% each year (zero increase prior to jab rollout). If we take the above study and round up to 90% deactivated jabs and assume 40% to 200% increase in all cause mortality due to the jabs (US & UK = 40%, Europe = 50% to 100%, Alberta = 200% - yes the data is dirty), we might have seen 400% to 2000% increase (4 to 20 times) or 3% to 15%. Or, if 95% deactivated we could double those numbers.

Was this a mass kill event that didn't come off as planned because of sloppy slack asses cutting corners? Were they planning on half the world being dead by now?

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Okay. I'll take you at your word. So take the following as My Knowledge Base regarding human nature or social psychology. Could The Hell's Angels simply decide to pass a rule that says they're exempt from criminal law if they get paid, then dump known toxins into the environment? Now why do you (as a lawyer or not) think that politicians, legally only Private Citizens have the power to declare themselves so?

I mean, you'd THINK that the framers of our laws could have foreseen this. & being that they wrote up new laws TO prevent small groups of individuals LIKE politicians to have any such power, why would they leave the possibility of them being able to simply "call it" themselves to give it to themselves?

I'll try to define my terms since I'm not using Freud's: Conscious Thought would immediately know I'm right. Semi- or subconscious (SC) thoughts cause REACTIONS! the Sc is where our most primal fight or flight responses live, as well as our Preconceived Notions (PNs).

When a person hears ANYTHING that doesn't agree with ALL of their PNs, it triggers a response in their SC, like fight or Flight.

People can't compose symphonies while running from a house on fire, do complex math while running from a bear, or think rationally when they feel SO uncomfortable about standing up to their Authority Figures that they simply try to reestablish their previous thought patterns, or PNs. LOGICALLY, politicians can not have 'legally' declared themselves exempt from any laws.

But even though you're 'not sure' you DO HAVE a suspicion or PN that they DID so, & it is trying to reassert itself here. THAT is an SC reaction.

Everyone THINKS they can control theirs at will, but in practice, no. Doxastic Anxiety (look it up) will ALWAYS trigger one's fight or flight response. When that happens, people CAN'T think rationally.

So from This Perspective, it certainly sounds as if this primitive reactive center of your mind is trying to say something about this. Anyhow, my last reply to JuQu lays out a bare bones idea with some more psycho-babble as well as practical steps toward getting Mass Public Support for being able to undermine (I choose my words carefully) the whole lobbying industry. But of COURSE it's not legally possible for mere politicians to decide Harming Citizens Is Legal If One Gets Paid that's OBVIOUSLY not how laws work!

& if it was, why tf would We The People ACCEPT that? Unless what I'm saying about how we view our Authority Figures has some merit?

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You can only reach those who have been harmed, or possibly if a friend or loved one of theirs has died from the jab. But most will not believe they died from the jab, even when deaths of perfectly healthy sports figures are up 1700%. This is mass hypnosis on a global scale.

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It saddens me that a high IQ doesn't always correlate with the ability to think critically, nor does it apparently affect one's level of suggestibility - and their subsequent vulnerability to logical fallacies (appeal to authority etc ).

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I don't think you can or that you should constantly try (i.e. pick your battles wisely). The scope of the problem and the data is too much to process for most. If you're in the control group, just stay in it. That's more direct evidence, more tangible to most people in your circle. I got covid once (no fun), but nothing more than a minor sniffle since (despite repeat exposures and"new" variants). Many in my circle thought this was guaranteed death sentence had they not been inoculated. Many of them have had it twice and their second time was much worse (which to me is a sign that something is off) but I don't push my views on them unless they try that on me. I'll offer an opinion/pointed questions in the appropriate situation but the evidence will show over time.

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MaryAnnDowrick, Young people wake up when they start to see their peers have strokes, heart attacks, and extremely aggressive cancers. A high-school classmate (young man, 22) of one of my kids just died. Sadly, you won't be a "conspiracy theorist" for long.

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Sadly, I've realized Ben Franklin is correct: "Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn at no other."

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The question is: why has the truth now been unleashed? Thoughts, Mr. Smalley?

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I always refer back to Charles Mackay about people going mad in herds but only regaining their senses one by one. It is a slow process and the logic of how/when people wake up is not always intuitive. As I understand it, for a lot of academics and medical professionals, career reputation and peer pressure play a major part.

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I really hope you and Mackay are right about this logical explanation. That would allow us to return to normal.

In light of the war in Ukraine, the European energy crisis, and Biden's declaration of war on patriotic Americans, I truly fear that the globalists have determined that the Covid panic has worn out its usefulness and is unimportant to whatever they have planned next. Thus the valves used to shutdown truthful information can be opened. It matters not, now.

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I agree with you & I don’t find the emerging news particularly uplifting. It’s almost three years. Some of us knew the whole thing was a malign fraud in spring or summer 2020. So disappointing. The injuries have happened now & we were unable to alter the trajectory.

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Covid is the spent portion of the rocket launched to take us to the One World Government of the globalists' fervent dreams. Instilling fear, stoking divisiveness, and conditioning the populace to accept disruption of day-to-day life were the goals of this first phase. It was hugely successful.

Pestilence has given way to war, and famine is busily applying makeup in the dressing room before it comes on stage shortly. As someone who was a wishy-washy believer, then atheist, now devout Christian, I am startled at how much this resembles the Book of Revelation. Whoever funded the construction of the Georgia Guidestones took great care to position them exactly 666 miles from the United Nations building in NYC. Very, very bad times are upon us, I fear.

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Although, as Christ says in the end of John 16, (and I am paraphrasing from memory)

‘You will suffer much tribulation in the world for my name’s sake, however, I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD’

Christ died for the ungodly (me) as God commended His love for us so much, that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Amen and amen!

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Same as me, exactly. Now I find it so frustrating to run into material explanations for what's happening in the world. It's for money or control or an international financial reset or because people are hypnotized or the elites didn't take the jabs. All easily debunked when applied on such a massive scale. I work with a few unvaxxed but can't get along with them anymore with their "viruses don't exist" type arguments. They won't even look at excellent articles on anything. Broken clocks.

I never understood the subtlety of sin and how it can add up to something so over powering. If I had to boil all this down to one cause I'd say it was self deception. Lying to yourself. Both sides are deep in it and getting deeper every day.

I'm reading Peter S. Ruckman's Commentary on Revelation. It's way too long and he rants and raves about Christian academics or denominations or high profile preachers (all dead now) that espouse backwards doctrine (which is pretty much all of them). But if you were to subtract those parts, the rest is incredible. How Daniel 7 provides a detailed explanation for the beasts in Rev. 13 and 17. He's a "if it's not KJV, it's Heresy" and Dispensationalist (which I never understood - it's the key).

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But, yeah Doc, it’s going to get real bad.

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I'm not even a scientist and I knew it was all fake back in March 2020. I still can't believe how people fell for it and especially how they all merrily rolled up their sleeves whilst smiling behind their cloth masks. I failed to convince anyone that it was all a nonsense (luckily my immediate family never fell for it either). Everyone in the UK now seems to think it's over and life has returned to normal. Even as they test themselves and jab themselves so they can go to the States for their holidays. And find odd explanations for their new illnesses.

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Overheard in the Supermarket yesterday " We got our Boosters early as we are off the Canaries next week."

Good Luck and Godspeed with that decision, I hope the holiday is worth it.

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I keep referring people to this outstanding book 'Being Wrong: Adventures in the Margins of Error' by Kathryn Schulz. Here's her TED Talk https://youtu.be/QleRgTBMX88

More people need to read this book, and others like it, if we want to develop critical thinking skills as individuals and as a global culture.

It was a life changer for me. It made me understand how people come to identify with their beliefs and how any attempt to discredit them is like shattering their whole identity. It's a normal human blind spot that is exacerbated by cultural forces.

But, of course, the oligarchs and sociopaths at the helm of this sinking ship called industrial civilization have no desire for the population to be fully conscious and aware. It serves them to keep us all ignorant, no matter what the cost, even to themselves.

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How come some of us were immune or insensitive or whatever, to the "narrative"?

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Well similar to the concept of a vaccine (maybe not the reality, but the concept).

When you've seen big pharma lying and misbehaving, you've seen government lying and misbehaving, you've seen all manner of other conspiracies proven true or matching all the evidence - everything about covid and the vaccines seemed fishy as feck.

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That, my friend, is the pivotal question of our time. I don't think it's any one thing. I thing is a combination of various factors which came together for each person to enable them to see through the lies.

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Because the harms are now too many and too severe to hide. See Joe Ladapo’s recent Del Bigtree interview. Joe is Florida surgeon general- he said the myocarditis is teens will be a driving factor in moving vax criticism mainstream. Millions of parents who silently accepted their own jabs to keep their jobs tend to get loud when they hear junior has myocarditis, and one in five myocarditis cases will die within 5 years.

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While it’s good that this is coming out, I’m afraid to say I think this is permitted & controled letting the air out of the problem, permitted by the perpetrators.

Absolutely honourable work from the authors. But previously such a manuscript would have been refused, point blank.

This is what others have called “Operation Smother”, where the authorities admit to some problems so as to defend from the central issue, which is that it’s all lies & the injections deliberately toxic. They definitely don’t want you to learn of that.

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Is this the real Dr. Mike Yeadon? I'm asking because your recent comments on various substacks show what I interpret to be a rapidly evolving view on all of this? I could be wrong.

If so, how is that possible? You were the only real expert who knew pretty much from day one (ie. when I discovered you) exactly what all this must mean. And then you came right out and explained it for the rest of us that have never worked in drug development. You seemed to be right on the money as to the root cause though you never said anything about it.

I've given up on almost every Covid celebrity. I can't prove anything but I very strongly distrust them.

You don't have to explain anything but I'd assume it's your beliefs as to the underlying causes of all this, is what is actually evolving (judging from the change in your comments).

You believe whatever you want but as for myself I've come to the conclusion (it was the arguing with hundreds that taught me this) that choosing to believe a lie gives access to the Devil (it's all scriptural). It's actually a single spirit. These things can't occupy multiple people at the same time. We call it the "Devil" because it's a spirit that works for and communicates instantaneously with "the big guy."

This "devil" has every legal right to be there because of the person's deceit (and lack of repentance). I can recognize that there's another conscious entity inside someone when I argue with them, though it's never once said anything. Just seems to block the person mentally. Like a veil. So they can only come up with idiotic diversions from the real issue.

If I say "it makes no sense to burn your house down because a squirrel is in the attic", I get "my cousin nearly got bit by one as a child then died of cancer in her 40s" (the cancer causing effects of early childhood fright are non-linear, apparently).

A guy at work is a pastor and I spent an hour asking him about this stuff. I wondered about two things. 1. Is this just one single spirit that's been poured out onto the masses. I was basing this on some scripture and the overwhelming sense that this "thing" had the same recognizable personality no matter who it was in. The answer is no. It's a unique individual spirit. 2. Is this spirit clean or unclean? The answer is it has to be unclean. It requires God's consent to be there but there's that lying issue that gives it rights.

I'm 58 and never experienced this before. I'm pretty certain things are changing (end times changes) that's allowing this to happen. I went to technical school 30 years ago and if any of us had been this thick and stubborn we would have flunked out the first day. And it's everywhere. At work my company has decided to make our casting plant "net carbon neutral." Not even Ursula von der Leyen and Germany's Green party would think this made sense. Everybody's going wacko.

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My evolving view is for some quite unacceptable. I no longer believe that a novel virus is the cause of mass scale illness & death.

I have excellent reasons. See Denis Rancourt interview by Jerm Warfare.

That makes everything we’ve been told is lies. Previously I thought everything was a lie except there was a virus that was of middling lethality.

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Great write up. Thanks

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Do you have the link to the study itself?

Never mind. Found it. Thanks!

> https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4206070

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Yes, it was in the Epoch Times article?

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Glad to see the manufacturing capacity for red 💊 pills is being ramped up.

So far the blue pill crowd has been quite resilient in constantly tweaking the narrative, e.g. talking about “hospitalization and death” when it became clear that the mRNA jabs were a spectacular disappointment regarding herd immunity.

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“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

― Mark Twain

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Never has a quote been more used or more apropos.

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There is no off-switch.

The swine flu vaccine had to be stopped by Gerald Ford.

The problem is the baseless emergency folks. That is it. Nobody wants to talk about it.

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Keep pointing that out. That's the real issue. The rest is just a distraction.

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Unfortunately this article may not get much traction. Hopefully Dr. Makary will discuss this on Fox News, as I have seen him many times throughout the pandemic on various Fox News programs. I will forward the paper to Tucker’s team. Don’t know if his staff ever reads my emails but I send them frequently.

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For me, it's not necessarily about traction. I gave up on that a long time ago. My main two motivations for sharing are to support those who have already woken up but still need reassurance they are on the right path and to maintain a public chronology of events so that no-one could ever say they could not have known such-and-such at the time.

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The problem is that many people won't even open something on Epoch times. Sending the original article may have a better chance.. thanks

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Here’s how they play the game, and you all need to be wise to this….

They’ll start releasing damning information, that WILL NOT be covered by the MSM.

The “alt” media will pick it up because it’s the biggest news story in human history.

Someone will do something stupid, and they’ll make the narrative about “domestic extremists” “misinformation” etc… and the normies who watch MSM will take the bait.

Here’s how this plays out (hypothetically). The CDC will quietly say, “The vaccine will kill every child who took it, in 5 years.”

CNN, MSNBC, FOX, ABC, CBS will ignore the story. Substack, Glenn Beck, Project Veritas, etc will report on it nonstop, because the story is HUGE.”

Some right leaning person who vaccinated his family is going to realize he just murdered his 9 kids, and he’s going to go ballistic and do something stupid.

The “media” will find some tweet he made that’s not 100% factual, and run endless stories about “misinformation” and “domestic extremism” blah blah blah… then come the crackdowns…

Human nature is human nature, there’s nothing new under the sun, and provoking your enemy into doing something stupid is something we all instinctively understand, because we did it to our siblings when we were children, and they did it to us, this is just more sophisticated.

There’s even an old Russian proverb, “They’ll always tell you what happened…but never why.”

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Worryingly that makes perfect sense. These criminals haven’t got to where they are now without planning and working out all scenarios. They have bigger fish to fry than worry about Covid fallout.

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I really hope this wretched house of cards finally collapses. I was at a customer event with a colleague last week and he mentioned about going on holiday to Spain with his family. He said he'd left his 13 year old daughter to make her own decision about whether or not to get a COVID-19 jab. She had it as she was bothered about testing positive and not being able to go on holiday. I almost cried.

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Thank you for the succinct summary and for highlighting the backgrounds of the authors. When sharing with the "Trust the Experts" crowd, it helps to drive home that these scientists are from top tier institutions.

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> No recourse for vaccine-injured young adults.

Actually the US and UK has vaccine injury compensation programs. That does not mean they will honestly compensate you though.

US National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation No idea how many COVID19 vaccine injuries they have actually paid.

Also some people might get compensated in Australia.

79,000 People! - The government now ADMITS to severe vaccine side effects. - Offering some victims over $600,000 in cash and compensation. - Australia. https://twitter.com/NewGranada1979/status/1476926692505505795 (Tweet may be censored.)

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US program for the Covid vaccine under the PREP act has only approved 1 injury. Hasn't paid out yet. Pretty low cap on pay-outs.

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Thanks for pointing that out. Legally, they likely didn't have to approve even that one.

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The Australian scheme is restricted to those who were admitted to hospital for at least 1 night. People diagnosed with myocarditis in Australia have not been able to access compensation as they did not stay in hospital at least one night.

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As an American we are very familiar with scams like this. In America, scams are everywhere, either in a medical setting or other corporate setting. Normally the scams only happen with the larger institutions, like Fortune 500 companies because they have deep pockets for big lawyers. Those are the worst offenders.

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Unfortunately most who have gotten the shots will not listen, even if they end up injured. As Joel said intelligence doesn't equate to critical thinking.

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I wonder why they objected only to the booster? It appears that our local university is not mandating the booster, but they still mandate the initial series with the obsolete spike protein. And they don't seem to be the only university requiring this (on the other hand, some universities have updated their mandates to "up to date" which is potentially the worst scenario of all). Here's a great reference for anyone wanting to know the vaccine requirements of US colleges and universities: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11BrDadiUGN-vQBe7Jolcb_-aWhLT7S2AkWOkSX49M40/edit#gid=375198451

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I thought in the US that as soon as the CDC dropped their Covid guidelines, any company or organization that required jabs was open to lawsuits? Robert Barnes talked about this.

I'm in Canada so they initially justified firing people by saying they were just following FDA and CDC guidelines. Now that the CDC has backed off they're still mandating it in most Universities and Hospitals and the courts (Arbitrators, actually) are backing them up.

But in Canada we're run by the Privy Council who take their orders from the Queen (King now, I guess), who take their orders from the Mayor of London, who take their orders from The Druidic Council, who take their orders from the Order of Melchizedek (9th Circle) or the Initiates of the Flame (depending on who's in power), who take orders from the Satanic Council who takes orders from, you wouldn't believe me if I told you (the name was used in Star Wars movies). I've told you too much already.

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